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As shown in a previous chapter, if you are using AdWords as your primary PPC advertising channel, you can establish the average cost per click that you will have to pay for any particular keyword phrase in your advertising using the tools provided by Google.
However, you should note that this is an average and that the price you will pay can vary a great deal from these figures, so you have to put a sensible bid management strategy in place before starting to bid.
As a general rule, there are a couple of different bidding options favored by different marketers that you might like to try and test.
The first option is to start with bids at or very near the average prices indicated for the keyword phrase upon which you are focused. In this way, you attain an average page position which should be good enough to launch a campaign without spending a great deal of money in the process.
However, the effectiveness of this strategy will to some extent depend upon how competitive your market is.
If for example you are competing in a market where there are dozens or perhaps even hundreds of PPC advertisers clamoring for position on the search results pages, doing this is likely to position your advert on the fifth or sixth results page, which is effectively nowhere.
If on the other hand the competition is not too hot, then the situation could well be reversed, so the effectiveness is likely to be dependent upon the competitive nature of the market.
In contrast, many other marketers suggest that you should start every new advertising campaign by bidding 'top dollar' for your keywords to get the campaign off to a 'big' start, before reining back on bid levels a week or two later once you have established conversion rates, return on investment and so on.
This strategy often makes a great deal of sense, if for no other reason than the most obvious which is that you are advertising to generate profits as quickly as possible, and this is the best way of doing so.
If you bid big and thereby attain a top slot on the search page, you can immediately establish how effective the adverts that you have created are because they will be featured at or near the top of the search results pages. If your advert is not successful when it is featured this prominently, there is obviously a problem with your advert, so changes need to be made after testing in any of the ways previously highlighted.
Another consideration that is extremely relevant if you're using Google is that Quality Score is generally believed to be heavily dependent upon your conversion rates.
Obviously, you would expect to achieve a much higher conversion rate if your ad was appearing in the number one or two slot on the search page rather than in the 21st position. Thus, by bidding big in the early days, you take a significant step towards improving your quality score.