Ebook Sample Content Preview:
[Sean] Okay. Not sure exactly where to start. What I do is probably different than what most people will do. So, I’m going to tell you what I do and then I’ll relate it to what most people do.
For me, I’ve done live campaigns for 6 years, every week a new campaign. When you do that, after time you find certain 5 day campaigns convert better for people that were in their first week than other campaigns. So, you have a campaign, I’ve run a live campaign before, and a strong percentage of people that have only been on the campaign for one week purchase that item. So what I do is I take that 5 day campaign and I put it into my automated campaign for week 1. Now, everybody who comes into week 1 gets that campaign. Then, I don’t do any of the manual campaigns for those people until after they’ve expired the 7 day period.
Then I went into the campaign, and I say what’s the 2nd best? Okay, great, I’ll put that in the 2nd week. What’s the 3rd best, I put that in the 3rd week. What’s the 4th best, I’ll put that in the 4th week. Okay, and then after about the 4th week, generally it’s whatever the live campaign is. I’ll tell you, in theory, the automation forever and ever works, there’s not many people that can pull it off. Most people cannot. I’ve had a hard time pulling off total automation after the 4 week mark. And, most other people that are kind of my colleagues experience about the same thing. It’s very, very difficult to automate after that first 4 weeks.
There’s 2 components though, in designing the campaign. I actually use 2 different delivery lists. So that I can keep them separate. When somebody joins my list, they’re actually added to the equivalent of 2 lists. One list has my content in it. So, my content is 30 days, and it’s not every day, it’s about every 2 out of 3 days. They’re going to get content emails, and for me there’s a 9am and a 9pm email. So, day 1 they get a 9am email, day 2 they get the 9pm email, day 3 they get a 9am email, day 4 they get a 9pm email. Now you ask, what’s the significance of a 9am or a 9pm email. The only significance is, that it has to be a different time than I send out the sales emails. So, to protect my own sanity, I just know that all emails in my content campaign go out at either 9am or 9pm, every other day. Okay, so why different times? I don’t want people to become conditioned to getting something at a certain time.
Now, obviously, the best way to do this would be to randomize it every day, but since I’m merging it with another campaign, it’s easier to have the same time, for me, but, because I want to vary the time, I use AM and PM. Could we do a time-frame? 7-9am and then vary the times it goes out, have some go out at 7:15, some at 8:15. Yeah, you could do that as well.
But, that’s what I do in my content campaign. Now, simultaneously with the content campaign, what I’ve discovered in my niche is that Tue, Wed, Thu, is an ideal setup for a 3 day sale. Tue, Wed, Thu. So, you introduce the sale on Tue, you do Q&A on Wed, and you do final chance on Thu. So, what I do is I queue the sales campaign up for the 1st Tue after somebody joins the list, and they get the 1st day of the 3 day campaign. So they’ll probably get 2 emails on Tue, one introducing whatever it is I’m selling, and then another explanation email. Wed they’ll get 1 email. Then Thu they’re going to get a final, this is your final day to get this.
What it does after that is I say, the following week, the next Tue that rolls around, then they’re going to get sequence 2, and then the next Tue that rolls around, they’re going to get sequence 3. Does that make sense?