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If you are in any way feeling stuck or powerless in your life, there is a solution. You can choose to live in the NOW or The Present Moment.
By understanding this skill and applying it to your life, you start slowing down the ‘treadmill’ of stress and pressure in your life. You're still running, you're still taking care of business, you're still being a responsible mature adult. That's not going to go away.
The big difference is you become more aware, so you are able to become more content and fulfilled in the present moment. You're no longer kicking the can down the road when it comes to your personal happiness and fulfillment. You learn how to live in the present moment and enjoy it and accept it for what it is.
Let me tell you, life is never going to be perfect. And if you are going to set yourself up where you will only agree to be happy when perfection enters your life, you're setting yourself up for a big letdown.
This book teaches you the valuable skill of living in the moment. Not tomorrow, not next week, and definitely not next year. Right here. Right now.
I'm sure you already know this, but the moment you close this book, you might get hit by a truck. You might suffer some sort of weird and nasty medical allergic reaction. You might eat some bad food. There are all sorts of things that may cut your journey through this life short.
Life is short. It is fragile. This book teaches you to enjoy every moment.
Hang on to it. Get a lot of meaning out of it. This is how you are able to keep running on that treadmill with a deep and abiding sense of peace and harmony within you.
Sounds awesome? Great. Let's jump in. See you in Chapter 1.
Reclaim Your Power of Focus
Your focus is probably the most important factor in the process of overcoming whatever challenges you face.
A lot of people think that they have to have the right IQ, or they have to be born with certain advantages, or some sort of other excuse. They think that there's all these circumstances and factors outside of them that would explain their success or lack of it.
And unfortunately, the more you focus on things outside of you, and I'm talking about your circumstances as well as the situations you find yourself in or the people you surround yourself with, the more you lose sight of your focus.
In fact, it can get so bad that you might ignore the power of your focus altogether. You might even completely forget how important personal focus is.
Let's get one thing clear: what you choose to focus on, grows.
If you don't believe me, look at people who hit the gym all day, every day. These are people who may be obese. These are people who may look like they're made out of over-inflated dough. But the more they focus on working out, sticking to a certain diet and lifestyle, the sooner all that fat melts off.
Similarly, people who focus on making money, sooner or later, end up achieving their dreams. People who focus on attracting members of the opposite sex tend to, later on, connect the dots and meet with success more often than failure.
In other words, you get out what you put in. What you focus on attracts your attention, which of course attracts your energy. When you devote energy to any kind of activity, sooner or later, you get good at it.
Sure, in the beginning, it may look like it's impossible. It may look like it's just not going to happen. But the more you keep at it, the more you are able to figure things out. And, sooner or later, these baby steps turn into giant leaps forward.
What you choose to focus on, grows. It doesn't matter what it is. It doesn't matter how seemingly impossible it may be. As long as you give it the proper focus, eventually, it will give way. I can't stress this enough.
Unfortunately, people think that success is something that just falls into their lap. They think it's something that requires inhuman sacrifice and effort. No, it's not. Instead, it's just a choice of where you train your focus.
The Good News
Given how important focus is, I have some great news for you. Focus is a choice.
That's right. It's not something that you're forced to do. It's not something that you are tricked into or somehow coerced by your circumstances. It's something that you can choose. If you can choose it, then this means you have control over it.
There are so many other things you can choose to do, but you can choose to focus. This is power. This is control. This gives you some measure of input on how your life is going to turn out.
Real Focus is Never Desperate
A lot of people are under the impression that things will only change in their lives if they find themselves with their back against the wall. They think that once the chips are down and everything is desperate, that's when everything falls into place.
What they're really doing is they're looking for excuse after excuse to avoid lifting a finger to change their circumstances. That's all you're doing if you believe that you have to be pushed to make a decision.
Real focus is never desperate. It is never the product of desperate times. It's something that you willfully choose and it's something that you choose consistently and continuously over an extended period of time.
Don't think that it's some sort of magical superpower that you discover at the last minute. You will always have the power to choose and you will always have the choice of focusing. It is never desperate, no matter how bleak the situation may look.
Reclaim Your Ability to Focus
If you can wrap your mind around the idea that you can choose to focus, you can start reclaiming the power you get when you focus on certain things. Believe it or not, you can focus on your time to the extent that you can control the output you get when you spend your time on anything.