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The Emoticon Memory Game
Making games for learning about feelings is also easy to do. You can purchase these types of games from a number of online stores that sell teaching tools. However, making your own game can be very fun for you, and fun and interesting for your child. A memory game is a perfect way for your child to develop retention skills while also learning about feelings. A picture could be matched up with an emoticon for each pair, and the most pairs wins. For example, a shiny new toy could be paired with a smiley face.
Encouraging Young Children
As children move out of toddlerhood it may seem that they are a bit more detached. Children of this age are learning more about themselves and the world around them. They are able to communicate effectively, most of the time, to tell you their wants and needs. At the same time they are too busy with playing and learning to spend much time just sitting and talking to you.
It is important that you let your child know that they can always come to you if they need you. Even if they just need to talk to someone about their feelings they should feel comfortable seeking you out. At this point they should be able to express their feelings appropriately when prompted to do so. However, the key now is to get them to express feelings without prompting.