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In this chapter of our series on Ebay, we’re going to cover some more time saving tips and work our way towards the end of this series. We’re almost there, so hang on.
In our last chapter, we went over a few time saving tips. Another really big time saver is drop shipping. Bottom line, you don’t want to have to constantly pack things yourself all the time, especially if your business is booming.
The thing with drop shipping is that you have to make sure that there is excellent communication between you and the drop shipper. The reason is because there is always the possibility that they will deliver the items to the wrong address. This is the dangerous part about drop shipping. So make sure you first of all find a reputable drop shipper and then make sure you cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s with them for every delivery.
Another way to save time is to buy your items in bulk. Imagine you’re looking all over town for 100 cases of the latest magic cards but none of the suppliers near you have more than 20 cases in stock. By going through a huge wholesaler, you can not only get the number of cases you want, but you will also get them a lot cheaper.
Another way to save a lot of time is through the number of times during the week that you actually ship items. Do NOT ship everyday. This is a real time killer. My advice is to do your shipping on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. You don’t have to ship more than 3 times a week. The items will still get to where they need to get to in plenty of time.
Finally, if your business real starts to boom and you can’t do it by yourself, hire help. I know this sounds like it’s going to cut into your profits, but if you’re doing that much business, you can afford it. The alternative is that you’re not able to keep up with your business and your reputation gets shot to hell. This is the last thing you want. So if it gets that big, bite the bullet and get help.
Now, the kind of help you will need will depend on the kind of jobs that need to be done. For certain things, like packing, you want somebody who is skilled at packing. If the items arrived damaged, you’re going to have some pretty angry customers.
Ideally, you want to hire people to do the jobs that anybody can do. Why? If they quit, you don’t have to look around for just the right person to do this job. Anybody will be able to do it. Save the difficult jobs for yourself or somebody who you trust not to walk out on you.
In our next chapter, we’ll finally be finishing up our series on Ebay with some final thoughts.