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Overcome Excuses MRR Ebook With Audio

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Overcome Excuses

Excuses can be a detriment to anything we want to achieve. Everyone can come up with some excuse that sounds like a legitimate reason why something isn’t accomplished, but very rarely does the excuse justify why something isn’t done on time. In other words, the excuse can usually be overcome or worked around if the person is willing to do so, but oftentimes, the person is willing to let the excuse hinder his/her ability to get things done in a timely manner.

Especially for entrepreneurs, excuses can be a powerful force toward not achieving the success they want. After all, entrepreneurs are usually their own bosses; if something doesn’t get accomplished, they only have to answer to themselves for why an important task or project isn’t done on time. If the entrepreneur isn’t truthful to himself/herself and doesn’t hold himself/herself accountable, then the only real “punishment” or consequence to not getting the task or project done on time is that the business’s reputation, credibility, and profitability is negatively impacted. The entrepreneur himself/herself will not get fired, since he/she works for himself/herself anyway- there is no one to really fire unlike those in a 9-5 job.

Yet, if you allow excuses to rule your business and your life, you will not achieve the dream of having your own successful business, so it is imperative that you learn to overcome excuses and not let them stand in the way of your dream of having a successful, thriving business. You will learn five steps on how to overcome excuses below.

1. You Must Hold Yourself Accountable

As was alluded to above, when an entrepreneur fails to complete an important task or project on time, he/she only has to answer to himself/herself- there is no actual boss to answer to. As a result, the entrepreneur is not going to get fired; there is no real consequence outside of the business being negatively impacted, as well as the entrepreneur’s own reputation for getting things done in a timely manner.

This is where you need to hold yourself accountable for any missed deadlines for important tasks/projects or for tasks/projects that are not done as well as expected. You need to treat your business as a real business and hold yourself accountable for any missed deadlines and failures. After all, your business’ and your own reputation is on the line, and just as it is in the 9-5 world, first impressions matter a great deal in the online business world as well. If you mess up, it will take a great deal of effort and time to overcome that mistake, so hold yourself accountable for any missed deadlines or poor-quality work and ensure that no deadlines or poor-quality work occurs.

2. All Excuses Can Be Overcome

Excuses usually occur due to distractions. Distractions can be anything from noise made by spouses, children, pets, neighbors, etc. to being logged into social media accounts, email accounts, smartphones, etc. Usually, your attention will be diverted because of one of these instances.

Many people will get distracted by their social media accounts, wanting to see who posted what content to their newsfeed or who is the latest person who wants to become their friend on social media. You get sucked into looking at your social media account, and before you know it, 30 minutes or even 60 minutes has gone by without you getting any work done.

Obviously, you’re not going to have a thriving business if you allow distractions to rule your life and take away your work time. Thus, you need to learn to overcome the distractions and the associated excuses that prevent you from completing needed work in a timely fashion.

When it comes to social media, stay off of your accounts when you are working; only spend time on them when you are not working or during breaks. When it comes to noise caused by others, use earbuds or cotton balls to drown out the noise and to keep your focus on your work. Talk to those who are causing the noise and see if you can find a way to reduce or eliminate the noise.

Even when it comes to not knowing how to do a specific task necessary for your business, this type of excuse can be overcome as well. Look to YouTube and search for the task you are looking to complete to see if someone shows how exactly it is to be done, then follow along and do it. If necessary, ask someone in an online forum to assist you in doing the task or post an ad to an outsourcing website and hire an outsourcer to have it done.

The point is that EVERY excuse can be overcome if you are really committed and dedicated to building and maintaining a thriving business; it just takes some effort and focus to achieve the solution.

Freedom In Forgiveness MRR Ebook With Audio

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Freedom In Forgiveness


If you ever wanted to know what holds you back in life, much of this revolves around the way that you interact with other people and with yourself. The conversations that you have in your mind may be the very reason that you are not happy.

In this, we explore the connection between un-forgiveness and unhappiness. It’s a very strong connection and we give you 7 reasons why you are unhappy, based upon the premise that you are having problems forgiving yourself and others. Read on if you want to know the reasons and be ready to address them. 1. Unhealthy Thoughts

(i) You think bad thoughts that fuel your unhappiness

The thoughts that you have in your mind when you cannot learn forgiveness include negative and destructive thoughts. When you feel that you have been wronged, there can be all kinds of consequences. What you may not realize is that revenge eats away little pieces of who you are. A wife who has been cheated on may go to unhealthy lengths to try and make her man feel her wrath. Marriages that go through scenarios such as this rarely survive. While the woman may feel slighted, what she may not realize is that playing the part of the victim makes her even less attractive. Jealous people are rarely attractive as long term propositions. Although wrong may have been done, two wrongs certainly don’t put things right. In fact, the second wrong is holding onto negative thoughts.

When Chuck found out his wife had been unfaithful, he recoiled into himself, rather than hating his partner. He knew he had never been as passionate as his wife wished he was, and he saw the ultimate betrayal as being largely his own fault. The negative feelings he experienced stayed with him for years and he even spent time in psychiatric care because he believed he was no longer whole without his wife.

The reason I recount the two stories I have chosen is to demonstrate that whenever any kind of hatred exists in the mind, the person feeling it extends their suffering. They can’t forgive. They can’t forget and, consequently, are stuck because a mind that cannot forgive and let go can never find inner peace.

Holding onto unhealthy thoughts also does something else. It triggers a reaction in your subconscious mind. If you hate someone and cannot forgive that person, each time that his/her name is mentioned, your subconscious mind records your response. This is a very negative response. The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between emotions but it does set you off into a vicious circle of negativity because that’s how it sees you as reacting when this name is mentioned.

There’s a very good way around this vicious circle and it takes a little bit of conscious effort on your part. If you can fool the subconscious mind into seeing things differently by forgiving the sin committed, you can start showing less reaction when that name comes up and your subconscious will record that your reaction is no longer negative. Then, move onward and don’t look back because looking back with regret only prolongs your agony and unhappiness.

It may sound fundamentally simple, but the reason it isn’t so simple is because you haven’t yet learned to let go. There’s a trick that you can try which was used by a doctor on a YouTube video on Neuro Linguistic Programming. It helps you to move forward. You need to prepare to do this and will need clown music in the background, so find something suitable on YouTube that you can play during the episode.

Then close your eyes and imagine your relationship from the last time that you met right through to the first time you met. The image should come in the form of a movie playing backwards, accompanied by the music that I suggested at the beginning. Now, try to think of that name and you will find that your thought processes are very different. That’s because you have something very different to think about that will help to retrain the subconscious to help you get through this situation. It may sound a little strange, but it really does work.

(ii) You think you are not whole without a partner

I have heard this so often and yet know from experience in my work that if you feel incomplete alone, then all you have to offer to a new relationship is someone who is incomplete. When you start to celebrate who you are, you discover all the things that you enjoy doing alone. You don’t sit around waiting for love to happen and take the risks associated with this attitude. Have you ever known someone who is married to an abuser? The reason that people settle for relationships that are abusive is because they don’t believe they deserve better and everyone does. The first step toward being happy is to forgive yourself for all of your own shortcomings and accept yourself for who you are. When you are able to do that, you don’t settle for those who may harm you or those who belittle you. You look for something much more satisfying – a partner who is willing to walk with you, rather than dragging you down.

2. Anger and Hatred

If you are a person who has experienced either of these emotions, you have weakened your own viewpoint in life. The reason that I say this is because angry and hateful people can never be happy. The two sentiments just don’t go together. You may have noticed postings on Facebook that sounded hateful, but look how many people actually joined in and showed their hate. The world is becoming a dangerous place and if you can step away from anger and hatred, you can begin to remake your world a place where you don’t have space for such negativity.

Social Marketing Supremacy MRR Ebook

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Develop Your Social Marketing Plan

So, you want to build a massive brand and you think that social media is the way to get there?

Well good news: you?re on the right track! Social media is indeed a highly powerful tool for building a massive audience and connecting with that audience in a way that many brands and companies never will.

But before you can start posting media and content, you first need a plan. What, you thought you could just dive in without any strategy?

Your social marketing plan is essentially the strategy and the series of steps that you plan to follow in order to take your website or business from a small name or tiny blog; into massive, self-sustaining, professional organization.

It sounds impossible for many people but the fact of the matter is that this has worked for countless brands before yours.

Take a look at any of the biggest names in your industry, and you can almost guarantee that they started out where you are right now and that they used social media – possibly alongside other tools – in order to grow and to become something bigger.

While many people will fail to emulate that success story, that?s because they followed the wrong trajectory – or because they had no strategy to begin with.

That?s what we?re going to look at here. We?re going to look not only at how you can go about creating a blueprint based on other highly successful sites but also how to make sure that you tailor that strategy to suit your brand, your mission statement and your audience.

The plan is the single most important part of your entire campaign. So, get ready and let?s do this!

Goals and Objectives

The first thing to do is to identify what the goal of your social media plan is. You?d be surprised how many brands will jump into their social marketing without even considering this incredibly fundamental concept!

A lot of creators and businesses will look at you blankly if you ask them what their plan is, or answer that it?s „to be more successful?.

This isn?t helpful because it doesn?t provide us with a destination, meaning we can?t come up with a road map.

So instead, ask yourself what success means for your business.

Maybe you?re just trying to make lots of sales quickly?

Maybe you want to establish yourself as an authority within a small sphere of influence?

Or maybe you want to reach a massive audience and be considered a thought leader within a specific niche.

Whatever the case, this is going to subtly alter the way you go about things. Likewise, you should also look at your budget, you should look at your timeframe and you should look at the number of hours you can commit to this plan.

If you can build a whole social media department in-house as part of your business then great.

But if in reality you?re only likely to be posting one or two status updates a day maximum, then be honest about this fact and build that into your plan.

It?s better to have a moderate plan and to stick to it than it is to have a highly ambitious plan but then give up on day one!


The next thing you need to think about is your branding.

And I?m going to be brutal with you now: there?s a very strong chance that your site and business needs a complete rebrand. Sorry!

The fact of the matter is that your social media success is going to hinge massively on your branding. If your branding is bad, then you won?t be able to win over your followers and visitors.

The whole point of your social media is to create positive interactions with an audience so that they consider signing up and subscribing and so that you build their trust and they consider buying from you in future.

Social Marketing Supremacy – Video Upgrade MRR Video With Audio

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Download And Start Playing These Videos Tutorials Right From The Comfort Of Your Home!

There's a long way and a short way.

The long way?

Trying to figure out everything yourself, only to go around in circles. All that time wasted could have been put into something more worthwhile.

Want to know the short cut instead?

Good news!

I recorded 10 exclusive, step-by-step video tutorials that'll show you the tools, techniques and my top tips to finally succeed and get results!

Here they are:

Video #1: 3 Ways to Use Google Plus for Better Search Engine Rankings
Video #2: 5 Keys to an Effective Instagram Marketing Campaign
Video #3: Advanced Social Media Marketing Tactics to Get a Ton of Followers
Video #4: How to Set Up Your First Facebook Live Stream
Video #5: Personal Branding in the Modern Day of Social Media
Video #6: Quickest Ways to Piggyback off of Instagram Influencers
Video #7: Tips to Creating Headlines That Will
Video #8: Top 5 Advantages to Marketing Through Social Media
Video #9: Top 5 Facebook Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid
Video #10: Where to Find Free Graphics and Images for Your Social Posts

Sound Good?

Remember when I asked if you wanted the long way or short way?

Well, these videos will give you that unfair advantage and help you finally breakthrough so you can get results starting as soon as you finish watching the videos!

Internet Business Models MRR Ebook With Audio

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Internet Business Models

Chapter 1: Introduction

Internet Marketing 101

Welcome to “”. In this book, I will take you by the hand and lead you step-by-step as you learn all about the basics behind marketing online.

So what makes me qualified to teach you this? Well, simply because I was a newbie at one point in time and since then had been making a living online!

What This Book Will Teach You…

This book is written in layman terms. I will not confuse you with a whole bunch of HTTPs, FTPs. HTMLs, SEOs, SERPs… It is written in a way that is simple enough for ANYONE to understand (yes, you don’t need to be a techie or have a masters degree to understand the principles in this book).

Although the target audience in this book are total newbies, experienced marketers will still be able to pick up a thing or two. After all, pride and presumption turn off our minds the same way a closed parachute is useless – both only work only when they are OPEN!

You will learn all about popular Internet marketing business models, the correct mindset, the right way to plan your work and many more tips and tricks on how to get started the RIGHT way!

What This Book Is NOT About…

This book is NOT a magic pill. There is NO get rich quick scheme. If your idea of a business model is to earn money without providing value to others, then you are on the wrong ship.

The best education… is REALIZATION. There is no seminar, E-book, audio interview or video tutorial that will make you a whiz at Internet marketing. Developing the skills of an Internet marketer is just like riding a bicycle – you don’t learn to ride a bike by reading the instruction manual! It is very personal and practical at the same time!

There are many Internet marketing models available. Each and every one of them can bring you lots of money; some might even make you a fortune!

This book does NOT presume to give you the secret formula for every business model because it is impossible! There are just too many ways to make money online. But what I am going to do for you is present the popular business models in layman terms and lead you on a path of self-realization so that you are very clear what you want to do and how to develop your own skills online!

Start Investing In Your Education TODAY!

There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. There is no one in this world who is willing to share their ‘rice bowl’ (a Chinese term for source of income) with you so if you want to get something done, you must do it by yourself and invest in your education.

So let’s get started immediately!

Chapter 2: Getting Started

Developing A Winner’s Mindset

Did you know that there are more than 90% of people who attempt to start an Internet business fail to make a stable income online much less break even?

The statistics are scary – the same way most ‘real world’ business startups fail within their first two years of operation (and those that DO survive, struggle to make a profit due to competition and rising costs!)

However, most of the failures can be traced to one problem – a wrong mindset!

Now, I know you are probably thinking, “Yeah, yeah… attitude is everything, be positive, blah blah blah… (not one of those motivational pep talks AGAIN!)”

If you think you have ‘arrived’, then you probably have a long way to go. So you must always have a teachable attitude!

However, having the correct mindset isn’t just about having the right attitude ALONE… you must also have the proper vehicle that will get you to where you want to go.
Allow me to give you this simple illustration.

Having the positive attitude is very important, no doubt… but without the right vehicle for success, you are no different than a person driving a car with the WRONG ROAD MAP!

You can be really determined… but you are just wasting gas and driving in ‘circles’!

You can be really positive… to the point that driving around in circles doesn’t even bother you at all! (After all, you are so positive, you probably wouldn’t even care if you are wasting gas!)

Authority Traffic MRR Ebook With Audio

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communities where you can share your content and get +1s. These are also thought to help your position in the search rankings!

15 Be Active in the Community

When you post on these sites, you will risk having your post downvoted or even deleted. Why? Because if they’ve never seen you before, then this just looks like spam.

What’s highly important then is that you actually offer something in return by contributing actively to the community.

16 Have a Strong Brand

A strong brand is a powerful tool for promoting your site on its own and it a pre-requisite for all other forms of marketing and growth hack to work. That’s because you need a strong brand for people to feel excited in your brand and interested in it.

17 Know Your Persona and Write for Them

Don’t try and make content that everyone can enjoy – this is a surefire way to become bland and to make sure that no one is interested in your site. Instead, create content that is particularly well-suited to a very specific type of person.

That way, the people that are interested in your site will be passionate about it and highly excited to see what you have to say next.

18 Use Sharable Titles

The right title can go a long way to making your posts more sharable and more interesting to people. Try to learn a thing or two from clickbait without falling into the trap of becoming clickbait.

Clickbait uses titles that are highly engaging and that have an emotional impact. Very often they make us very curious or even sometimes angry. They always offer something new that we don’t know the answer to.

You can do this but the key is simply to make sure that you deliver on your promise. How do you make your posts sound exciting, new and challenging?

You actually do the research or use some creative thinking and you come up with something that is new and exciting for your audience!

19 Optimize Your Images

Don’t just use any old images without thought. Images can help you to gain more traffic through Google Image search and at the same time, they will help to make your articles much more engaging and will make them stand out more when they shared on social media.

There are a number of ways you can optimize your images. One is to give them the right titles and the right alt-tags, which should be the same as your key word. Another is to use more standard dimensions – ideally 16:9. Another is to make sure they are unique or that they at least have been edited so that they won’t be buried by other similar images!

20 Don’t Keyword Stuff

The very biggest mistake that gets made often online is to keyword stuff. This means that you’re trying to include keywords in your posts as you are often recommended to do for SEO purposes.

But instead of using these to a small degree and getting some benefit from them, you instead stuff them into your content to the point that it becomes distracting and even unreadable for your visitors.

This is a BIG mistake so make sure to avoid it by writing for the visitor first and for Google second!
21 Reuse Old Content

You probably have a lot of old posts on your site that never got much exposure. Well, why not get some more value from them now by posting them on social media?

Now that you have the audience, share them there and you should be able to get some benefit from having that old content. Of course for this to work, your content needs to be ‘evergreen’.

Big Traffic Firesale MRR Ebook With Audio

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Big Traffic Firesale

Hack #1: Google Analytics + Tracking

The typical business owner isn’t too keen on more information because they are driven by results in the form of sales and profits which is totally fine but how do you then understand and measure the performance of your website?

When you spend hours of hard work creating your website, do you know which page your users are spending the most time on?

Worse, you think your website is the best you ever had and you start investing thousands of dollars to drive hoards of traffic to your website hoping your offer converts traffic to customers only to realize it is not working.


What’s not working?

Well, nobody knows because if it is not measured, you can’t manage it.

This is where Google Analytics comes into play. It allows you to further understand the quality and behavior of the traffic that comes to your site.

Just on the main dashboard, you can understand,
Where is your traffic coming from?
What device are they using to access your site?
How long are they spending on your site and at which page specifically? At which page do your users abandon their shopping cart?
With this information at hand, you can then start to split test your offers, headlines and images and know which to keep and which to discard.

The Hack:

Measure the performance of your website using the power of Google Analytics.

How It Works:

You use a JavaScript code provided by Google to install Google Analytics on your site. This code is placed on every page of your website and when a user arrives on the site, it fires the code and collects data about your users on how they engage with your site.

The Steps:

1. Register for Google analytics
2. Setup Google Analytics on your site
3. Every now and then, analyze your data
4. Look for tell-tale signs of what is and not working i.e. page visits, bounce rates and average time on site
5. Split test and tweak your website accordingly
6. Repeat till you get the best results possible

Hack #2: Interview + Authority

Have you ever read the book “Think And Grow Rich” by Napolean Hill?

It’s one of the most important financial books ever written about the science of personal achievement – the philosophy of success. Napolean Hill was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie (the Bill Gates of the day) to research on what made rich people rich. Hill set out and interviewed over forty millionaires of his time. The book was written in 1937 and has sold over 70 million copies before he died in 1970.

A lot of people thought that Hill was paid by Carnegie to do the research. He wasn’t.

Carnegie only introduced Hill to the experts of the time – writers, business people, presidents, royalties, sports starts and it started rolling from there.
You could do the same.

All you need is to get the first interview and leverage off the interviewee’s network.

Interview ten experts and you become the eleventh expert and when you post the interview on your site, it becomes searchable content on Google which leads to traffic going to your site.

The Hack:

Leverage on the traffic and followers of authority figures by interviewing them.

How It Works:

When you interview authority figures that are related to your niche, you are ultimately leveraging off their influence, authority and traffic. At the same time, you are building your own credibility as an authority figure. The content produced can then be repurposed into a blog post, a tweet, a podcast, an infographic and even an ebook.

Google Meet Mastery MRR Ebook

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In the current climate, a lot of people are using “virtual meet-ups” to connect with family members and friends because they cannot meet in-person. Video conferencing services are in demand more than they have ever been before.

But many people have a problem with these services…

Using a video conferencing service can be overwhelming for newcomers that have not used one before. The reality is that these services are not difficult to use when you know what you are doing.

In this special report we will show you how to master Google Meet even if you have never used a video conferencing service before. Since its launch, Google Meet has proved to be very popular with users. There is a free option that you can use to get started, and if you need more from the service there is an upgrade that only costs $8 each month.

One of the reasons that Google Meet is so popular is the advanced security features which means that you can use the service to communicate with whoever you want without worrying about any interference.

Gmail is the most popular email client in the world, and Google Meet integrates seamlessly with it and with Google Calendar as well. As a result, it is easy for you to use Google Meet for your video calls and keep organized at the same time.

Google Meet has much more to offer than most people realize. By reading this special report, you will learn everything that you need to master Google Meet. You owe it to yourself to take full advantage of all of the benefits that Google Meet can provide.

In the first section of this report, we will reveal all that you need to know about Google Meet.

Let’s get right into it…

What You Need to Know About Google Meet

It is very easy to get started with Google Meet.

Use Google Meet on any Device

You can use the service on your desktop computer or your laptop, as well as a smartphone or tablet device. Start by going to https://meet.google.com/
If you are using a computer to access Google Meet, all you need is your favorite web browser such as Google Chrome. For mobile devices there is a Google Meet mobile app available. To download the app for an Android device, go to the Google Play Store. It is also available for Apple iOS devices and you can find the app at the Apple App Store.

Important Note: To use Google Meet you need a Google Account such as a Gmail account. If you do not have a Google account, you can set one up for free in a few minutes.

It’s Easy to get Started

The first thing to do is to sign in with your Google account details. Then you can initiate a new meeting or enter the meeting code that another person has provided to you so that you can join a meeting that they have initiated.

Before you start or join a meeting, we recommend that you check the video and audio settings so that you can look and sound good on your Google Meet meeting. You will see the link for your Settings in the top right corner of your screen.

The Free Google Meet Account

The free account with Google Meet has some good features and it may be all that you need. With the free version you get a maximum of one hour (60 minutes) of screen time for each of your sessions. It is also possible to arrange a meeting with up to 100 participants.

If you need more time for your meetings on Google Meet or you want to create meetings that have more than 100 participants then you will need to upgrade your account to the paid version.

Vegan Warrior MRR Ebook With Audio

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Vegan Warrior Introduction

Veganism is a concept that deals with abstaining from the consumption of animal-based products such as milk, eggs and meat. Vegans follow a strict vegetarian diet minus dairy products. Vegans are only allowed to consume vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Now you might think that this does not sound like an ideal diet for athletes to follow, as most of them rely on animal protein like meats and eggs to develop a strong body. However, the world of veganism can offer several superfoods that are not only great to develop a strong body but also capable of increasing an athlete’s vitality.

If you are a vegan athlete, then you have come to the right place, as we will look at 7 such superfoods that can be incorporated into your daily diet.

Let’s begin!

Chapter 1: Berries

Kick-starting the list of vegan superfoods are berries! Berries happen to be one of the most recommended foods for athletes and for good reason. Berries can offer the body several benefits that are highlighted as shown below:

Muscle recovery

Berries are credited for increasing muscle recovery. This means that they help in reducing the time taken by your body to recover from muscle tears and soreness.

According to an experiment conducted on athletes, where they were given blueberry smoothies before their workout, they were able to recover better from muscle soreness 60 hours after their session.

Oxidative stress

The same experiment also found that berries greatly reduced oxidative stress as blood samples drawn 60 hours post workout showed less cell damage. An athlete releases more free radicals into the body after a workout session. Berries, being rich in antioxidants, have the power of reversing oxidative damage to a large extent. This is quite important when it comes to maintaining not just muscle health but overall wellness.

Fat cell development

Berries help in inhibiting fat cell development. Fat cells need to be controlled in order to prevent fat deposits from accumulating in the body. As per studies conducted on mice, those that chewed on polyphenols- a nutrient present in berries- saw a 73% decrease in their lipids. This goes to show that berries can truly help in curbing fat deposits in the body.

Metabolic syndrome

Berries are said to help in the fight against metabolic syndrome. This syndrome can induce reduced metabolism, inflammation, glucose intolerance, insulin resistance etc. Those who are unable to exercise long hours will see a marked improvement in their stamina after consuming berries.

Here are some berries to add to your daily diet.
- Acai berry

Being rich in antioxidant properties, Acai berries are great for athletes. Most athletes suffer from immense pain after a workout session owing to the buildup of lactic acid. Berries help in cutting down on this acid thereby reducing the pain.

- Blueberries

Blueberries are said to be the king of berries and are a must for all athletes to include in their diet. Blueberries come with extreme anti-oxidant content and a chemical known as Lactate dehydrogenase that helps in reducing oxidative damage. This, in turn, helps in enhancing muscle health and help athletes’ recover faster from muscle tears and soreness.

Success Rituals MRR Ebook With Audio

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Success Rituals...

5 Rituals To Happiness And Fulfillment

What’s life without happiness and fulfillment? It’s like living a life without meaning or purpose. When was the last time you feel that you are living your life to the fullest? Are you still desperately trying to figure out how to do that? If that is the case, you are not alone. Unfortunately, many people have been living their life without experiencing what life has to offer.

Regardless of your business, career, life or relationship, it is crucial to develop several essential habits to stay happy and achieve a sense of fulfillment in life. Adapting to a change in lifestyle and following habitul routine is fundamental in order to achieve happiness and fulfillment in the long run. Habit formation is not easy but as long as you maintain consistency in everything you do, you will eventually succeed.

I have done many researches and noticed the consistent patterns that happy and successful people follow. They practice daily habits which keep them motivated and leads to higher productivity, happiness and fulfillment. There are 5 essential habits discussed below that can help you to effortlessly achieve happiness and fulfillment in life.

Essential Habit #1 : Make Exercise A Regular Habit

One of the most essential habits that leads to happiness and fulfillment is exercising regularly. It does not necessarily have to be heavy weightlifting or running a marathon. This is about doing lightly arduous activity to oxygenate your blood and strengthen the endorphins in your body. Regardless of what kind of exercise you do, you will benefit from it as long as you do it regularly.

Make a schedule for exercise and commit to it no matter how busy you are. Aim for an hour of exercise at least 5 days a week to achieve optimum results. However, there is a strong likelihood of you sticking to something you enjoy doing more. You’re not limited to working out at the gym or strapping on jogging shoes. Therefore, allow yourself to look for something you enjoy doing which better suit your lifestyle and preferences. For instance, you could participate in a dance class, shooting basketball hoops, walking in nature, swimming laps at the pool, joining a community sports league, playing tennis, jogging with your dog, hiking, riding a bike, or doing yoga in the park. If you are having a hard time thinking of activities you enjoy, recall back to when you were a kid. What sports or games did you enjoy playing?

Exercise isn’t just beneficial for the body. It has a powerful positive impact on both physical and mental well-being. Besides, exercise also releases dopaminine, oxytocin and serotonin into the system, resulting in an almost euphoric effect without having to consume any drugs. Once you have started this habit, you will feel more motivated, more mental clarity as well as be more emotionally sound. People who exercise regularly tend to be happier across the board. Also, they tend to be less stresssed, angry, anxious and depressed. In addition, exercise doesn’t just help you maintain your health and attractiveness. Studies have shown that it acts as antidepressants which keeps you happy.

Based on research, exercising physically is simply mind-boggling; how physical exercise brings positive impacts to both physical and mental health. It’s known to be as powerful as the most effecitve psychiatric medication in the absence of side effects. Researchers believe that physical exercise can protect bodies against some of the illness that can hit people in their later lives which include cognitive decline but it can also help stave off feelings of depression and anxiety to individuals of different age groups. When dealing with patients suffering from attention-deficit disorder or depression, doing physical exercise is highly recommended by most psychologists as it works wonders. As stated by the NEF report, “we do not have to do plenty of them, even as minimal as running 3 separate 30-minute sessions a week or brisk walking could be beneficial”. However, in general, the longer and more intense the physical activity is, the better the impact on health. But as the NEF report has pointed out, even a single exercise session of 10 minutes or less can have a positive effect on one’s mental health. However, one study found that habit formation takes an average time of 66 days to solidify but may happen anywhere between 18 to 254 days. Therefore, do not get discouraged if you feel lethargic or demotivated to exercise at first as you are going to take time to develop the habit to exercise.
Essential Habit #2 : Wellness

Another important ritual of happiness and fulfillment is to develop wellness. Wellness means doing anything to enhance your body and overall health. For example, being engaged in any activities of self-pampering is of paramount importance for mental health and happiness. This could include one or a combination of the following: meditating, getting a hot bath, getting sufficient sleep, drinking plenty of water, taking your vitamins, eating food that are both nourishing and healthy, getting a massage and many more.

Happiness, vitality and emotional stability is directly affected when you’re sleep deprived. It is of paramount importance to get quality sleep every night in order to be productive, think creatively, and make wise decisions. Sleep scientists stated that the average person needs at least 7.5 – 9 hours every night. Apart from getting sufficient sleep, the practice of meditation is one of the most effective technique to live a happier life. Meditation is an effective ancient practice that helps us to control our mind and thoughts as well as enjoy living in the moment. In other words, meditation is a kind of exercise for the brain. When meditation is practiced regularly, part of the brain filled with negative thoughts, anxiety and depression is reduced whereas the other part of the brain filled with joy, fulfillment, and peace is increased. It also boosts parts of the brain responsible in controlling emotions and managing attention.