Tag Archives: Resale Rights

Surefire Profit System Resale Rights Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Set Up Your Autoresponder

Selling downloadable information products from a website is a great way to make money with very little overhead. But the key to making long-term profits is to make additional follow-up sales to people who buy from you.

To do that, you need an email mailing list. That’s why you need an autoresponder.

What’s An Autoresponder?

Fancy term, simple idea. An autoresponder is software that lets you.

Maintain an email mailing list, typically containing first names and email addresses for subscribers, but perhaps including additional information (like a phone number or mailing address)

Send out emails automatically on a schedule you specify to people who sign up for an email mailing list.

Send out broadcast emails at any time you want, unrelated to the automatically scheduled emails you set up in your autoresponder.

You’ve probably been to a website and signed up for a mailing list. Or maybe you signed up for a free report or something else free, and ended up on the mailing list. You probably provided your first name and email address. Then sometime later, possibly right away, you got an email that starts like this:

Hi [your name], Welcome to the list...

They got your name from the online form you filled out to join their list, or to get their freebie. Having your name let them personalize their email message to you, meaning they included your name.

The interesting thing is that they didn’t have to write that email just for you. They set it up in their autoresponder account ahead of time, and scheduled it to be sent to you immediately when you joined the list. In other words, they wrote one email that might get personalized and sent to thousands of people. That’s the power of an autoresponder.

Autoresponder Services

You can buy your own autoresponder and run it on your computer or on your web server, but I don’t recommend it. It’s a setup headache, and it usually isn’t as reliable as signing up for an autoresponder service.

Your autoresponder will be the lifeline of your business. So don't settle for a cheap system. I can't stress enough how important it is to use a quality autoresponder service that gets mail delivered.

I’m an expert programmer. So I could easily set up my own autoresponder system. In fact, I used to own a service that I built from scratch called MailListPro and it was very successful for a while.

But the industry changed and it became nearly impossible for me to maintain relationships with ISPs and get the mail delivered for my clients. So I eventually shut it down.

Now I send all my mail through Aweber. Here’s why…

I have done extensive research and testing in this area so I know what I'm talking about. It's all about deliverability.

Aweber has a full-time staff of people who constantly monitor the millions of emails that get sent every day and maintain relationships with the major ISPs (AOL, Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc.).

What that means is that your mail gets delivered. Period.

If you try to send mail from your own server or use a free autoresponder service (and I’m not exaggerating when I say this), you'll be lucky if 50% of your mail gets through to its destination. And that means your sales will be at most half of what they would be if more of your email go delivered!

I use a system called Delivery Monitor ($79 a month) to monitor my mailings. I have tested both Aweber and GetResponse and both services have excellent delivery rates (90-99%). But Aweber is always the highest.

Higher delivery rates means more money in your pocket. And for under $20 a month, you can't go wrong. I have used and tested other popular autoresponder services and when it comes to delivery, Aweber beats them all. I also prefer Aweber’s user interface because it’s much easier and more intuitive to use.

Aweber is also the first choice for most successful Internet marketers (just look at the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the emails you receive). They have been around since online marketing started and they have perfected their email delivery system.

Affiliate Cash Secrets Resale Rights Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Step #4: Write a Followup Series

Now that you have products to sell and a viral PDF report to give away, it's time to load your autoresponder with a series of email messages that will be sent automatically to your new subscribers.

The first message will go out immediately after they verify their subscription to your list. This is a good time to start building a relationship with your new subscriber and establish yourself as an authority on the topics related to your market.

First, thank them for subscribing and let them know who you are and what to expect from you. If you've had success with the product you are promoting, let them know by telling your story. Don't forget to add a short endorsement for the product you're promoting at the close of the message.

The next message should be queued for the following day. This message should be more pre-sell content such as an article, a product review or a video. Include the product endorsement with your affiliate link at the close of the message.

The third message should go out the next day. This should be a hard sell stressing all the benefits of the main product.

The next four messages should be sent two days apart. You can send more information about the product or promote related products and services.

That's a total of seven followup messages. You don't want to queue more than that because you'll also be sending promotions for other products frequently.

Step #5: Create Your Squeeze Page System

The purpose of your squeeze page is to promote your free report and collect the visitor's email address. It's called a "squeeze page” because there is only one course of action they can take on the page - join your list.

An effective squeeze page should contain an attention-grabbing headline, a high-impact ecover graphic, a bulleted list of benefits they will receive from reading the report, and a call to action above your opt-in box.

If your squeeze page looks professional and enticing, you will get more signups. And more signups means more money! In fact, you can easily make up to $1.00 per subscriber per month using my system. Get 1,000 subscribers on your list -make $1,000 per month (every month!).

Using Verified Opt-In

SPAM regulations are very strict these days and I highly recommend that you use verified opt-in to build your list. Not only will you stay out of trouble with the "SPAM police", but you'll also build a higher quality list.

What is verified opt-in?

When someone visits your squeeze page to download your free PDF report, they must first "opt in" to your list by entering their name and email address.

Without verification, their information would be added to your list and they would be redirected to the download page. So they could easily mistype or intentionally give you a bogus email address and still get the free report.

When you use verified opt-in, your subscribers are redirected to a page that instructs them to check their email for the download link. When they click on the verification link inside the email message, they are added to your list and redirected to the download page and you know you have a valid email address.

Maximizing Your Verification Rate

The problem with verified opt-in is the fact that some people won't bother to check their email for the verification link or may never receive it do to SPAM filters. However, there are several tactics that I use to get verification rates (the number of people who verify their subscriptions) as high as 85%!

The first tactic I use is personalizing the thank you page (the page that your subscribers see after opting in to your list).

This requires some programming knowledge so I won't go into too much detail here. Basically, there is a way to pass the name and email through an autoresponder like Aweber to the thank you page on your website and imbed those variables into the page.

I know that sounds complicated, but imagine this...

After your subscriber gives you their name and email address, they are redirected to a page with a big headline that reads...

Just one more step [firstname]...

We just sent the download link to [email]

Please check your email right now for the download link. If you accidentally entered the wrong email address, you can simply hit the "back" button and submit a new one...

Can you see how powerful that is? And when you add detailed instructions about whitelisting and SPAM filters, well...it all adds up to more subscribers on your list.

The second tactic I use is personalizing the verification subject (the subject line of the verification message).

Which of these two subject lines do you think would get the best response?

RESPONSE REQUIRED: Confirm your request for information from {!listname}@aweber.com


{!firstname}, Confirm to Download "Automatic Money Machines”

I'd bet you picked the second one because it's personalized with the subscribers name and the title of the report. Personalization is one of the many psychological triggers that will significantly increase your verification rate.

Those are two of the many powerful tactics I use to add hundreds of quality, verified subscribers to my list every day. And if you join Affiliate Cash Secrets, you'll have instant access to plug-n-go squeeze page systems that utilize every technological trick and psychological trigger I know to maximize your opt-in rate and build your list at lightning speed!

Step #6: Generate Targeted Traffic

The number one question that I always get from new affiliate marketers is, "How do I get traffic to my squeeze page?”

My advice is to use methods that have been proven to work. Try one method at a time. Make it work for you, and then move on to something else.

In this section, I will show you the traffic generation techniques I have used to drive over one million visitors to my site last year.

Email Copy That Sells Resale Rights Ebook With Video

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Start With A Strong Opening

Here's another tactic to get your readers' attention:

Use strong openings.

This should be the first line in your email (unless you use the Hi [FIRSTNAME] tag).

Here are some example strong openings:

“I'm fed up!"

"It was so difficult!"

“They called me crazy!"

Your readers will want to know what's making you emotional.

Write With Excitement & Emotion

There's no better way than to write in a exciting and passionate way. Your subscribers will sense it and that passion will shine through.

However, there's a fine line between feeling excited and being overly hypey. Find that balance and add your own voice to your message so you don't end up sounding like a cheesy salesman.

What's W.I.I.F.M.? It stands for What's In It For Me. With anything you offer, there must always be a reason why they should click your link, buy your product, opt-in and so on.

What’s the reason why they should buy your product or a product you're promoting?

People don't buy features, they buy based on what they'll get out of it.

Take this as a hypothetical example. We've got an acne cream we want to promote. One of its features is it gets rid of acne. Now, we don't just tell our readers it gets rid of acne. What does that mean to the user? We need to give them benefits. So I would put it like this:

This cream gets rid of acne, which means you'll feel a lot more attractive, you'll be able to stand tall and confident, and won't be embarrassed meeting people in person anymore.

Sales 101 - People buy based on emotion and then justify with logic.

Scarcity, Deadlines and Limits

Where an offer is limited, let your subscribers know. If there are only 100 copies of a product, include it in your subject line.

Example subject line:

[FIRSTNAME] - Brand New Fitness Report (100 Copies Only)

Your offer may not have a limit with the number of copies, but it may instead have a time limit.

Example subject line:

[FIRSTNAME] - Download Your Free Fitness Report (24 Hours Only)

Limiting the number of copies or using a deadline, creates a sense of urgency.

I have subscribers who buy my products straight away without even reading the full sales page because I set limited number of copies and timeframes.

Testimonials and Social Proof

Testimonials, feedback and reviews from your customers are precious. Some people only buy when they know your product has been tried and tested by other people.

Picture this. You're out with your friends looking for a good restaurant to dine in. There are three restaurants at a block you come across. Two are empty and the other is filled with happy diners. Which would be your choice?

Most people would choose the restaurant that's filled!

This is called social proof. People will do things that they see other people are doing.

Here's another scenario. Hotel booking sites integrate a review/feedback system where guests who book a hotel through the site can later leave feedback and rate the hotel. Other people can then see what other guests think about the hotel and then decide whether they would like to stay at that hotel based on the feedback given.

It's all so common especially nowadays with social media.

You could tell your readers how great your product is, but if they're skeptical, then they'll either delay buying your product or not buy your it at all.

Let's say you had been given positive feedback from a customer of yours. You can use your customer's testimonial in your email copy. It beats bragging on and on about how great your product is. Wouldn't it be better if it came from actual customers?

Focus On One Goal

People easily get distracted, especially in this day and age. A website with lots of buttons and links will easily distract a visitor.

When writing any piece of copy, make sure it is focused on one goal.

It could be to get your readers to click on your link to read more, buy your product, and so on. This is the "linear path” method of writing sales copy. The goal is to make them read from top to bottom without getting distracted.

The same idea goes when you're writing your sales copy on your website. You wouldn't want to promote 10 different products and have 10 different banner ads on one page. You want to get them to just buy one product.

Quick Cash Bully Resale Rights Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Video Promotion-Updated for 2014

I am going to keep this section brief because it is really simple and straight forward. The "On Page" stuff will be a review for many as that part hasn't changed.

Step 1. After you finish recording your video, you need to save the file as the product name you are promoting...so it will look like this:

Productname.mp4 or youtube bully.mp4 for example.

Then upload the file to your channel. If you don't know how to do this or don't know how to set up a Youtube channel, don't worry..it is super easy and there are tons of videos on Youtube showing how to do this so no need to go over freely available information here.

Step 2. Chose a title for your Video.

I usually follow this format for most of my videos:

Product name Review-DON'T Buy Product Name

I'll even follow that if I am recommending they buy the course so that they don't buy the course without my(and your) valuable bonus as it hits the main keywords people will be searching for in the title.

Step 3. Enter a description

Usually what I'll do in the description is place my keyword, the product name, at the very beginning when I upload my video-followed by my url(ie my squeeze page url, affiliate link etc)

That is so that when the spiders crawl my description, the main keyword is the first thing they see.

For the rest of the description, now I'll just go to the product JV page and grab one of their email swipes as it will have the product name keyword sprinkled about and I'll just paste it in the description below the link...

It is just for search engine food. No need to spend a lot of time on the description as nobody reads it.

Step 4- Enter tags.

I usually just enter my tags as product name, product name review, product name reviews, product name bonus, Buy product name.

Choose category-I usually just choose Education.

That's it for the on page stuff. Most of this will be review for many but need to get the new marketers up to speed.

Off Page Promotion

With all of the updates, I am not doing mass social bookmarking anymore...but plan on doing an experiment with it soon as my videos that I used to use in on, both in and out of the IM niche are still ranked.

So we need to get a lot of links...and we need to get quality links that Google likes...so here is what I do

Step 5- Write a press release

This is super easy...and once you write a few, you can edit the existing ones so they take maybe 10 minutes and just switch out product names and do a little rewrite.

I will include a few of my former press releases in the download so you can use them as templates.

The main thing is it has to be a newsworthy angle, not be promotional, and include some quotes. Just follow my templates and you'11 be good to go and your release will get accepted.

Step 6- Submit Press Release

My favorite place is webwire.com Yes, it costs $30 but it really gives your video a boost...and getting these videos ranked will put a lot of money in your pocket.

I have had better results with webwire than any of the other paid press release services...but you are welcome to try the others out pr web, sbwire etc.

If you are on a budget, you can just go over to Fiverr.com and do a search for "Press release syndication"

You'11 find people who will submit your release to the free sites...and often times you' 11 find someone who will submit it to Sbwire for $5. I just found one right now doing just that.

Step 7- Turn Press release into a PDF and submit to the PDF sites.

Go over to Fiverr.com and search for PDF submission and you'll find people who will submit your pdf to the high pr pdf sites for $5.

In many cases, that will be enough to rank. I realize that the costs may add up, so you may want to consider using software.

Back when I was doing this hard core, I would outsource most of my backlinking and my monthly bill would be north of $700...and I was happy to do it, but I eventually went to software.

Cpa Bully Resale Rights Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

As mentioned earlier, I wmild enter the McDonalds terms as tags...except I would use 2014 instead of 2013.

For the description, I will search for an article about the keyword...and paste it in the description, with all of their links in tact so that you are crediting the source.

Most of the time, I'll just go over to ezinearticles.com and do a search for my main keyword and grab the article.

This is just search engine food. Don't w^ory about duplicate content here. If you are that worried about it, you can wTite and article..but just telling you that would be a huge wuste of your time.

Click HERE for the Video tutorial for this section

Off Page SEO

Ok...so this is where w-e are going to get eyeballs in front of your videos.

I have been doing this for a while, and I have yet to find a better method of ranking videos than my method which I have taught in my other courses...and I have experimented.

So if its not broke, then no need to fix it.

I start all of my campaigns with Social Adr.

This is for IP Spread and for making the linking look natural. It is not enough to rank a video by itself.

Just a great way to start your linking.

I then copy and paste the title and description from Social Adr into my bookmarking software or give it to my outsourcer.

Click HERE to See a Video on How To DO This

The advantage of using software vs Outsourcing for mass social bookmarking is that it can save you a lot of money.

I used to spend $600 plus per month on my campaigns.

Obviously, I was very profitable, but I was able to trim those costs substantially...and have more control over when the backlinking was compeleted as often these providers are pretty swamped and can take a while to complete jobs.

If you want to go the software route, I recommend either Bookmarking Demon or Magic Submitter.

Bookmarking Demon is a very good piece of software and I have used it for at least 2 yrs.

Magic Submitter can do what Bookmarking Demon can do...plus you can submit to press release sites, PDF sites, and video sites.

It does have a monthly fee however.

You can tiy Magic Submitter for $4.95 by Clicking Here

Both softwares can save quite a bit over outsourcing and you can't go wrong with either one.

If you would like to go the outsourcing route, I have enclosed in the download package a list of mass bookmarking providers.

Just don't use Fiver for social bookmarking. It doesn't work.

I have had a bunch of emails from people who try to shortcut this and go to Fiverr for bookmarking...and they never get the necessary amount of links to rank.

The problem is, you won't get the 1500-2000 bookmarks from different IP's that I have found necessary to put a video on the front page quickly.

You are welcome to try Fiverr links...but I never had any success with them.

So for mass social bookmarking, either use Software or Outsource to the list I have provided.

BTW.ibr Social Adr, you don't need their expensive monthly package. If you scroll all the way through the process and keep clicking the No Thanks button, they will give you and option for $15 per month(it might be $17 now)

That will be plenty.

You can sign up for Social Adr HERE

After doing the Social Adr and the Mass Social bookmarking, I would wait a week or tw>o and see how your video does.

If you need more backlinking powder after that, you can follow^ the rest of the steps in my Youtube Bully 2 video course which I have loaded in the autoresponder.

And that is really all there is to it.

Azon Bully Resale Rights Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

The whole idea here is to get them to click on your link. People have short attention spans these days so anything longer than 2 minutes, in my opinion, is too long.

A word for the perfectionists out there. It doesn't have to be a Steven Spielberg production. Just a decent quality video talking about the benefits of a product.

Just get something out there.

When people search for product names, they are in buying mode...you just need to be there to give them a bit of a nudge. They are not in research mode. They have already done that.

We are just showing up at the end of the research-buying cycle to get them to purchase through our link.

Ranking the Video

Unless you are going after something like an iphone launch or something like that, it should be very easy to rank these videos(think new TV's, Amplifiers, speakers etc)

With that said, I still would encourage you to put videos out for the higher competition keywords like iphone launches.


Because with the search volume alone, you will get sales even if your video is buried.

Also, you can rank for those if you follow my formula in Youtube Bully 2 and the Youtube Bully 2 case study.

So lets cover the essentials for ranking a video. I discuss these in my other courses, but I'll go over them quickly here because if you get this part wrong, it won't work.
On Page Video SEO

The first thing you need to do is name your video file your main keyword before uploading.

So if your keyword is the In52b750 or the Samsung In52b750, your video file needs to me In52b750.mp4

BTW, that keyword made me a lot of money. Its an older model, so don't go out there making a video for it. I just made really good money when it was a new TV.

And you can do the same with these types of products.

Second, your title, tags, and description need to have the main keyword in it.

For the description, what I like to do is find an article about the keyword...and paste it in the description, with all of their links in tact so that you are crediting the source.

This is just search engine food. Don't wory about duplicate content here. If you are that worried about it, you can write and article..but just telling you that would be a huge waste of your time.

Make sure you have your link to your landing page in your description in the first line.

Tip: If you are doing a simple blogger blog for your landing page, include it even if you are putting the link in the video as described in the Youtube Adwords Magician course.

The reason is, Google owns Blogger...so that will help give your video a bit of love.

Off Page SEO

Ok...for most of these keywords, this will be easy. All you need to do is follow the first step in my Youtube Bully 2 method...and that is Mass Social Bookmarking.

For this, I use Bookmarking Demon and Social Adr.


Because I used to outsource this, and it can expensive.

Most people try to shortcut this and go to Fiverr.com. The problem is, you won't get the 1500-2000 bookmarks that I have found necessary to put a video on the front page quickly.

You are welcome to try Fiverr links...but I never had any success with them.

I am offering a bookmarking list for those that purchase Bookmarking Demon through my link.

If you are on a budget and cant afford BMD right away, no problem. I have loaded in my autoresponder a list of quality vendors that you can have this work done for you.

I just use and recommend BMD because it saves a lot of money in the long run...and you don't have to wait a week to get the job done.

Timing is important on these launches as you want to be ranked the day the product comes out.

I simply just run BMD while I am asleep.

You can also use SE Nuke X...but that is a lot more expensive.

I use Social Adr, and have done so since 2009, for IP spread and to spread my links across multiple user accounts to make my linking look natural.

I then copy and paste my title and decription into BMD(or give to your outsourcer) and I am done.

Very simple

BTW..for Social Adr, you don't need their expensive monthly package. If you scroll all the way through the process and keep clicking the No Thanks button, they will give you and option for $15 per month(it might be $17 now)

That will be plenty.

Youtube Bully 2 Case Study Resale Rights Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

In this section, I am going to talk about the promotion I did for the Provillus video in Step-By-Step format in the order I did things.

I am also going to comment on each step and what order I tend to do things now.

The first few steps will be a review if you have Youtube Bully 2...then we will get into the specific services I use to take things to the next level.

I want to get everyone up to speed for those that don't have my other courses.
Step 1. Bookmarking with Social Adr.

They have recently added Facebook Likes, Twitter, and Google + for that much needed social proof. I use this service mainly to keep my links looking natural and to get good IP diversity and IP spread.

The service is $15-$ 17 per month... and if you scroll thru the buying process and keep on clicking “No Thanks” they will show you the $15 option.

This is also a cheap way to rank for new products on Amazon.com(hint..product model keywords work well here..for example Panasonic TC P50S60)

Click Here for Social Adr

Step 2. Mass Social Bookmarking

I use Bookmarking Demon for this as it saves me a ton of money. I used to spend $45 for 2,000 bookmarks on WickedFire.com...and it was worth it...but it also got expensive as My monthly bill was north of $700. Now I just used Bookmarking Demon.

I have found that 1,500 to 2,000 bookmarks to be the magic number here.

If you purchase through my link, I will give you a new list of bookmarks you can use.

I just use Bookmarking demon because it save me money...thats all.

Also, every few months you will need to get a new list as sites start to die. That is just the nature of the beast.

So what I do, is just go over to the sites above and look for bookmarking gigs...and then just put the report they give me into Bookmarking Demon...and I have a fresh list of sites to use.

For things like product launches and marginally competitive keywords, this will be enough to rank most of the time.

Another strategy is to use this for Amazon products.

Why Amazon?

Because of their low commission rate... and the fact they take a while to pay out(ex. Commissons for June will be paid in the middle of August) means a lot less competition for you.

If you decide to pursue Amazon, make sure to make a quick blogger blog... and just put up an image with a call to action...and maybe a little text talking about the product.

If you direct link to Amazon from Youtube, they will take your video down.

Using the 2 linking methods above will be enough to rank for many low to mid competition key words... including product launches that can make you a lot of money quickly.

The above ranking strategy has made me $3,000 in one week from one video for a product launch. Thats not the norm...but it can happen.

Also, I just simply copy my title and description into Bookmarking demon rather than typing out the whole thing over again.

Ok...now we are getting into specific services I used to rank my Provillus video.

Please note that I am not affiliated with any of these people or services in any way.

Step 3. Press Release Through Webwire

I usually will wait about a week after doing the first 2 steps because I might rank without having to pay for a press release...but for the keyword Provillus, I knew it was a very competitive keyword so I just went ahead and ordered one right off the bat.

You can also do this step 1st if you know it is a competitive keyword...but if you are just starting out, I recommend doing the first 2 steps and waiting a week or so to see how things go. Again, you may not need a press release.

This service works like Gangbusters.

You can get press release's written pretty cheap. You can go to getarticlesdone.com or do what I do and get an article written from there...and turn it into a press release with a few tweeks.

I cover how I do that in Youtube Bully 2.

Step 4. Turn Press Release into a PDF...then Distribute to High PR Doc Sharing Sites

Google really likes these Doc Sharing sites.

This is pretty easy. You already have the press release in your hands. Just turn it into a pdf file(open office writer has an export to pdf option...I'm sure MS Word does as well)

I use this Fiverr gig...for $5 to deliver to 30 high PR doc sites...very good value...especially considering the cost of some softwares that does the same thing...and to not as many high PR doc sites.

Step 5-Link Wheel

I used this gig to create a link wheel on high PR sites. This guy has done good work for me..one time he was pretty late and I had to cancel the work...but we're human and that was the only time I had an issue out of many orders.

Youtube Bully 2 Resale Rights Video

"The 6-Step Secret To Getting Top Google Rankings in 14 Days Or Less and Profiting Over $3,000 Per Month, on AUTOPILOT..."

Dear Fellow Internet Marketer, Mark dickensonI feel your pain. I'm sure you've tried every trick in the book to rank your sites and videos at the top of Google...only to be disappointed in your results. Perhaps you've tried article marketing, Facebook, Solo ads,the latest hyped Product launch, loopholes etc, ..and haven't received the results and income you deserve. Why is that? Because most of the courses out there are theory...and not based on actual income streams. It's highly unlikely that these other courses show you one of their income streams and show EXACTLY, Step-by-Step what they did to achieve their results. In fact, I would be surprised if someone showed you their actual site or video in a sales letter at all! Well, in this report, I am doing something I said I wouldn't do in my last few courses. That is sacrificing one of my income streams so that you can finally put and end to struggle and be successful like my other customers. mikede