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At first thought, the idea of holding your own teleseminar might seem as out-of-reach as starting your own professional basketball team. As you'll discover in the next few pages, however, that's simply not the case. Teleseminars aren't just for the likes of Tony Robbins, John Grey, and Suze Orman. In fact, thousands of internet marketers, small business owners, and solo professionals regularly use telesemi-nars to reach new audiences, establish themselves as experts, and create new products.
And so can you.
Some people charge thousands to teach you how to master the fine art of teleseminars, but you really won't need to spend that kind of money to learn the ropes. Teleseminars don't have to be flashy events with slick graphics, big-name speakers, and four-figure price tags. Instead, most of the best teleseminars are much more down to earth. They're a lot like traditional seminars, except that they are usually less formal and presented over a teleconference or bridge line rather than in person and at a physical location.
It's easy to see the advantage of teleseminars. You won't have to limit yourself to the number of people you can round up and lure into a hotel room or lecture hall. Instead, you can draw your audience from all over the globe and connect with them by phone.
And it doesn't have to be fancy either. In fact, any time you're on the phone, talking about your products, services, or on anything else related to marketing your business, you're conducting a teleseminar. Of course, you can also host teleseminars that are more formal and require more planning and care in execution. And that's what you're going to learn in this report.
First, I'm going to cover the basics of teleseminars: Why you should incorporate teleseminars into your marketing mix, how you should set them up and promote them for best results, and how you can leverage the power of what you have created. In a matter of days, you could be producing top-notch teleseminars that grow your busi-ness as well as your bottom line. Let's get started.
From the day the first caveman tried to convince his cohorts how great saber-tooth tiger tasted once it had been cooked over a fire, humans have been “selling” their ideas to each other. The practice of sharing with and educating others hasn't changed. We just have a whole lot more options when it comes to choosing the medium.
With the ready availability of low-cost (or no-cost) long-distance service and conference call lines, teleseminars have become increas-ingly popular. Instead of spending thousands of dollars traveling to give an in-person presentation, you can meet your customers and prospects right where they are, without even having to change out of your pajamas. Here's what you can do with teleseminars:
Introduce new products
Get known in a new market - and get to know that market in turn
Explain how a product or service works
Interview experts and share their knowledge with your audience
Answer questions about your area of expertise
IN ADDITION, teleseminars can help you do the following:
Sell more. By presenting a sales presentation over the phone, you offer much more interactivity and a stronger personal connection than you can through a website or direct mail piece.
Create products. The calls themselves can be turned into products or classes. You can sell access to your live events, or you can record them and sell them later as CDs or audio downloads. And that's just for starters.
Get to know your audience. Being able to interact with your audience in real time allows an unprecedented level of market research, right in the moment.
Establish yourself. If you interview experts in your area, you will quickly be seen as an expert by association. Build your list. Teleseminars are popular ways to introduce yourself to a new market. It's easy to invite people to your free events -- and as they sign up, they become part of your list.
Create trust. Trust is crucial when you want to do business online. And one of the best ways to build trust with your audience is to interact with them directly. As they hear your voice live on the call -- and as they ask questions and get answers right then and there -- you become "real" to them and they'll be able to bond with you. This is something that's much harder to accomplish through sales letters and emails.
But what about skills? Don't you have to have some kind of “chops” to host a teleseminar? Stop wondering! If you have enough experience to start a business, you have enough experience to produce and host a teleseminar. Read on and I'll show you how.
In order to pull off a great teleseminar, you'll need to plan for success. Sure, there are things that can go wrong, but if you plan your teleseminar well, most of them can be avoided. Let's review what you need to do to ensure your teleseminar will go as smoothly as possible:
1. Choose a good topic. Choosing a topic for your teleseminar is much like choosing a topic for a blog post. You don't want something too broad, or you'll have no focus. And you don't want something too narrow, or you will run out of things to say. Instead, you want to balance your need to cover new ground with your need to keep the length and breadth of your teleseminar manageable. For your first go-round, I suggest keeping things tight and focused. You should also plan keeping your call to an hour or so. Any longer and you may burn yourself out or run into more problems than you're prepared to deal with!