Download 70 of My Best Sales Letters to Copy and Swipe My Most Persuasive, High-Performing Sales Letters!
(For those who don't know me, I don't mean to brag or anything like that, but if you don't know me, you may be wondering, who is this guy? I'm the Sean Mize of: Ezinearticles, the author of: Anyone Can Coach, and this youtube channel: Youtube Channel, among other places online (just google me to find more)
Are you struggling to write salesletters to sell your training or coaching?
Are you frustrated because frankly, you get stuck on what to write, how to persuade, and what are the right words to write in your sales letters, and other things?
Or are you trying to write salesletters that resonate with your buyers, but frankly speaking, you are stuck?
If so, you are not alone, in fact, many of my clients have struggled to write sales letters. . .
So let me ask you this:
How would it feel to have 70 of my own high-performing sales letters to copy, swipe, use for ideas, or to even use as a starter sales letter to write your own? Here's the thing, you may be struggling right now to write high-performing sales letters, but imagine if you had 70 sales letters - in a whole bunch of im niches, to choose from to copy.
It would make it plain and simple, easy!
I can only imagine how much faster I might have progressed if I could have starter with this starter pack of sales letters.
And not only are there sales letters - that are easy to adapt to any im niche - or even ANY OTHER NICHE - but I've also included some of my private label rights sales letters, my packaged sales letters, and some of my personal story type emails that sell big dreams, so you can get ideas for packaging your training together to sell, so you can get ideas for selling private label rights, so you can get ideas for writing big-dream emails.
Here's what you can do with these sales letters:
--> You can use them to copy ideas, sales lines, intro lines, closing lines, closes, guarantees, anything you want to copy
--> (I don't recommend this, but you can still do it): You can use any sales letter as is to sell your own product (for example, if you have a product in a similar or same niche, you can just copy my sales letter and make a few small changes like your name, price, name of the product, and so on