ATTENTION: Bloggers in search of a better way to manage your site....
"Effortless Data Exports Make it Easy to Manage and Promote Your Top Posts & Pages!"
Dear Fellow Blogger,
We all know that blog posts are a critical part of any well-rounded marketing plan. You write and publish posts to help:
Promote your latest product launch
Educate your market
Cover a controversial topic
Demonstrate a new strategy
Provide a case study
And for a host of other reasons
Whatever your reasons for creating blog content, one thing is certain: it works.
New readers find your site via your blog. Fans share your posts and help drive sales. Increased page views mean more advertising dollars.
But even with all those benefits, there's still a fundamental failure that faces bloggers.
All That Great Content Is Easily Lost In The Chaos Of Your WordPress Dashboard
It's true.
That epic blog post you published last year is chock full of fantastic info you want to reference or share, but where the heck is is?
If you're like most WordPress users, sorting and finding those older posts is a hassle. That's simply the nature of blogging, and it's bad for business. Not only is it inefficient to spend time searching your dashboard for that great post you *know* you wrote, but it's bad for social sharing as well.
After all, you can't share what you can't find!
Not only that, but unless you're continually monitoring your social feeds (and who has time for that) there's no good way inside WordPress to...