Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Part 6 – The Blueprints
Note: There are 5 Blueprints included here. In addition to these 5, we will be releasing new Blueprints monthly. Each subsequent Blueprint will be based on a newly-released or forthcoming Internet Marketing product, and will give you the strategy, tactics, and methods from each, along with step-by-step plans for implementing them. As a T100k customer, you will receive each new Blueprint as it is released, and at no additional charge.
This section contains the step-by-step blueprints. While you are free to "mix and match" between them, - and in fact we encourage you to take strategies each and apply them elsewhere as appropriate - they are written to be individual, stand alone plans for implementing their respective strategies.
Each blueprint begins with a summary or description of its particular strategy and emphasis, what it is best suited for, then the actual steps for implementing it.
Each Blueprint has been tested and tracked extensively. If you follow the directions, you will get the same results.
Where a Blueprint is based on another product, we will also provide a clear and honest “pro's & con's” review of the product it was based on.
Note: We will be sending out new Blueprints each month, based on the best and newest strategies, and the hottest new internet marketing products being released. Your purchase of this course includes all future Blueprints, at no additional cost!
“SEO Ranking” Blueprint
Use this Blueprint for your niche sites, blogs, articles, videos, etc., in order to get ranked and funnel search engine traffic to you.
The “SEO Ranking Blueprint” is ideal for new keyword-based sites such as affiliate marketing niche and product sites, informational Adsense sites, review sites, etc. You can also modify the steps and use it for any existing sites that you want to get ranked for particular keywords. If you are applying this Blueprint to an existing site, you might want to go over Step 2 (“Optimization”) to insure your content and layout is optimized, then begin at Step 4 (“Backlinking”).
Note that the steps are written to accommodate blogs & websites; if you want to use this Blueprint for “single URL” targets such as articles or videos, simply ignore the instructions that reference additional URL's or adding new content.
Step 1 – Preliminary Preparation
Your preparation will depend in part on what it is you are looking to rank i.e. website pages, articles ,etc. Preparation will consist of listing the keywords/phrases you want to rank for, and the URL's you want to rank. Remember, it's individual URL's or pages that rank, not websites. In the case of articles or videos, your 'target' for ranking is obvious. If it is your website, you must decide which pages/URL's you want to rank, and what keyword phrases you want them to rank for.
You can use the included “Tracking Sheet” to list URL's & keywords.
Step 2 – Optimization
Each 'target' must be optimized for the keywords/phrases we want them to rank for. If we are applying this Blueprint to a video, our optimization will be limited to including our target keywords in the video title and description, and including it in any tags that are allowed.
For articles, Web 2.0 sites, and web pages, here is how our optimization should look:
Keyword/phrase in the title. It is preferable to begin the title with our keywords, since search engines 'parse' the same way we read, from left-to-right. This also means the most significance and weight is given to the words that appear 'earlier' than those that appear 'later'.
Keyword/phrase in the first sentence. For web pages and articles, we want the first sentence of our content to have our target keyword, again as close to the beginning of the sentence as practical. In he case of Web 2.0 sites, the first sentence of each content block or module.
Keyword/phrase in the first sentence of the last paragraph.
Exact keyword phrase 2-4 times throughout the body of the text.
Keyword phrase variations. These would be plurals, alternate tense's, and alternate & expanded wordings, and should appear where the exact keyword would be used, in order to avoid 'over-using' the primary keyword. For example, if our keyword phrase is “dog training collar”, our variations might include “dog training collars” and “collar for dog training”, as well as “dog collars” and “collars”. The purpose is both to limit over-use of the exact phrase, but also to enhance relevance of the text to our.
Step 3 – Indexing.
Before we begin our ranking efforts, we must insure our URL/page is indexed in the search engines. This will happen 'naturally' once it is published. We can use Google's “site:” operator to check if it's a webpage: Google “ Our URL will show up as soon as it's been indexed. For articles, etc., we can Google the title, or a chunk of text in quotes to see if it shows up.
Step 4 – Backlinking.
This is the 'heart' of our “SEO Ranking Blueprint”, and where most of our efforts will go. The key to ranking is the combination of optimized content, and effective backlinking; the key to effective backlinking is strength, relevance, diversity, and consistency – in other words, we want to generate varied and strong backlinks, consistently over time.