Ebook Sample Content Preview:
The content on your blog is important - and even more important than your blog’s design.
Sure, the fact that it looks pretty may invite them to sit down and read a while, but what people really come to your blog for is to read it. Without decent content, people don’t have a reason to stick around, or to come back again.
You have to build content on a site you’re flipping, as if it were a site you’re keeping, or else there will be little interest in it from a buyer’s point of view. Luckily, you have a few options for how to get the content.
Autoblog Content
Autoblog content is the easiest way to add content to your blog.
There are several autoblog plugins available for WordPress. Basically, once you install the plugin on the blog, it finds relevant content across the web, and then posts it to your blog automatically.
Some buyers may like this because it means after they buy the blog, they don’t have to worry about new content creation. They can leave it running on autopilot if they want to. Most people who want to make money online want to do it with minimal effort, so if you can make it do all the work itself, then you’re likely to attract more buyers.
The caveat here is that your content will not be unique. It will be on many blogs out there, so there will be no added value from the content. The content posted on the blog may not top quality, or even directly relevant, which can cause traffic to suffer.
While autoblogs have their place because they can be flipped quickly, it’s something I recommend leaving alone, unless you are desperate to make a quick profit. Keep in mind; the profit you do make will be low.
What about PLR?
This content is not unique until you rework it, or outsource it to a writer to rework for you.
PLR, or private label rights content, starts out as original writing, and then gets distributed to people who use the content however they want.
PLR allows you to get ideas for what to write, using what is there for the basis for the content. Once you re-write it, you get the same basic idea, but you’ve created unique content for your blog.
If you use PLR content, don’t just slap it on your blog without making any changes. It’s not a good idea in terms of SEO, which will detract potential buyers.
The best option - Unique content
Unique content is the most valuable time of content. You can use PLR as your starting point, re-writing everything, or you can write something fresh from scratch.
You can either write the content yourself, or you can pay someone else to handle it for you.
If you’re trying to get a start while keeping your costs down, you should write your own content. Though it will take time and effort, you can do it for the first few blogs you build. Once you start making some money, you can start outsourcing that part of the process, so you can build more properties, faster.
Even though outsourcing your content will cost you money, the ability to create more properties will allow you to earn more money overall, quicker than you would if you were doing everything yourself.
If you do plan to outsource your content, make sure you hire someone who is experienced and knows what they are doing. Hiring a quality writer is important, because if you don’t, you could face getting poorly written content that you have to re-write anyway.
Before you hire a freelance writer, take time to look at previous samples of their work, and references from current and former clients. This will help you determine the quality of content you can expect.
Always ask the freelancer about their knowledge and expertise with the subject you want them to write about.
If I’m creating a blog about cooking, ideally the writer I am going to hire has experience in writing about it, and a working knowledge of it... or at the very least, passion about it.
However, any subject can be researched. The best writers will be able to confidently write about something they have no knowledge of, but it is still something to consider as you make your choice.
Also consider what you’re paying. If the quote sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you expect someone to produce content at $.50 per 100 words, the resulting quality will be incredibly poor.
You are better off paying more to writers to ensure you get good quality content, so you have to do little to no re-working when you get it back.
Those are your options for content, but what you choose depends on many factors, such as the type of blog you want to create.
If you want to flip your blog for profit within a short amount of time, then you may want to consider creating an autoblog, or one that uses PLR with little re-working.
If you’re looking for the most profit, you’ll want to produce 100% unique and original content.
Getting visitors to your blog
Yes, you can flip a brand new blog, but you won’t be able to do it for a lot of profit compared to one that is established with traffic.
I’ve already said the most valuable blogs are the ones that are getting traffic and making money. I’ve covered how to build money-making opportunities into your blog, so now, we’ll cover how to build traffic.
Ranking in the search engines
Sites such as Google are looking for sites that give users fresh, useful content. It is their job to connect users with the content they are looking for, therefore they give priority to sites and blogs which provide users with useful, relevant information and which are constantly updated. Google doesn’t really want to point users to a blog where there hasn't been a new post in 12 months.