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Aside from your education and successful completion of the apprenticeship program, other things will make you a successful tattoo artist. Being successful is more than just making sure you know everything there is to know about your trade—it goes beyond how many customers come through your door every day. It even goes beyond how much money you take in doing tattoos. The reason we say it goes beyond all of this is that you must combine everything together in order to become and remain successful. The last part of the sentence is the important part—to remain successful. Many people can become successful but if you do not do the right things, you will not remain successful and all of your efforts will have been in vain.
Like any other profession, retention of success depends upon good customer service. Yes, there is customer service involved even in a tattoo business. There is no business in operation that does not require customer service even if it is no more than taking your money for the services rendered or the products purchased. You have to be able to answer questions for your customers and pay attention to them. Being chatty with someone else when you are supposed to be taking care of your customer, is not good customer service and will cause you to lose your database of customers. A customer wants to feel he or she is the most important person in the room, so if you are not paying attention to your customer you are doing them a disservice.
You also have to remain competitive in your pricing. If you charge more than other tattoo artists do you are not going to achieve success unless you can prove to your customers that you charge more because you give more. Customers do not mind paying a higher price if they know you are giving them more for their money than other tattoo artists are. They do not want to pay more money for the same exact services with no added quality or other amenities. The old saying “you get what you pay for” is true even in the tattoo business, so if you want to retain your success you need to be better than others in your field and be willing to be just a little farther to make your customers want to come to you for their tattoos.