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Your employees don’t want to work for a task-dispensing machine. You do not necessarily have to become best friends with your employees, but you don’t want to remain so distant as to seem unapproachable, either.
Getting to know your employees, and allowing them to get to know you, is a great way to encourage retention that will not cost you anything except a little of your time, and some common sense. Engendering a good rapport between all members of your company – whether it’s just you and one other person, or dozens or hundreds of people – will strengthen productivity and morale, and allow for a creative and welcoming environment.
How can you cultivate a rapport? The most obvious way is to respect your employees, and realize they are individual people with lives of their own. They have thoughts, opinions, and feelings, and they would prefer to share them in the workplace without fear of retaliation by management. Therefore, open lines of communication are essential (as discussed earlier in this book).
Let your employees participate in some of your company’s decision-making and policy writing processes. Give them ample opportunities to provide feedback, both face-to-face and in the form of surveys or questionnaires. Get to know them as people, and try to understand their wants and expectations of the job.
A good understanding of what attracts people to your company in the first place can also help you get to know your employees. Once you understand what they like about working for you, you can then work to enhance those qualities of your business and keep your employees satisfied.
Inform your employees of company changes whenever they are going to occur. Few people enjoy being surprised with unexpected changes that will affect the way they do their jobs, especially if the effect is negative. If you must implement changes that will impact your employees, keep them in the loop and let them know well in advance.
Finally, don’t forget that even the best employees get bored doing the same job all the time. Be willing to cross-train your employees in other areas, or introduce new business elements for them to work with. If you have multiple employees, encouraging intra-company job hopping will allow them to remain challenged enough to keep things interesting, while still providing the security of knowing they can go back to their former job duties if the new ones are not enjoyable.