Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Website Diagnostic Tools and Online Resources
Thomas Benton's online WYSIWYG editor to build your web pages online.
Dr. Watson Version 5.02
Analyze your web page on the Internet. Watson can check out many other aspects of your site, including link validity, download speed, search engine compatibility, and link popularity.
Quick &easy website maintenance resources
Free sample services to check rankings, link popularity, search engine listings, site analysis, search engine optimization, load time, keyword density, keyword search frequency, spellchecks, html code, broken links, optimally optimize graphics, browser compatibility, meta tag analaysis, server functioning check-up.
HTML Toolbox
An award winning download that identifies site problems and automatically repairs HTML code for you with just one click.
CSE HTML Validator Lite 3.50
CSE HTML Validator Lite is a fast, easy to use, downloadable and free HTML development tool for Microsoft Windows that will help you to write syntactically correct HTML and XHTML.
"Get Your Site Right" & "Do-It-Yourself Site Checkup"
You get these free downloads when you subscribe to Bob McElwain's free newsletter, "STAT News." "Do-It-Yourself Site Checkup" is an ebook loaded with neat suggestions that can help improve most any site.
Free HTML Verification
HTML Verification services will let you make sure your HTML code is correct, that it will display in all browsers, and that upcoming changes in HTML standards won't effect your webpage. They can also check your site's popularity, image size, load time, and lots more!
WDG HTML Validator
Identifies all the HTML errors in your pages. Enter the URL of an HTML document to validate.
HTML Validation Service
Make sure your code meets the standards.
NetMechanic: Power Tools for Your Web Site
Use their Tools to check and optimise your pages for HTML errors, Load time. Search engine promotion tools also.
REL Link Checker Lite 1.0
A free easy-to-use, downloadable link checker tool to help you maintain your web site.
Detect, repair and and prevent broken links on the your website.
Webserver Stress Test Tool
Simulates simultaneous users accessing a web server and helps to streamline your web application. Essential for every web developer, webmaster or web marketer! Free Demo.
Keynote Perspective
Sign up to schedule your free one-week, no-obligation trial of Keynote Perspective — the world's leading web-site performance measurement and diagnostic service. Only for high-traffic websites (1000 visitors a day).
This handy freeware online tool checks the status of your site hourly, 24 hours a day. It also offers a helpful "second opinion" system to reduce the number of potential false alarms.
Free Web Site Monitoring Service. InternetSeer remotely monitors your Web site to insure that customers and visitors have access to your site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. InternetSeer's basic "Standard Service" is free and allows you the monitoring of one URL per hour.
Verify your Browser Compatibility and view your own site as your visitors do.
Browser Resolutions 1.1
A free downloadable tool that helps webmasters to see how their sites looks in different resolutions.
Receive constructive comments about any aspect of your web-site - free! When you critique somebody elses' site, you receive a critique of your own site.
The Website Awards Worksheet
Apply for Web awards and track your activities. Over 500 Award Sites around the world listed here.
Golden Web Awards
The web's most popular website awards.
Link Popularity Analysis
Find out who is linking to your site, and get a benchmarking report to show you quickly where you stand in comparison to competitors.
Checking Your URL
Check the status of your listing on each search engine.
The SEOToolSet™
Bruce Clay's collection of quality Search Engine Optimization software tools, many of them free. Includes research tools, keyword density analyzers, ranking monitors, ranking report modules, link analysis, and more.
Search Engine Ranking Tool
Most search engine ranking tools only check to see if your site appears in the first one hundred results of the search engines they check. This tool will go as deep as 500 results.
URL Ranking Methodology and Promotion Tools
Ways to optimize and improve search engine results and clues to improve your search engine keywords relative to existing leaders.
PositionAgent Trial Service
Works just like WebPosition Gold, but has a FREE trial offer.
Northern Webs Spider View Density Analyzer Free Online Meta Tag Builder
Use the META Tag generator form to generate your "robot friendly" Title and META Tags.
Free Meta Tag Creator
Creates multiple metatags, including Input Classification, Engine Revisit, site rating, distribution, copyright, author etc.