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Chapter 01 - Introduction
If you run a business from home, then it's important to recognize that it's going to mean living a completely different lifestyle from the majority of people you know. Not having a commute in the morning, not spending all day sitting in an office and being able to generally create your own working hours puts you on an entirely different page from most people you'll know.
For the most part, this is a good thing. Being able to set your working hours, to dictate the way you work and when you work and getting to spend time doing something you love can all contribute to a much happier and healthier lifestyle on the whole. In fact, it's a starting point for improving overall health.
At the same time though, this type of lifestyle also brings with it its own challenges. And because very few people live the same lifestyle you do, that means you're going to be somewhat 'on your own' when it comes to finding advice on how to manage this work/life balance.
Well, until you found this book anyway!
Here's the long and the short of it: being self-employed and working from home gives you the freedom to begin your own 'lifestyle design'. This is pretty much the way things are moving and is likely the future of working. Technology is making it possible for us to work remotely in more and more industries and more and more roles. The benefits of this kind of work drastically outweigh the cons – for both the employee and employer – and so the traditional office may soon become a rarity rather than the norm.
That means the emphasis is on increasingly more of us to look after our own health and work/life balance. This book will help you to do just that.
1.1 Working From Home: The Possible Health Benefits
As mentioned, when done right, working from home has the potential to lead to incredible health benefits.
Let's look at the facts. Most of the population is overweight, overtired and overstressed. If you can still remember working in an office, then no doubt you will recall what it felt like to have a full on day in the office, to travel home for an hour on the train/bus or in the car and then to have to cook dinner when you got back.
What did you most often end up doing? You threw something in the microwave and you collapsed in front of the television. And then when your friends called to invite you out, you ignored that and carried on 'vegging out'.
Many of us talk about 'time management' and we say that the reason we don't stick to a training regime/weight loss program is that we don't have the time. This is in fact all wrong. Most of us have plenty of time (otherwise, how did you manage to fit in the entire series of Lost recently?) but what we lack is the energy. Without energy, we don't have will-power. Without will-power, things don't get done and we start to drown in a list of things we need to be doing and become incredibly stressed. Our bodies suffer, our relationships suffer and we don't live life to the fullest.
Working from home can change all that. Working from home means that you can choose to work out in the morning or in the afternoon – you just have to choose the time that you have the most energy. At the same time, it means you can put food on the stove while you're working and watch it simmer.
Working from home means you can sit outside and feel the sun on your face, instead of being cooped up in an office (which is known to contribute to stress and depression). Working from home means that you don't have to commute down busy streets with hundreds of people walking at you during rush hour – this wreaks havoc with your heartrate.
In short, when you work from home you get to choose your priorities and you reduce the stress of working several times over. Now you can put yourself first and that's an incredibly important and valuable thing to be able to do.
The potential health benefits are transformative and life-changing. This book will show you how to start working from home if you don't already and how to take maximum advantage of that situation so that you're able to feel your very best and feel the benefits in every other area of your life.
Oh and of course this will have a powerful knock-on effect and impact on your productivity helping you to get more work done and to a much higher quality.
1.2 Working From Home: The Health Risks
But this book won't just be about capitalizing on the amazing health benefits of working from home. Just as importantly, we'll be looking at the potential health risks that working from home can pose. And make no mistake: there are many.
Think being shouted at by your boss is stressful? How about being shouted at by 10 angry clients? Or 300 angry customers who just downloaded your app?
And here's the difference between working for someone versus working for yourself: when you work for someone else and you have an unproductive day, you still get paid.
When you work for yourself and you have an unproductive day? You get nothing.
Have a bad month? You still get nothing. That's another thing: working for yourself is highly volatile and unpredictable and that's why some people refer to bipolar depression as 'the entrepreneur's disease'.