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Every social interaction, be it online or off, has a set of etiquettes attached to it. Blogging too has its own etiquettes that should be followed under all circumstances.
Not following them is considered blogging suicide. Etiquettes are not meant to limit anyone. They’re a set of behavior rules that one must follow in order to co exist peacefully with fellow bloggers. Etiquette is just another word for common sense and courtesy.
Mind Your Manners
Seriously, it’s not that hard. Minding your manners is essential if you want to attract people to your blog. Be nice, polite and courteous. If someone leaves a comment on your blog, reply to their comment on your blog, visit their blog and leave a comment there as well.
Treat Your Visitors Well
Visitors on your blog are like guests. Treat them well and they’ll come again. As discussed in the “Business Blogging Secrets: How to Avoid Killing Your Blog with These Common Mistakes”, make your blog easy to navigate, read and follow.
Readers don’t have the time to search for the RSS feed or email updates option. They also don’t want to look for the comments. They should be placed in the eye.
Return the Favor
If someone’s done you a good deed or given you a break, reciprocate. Tell people about it and do a good deed back in return. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the same person, give someone else a break like someone gave you.