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“You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” — Zig Ziglar
Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Shakespeare, and Leonardo da Vinci; what do all these people have in common? The first thought that comes to mind is that they are "greats". They are great leaders, great inventors and great artists. They are not greats because they are famous. It is their greatness that has brought them fane.
The list of names that humanity considers great is endless. But what exactly makes a person great? What secrets or special qualities does that person possess that others do not? Is it true that some people are just born to do great things?
The truth is, there is no mysterious code or magic recipe for greatness. Nor does destiny choose some people to become great and overlook others. Every human being has the potential to become great.
This book will uncover seven simple secrets that you can implement to achieve greatness in your own life. You don’t necessarily have to change the world if you don’t feel that that is your calling. You don’t have to carve your name in history books. However, you can achieve greatness in your own niche by learning from people who have left their unique mark on humanity.
We all want to be great at something. None of us willingly chooses to be mediocre. The longing for greatness is an innate need within each one of us.
The big misconception is that we don’t think we were born for greatness. We think that greatness is a quality that a very few unique people are blessed with. We look at people like Oprah Winfrey or Mark Zuckerberg with awe and envy and wonder, “What's their secret?”
The secret is a simple set of qualities that you can learn to develop. These qualities interact and fuse together, enabling you to create your own personal greatness in whatever you choose to do.
It doesn't have to be something world-changing, but it will be life-changing for you. You may want to be a great parent, a great spouse, or great in your career. You may want to become a great advocate for a cause that you are passionate about. And if you want to reach higher and change the world - by all means, go for it! Whatever measure of greatness you want to achieve, the seven secrets of greatness will help you fulfill your personal calling.
Chapter 1: What Greatness is Not
Defining exactly what greatness is can be tricky. For example, what do Bill Gates, Picasso and Marilyn Monroe have in common? Not much, except that they have left us a unique legacy that has made them household names. We could argue that they are icons because they were great at what they did. We could view them as pioneers who swam against the current.
However, there are millions of unsung greats who were not necessarily pioneers or disruptors. These are the great mothers and fathers, the great friends, the great mentors and teachers who left their imprint on their immediate circle. Yet, the world knows nothing about them nor would consider them great.
Greatness is a curious cocktail that is hard to define in specific words. And yet, we all recognize greatness when we see it. Perhaps the definition will become clearer if we exclude what greatness is NOT.
Greatness Is Not Fame
Hitler, Stalin and Usama Bin Laden are three of the most famous names on the planet but nobody (except for some mentally challenged crackpots) would consider them great. Being famous - or infamous in this case - is not a criterion for greatness.
However, greatness can bring great fame, and the examples are endless.
Greatness Is Not Wealth
Many of us think that being rich makes you a great person. This is false. Pursuing wealth for its own sake makes a person anything but great, as it can bring out some pretty horrible qualities.
Greatness is not measured by X millions or billions of dollars. Greatness can bring great wealth but never the other way around. Let's take Donald Trump. Love him or hate him as a politician, we must agree that he is great in his original profession as a businessman. It's not his wealth that makes him great but his amazing business savvy, vision and pioneering spirit. This is what has allowed him to build the huge business empire he has today.
Greatness Is Not Physical Strength
We only must look at Gandhi or Mother Theresa to know that greatness does not come from physical strength. However, both Gandhi and Mother Theresa had an amazing strength of character, which is one of the qualities that made them great.