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Chapter 5: Stay Busy
It is extremely important that while you are trying to beat your gambling addiction that you stay busy at all times. Idle time can and will surely lead to the desire to gamble. You need to find better things to do with your time other than gambling.
There are many different things you can do to stay busy. Every person’s interests are different from the rest so there is no exact right answer for what you could do. Instead you are going to have to figure out what you can do to occupy your time. Think about your likes and dislikes and a hobby that matches up with them.
The following chapter will discuss the importance of staying busy and will provide you with some ideas about how to do so.
No Idle Time!
As the saying goes, idle hands are the tools of the devil. This basically means that if you sit around with nothing to occupy your time, something bad will eventually occupy it for you. This is especially true when you are battling any type of addiction, including a gambling addiction. You need to find things that you are interested in to fill up your free time.
If you are not sure of what you can do, the following ideas should be quite useful for you:
Start Exercising:
Exercising is a great way to occupy your time and it is also great for your health. Your body will begin to look fit and you will build a higher sense of self-confidence. As well, exercising releases endorphins in your brain which can give you a “high” like feeling. You can actually get the same thrill from exercising as you can from gambling, without breaking your bank.
Find A Hobby:
You may want to consider finding a new hobby to occupy your time. The possibilities are endless with this. There is sure to be something that will interest you. You may want to start building model cars or airplanes or maybe even begin quilting. Maybe you could begin wood working or begin painting. No matter what your interests are in life, there is a hobby for you.
Volunteer work is a great way to fill up your idle time. Not only will it help you, it will also help your community. This will give you a high sense of pride and self-worth. You will feel great that you are giving back and excellent that you are sticking to your recovery.
Keep in mind, too much idle time can be bad but some time for relaxation is still essential!
Chapter 6: Seek Help
Many gambling addicts will not be able to stop gambling on their own. If you feel as if you will not be able to do it on your own do not be embarrasses, everyone needs help at one point in their life.
It is important that you do not feel weak for asking for help. You should rather feel proud and strong since you are able to admit when you need help. It takes much more strength to admit you are overwhelmed and need help than to try to do it alone and almost surely fail.
The following chapter will give you an idea of what type of help you may need to seek:
Get Some Help
As stated before, many gambling addicts will need help in their efforts to kick their gambling ways to the curb. Some may need more help than others and some may need more intense therapy than others. It really depends on the extent of the severity of the addiction as well as the willingness of a person to change their ways.
The following are some examples of different types of ways you can get help with your battle against addiction:
For those who do not want to go to therapy, family is a great source of support. You may want to ask your family for help. Explain to them that you want to change. Tell them that you feel as if your chances of successfully beating your addiction will be much better with their help. Let them know that you understand that it is a lot to take on and that you understand if they do not want to help you. They will rarely refuse to help you but there are situations where it happens so be prepared. You may also want to mention to them that you are sorry for your past ways. Let them know that you are not looking for a babysitter but rather a person to help keep you on track.
Most gambling addicts will have to exercise some form of therapy before they will be able to stop gambling. Not all addicts, but most. If you need therapy do not be embarrassed. Therapists serve as nothing more than a neutral form of a way to vent your inner emotions and thoughts. They can be very helpful because they are not judgmental and do not choose sides. They listen to you and help you answer you own questions about your life. They offer feedback but let you know that you do not have to follow their advice.
Therapists can also be very beneficial because they know certain techniques that can help an addict understand what their underlying issue for their problem is. It is important that whatever caused the addiction be fixed as well or else the person will surely fall back into a relapse and gamble again.
In-Patient Treatment
For some gambling addicts, their addiction might be so bad that they have no other choice than in-patient treatment if they ever want any hope of quitting. If you are one of these people, do not be afraid. Gambling rehabilitation centers are not bad places and you should not be ashamed if you have to go to one. Instead you should keep in mind that you are at least trying to change you ways and you are doing everything possible to try to make sure you change. Some of these rehabs even allow home visits. It may be hard to go to one but it will pay off in the long run.
You need to ask yourself what type of treatment you need. Be honest with yourself because lying to yourself will just make your road to recovery longer and even bumpier.