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Exponential resource management isn’t just a fancy name. It’s a really underestimated, under used marketing method that works incredibly well. So much so, this section is one of the main reasons we’re only letting 500 copies of this go. I don’t want my competition to be able to manage their customers correctly if it means I’m going to get them instead.
What we’re looking at here are your five primary resources, the lifeblood of any online business. That’s your affiliates, your list, your customers, long term customers, and joint venture prospects, all of which we’ll refer to from this point onwards as your resources, or your promotion power. Each one of the big five have the power to make you sales, and thus big profits. However, imagine being able to take those five and manage them in such a way that you never have to carry out the expensive act of paying for new customers, a bigger, list, more affiliates or JV contacts ever again, but still having countless thousands of them flowing into your lap.
It sounds unthinkable, but with the right management of your resources, you’re going to be seeing their usefulness double, multiply by three, four, sometimes even five. What does this mean or your profits? Well, have you ever worked it out in your head how much you’d make if you doubled a penny every day for a month or two? The principal here is the same, but instead of money, you’re using your resources. The more you have, the faster they build each other. The true power of real exponential growth is at every marketer’s fingertips. They just have to know how to realize it’s there and understand how to use it to their advantage..
Overview of Resource Management Part 1
To demonstrate how to take your existing resources and cross them over in such a way that they begin to build themselves. The ultimate in marketing strategies allows you to boost your promotion power exponentially when others are having trouble even building a list that makes a single sale.
To display a diagram to demonstrate this method helping you commit this to memory and act on your knowledge.
To discuss each resource in depth and to define specific roles for each one, opening up the ability to cross your resources and to start the snowball effect rolling.
To avoid the pitfalls that other marketers are making as we speak with their crossing of resources, if they've even discovered such a method in the first place.
To inspire and to demonstrate ideas for the crossing of your resources, both enabling you to follow the examples we've laid out for you, and to come up with your own as your resources start to flood in when you launch your products.
Exponential Resource Management 1
Greetings, and welcome to the manual entitled exponential resource management and treating your customers right. As well as a selection of literal ways to get the most out of your customers without giving them the earth for free, we'll also be taking a little bit of a lateral detour here. You see, when I say treating your customers right, I'm not just talking about how to keep your customers happy. Although this is important, what I'm going to show you is much more important, and much more beneficial to you, and it should alter the way you think about what you're doing and how you're doing it.
Your five main resources: Joint Ventures, Affiliates, Standard List, Standard Customers, and Long Term Customers. That is exactly what this section is about. Not just being nice to people so they trust you more, we're going deeper than this to start with. We'll leave the easier stuff until afterwards.
The Working Concept - An Overview
The whole idea of this section is based around kind of a cross promotion strategy, which is nothing new products wise, but when we look at it in terms of the five main resources you've been gathering it becomes a different matter entirely. What we're planning to do here is take the whopping promotion power of the big five, tie them together and double what they're doing for you without bringing in anyone new. We're simply referring each type of member to different sections. Now, you may have seen this circle of five before when talking in terms of website promotion, using the site itself as a base to launch each resource onto the next stage in the ladder where possible, whilst at the same time bringing in new blood. This time around, we're taking that circle, and moving people around so that they can reside in multiple places, which in turn, can double, or even triple your promotion power simply because one person becomes two, three and up to five different resources on their own. Powerful stuff. For quick reference, here's that basic resource circle that we’re talking about. We’ll be adding to this in a moment.
Now, this is going to become a big part of the circle, because it's going to add to it internally, as we're moving people around here without bringing in new people, increasing the productivity of the people we already have, so please do take a careful look at it right now, or the rest of this section won’t make any sense. The main thing I want you to keep in mind is the above diagram, as that will form the basis of your whole web based marketing outlook. It will however be added to at the end of this manual, so that you have five large diagrams at the end of the course to base your marketing off of.
What we're going to do now is go through each resource, and look at the most effective ways to cross them over to another resource, whether it's worth doing, why you should or shouldn't do particular things with each section, and most importantly, which ones are going to make you the most cash.
Even if you don’t have all of these resources at your disposal yet, don’t worry. The aim here is to show you what’s going to go on when your promotions do go out and be prepared. Let me assure you, the speed that the five main resources come in may turn around and surprise you, It’s going to come in very handy, very soon.
What to Do with Your List
So first up, lets start with your list. Think first about what your list is. It's your first contact, and it contains pretty much everyone that's passed through the system you've set up, from the freebie hunters, to the people that didn't know what they signed up for, those who had friends that signed them up for a joke, and of course those who are going to progress through the circle and make you a whole load of cash in several different ways. It's the most numerous of all the five resources, and is also in this instance of the lowest quality compared to the other four, however is essential if you want to fill the higher ranks.