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How You Can Make Money with Your Teespring Campaign
If you've heard the buzz around Teespring and the earnings people are generating, your curiosity may have been peaked, and rightfully so. It seems that teespring.com has become the latest how way to make money! If you are wondering how the heck this works and how you can get in on the action, you've come to the right place.
Of course, it all begins with a good idea! Once you have what you think is a great idea for a t-shirt, you can go over to Teeview and see how that fits with what's already out there. You can also take advantage of split testing.
Split Testing is a great way to find out what key ingredients are going to be successful. You can split test for sex, age, area, culture, and tons of other breakdowns. What you test for will in large depend on what your t-shirt is about. Facebook ad campaigns are a great way to test your market, because these ads are very affordable.
Now the key here is that you will want to create three or four different designs and then test each of them to see which generates the most interest and that should tell you what t-shirt you should be designing your campaign around.
When you think you've got the right idea to move forward, you'll need to design your shirt. Once your shirt is designed, it's time to create your campaign and get busy making money.
So how does the making money part work? Glad you asked. It's a kind of crowdfunding. What happens is you design your shirt and then you decide on the parameters that will class it as a successful campaign. For example, you must sell x number of units. If you reach your goal then teespring goes ahead and prints the t-shirts and also ships them for you. Then, they send you a check for the profits. Are you visualizing just why this could be a very profitable venture.
Your only role in the entire process is to come up with a great idea and then design the shirt. After that, teespring takes over. If your campaign is not successful then no shirts are printed and no payments are kept.
The better your ideas, the more money you can make. It's a great way for non profits and charitable organizations to raise funds and it's a great way for entrepreneurs to create an income flow. It's certainly a win-win for everyone involved.
Social Media and Your Teespring Campaign
Teespring is one of the hottest crowd funding opportunities available right now. In fact, it's created quite the buzz. You too can take advantage of the teespring platform and create your own campaign. Then make sure that you put social media to work promoting your teespring campaign.
Social media can be a powerful tool to generate interest for a product or service that's for sale. When it comes to promoting your teespring t-shirt campaign social media can be very helpful. Using your Facebook fan page is an excellent place to start. If you haven't already created a Facebook page now is a good time to do that.
You should also consider creating a relevant page for each niche you are entering so as to immediately target the right people that could be potential customers. Social media allows you to spread the word about your teespring campaign for free or if you like you can purchase affordable newsfeed ads on Facebook.
These ads are some of the most effective yet most affordable ads available. In fact, they are far superior to Google ads, which can be extremely expensive and often don't have as good a targeting ability. Facebook ads allow you to clearly target your market by a number of factors. In fact, you can define your market so clearly that sometimes people actually 'fine tune' their target market too much. Be careful not to do this.
You also need to make sure that you set your daily budget so as not to spend more than you think. You should also set your weekly budget. In this way, what happens is when you reach your daily budget no more of your ads appear and whether you reach your weekly budget early in the week or late in the week, when you do your ads will stop appearing until the following week. This allows you to keep control of your advertising budget.
There are few opportunities that present where you can create a product to sell without ever spending any money. Teespring offers that opportunity. That means that you can actually create a complete campaign without spending a single dime. Remember Facebook ads are optional so you do not need to incur this expense.
When you are looking to social media to promote your teespring campaign don't forget to look further than the most popular social media tools and take advantage of the many others that are out there!
Using Your Facebook Pages to Make Money With Teespring
Teespring offers entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to make money without ever having to invest money. This unique crowd funding site allows you to design, create, sell, market, and ship t-shirts. The crowd funding concept gives this opportunity a unique spin and there's certainly been a great deal of buzz around it. There are a number of ways you can help to ensure your campaign is successful. One of those is by using Facebook pages to make money with your Teespring campaign.
Teespring is pretty cool - in fact, some refer to it as just downright awesome. But really, it's only a small piece of the puzzle. You can design the absolute best t-shirt that's ever been designed using teespring and yet not make a nickel if you do not generate the sales. So how do you plan to bring potential buyers to your Teespring campaign? Facebook pages is one of the best tools you have at your disposal, along with other social media avenues.
FP Traffic software is an excellent tool if you want to build and manage a number of different Facebook Pages. Take advantage of the opportunity to create campaigns for niche Facebook Pages then post your Teespring campaign on your Facebook Page. You will be amazed at just how much revenue you can generate in just a short period of time.