Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Believe it or not, there is a right day and a right time for each market – but it does vary from market to market, no matter what others may tell you. Let’s look, first, at the days that don’t work for most markets.
Mondays are possible, but not good because people have a built in mindset that makes Monday a bad day. Wednesday’s are not good because many people attend church services or other events locally. Fridays are awful because everyone just wants to relax. The weekends are bad because people want to spend time with their families or pursue their hobbies.
This leaves Tuesday’s and Thursdays as the best days to hold events, with the possibility of holding the event on a Monday – only if you must. During football season, Monday’s are not good unless your market is made up of people who don’t care anything about football. If your market is made up of baseball fans, no day of the week may be good during baseball season.
Of course, geography matters a great deal when you are determining times. Morning in the United States is evening in Japan. Even if all of your participants will be in one geographic area, in the same time zone, you have to consider people’s work schedules, or other activities that they may have scheduled at certain times during the day or the evening.
Are you seeing a pattern? When you are talking about a hundred or more people, you will never find a day and time that suits everyone. Instead, you have to figure out a date and time that suits the majority. How do you figure that out?
Well, you can guess at it, based on what you know about your market, or you can ask them – just like you asked them about the content for the event. Add another survey question to your form, and instead of telling them when the event will be held right away, ask them when they think the event should be held, and explain that you want to accommodate as many people as possible.
If for any reason you do not want to survey to find out what time works best for the majority of those who want to participate in your event, at the very least, choose to hold your event on a Tuesday or a Thursday during the evening hours, taking various time zones into account, and make a recording available to those who were registered, but unable to attend the call.