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While finding solutions to common "problems" is one obvious way to go for a successful "shovel", there is yet another way. And that is. . . .explaining how to perform a certain task that may not be well known, but plenty of people want to learn how.
Ah yes, the "how to" shovel.
This, in my experience, has been a terrificly successful seller to both Internet Marketers, our "gold diggers", and the general public, or the "gold", who are interested in "learning how" to do something.
And, the latter part of the above sentence is what makes the "how to" "shovel" such a HOT seller. Because our "gold diggers" KNOW that they will have a top notch product on their hands that their "gold" source will eat up.
Let's head back to our "example" subject, “dealing with temper tantrums”. Now, we're not talking about "problem solving" here per say, but rather, we're speaking about how to DEAL with them in a positive way as a caring and loving parent.
Going back to our top three forums, we can figure out how to explain parenting effectively during a raging temper tantrum by learning to do this ourselves.
No. You don't NEED to be a parent for this part.
Many a successful author of children's books aren't parents themselves. And, it's important to keep that in mind when writing.
All we need to do is EDUCATE ourselves on the process of how to do what we will be explaining to our readers. And the forums we found are just the ticket we need.