Tag Archives: Scripts

Auto-Blog Builder Resale Rights Script

Your Auto-Website Builder

Add Hot, Fresh, Search Engine Optimized, Keyword-Targeted Blog Content to Your Site Automatically! Build a Giant Website With Thousands of Pages Instantly - All Real Content! No Spam Pages!

Dear Friend,

Auto-Post The Fresh, Relevant, Keyword-Specific Content on Your Site Quickly & Easily!

How would you like to automate the process of adding the latest, hottest, freshest, most relevant keyword-specific content to your site quickly & easily?

Let me rephrase that...

How would you like to have a auto-site builder that auto-generates thousands of search-engine optimized, keyword-specific blog post pages on your website every day?

Not only would that make your site visitors happy - everyone loves new, fresh and relevant content, but something else would also start visiting you much more frequently.

Yes, I'm talking about search engines!

Always adding new content to newly generated pages on your website (automatically), encourages search engine spiders to crawl your web pages more often and improve your web page listings/rankings. This in turn translates to increased traffic potential. Increased traffic has other side benefits like boosting sales through your shopping cart.

The formula is a real winner: Fresh Content + Happy Visitors + Happy Search Engines.

The question is, how can you do that?

The answer and solution is... Auto-Blog Builder, your automatic website builder, created/invented by Kelvin Hui.

Bannerplus Script Personal Use Script

BannerPlus allows you to set up your own banner/link exchange. It is free software for use on unix servers. It is easy to install and configure using the auto-configure function...

Competitive Keyword Research Script Resale Rights Script

"Thankfully, there is an Instant Keyword Research Tool that anyone can install and use within mere seconds!”

In the time it took you to read the above headline, you could have already installed this simple and supremely effective keyword script and begun your search in HIGHLY PROFITABLE NICHE MARKETS!!

If you can ftp/upload just one file to your web server (no editing) it may actually take you less than 10 seconds from start to finish!

No one loves installing complicated web scripts.  Therefore, the thought of spending hours editing and creating MSQL Databases, tweaking complex code and changing file settings would not be a great deal of fun for anyone.

Most people don’t want to do all the work but still want to find a quick, ultra simple and low cost way of finding hot profitable niches without the hassle.  Thankfully, that is exactly what we are offering here . . .

Finally, Keyword Research Made Easy

Here's why you need to do:  'research' . . . When you're considering buying a new product to sell (resell rights, private label rights or even AdSense templates) you shouldn't make the decision to buy based on how good the seller's sales pitch is.  You need to discover the untold details of the product and the only way you will do that is through conducting proper research.

Too many people do just that and end up with products that they can't sell.  Always remember to never trust a salesperson.  Find out the details on your own and never take them on their word.

The golden rule of Internet Marketing is to find a hungry market before you create or buy products to sell.  If you do not find the proper market, you'll be left with products that nobody wants to buy and you'll waste time and money trying to sell them.  Always - Find an interested crowd . . . then give them what they want.

Roller Coaster Pricing Mrr Script

Roller Coaster Pricing Beat My Firesales by 2 to 1!

Customers Buy, Just to Try For the Best Price!
Introducing Roller Coaster Pricing!

The Idea Behind Roller Coaster Pricing
and Why It Works!

Welcome! YOURNAME here to tell you about a terrific new product that has people begging to get their hands on it!

One of internet marketing's relative newcomers, Todd Gross, took his listmembers by surprise recently with the announcement and demonstration of a pricing scheme that is so devilishly clever that he had customers feeling like they had just hit the jackpot on a slot machine. Todd slipped this brainstorm quietly out in a simple sales letter:

You ready for a FUN President's Day Weekend Sale?

Here's your challenge..


Contact My Members PLR Script

Tired of email messages not getting through, or remaining unopened?…

“Discover How A Revolutionary (But Yet Very Simple) Tool Will GUARANTEE That Your Message Reaches Your Members… Anytime, Every Time & Without Fail!”

As an email marketer myself, I share your concerns about trying to get messages through to your members, and even when you accomplish that, getting them opened…

Taking into account SPAM filters, RSS software, and lazy or busy readers who don’t even open your email, you can reasonably expect only a very small percentage of your intended readers will even SEE any given message you send.

The Statistics for Email Are Not Encouraging…

On June 12, 2006, the Nielsen Norman Group published the Email Newsletter Usability Report. This report found that:

1. Only 19% of newsletters are thoroughly read by the recipients.

2. Readers’ primary method of dealing with email newsletters is to skim them

3. The fact that email users continue to receive more and more email has caused them to become even more stressed and impatient when going through their inbox.

4. Email recipients are increasingly using spam filters as an easy way to eliminate newsletters they no longer wish to receive.

RSS is NOT the Answer…at Least Not Yet....

The Email Newsletter Usability Report found that 82% of email users had no idea what the term “RSS” referred to, and that people scan headlines and blurbs within RSS feeds with more abandon than they scan email newsletters!

Ppc Profit Generator Resale Rights Script

Skyrocket Your Website's PROFITS With Keyword-Targeted PPC Content & Your Own 'Intelligent' PPC Search Box!

Let me ask you a question:

What is the fastest, easiest and 100% guaranteed way to monetize your website traffic?

Let me give you a hint by asking you this question in another way...

What is the 100% Guaranteed Profit-Generating Content & Search Box That You Can Add to Your Website Right Now?

The answer is Pay-Per-Click (PPC)!

That's right!

Adding PPC advertising - PPC content and PPC search engine or search box - to your website is one of, if not the fastest and easiest way to monetize your website.

How does the PPC advertising model compare with the famous affiliate model?

Affiliate Advertising Vs. PPC Advertising!

PPC is an online advertising model where publishers/site owners like you make money every time a PPC advertising link is clicked by a site visitor.

Whereas with affiliate programs/advertising/promotions you only make money when a sale is generated, PPC makes you money per visitor click.

Let's compare:

Affiliate Advertising Process

1. Visitor clicks on your affiliate link.
Note: Visitor needs to use your affiliate link as is, without deleting your affiliate ID :)

2. Visitor goes to a destination page, like a sales letter.

3. Visitor clicks the order button.

4. Visitor takes out his credit card and places the order.

5. You make money; affiliate commissions.

Ad Tracking Pro Resale Rights Script

Note: This web page is specifically reserved for 'net marketers who are actively seeking a simplified way to make an incredible leap in their Internet business.

"How Your New Ad Tracker Will Save You Massive Amounts Of Profit & Time, Increase Sales & Ad Responses, And Grow Your Business For You Exponentially!"

Dear friend,

With your permission, I'd like you to answer a question for me. You see, there is one question that plagues just about every 'net marketer doing business online.

Well, let me get straight to the point.

Answer this; What does it take to really succeed with an online business? Do you know the answer? If I told you that I have the answer, and that I have solid proof to back it up, would you believe me?

In just a minute, I will be unveiling the answer and how you can solve the problem! Instantly and easily, creating surges of easy cash, cold hard cash for yourself, your family and whatever else you may need.

When Millions Were Actually THROWN IN THE GUTTER!

Let me tell you how 4 Internet marketers, just like you- lost millions of dollars by not employing the correct answer to the question above.

These 4 marketers did "almost" every thing right. They created and sold their own products, ran their own affiliate programs, bought courses and e-books to educate themselves with new profit strategies, worked hard at generating traffic, just like you do- right now.

But one element of their marketing plan was missing, and as it turns out, this one element is the breakthrough that literally skyrocketed their income as soon as they employed it.

So what is the answer to that question? It isn't about writing ad copy, getting traffic, creating products, or building a list, the key- the one specific money-making key to Internet marketing is the ability to measure and effective test all avenues of your online cashflow without spending much time.