Dear Fellow Marketer,
My name is Max and I've been a graphic designer online for over 7 years. As any quality designer, I've compiled and created my own set of "shortcuts" and "hacks" over the years, to make my design job easier. And in the past few years, I started turning my own personal "shortcuts" into do-it-yourself tools that others can use to do what I do.
Several months ago I released a package with some of my best personal graphics tools and templates called Marketing Graphics Toolkit. It was a HUGE success and sold over 3,000 copies in just over a month of release, and had some amazing customer feedback.
After the success of the V1 package, I released Marketing Graphics Toolkit V2 which was even bigger and better and sold even more copies than V1. The main thing that made the V2 package so great is the fact that you didn't need Photoshop to use it.
Now I'm releasing Marketing Graphics Toolkit V3... and I'm REALLY excited about it because it's bigger and better than the last 2 packages. And just like the last V2 package, you still don't require Photoshop.