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We’ve talked about the work environment and some of the considerations there. Now, it’s time to open the Pandora’s Box and talk about your family situation. Unless you are starting your career fresh, with no history, you probably have a lot of fence mending to do.
Your family and friends may be very discouraged and disappointed that you haven’t found a way to balance your life and spend more time with them.
If this is the case, you need to talk to your family and your friends and tell them what you have in mind. Tell them that you are going to dedicate yourself to achieving balance in your life and ask them for their opinion.
Remember, that you don’t have to take every suggestion anyone gives you, and make clear that you will do what you feel is best in the end, but you want his or her thoughts on the topic.
Listen carefully and be honest with yourself and with your friends and family about what you can expect to achieve. Don’t promise what you can’t deliver.
If there are going to be issues on which you must compromise, if you will have to look for another job where you will make less money in order to achieve your goals, be sure they understand that sacrifice, as well.
There should be no surprises. Before you start this discussion, put some thoughts of your own on paper and think through what you can achieve, realistically. Be prepared to talk to your family and friends and have some idea of how you will execute your plan.
You can change this plan and work with your family to adjust it, but you need to go in with SOME plan or you will face a chaotic mix of accusation, opinion and emotion.