Ebook Sample Content Preview:
1) Approach E-zine publishers to propose a Joint Venture on selling your product to their subscriber list.
Usually, you might offer more commissions and slightly more sophisticated marketing materials (e.g. free report rebranded with their own name and a liberty to place a one-page ad) to your Joint Venture partners.
2) Since you own full control of your product, you can customize your product (E-book) for Joint Venture partners with great marketing power so that they can profit from both upfront and back-end sales of the product without having to pay for customization fees.
Just be sure that the customers can only buy the Resell Rights from you.
3) Write the first letter to your potential Joint Venture partners asking for their permission to view your proposal.
Don’t enclose any further details until you get their permission.
4) To assure your potential Joint Venture partner that you are not spamming their mailbox, make a special of their name, their E-zine name, and their URL.
Don’t forget to quickly introduce yourself at the start of your letter.
5) Reveal the full details of your Joint Venture proposal in the second letter only.
Full details can range from about your product, how much you plan to pay your Joint Venture partner for every copy of your digital product sold, and how your partner can benefit from this venture. If there is a sample of the product available, you can attach to the mail for your potential partner’s review.
6) In your Joint Venture proposal, write more on benefiting your partner than about yourself or even your product for that matter.
You are making the first approach to your potential partners so they will also like to know what is in for them. If it is not worth it, they would just reject your proposal. Remember, it’s easier for them to say no!
7) In the second proposal letter, include a link where your potential Joint Venture partner can sign up for your affiliate program.
Be sure to equip your Joint Venture partner with the marketing materials necessary to promote the product on your behalf. If the marketing materials can’t be installed into the affiliate program, follow-up with your Joint Venture partner after the sign up to give him the marketing materials.
8) While you may have written a few proposal templates before sending them out, you will do well to write the letters in a more personal tone.
Your letters can change slightly in terms of how you address your potential partners and their needs.
9) The power is in the numbers. Recruit as many Joint Venture partners as you can.
You might have to motivate them from time to time, too, because they are just as human as anyone else.
10) At the bottom of your proposal letters, include P.S.es (Post-scripts) to summarize your letter and push your potential partner to take action NOW by signing up for your affiliate program.
Remind your potential Joint Venture partner that should they have any questions, you will be glad to help. You won’t mind helping a partner who will help you succeed, would you?
11) When discussing a mutual benefit arrangement with your potential Joint Venture partner, stress on a win-win-win situation rather than the usual win-win situation that most people talk about.
Some potential partners are responsible E-zine publishers who cares a lot for their subscribers so don’t forget to include their subscribers into the win-win-win situation. Remember that their subscribers are also going to help make the whole venture a success. Your potential partner wins when he makes successful sales. His subscribers win when they purchase a quality product useful for their own purposes. You win when they all win.