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1.1 Why Add Google to Your Internet Business
You’ve heard of Google. Anyone who hasn’t heard of Google has been living under a rock for several years now. But did you know that Google can help you do more than just find information? Google can help you increase the bottom line of your business.
There are two ways that Google helps business owners increase their bottom line – with Google AdWords, and Google AdSense. There are two separate advertising programs that actually work together, even if you are only participating in one of the programs. Both programs are free to join.
Google AdWords is an advertising Pay-Per-Click program. You set up a free account, write your add, choose your keywords, set your budget, and activate the campaign. Google then displays your ad in their search engine results, when your keywords are used in a search, as well as on content websites that are related to your keywords.
Each time someone clicks on your ad, you are charged whatever you have agreed to pay for each click, or less in some cases. Google charges your credit card for the clicks that you have received on a regular basis.
This is one of the most effective ways to get traffic to your website, and to build up an opt-in list – if you are using a capture page – in existence.
On the other side of the G-Factor is Google AdSense. Google AdSense doesn’t cost money – it pays money to content website owners who place the Google AdSense code on their websites, each time one of their visitors clicks on one of the ads that are displayed.
With Google AdSense, you can select the type of ads that you wish to run, as well as the look and feel of the ads. When you place the code on your web page, Google serves ads that are relevant to the content on that page, so that the ads are highly targeted.
The ads that are being served to AdSense sites are the ads that AdWords customers are running through the AdWords program, and this is how the two programs work together.
So as you can see, you can either join forces with Google AdSense to earn extra revenue for your bottom line and/or use Google AdWords to get more traffic to your site, which you can then convert to more sales.
1.2 How to Use Google to Boost Your Internet
Google makes it easy for business owners to boost business on the Internet in three ways: Google AdSense, Google AdWords, and by using the Google Search Engine in general. Take a look at what each Google program can do for your business.
Google AdSense is an advertising program, which allows website owners to sign up for a Google AdSense account – free of charge – and then to place ad code on their webpages. The website owners profit when people visit their websites, and click on the Google AdSense ads.
The AdSense ads that are served to your pages are relevant to the content that you have published on your page. While each click doesn’t pay you a lot of money, numerous clicks can. In fact, there are many people who do nothing but publish ‘AdSense sites.’
These sites are designed with content that is meant to attract high paying ads from Google AdSense, by targeting high paying keywords. While some website publishers focus solely on Google AdSense for site revenue, there are others that just add it for an additional revenue stream from their websites.
Google AdWords is an advertising program that website owners pay for. They set up an account, for free, write your ad, select your keywords and budget, and then let the ad run.
The ad appears in the search results when someone searches for those keywords. It also appears on content sites (AdSense Sites) that contain the keywords that you’ve selected.
Again, you pay for each click that you receive, but you will find that by using Google AdWords, your traffic increases dramatically, in a matter of hours, and that of course will result in higher sales.
Finally, by using search engine optimization techniques, you can take advantage of natural search marketing with Google. Google is the most popular search engine among Internet Users, and you definitely want to get a high ranking with them, for the same reasons that you might use Google AdSense.
By optimizing and doing natural search marketing, your website listing will appear higher in the search results – and that doesn’t cost anything more than your time if you do the optimization yourself.
2.0 Raking in Free Traffic from Google
2.1 How the Google Search Engine Works
While we don’t often think about – or care – how Google works, it is very important for anyone who is using AdSense, AdWords, or natural search marketing for their business to understand the basic principles that drive the Google search engine.
There are three main parts to Google: Googlebot, The Indexer, and the Query Processor. Each of these three parts is crucial to online businesses, believe it or not. Let’s take a look at each of these Google elements to see how they work. Googlebot is the search engine spider that comes to your website and ‘spider’s’ your pages. It isn’t an actual spider.
It actually works more like a web browser by calling a server and requesting pages, and downloading them – just as you do when you open your web browser, type in an email address, and the page loads.
Googlebot, however, is run by numerous computers and performs this task much faster than one user could on their home or work computer. Googlebot also doesn’t know that a website exists until a URL is put into their Add URL form, or until they find a link to that website on another web page.
When Googlebot visits a page, they take all the links from that page, and put them in a queue for crawling, and just repeat this process over and over again. Once Googlebot has found a link, and downloaded the page, it hands that page off to the Indexer.
The Indexer stores the pages in Google’s Index Database. The Index then sorts all of the pages in its database, alphabetically, by looking at all of the keywords on the pages. The Index does not pay any attention to what Google calls stop words, such as is, on, or, why, how, etc. It just pays attention to more important keyword type words.
The Indexer, after Indexing pages, waits for the Google Query Processor to ask it for a list of documents. A keyword is given to the Query Processor, which in turn asks the Indexer for a list of websites that contain that keyword.
The Indexer then supplies the Query processor with a list of the documents, and the Query processor presents that to the user that requested the keyword. As you can see, each element is important to the others. It all starts with the Googlebot finding your webpage link on another page, or by you going to Google and using the Add form to list your website.