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Chapter 7 – A Scientific Memory System For Business Success
We recall things by their association. When you set your mind to remember any particular fact, your conscious effort should be not vaguely to will that it shall be impressed and retained, but analytically and deliberately to connect it with one or more other facts already in your mind.
"Cramming" and "Willing"
The student who "crams" for a test makes no permanent addition to his knowledge. There can be no recall without association, and "cramming" allows no time to form associations.
If you find it difficult to remember a fact or a name, don't waste your energies in "willing" it to return. Try to recall some other fact or name associated with the first in time or place or otherwise, and lo, when you least expect it, it will pop into your thoughts.
If your memory is good in most respects, but poor in a particular line, it is because you're not interested in that particular area, and therefore have no need for association. Blind Tom's memory was a blank on most subjects, but he was a walking encyclopedia on music.