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Undying shadows of fear and doubt: Understand that shadows of fear and self-doubt are likely to lurk around often. But that doesn’t mean that you allow them to take over you or that they’re invincible. Like all of us have our strengths, so we have our weaknesses, shadows are just a reminder of the latter. So remember, don’t give them more importance than they deserve.
Embrace and accept: Want to get rid of your weaknesses? Start by accepting their presence. The more you try to keep pushing them away, the more they’ll stick like a gag around your ankles. Instead, watch them, learn about them and then decide how you can drive them away.
Conquer: Now that you’ve accepted your shadows, you’ll be a little at peace. But you still won’t be completely relaxed till you’ve overcome them. So get ready for the battle! Some people make up for their weaknesses by developing new strengths, while some people overcome them with courage, practice and perseverance. Decide which path you want to take.
Discover yourself: No matter whom you share your fears with - your shadows will always be yours alone. Understand that shadows are a kind of ‘rites de passage’ that will help you discover your black spots, vulnerabilities and weaknesses. So don’t see them as something you need to shoo away, see them as one of life’s many learnings that will help you discover yourself.
Your world view: The greatest mistake we can make is to let our shadows affect our world view. If a great disappointment came your way when you were 19 years old, don’t let it take over your mind and allow it to shape your world view when you’re 25. That way, you’re just getting stuck in the past and shutting out new things that come your way. Let it go so that you can grow.
Looking outwards for strength As far as winners are concerned, the concept of inner, and not outer power, holds very true. Most successful people don’t seek support and acceptance outside. Instead, they take a critical look at themselves, analyze their strengths and shortcomings objectively and strategies towards working on them or making them work to their advantage.
Self Doubt leads to downfall If you want to make it big, do away with this itch by assessing yourself thoroughly. This will help you figure out your true powers and help you understand your capacity better. Once you comprehend this, set your goals within those capacities and make sure you achieve them.
Impatience is not a virtue There are no established barons whose success came overnight. So no matter how much effort you put in, you’ll mostly always be waiting for results. In some cases, you may not get it right the first time. This means, a lot more waiting and watching to figure out what really strikes gold. None the less, be assured that if you’re working hard and smart, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.