Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Hi Michel – for squeeze pages I’ve had the most success with a headline, short paragraph and a few bullet points. Do you have a formula that works best?
It depends, really. I spoke about this in my report, “The Death of The Salesletter.” What I like and prefer is the “Reverse Optin Process.”
What I have found is to give some great content (without any kind of copy that pushes people to signup), but is incomplete or it continues somehow, and you ask people to get the rest by signing up.
You see this with videos (“sign up for video #2”, etc). But you can do this with copy. You write an article or give some content, and then say, “Signup for the rest” or “subscribe and we will notify you when part #2 is published,” or “we will send you parts 2-5 directly to your inbox.” Etc.
But to answer your question specifically, the standard opt-in page copy you’re referring to, well I prefer “medium” sized. IT’s not long copy. But it’s not short, either.