Tag Archives: Scripts With Video

Mobipro Personal Use Script With Video

Now you can Create A Mobile Version Of Your Site In Minutes Without Knowing Any Techie Stuff - Guaranteed. And you can give it away, resell it or re-package it.

One Time Offer Script MRR Script With Video

"This Offer Is 100% Guaranteed To Expire Today By Closing This Window, Refreshing Your Browser Or Clicking The Back Arrow The Price Will Go Up!"

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,

Last month I did a bit of testing with a new "exit page script" on a few select offers. After trying the script out a bit I decided to ask a few of the other marketers I know what they thought and most of them agreed it was a BIG hit. Adversely, one of the more interesting messages I got back got was....

Hey Jeff, This is a GREAT script! However, I'm curious about one thing. Why not just offer the special price right up front? This way if they go to leave the website they lose out on the discount offer or bonus and in the meantime there's no annoying pop-up, pop-over or pop-under to worry about, which quite honestly I believe would increase sales."

Now... there are some who would debate the increase in sales volume when using pop-ups and exit page strategies. However, as good as this may seem, no one I've ever met would argue the fact that a GOOD DEAL with limited quantity and / or limited time availability isn't an EVEN BETTER strategy.

Doing This Creates A Strong Sense Of Urgency!

Your potential buyer may try to call your bluff on this the first time, but afterwards when you send out an offer telling them to visit your website for a really amazing deal they will believe you when they read about the offer expiring if they leave your website, because it's happened to them before.

As time goes on your customers will actually begin to appreciate your honesty, knowing they're getting your absolute lowest price or best bonus by taking action quickly and not putting things off and coming back later when it seems a bit more convenient.

They may even chuckle a bit quietly to themselves thinking about the people who don't take warnnings about the "one time offer" seriously and close the window, hit refresh testing thigns or try to leave.

Plus, you'll be able to set the new One Time Offer Script up to run on ANY PAGE without needing to purchase expensive software or learning any fancy html, css or php programming languages.

All you'll need to do is open the sales page in your favorite text editor to add a small section of code to the website page and upload your changes along with the other 2 files to display your special offer.

Login Manager Pro Resale Rights Script With Video

AUTOMATICALLY Login to Affiliate Sites, Membership Sites, List Building Sites...

Do You Sign Up to Many Affiliate Programs...

It's tough enough keeping track of commissions from selling other peoples products but having to login to each and every one of them just to review stats can be pain in the behind.

I couldn't tell you how many times I've forgotten to login to a membership site to download the latest monthly product, only to realize I've missed one or worse "two" months. Now that is upsetting and if they remove the products of the previous month, that's wasted money.

With Login Manager Pro, when I see all the affiliate and membership sites that I belong to right there starring me right in the face, It makes it so much easier to just click and in, download or check commissions earned.

Every Good Product deserves an affiliate program.. One where those that have purchased the product and find it to be valuable not only to the buyer but to others they know as well. A Great Product can Generate a Great Income and there are Hundreds of them online. Not Everyone uses Clickbank and even if they do you will find they have an affiliate program to join in order to show commissions for any referrals. If you are like me, you have several affiliate urls to login to. Login Manager Pro makes it easy to login at any time to any affiliate program you belong to. Without having to search for the url and login details.

Login Manager Pro Lets You Manage and Organize All your Logins All from One Location...