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Pricing is a tricky thing and basically comes down to testing one price against another.
But okay, what if you've just written your book and you have no idea what to charge for it. Well, remember, when you did your initial research, one of the things you checked to see is if there were any products out there already being sold. If there are, make a note of the price
You then have one of three choices.
Price Higher
Price your product higher. Now, if you’re going to do this, you better be darn sure that your product is that much better.
How will you know?
Buy it!
I have bought many of my competitors’ products just to see what I was up against. If I really believed my product was better, I'd price it higher and in my sales page even do a comparison of my product to theirs so that the prospect could see the difference.
Price The Same
This is what I call taking the safe road. If you price your product the same as other competitive products, you’re basically relying on your marketing alone to make more sales. If you can also show that your product gives the prospect more for the same price, this will help too.
Price Lower
You can do this whether your product is of equal quality, better or maybe doesn’t have as many features or doesn’t go as much in depth.
For equal or greater quality, you’re simply trying to undercut your competition. By being able to say that your product is just as good if not better (and it’s $10 cheaper), you’re likely to get a lot of sales you might not have gotten had your product been released at the same price or higher.
This is how Walmart makes so many sales. They simply undercut everybody else.