1 - The Ultimate Success Formula
In life, things that we do always have a model for us to follow. In maths and sciences, they are known as “formula”. We can apply those formula in questions and challenges that we are given by the teachers.
So, I’ve always been wondering, is there any formula for success? Can I just follow the pattern to achieve success? I never knew the answer is a “yes”. Not before I came across to this formula.
After studying and researching on successful people, I discovered that these successful individuals, who came from different sector, doing different kind of thing or even making different decisions if they were given the same situation, have something in common.
It doesn’t matter you want to be a successful sales person, an inspiring teacher, a top speaker, a New York Times Best-Selling author or even a billionaire. It’s still the same. All of these can be achieved if you take distinctive steps to get to what you want.
Follow the 6 steps. You’ll get anything you want. If you missed any of it, your dream is saying “bye bye” to you.
Step 1: Have a very specific goal
The very first step to get what you want is to know exactly what you want. Most people seems like they never achieved anything. It’s simply because they are clear of what they want.
Most people know that they want to be successful. But why are they still at the same place after a few years? They never make themselves clear of what they want in life. They never make it specific.
Everyone can say that they want to become successful. But what is the definition of your successful? You can say that you’re successful with an income of $20,000. You can also say that you’re successful with an income of $6,000.
You must be specific of what you want. Give it a figure. Instead of saying acing my exam, why don’t you say scoring 90+ for my exam. You see, it’s more specific. Scoring 80 is an A. Scoring 90 is an A too. But they are 2 different As.
You can actually see the difference. Being specific doesn’t just allow you to know what you want. You actually gain more energy to work towards it. To make it better, add a time span for it.
Let’s say your salary now is $3,500. You want to get pay $10,000 monthly. So by when you want to achieve it. Give it a time span. Let’s make it 6 months. So your goal is to get a pay of $10,000 in 6 months. Being specific in what you want can help you to move towards your goal. It can be a kind of motivation.
Very few successful experiences happen by chances… no matter a race or a position. Most of it happens by design. Successful people design what they want. The sad part is most people never design their life.
And that’s why, those who actually design theirs can be at the top of these people. They can get what they want. Those who never design their life often end up falling into someone else’s plan.
Only when we knew what we want specifically, we are then able to focus on our energy and talents. Focus like a laser beam honing on its target. And when we’re moving to the target, we develop the resources that we need.
Wherever you are in life right at this moment, you have to start to sat specific goals. Without specific goals, you’ll never achieve what you want. You find that you can’t move far from where you are now.
Step 2: Planning strategy
The second step in the ultimate success formula is to plan a strategy. The same thing. When you have a specific goal, you can plan your strategy easily.
Just say you’re an owner of a local coffee shop. You’re making a profit of $5,000 monthly. You’re thinking of expanding your business. You might want to increase your profit to $7,000 monthly in, let’s say, a year. What you’re going to do? Maybe you’ll work for more hour, work harder or maybe increase the variety of food you’re selling.
What if you want more? Let’s say making a profit of $2million monthly from your local coffee shop. Sounds unbelievable? It’s not achievable? True enough. Making $2million monthly from that local coffee shop is impossible if the owner is using the same strategy. What if the owner invests on share to build a larger modal? Or invest on R & D to develop a superior brand of coffee, support reliable new suppliers, build a franchise system and then license thousands of business owners around the world to sell his coffee.
Would it then be possible for you to make a profit of $2 million monthly? Of course you can! With flexible strategies, anything can be possible.
Step 3: Take consistent action
The third step is getting you to take action consistently. Taking action moves you towards your goal easier. Taking action is also what that separates the dreamers from the doers.
Many highly educated people often ended up working as professionals or consultants for successful entrepreneurs. Why? They have the knowledge. They know what to do. But they never do what they knew they should.
Do you know people who are less intelligent or less talented than you actually achieve more than you? This is because they tend to take more action than us. They work harder, that’s why they can achieve more. Why intelligent people fail to take consistent action towards their goals? Our emotional states are what that drives us to our action. We are always holding back by our emotions like fear, uncertainty, and anxiety. Emotions like motivation and enthusiasm will get us excite and make things happen.
Many people have bright ideas and they also have the intelligence to do it but they lack of personal mastery in emotional control. They can’t bring themselves to the state where they need to be in order to make things happen.
Step 4: Failure as Feedback
If you take action, there are no 2 possibilities. The first possibility is you achieve success by moving towards your goal.