Tag Archives: Personal Use

Biz Goals Personal Use Ebook With Audio

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Don’t Overcomplicate Your Business Goal Efforts

Many business owners are under the false assumption that goals have to be a formal document, several hundred pages long. There are businesses who have been successful with goals written on a single page. While not every business will have the luxury of keeping their goals to one page, the consensus is to keep your goal-setting efforts as simple as possible.

Goals need to be usable. If you create a multipage document that is both unreadable and unmanageable you have wasted your efforts and your time. If the goals affect others, you will be wasting their time as well. When you set out to create clear and concise goals, people will find them easier to work with.

Start by listing out the major objectives of your business. Keep this stage high-level. It can be as simple as stating you want to increase your cus-tomer base by 12% within the next year. Another possibility is setting sales targets. There are no right or wrong answers during this first pass, and you can make changes as necessary.

After you are happy with your high-level goals, it’s time to dig in and cre-ate tasks that will accomplish the high-level goals. When you determine what these are, assign dates to complete them by. Determine any prereq-uisites for completing them. These could include funding, training, etc. The more specific you are with the tasks, the easier they will be to ac-complish.

If you have multiple people who are going to help you with your business goals, the next step is to match up who is qualified to perform which tasks. You also need to make sure they can accomplish them in the period given. It’s a good idea to ask them if they feel comfortable with the amount of time allocated. Some managers may even choose to add extra time as a fudge factor, to ensure successful completion. Other managers will try to undercut the time as a way to push their employees. Which way is better, will depend on the team.

Creating goals for your business is an ongoing process. It changes as the needs of your business changes. There can also be situations when mem-bers of the team leave before all the goals are complete. By keeping your goals and tasks as simple as possible, you will set up an environment where these situations will not have a big impact on completing the over-all goals.

Failure in Business May Be Due to a Lack of Goals

Businesses fail because they run out of cash. This is like saying people die because their hearts stop. Both are certainly true statements but what are the underlying reasons for failure and death? When you can figure those out, you may be able to extend the life of both.

One of the biggest reasons for business failure is a lack of goals. Many business owners tend to take a fly by the seat of their pants approach and to leave their businesses to chance. Would you let a house builder build your house without a blueprint? Most people would not, and yet, many business owners are doing the equivalent when they don’t set up goals.

Goals do not have to be elaborate or even formal. They just need to be realistic, and they need to have set time frames. Otherwise, there won’t be any way to track the success.

Not everyone knows how to properly set up goals for their businesses. Try to seek out advice from mentors or coaches who have experience in this regard. They can give you an outsider’s view about your business, and they can help you keep on track to ensure you are meeting your goals.

If you decide to seek help professionally, don’t skimp on the costs. You get what you pay for, all things being equal. However, there is nothing wrong with being demanding with the results that you get. If coaches are as good as they specify, they should be held to a high standard. Insist on some guarantee, just in case. Do a lot of research before making the de-cision. If someone doesn’t feel right, there is usually a good reason why. Trust those instincts. They will serve you well.

When you set up goals for your business, you may discover opportunities that you wouldn’t have otherwise found. Your goals will require tasks and those tasks will often require research. This research would never have been done if you didn’t set goals. It can open up your eyes to endless pos-sibilities. You may even find potential customers as a result of this re-search.

Running a business often entails evaluating probabilities. What is the probability that this product will sell? What is the percentage of online sales compared to traditional sales? And so on. If it’s widely regarded that businesses who set goals tend to do better than those who don’t why would you go against this probability? It’s clear that setting goals is the right thing to do.

Have You Considered a Career in Project Management?

Perhaps you’ve never thought of becoming a project manager. But guess what? If you are proficient with setting and achieving goals, you have a basis for a new career. After all, when you manage a project, you’ll need to create a list of tasks and put deadlines around them. That is similar to what you do when you set goals and create objectives for those goals.

When you work in a team, you may find yourself taking the lead on keep-ing track of the goals and tasks of your team. This responsibility could fall with your manager, but if you simply take it upon yourself, your manager probably won’t object. He or she is busy after all. It will also show lead-ership skills in you.

If you do take on this role, you will be acting as a project manager at that point, or at least the project leader. You will need to become familiar with the teams’ activities or tasks, and you’ll need to hold the team ac-countable.

You may initially take some heat from the team as you are not officially the lead. You took it upon yourself. But, if your manager accepts your role, the team will likely follow suit shortly after that. This transition will become easier over time, and the team will allow you to keep on top of their tasks.

There are some activities of a project leader that are outside the space of goal setting. You may need to ensure that the critical paths are listed and ensure that they are achieved before moving on to the next tasks. A critical path is when one task must be completed before a dependent task can even be started.

Another task that is outside the role of goal setting is communicating with the stakeholders of a project. These are the people responsible for mak-ing sure company initiatives are met (often the funders). When you are dealing with business goal setting, the stakeholder is usually your man-ager. A project leader will need to involve stakeholders during the lifecy-cle of the project (another term not typically associated with goal set-ting). In the early stages of your project manager role, your manager may still take the lead in dealing with the stakeholders.

There are other tasks that goal management would not cover that would be covered by a project manager. Some companies require formal train-ing to become a project manager. But, becoming proficient in goal set-ting is certainly a great first step in the process.

How Are Your Business Goals Progress-ing?

Without any ability to measure business goals, they become meaningless. You can set goals until the cows come home, but you can’t accomplish them. Using benchmarks and milestones can be of great help when meas-uring goals.

If you can find a benchmark on a particular goal or set of tasks, this can be used as a rough estimate of how long something should take and what kinds of procedures were used. This is by far, the best scenario because you have a guideline to refer. If you don’t find a benchmark, then you will have to make a ballpark guess. You also won’t know how successful the tasks were.

Milestones are a great tool to keep everyone in the game. You can either set up the milestones for each task or you can have one milestone for the goal. The person responsible for this particular goal will choose how to complete the underlying tasks, as long as they get them all done by the milestone date. Some managers will choose a combination of milestones for the goal as well as the tasks. In fact, a project management tool would summarize the milestones for the tasks and roll them up as a single date for the goal.

On occasion, situations will come up that make it impossible to get the tasks completed in time. They may need sign off from upper manage-ment, and this was not known when the tasks were set. The materials to accomplish the goals may not be available by a supplier and finding alter-natives push the dates out into the future. The person responsible for completing the tasks may rely on input from another department in the company, and that other department is not cooperating. These are all valid delays that a manager will need to account for If there are valid delays, try to reallocate the person who was working on those tasks onto something else. Perhaps he can help other members get their tasks completed faster. Or, the person experiencing the delays can perform auxiliary tasks for other team members such as getting signa-tures or information from groups willing to cooperate.

One of the key elements when measuring the success of business goals is communication. The team members need to make the manager aware of any issues they have so he or she can try to step in to facilitate the needed resources. Other team members may need resources from the team which will only be known by proper communication.

How to Stay Motivated with Your Busi-ness Goals

When you set up your business goals, you have an initial surge of motiva-tion. The planning stages are exciting because of what you may accom-plish by proceeding with your plan. However, as time passes and other as-pects of your job get in the way, you may feel less motivated to make those achievements happen. Here are some ideas on how to stay moti-vated.

Keep a written copy of your goals and tasks on your desk. Create a daily task list that you print out and keep near you as you work. Daily tasks are more granular than the task list that supports the goals. You can check them off as you complete them. Make sure those daily tasks are as rele-vant as possible to the tasks on the master list. It's understandable that you will have to perform tasks outside of the goals but try to keep those to a minimum.

Ecommerce Niches Personal Use Ebook With Audio

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

Don’t Bother Me with Those Fees!

You find a hot niche for your eCommerce business. You spend a few months to get your business set up. Then, you discover all the various fees you get hit with. No one told you about them when they sold you on starting up this type of business. Suddenly, that hot niche that you thought was going to bring profit margins of 25% has shriveled to a measly 10%.

Know your fees before getting started. You can easily contact suppliers and ask them what fees they will charge. For instance, many suppliers will drop ship for you but they charge you hefty fees. If you don’t ask, they won’t necessarily volunteer that information. These fees can seri-ously eat into your profits.

Unfortunately, you will come across fees while doing business that may not be apparent when at the research stage. If you want to sell on places such as eBay and Amazon, they will charge you listing fees. So, make sure you know what these are before embarking on your business.

Shipping fees are a big factor when running an eCommerce business. Some sellers overinflate their shipping costs to make up for low-profit margins on the products they sell. This can be seen by customers as de-ceptive. They are being enticed by a low price for the product and then get slammed with a huge shipping cost. If you partake in this practice, your customers will complain and you won’t get repeat sales.

Vendors don’t always make their shipping costs known. You need to make sure you ask questions of them to know exactly how much they are going to charge. Usually, when you buy in bulk, you should be able to save some money on the overall shipping costs. But, you will then be responsi-ble for shipping to your customer. You will need to negotiate rates with carriers to keep these costs down.

If you get your products from other countries, you will need to deal with international shipping nuances as well as fees associated with govern-ments and funding institutions. This can complicate the process and cause you to lose much of your profits.

After all of this, you need to make sure you consider taxes. More states are jumping on the bandwagon of charging sales tax even if the items are sold online. It’s been a contentious issue but one you still need to factor in. Do not forget about paying any other taxes you may be responsible for, as well.

Finding a Mentor to Find Your Niche

Niche selection is one of the most important aspects of succeeding in an eCommerce business. Why leave this to chance? The wrong selection can leave you trying to sell products that no one buys. Also, you may find a hot seller but the margins are so thin you will struggle to make any prof-its over the long run.

Hiring someone who has successfully taken on eCommerce projects can be a wise choice. But, there are many who will tout themselves as ex-perts but have little to no experience. Worse, you find your fair share of scammers as well. When you make your considerations for a candidate, ask many questions. Do a lot of research online to find profiles of success-ful people.

When choosing a mentor, ask what kinds of guarantees they offer. If they are experienced, this should not be an issue with them. If it is, simply move on and find someone else. You don’t want to deal with a situation where they offer you low-quality advice which produces bad results. They should know all the necessary components of your eCommerce business. Ask them to produce a plan before you agree to work with them. If it seems like it makes sense, then you can proceed with them.

Don’t be afraid to spend some money when doing this. In fact, paying more will save you in headaches and prevent you from wasting money. If you find people who are willing to mentor you for low dollar amounts, this could be a sign of inexperience or incompetence. eCommerce is a hot ticket item so good mentors are going to command high rates. You need to accept that if you want to work with a quality mentor, it’s going to cost some money.

Ask them for examples of what kinds of projects they have worked on in the past. While it is easy for people to pass off any website as one in which they claim they worked on, let them explain to you in detail how they set it up. Ideally, you want someone who has their own eCommerce set up and is still profiting from it. It’s okay if they had one and sold it for a decent price. But, try to see if they can prove the sale. That’s not al-ways easy to ascertain.

Make sure you have a way of measuring the success of your mentor. Work with him or her to come up with a set of deliverables that can help you keep on track.

Found a Hot Niche? Test the Waters First

You’ve run the numbers. Everything points to a particular niche that you feel will make great money. You contact suppliers, and they want you to order in bulk. That’s how it works. Even though you like the information you saw on the niche, you’re a bit skittish about ordering that much prod-uct. If it doesn’t pan out, you’re stuck with loads of it in your warehouse.

Instead of going down this road, why not test the waters first? What if you could order a few products and see if there is a market for them? There are several ways to accomplish this.

First, go further with your research and see what kinds of sales are hap-pening on eBay. They have a completed listings feature that allows you to see which listings actually sold and for how much money. This is the bare bones minimum you should do before ordering any products. Amazon also gives selling numbers which can be derived from a product’s sales rank. The lower the rank, the better (towards #1, etc.) After you complete this step, the next step is to buy the product at re-tail, if it’s available. Sell it for close to that number to find out how well it will sell. It’s one thing to analyze numbers reported online. It’s entirely different to measure actual sales from your own efforts. You aren’t ex-pecting to make any money when you do this. You’re only looking to scout out potential sales.

When you find a product that passes the first two tests, the next step is to reach out to the manufacturer and see if they are willing to drop ship the item. Drop shipping is a concept where you are responsible for taking the orders, but the vendor is willing to ship the orders on your behalf. It gives you the ability to sell while not having to take on a bunch of prod-ucts in your warehouse. Some products will do well with drop shipping, and you may choose to continue with this paradigm.

After you find a hot selling item, you can then choose to take on more product and buy in bulk from a distributor or the manufacturer. By using these techniques to get a feel for the “hotness” of the market, you won’t have to dish out a chunk of money until you have a strong indication that it’s going to sell well for you.

Helpful Resources for Your E-commerce Niche

It can be overwhelming to start an e-commerce business. There are many facets of the business, and it is constantly changing. While the resources on this page are subject to change, they can help point you in the right direction.


Sellers should always start any search on Amazon. Even if you have no in-tention of using Amazon, the information you can gather from them is priceless. They are, after all, the industry leader in online selling. You can also use them to sell. They have a program called Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) where you can send your products to their warehouse along with shipping materials, and they will take care of the selling for you. They also handle the order and payment processing as well as returns by customers.


Although eBay has lost some of its appeal, there are still a huge number of buyers and sellers. They have shifted the focus away from auctions (although they still exist) to selling direct. They too can give great insight of what is selling online.


If you decide to handle your own fulfillment, you are going to need a shopping cart solution. Shopify is one of the fastest growing companies in this segment. They offer a complete solution including the look and feel for your web presence, as well as its own payment processor. They also have great online resources and a team of experts who can help you at every stage of your e-commerce venture. They help you incorporate so-cial media into your solution.

Selling T-shirts For Fun And Profit Personal Use Ebook

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4 Tips to Help You Design and Sell a Successful TShirt

For the past several years, the t-shirt market, or rather the market for selling t-shirts online, has been exceedingly hot. Just Google "T-Shirt Success Story" and you'll find example after example of people who've started a successful t-shirt marketing business on literally nothing. Many of these people now have steady five figure monthly incomes all based on selling well-designed t-shirts. Obviously, this is of interest to anyone who wants to break out of the nine to five employment world.

So, why are designer t-shirts so popular? In a nutshell, it's because they are the ultimate niche product. As such, they appeal strongly to every person's desire to be individualistic and share that individuality with the world. It doesn't matter what your particular interest, hobby, lifestyle, personal ethos or identifier might be. Whatever it is, it can be expressed on a t-shirt that then "brands" you when you wear it. In other words, tshirts remain popular because they make individual people stand out against the bland background of the day-to-day world. For $20, they allow everyone to break the bonds of anonymity and proclaim their allegiance to whatever it is that floats their personal boat.

What’s endlessly interesting, is that the t-shirt started out, and to some extent and in some form, remains an undergarment. It was only in the latter half of the previous century, that the “plain white tee” known to millions became a blank canvas for marketers who wanted to connect brand and lifestyle to the individual ego.

Today’s t-shirt phenomenon can trace it’s lineage back to the concert tshirt of the 1970s and 1980s. Back then rock and roll was becoming big business. Big bands began to realize that they were a brand and that they could sell more than music to their fans. The fans, on their part, were devoted to particular bands and were proud to express that devotion publically. Additionally, attending concerts by big name bands carried social cachet. Someone who was able to score ticks to see Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd or the Rolling Stones not only wanted a memento from the big night, they also wanted a way to tell their peers that they had been there.

Bands, on their part, realized that the profit margin on a mass produced and branded t-shirt was enormous. The public was more than willing to pay 10 times what it cost to produce the shirt. As a result, the t-shirt became a social statement and more and more marketers realized that there was a viable business market in selling swag to fans.

Fast forward to today and that business model is hotter than ever. The internet has made it possible to take the band/fan dynamic and apply it to any group of people, no matter how obscure their fandom might be. Sites like Teespring, Tees in the Trap, GearBubble, RedBubble, and dozens more allow savvy entrepreneurs to create and sell t-shirts to the tiniest of micro-niches. There is still a great amount of gold in them t-shirt hills. In this article, we’re going to focus on specific tips that you can use to mine some of that gold. We’ll look the things that you can do to improve your t-shirt designs so that they appeal directly to the niche you’re targeting. We’ll also look at the things that you can do to sell more tshirts to that niche.

Know Your Market

A lot of sellers get into trouble because they don’t understand the concept of a t-shirt market versus a t-shirt niche. The niche exists within the market, but you’re never going to find the niche unless you understand the larger market that supports it. Let’s take a look at some of the more popular t-shirt markets that are out there.

Commodity Shirts – There are fairly straightforward t-shirts that are defined by need rather than want. These shirts are usually work or event related and contain a specific logo or brand as well as a designation like "STAFF" or "SECURITY". Now there are numerous niches within this market but, by and large, customers here are looking for the lowest price available. Think $10 per shirt or less.

Novelty Shirts – These are shirts that are you probably only wear once. They aren’t strictly need based like commodity shirts, but they aren’t something that anyone really wants either, except during a specific event. So, think about t-shirts for a pub crawl or that contain a funny saying that references a specific occasion and you’ll get an idea of what we’re talking about. Customers here don’t want to spend an arm or a leg. Think $10 to $20 a shirt.

Pop Culture Shirts – Now we’re getting into the meat and potatoes of the t-shirt market. These type of shirts definitely are squarely in the “want” end of things. Customers identify with the movie, tv show or game that the shirt is designed around and will easily pay $20 to $25 per shirt to broadcast their affinity. While this market is popular and profitable, you do have to watch out for copyright infringement.

Specific Interests – These shirts are distinguishable from pop culture shirts because they don’t revolve around bands, movies or games. Instead, these shirts are all about individual interests and hobbies. Think home brewing or Frisbee golf and you’ll get the idea. This is another popular and profitable market that has the added benefit of being relatively free of copyright or licensing issues. Customers will easily pay $20 to $25 per shirt.

Know Your Customer

Right now, there are people out there who want to buy a t-shirt. It doesn't take magic beans or a Ph.D. in sales to get them to buy yours. All it takes is an understanding of why they want to buy a particular shirt. When you figure out this reason, motivation or desire, then you have the keys to the kingdom for that particular niche.

For example, people may want to show support for a particular political figure or issue. They may need a cool gift for a family member or friend. They may have seen someone else wearing a similar shirt and they want to follow suit.

Instagram For Business Personal Use Ebook With Audio

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A Fantastic Method of Engaging on Insta-gram

Of all the methods that will help your business, this one will rise above. It is something people have been doing for many years (even before the in-ternet) and it continues to work due to the excitement factor. This method is to hold a contest on Instagram.

The best kind of prize to give out is your product. This is because people will associate the contest with your product and will make that connec-tion whenever you hold these contests. It can also get people who would not normally be buyers of your product to give it a shot.

Contests are a great way for brands to go viral. People share them like crazy. How cool would you be if you let ten friends in on a contest for a great prize? This is how people think when they share. They want to be the one who initially shared. They become the trendsetter among the group of friends.

What kind of contest should you run? That depends on what your objec-tives are, but one great contest to hold is to ask customers to upload pho-tos to Instagram of them using your product. This alone can get people in-terested in buying. However, if the prize is the product itself, you may want to choose something different. A popular alternative is to use acces-sories for the product.

If you don’t have a decent prize to give away, reach out to other vendors who may have something good to offer. They give you the product in ex-change for good PR for their product. You can mention their company as being the sponsor or you can let their product speak for itself. It all de-pends on the agreement you have. It’s probably best to choose vendors with similar products to yours or at least products that compliment your products.

Make sure that you follow all local laws regarding contests. The laws have become stringent and not following them could lead to serious fines. For instance, you may have to allow entry into the contest for free and spec-ify no purchase necessary. Of course, this may negate the strategy of get-ting them to buy your product to participate in the contest.

Use your imagination. You will find a way to incorporate contests. When you do, you should be able to increase sales of your product or get people on your mailing list. If nothing else, you will be able to increase your fol-lowing on Instagram.

A Thousand Pictures Are Worth How Many Words?

Instagram is all about pictures, images, or graphics, whatever you want to call them. You need great pictures to share to the platform. Mediocre pictures may still get shared. But, it’s an uphill battle.

It’s up to you whether you want to employ a professional photographer or do it yourself. Granted, a pro is going to be expensive. You don’t want to skimp on the quality or the experience. Too many people think they are getting a deal by using inexperienced photographers, but you get what you pay for.

It’s your business and Instagram for business is only going to get more competitive. Most of your competition won’t be using pro photographers, so you can consider that a competitive edge should you go that route.

If you do want to do everything yourself, make sure you set it up in a strategic manner. In other words, don’t post images whenever the muse strikes. Have a plan of many images and fit them in a way that makes sense to your brand. If you are planning a new product or service release, get the images ready to be released before that release date.

The graphics don’t have to be the highest quality available. In fact, most people are going to view on their smart devices and many won’t have high-end equipment. The web supports only a certain level of quality any-way. So, spending too much time on the highest possible quality pictures is probably a waste of time.

However, don’t skimp on quality. If your pictures are pixelated or they don’t present well on an average smart device, people won’t take you se-riously. Once you lose these people, it’s difficult getting them back. One person gone means dozens of people they won’t share your content with.

Those dozens will each have their own dozens, etc. This is not a good sit-uation for businesses to find themselves in.

Consider finding an average quality device to test out the images you plan on posting. You should be able to pick up a cheap device on eBay or Craigslist.org. There are simulators that you can find online as well that can be sufficient for this purpose. You may believe that everyone has the highest-quality phones but that simply is not the case. For this reason, you want to appeal to the lowest common denominator of quality.

Whichever means you decide to create your photos, they need to be com-pelling enough to be shared and then shared again. Otherwise, you are going to put in serious effort and it won't produce the benefits you had hoped.

Dog Walker Critter Toonz Personal Use Video

"Tired of the same old Electrician, Plumber and Doctor animations? Are you ready for something different? Perfect for Pet Groomers, Pet Shops, Animal Training, Veterinarians, Dog walkers, Pet Sitters and much more"

Lead Book Personal Use Software

ATTENTION: Coaches, service providers, email marketers, and anyone who needs more qualified leads....

"Leverage the Power of FaceBook to Grow Your Mailing List...

Without the High Cost of Advertising or 3rd Party Apps!"

Dear Fellow Marketer,

Smart bloggers and marketers (just like you) are using Facebook ads to grow their mailing list, fill their webinars, and sell their products. The reasons are clear, as you've no doubt discovered:

Ultra-targeted ad placement lets you reach your ideal client easily
Step-by-step ad setup means you don't have to be an advertising expert to have great results
The cost really can't be beat!

There's just one tiny problem...

The Vast Majority of Facebook Traffic is on Mobile

And if you've ever tried to fill out a form on your cell phone--even a name and email style registration form--then you know what a pain in the neck that is. Not only do you have to try to read the details of a landing page (many of which still aren't mobile friendly) but then you have to type out your name and email and maybe more on a handheld device.

That's why Facebook debuted lead ads in the first place--to make it easier for mobile users to opt-in for your offer. Because Facebook already knows the details about the user, such as name, address, email and other information, it helpfully fills in all those fields. That leaves your potential subscriber with nothing to do but hit the "sign me up" button.

Great, huh?

There's just one small problem...

Getting the Information Out of Facebook Is...Well, Difficult

Here's where Facebook really dropped the ball in a big way.

As of right now, there's no way to integrate Facebook lead ads with your autoresponder, so when a visitor opts in for your free gift, they're not added to your mailing list. Nothing at all happens to those names and addresses unless you manually export them in a CSV file from Facebook.

Um, what?

Now of course you can manage your leads through a 3rd party app such as Driftrock...for a price. A high one.

In fact, services such as this will cost you more than $100 per month--and that's on top of what you're already paying for the ads and your mailing list manager.

For most small business owners and bloggers, that kind of money is simply not in the budget.
Introducing LeadBook,
the WordPress Plugin Built to
Manage Your Facebook Leads

Now you can take advantage of Facebook's powerful Lead Ads platform while seamlessly adding your new leads to your mailing list, thanks to this easy-to-use WordPress plugin featuring...

One-click install right from your WordPress dashboard--no FTP to fuss with or databases to create.
Simple to follow instructions for creating your Facebook app ID and connection--our illustrated user guide makes it easy.
Integrations with today's most popular email marketing services, MailChimp and AWeber--no need to learn (and pay for) new services.
Connection to unlimited lists--perfect for offering multiple opt-in incentives from your Facebook page.
Integration with endless forms and form fields--as long as the information can be added to your mailing list, LeadBook can send it.
Total control over the frequency of imports--chose hourly, daily, or twice daily depending on how often you generate leads.
Simple set up right through the familiar WordPress dashboard so there's no additional software to navigate.
No costly month-to-month charges--so you can run all the ads you like without incurring addition fees.

Customer Testimonials

"Best part of testimonial copied here to stand out (with H4 tag)..."

"Customer testimonials. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula."

Customer Service Template Guide Personal Use Ebook

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Customer Service Best Practices

Use this template to train your customer service team. You can choose which of the best practices apply to your business and customer service preferences.

#1 Respond in a Timely Manner

Respond to all tickets/emails/phone calls within TIMEFRAME, (for example, 24-hours). Be clear when communicating with customers that this is the timeframe and expectation. If, for some reason, it is going to take longer, explain why and tell them when they can expect a response.

#2 Speedy Response

Ensure that all tickets/issues are resolved within TIMEFRAME, (for example 48 hours or two business days). Tickets and issues should not drag on and should be resolved promptly. If the issue cannot be resolved within this timeframe, explain why and give them a time when they can expect a response. (For example, if a product is currently out of stock but you expect to have it in stock next week.)

#3 Update the Progress

If the customer issue requires more than one ticket or email to resolve, update the customer of the progress within TIMEFRAME, (For example, 24 hours). Let the customer know that we’re working on resolving their issue.

#4 Use Their Name

Always address customers by their name. Whether responding to a ticket, via email or on the phone, address them by their name. It personalizes the communication. If you’re speaking on the telephone, ask for the correct pronunciation of their name and the spelling.

#5 Suggest an Alternative

If the customer is looking for a product or promotion that is no longer available, always suggest an alternative. Look in the product catalog and find a product/promotion that is close to what they need. If there are no comparable products, offer one from another company. The goal is to be helpful and to provide value.

Use language similar to, “I’m sorry, we don’t carry that product, but we do have this one which may suit your needs,” or “we don’t carry that product, you might try PRODUCT-X from NAME OF OTHER COMPANY.

#6 Minimize Refunds

To minimize refunds, offer store credit instead of a refund. If the customer is generally happy but the product isn’t what they needed, ordered mistakenly, or some other reason, try to offer credit rather than a refund.

#7 Feedback

Always provide customer with a resource to provide feedback. If communicating via email or ticket system send them a link to a feedback survey to assess their satisfaction.

If communicating on the telephone, ask (are you satisfied with RESOLUTION/OUTCOME, or as “on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, how satisfied are you with this outcome? If the number is below 8, ask what you can do better next time or why they gave that number.) Collect feedback data and responses.

#8 Recognize, Empathize, and Apologize

Always recognize the problem the person is dealing with, empathize with them, and apologize for their situation. For example, “I understand that you’re having trouble accessing your download. This must be frustrating for you. I’m sorry for this frustration.”

#9 Always Thank Them

Thank the customer for their time/feedback/input. Close each communication with a thank you.

Amazon Marketing Made Easy Personal Use Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:


Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply “Amazon Marketing” Training, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of making some good money with Amazon.

I’m very excited to have you here, and I know this will be very helpful for you.

This exclusive training will show you step-by-step, topic by topic, and tool by tool, what you need to know to dominate Amazon, in the easiest way possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever.

This training is comprised of 20 premium chapters organized into 5 sections. This is exactly what you are going to learn:

Section 1: Amazon Basics

In Chapters 1 through 3, we’ll talk about: What’s Amazon all about?, Why you should care about Amazon and How you can make money with Amazon

Section 2: The Hottest Ways to Make Money with Amazon

In Chapters 4 through 8, we’ll talk about: Selling your products, Selling your services, Self-Publishing, Selling with FBA and Becoming an Affiliate

Section 3: The Amazon Associates Program

In Chapters 9 through 12, we’ll talk about: Setting up an Amazon Affiliate Website, Setting up your Amazon Associates account, Finding the best affiliate offers to promote and Writing Content for your Amazon Affiliate Website

Section 4: Advanced Amazon Affiliate Tricks

In Chapters 13 through 16, we’ll talk about: The hottest traffic methods for Amazon Affiliate Sites, Using Amazon Native Shopping Ads, Advanced FBA Strategies and Embedding an Amazon aStore into a Facebook Page

Section 5: Additional Tips to consider

In Chapters 17 through 20, we will talk about: Do's to apply, Don’ts to avoid, Premium tools and Services to consider and Shocking Case Studies.

Well, it’s time for you to start making some good money from Amazon. I know you'll love this training.

Chapter 1: What’s Amazon all about?

If you have used Amazon, you already have a good idea of what the company is all about. It's all about making things easier. With humble origins rooted in the online bookstore niche, it has grown to be the world’s biggest and most successful online retailer.

Amazon functions on the principle of delivering to anyone, anywhere in the world; and deliver it does! It just doesn’t deliver goods. It also delivers great service and opportunities to everyone, with up to 280,000 estimated new job openings for the coming year, support for non-profit organizations around the world and enterprising options to people from all walks for life.

What are some of the key elements that make Amazon such an important organization? It has the potential to impact your life in ways you might not be aware of. Amazon proudly highlights the following:


Amazon refers to transformation as the act of empowering others to help them transform their lives. It has achieved this by letting people unleash their creativity and fuel their passion through the Amazon platform.

Authors, developers, small businesses and non-profits have used the Amazon platform and marketplace to achieve success and transform their lives, as well as the lives of those around them.


While transformation is the goal, the opportunity will drive you to follow your passion and fulfill your dreams. Amazon offers people an opportunity that was not possible in the past unless you were favored by a privileged background.

Whatever creation you have in mind is now possible without limitations thanks to Amazon. The Amazon platform is the right place for you whether you have adventurous aspirations such as publishing a book or getting a movie or series made, or if you have more industrious aspirations such as selling products, making money online or starting a career.

Economic Impact

The fact that Amazon is giving people the opportunity to easily do what they love and transform their lives has had a positive economic impact on the people living the dream, and on their communities and the world at large. Besides, Amazon directly employs 300,000 people, fostering a culture of economic growth through job openings and entrepreneurship.

In the community

Amazon gives back to the world that helped it grow by contributing to the communities where its employees and customers live. These contributions come in a wide variety of ways including computer skills education for kids, financial help for non-profits in need, legal assistance for communities, healthy food stops, environmental action and disaster relief efforts.


Amazon prides itself on being a true technological pioneer. It wants to improve commerce, customer service, consumer goods and alternative energy sources. Some innovations introduced by Amazon in the aforementioned fields include the Amazon marketplace itself, drone delivery, one click ordering at home and its wind and solar farms.

Working at Amazon

Amazon is a place where builders, inventors and innovators can perform their best and delight customers with compelling products and services through operational excellence and focused execution. It is a working environment that fosters diversity, curiosity and community building!


Amazon is not only about the profits, and it wants you to know that by putting its inventive culture to work on sustainability and by protecting the environment. Starting with environmentally friendly packaging, amazon is putting off great efforts to achieve 100% renewable energy usage for its global infrastructure footprint.

Stay tuned to discover what all this means for you and how you can change your life, the Amazon way!