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Chapter 8: Principle 5 – Record Your Journey
Well we've reached the fifth principle out of our 6 principles to six pack abs. This principle is something that is not only imperative to incorporate immediately but is something that you should aim to do for the rest of your life and that is tracking your progress and recording your journey.
This principle right here is not anything to do with you achieving your six pack abs physically, However, One of the biggest factors in whether or not you will achieve this elusive thing is the belief and feeling of seeing the amazing changes you have made. Sometimes you may feel down or not motivated but when you see what is really happening with yourself and the changes you are making, it spurs you on and gives you more fuel to achieve your goal.
Tracking this info isn’t meant to be a punishment, it is actually motivation! If you track all of your physical activity you will be able to look back at all you have accomplished. When you have those mornings where you feel like you just CAN’T exercise, check out your progress and take in all that you have done. It will get you out and active. If you have a calendar and you put a red X through everyday that you got enough physical activity, you will want to keep that streak alive. it seems like such an old fashioned tip, but our minds work like that. We will want to keep the streak of X’s going as long as possible.
You can also see the improvements. If you are working out with weights, keep track of how much weight you are lifting. It is a great feeling to watch those numbers climb. You can do the same with running, keep trying to outdistance yourself each day.
Keeping track of your workout progress could even help you diagnose problems. If you notice there are certain days that are danger areas for you, then you can figure out what happens on those days that throws you off. Just figure out the things that only happen on those days, do you see any patterns?
Tracking progress is a nice step for your nutrition too. one of the easiest ways to do that is using the calorie counting tip from the first lesson.
If you are looking for something visual you can do something like the calendar trick but related to nutrition. Everyday you eat right you put an X.
So to sum up, Tracking progress is a great step in any ab seeking venture. It helps you visualize everything you have accomplished, makes it easier to diagnose negative patterns and motivates you to keep on track.