Tag Archives: Giveaway Rights

101 Ways To Create An Eproduct In 3 Days Giveaway Rights Ebook

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There are so many different ideas for e-products that you can start with a few lines of information, to a whole book, newsletters, workbooks for training purposes, digital designs for templates, Ezine, membership communities, coaching information, photographic products for wallpapers, photo frames and such for mobile devices, video tutorials, the list is endless.

Anything that you can design and create on your laptop and computer has the potential to be an e-product. Once you have an idea, create your product the best way you can.

Create an eBook

There are many web sites out there that will help you to create an eBook and to provide the right format for your type of information. Some formats are better for images as they can compress and decompress them quickly. Others are better for series of publications rather than just one book, so you can submit a trilogy or such in the right format that won’t take hours to download. Yet others will only work with a single platform like Linux, others are designed to create multimedia eBooks. Regardless of the type of book, fiction, non-fiction, technical, comic or full of images, there is an eBook format to fit it.

Google Docs
Archos Diffusion-need an Archos Player to read
Broadband eBooks-proprietary format, Linux systems can read
Comic Book Archive File
DAISY-format for creating products for people with disabilities
DjVU-good for documents with lots of images, compresses and decompresses fast
EPUB-format can be read by Kobo eReader, Blackberry, iBooks and devices, BeBook, Bookeen Cybook, Nook Sony Reader and many others
eReader-format supports images and hyperlinks
FictionBook-convenient storage and conversion tool
Kindle Format 8
Mobi Pocket
Multimedia eBooks
TEBR-designed for mobile devices
Plucker-open source product
Newton eBook-for larger eBooks and trilogies

101 Ways To Lose Your Weight Naturally Giveaway Rights Ebook

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Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables

The more colourful fruit and vegetables you eat the more vitamins and minerals you are getting. Fruit contains antioxidants that are good for us and it is found in colourful fruit like blueberries.

Eliminate processed foods

The processed foods we eat are full of fast acting carbohydrates that contain loads of sugar, sodium and sometimes fat. A lot of baked goods contain Trans fat that is not a good fat. Olive oil and the natural fats from lean meat are good for us. They keep our joints in good condition and we need a certain amount each day.

Eat more fish

Oily fish contains good omega fats that are important for our good health and they help to lower cholesterol.

Eat more fibre

Fibre is the stuff that makes you feel fuller longer and gives you a healthy bowel. It helps remove any excess fat from your system and is a vital part of a good healthy diet. If you don’t think you are getting enough fibre add oats to your breakfast, sprinkle bran on cereal and add dried peas and lentils to soups and vegetable dishes.

Add vegetarian meals

Have a couple of vegetarian meals each week. You will be surprised at the variety of meals that you can make for the whole family. Avoid meat substitutes but have eggs instead of meat, include dried pulses or nuts for protein. Replace a meat meal with a hard cheese and fresh salad full of greens, fresh herbs, tomatoes, cucumber, celery and olives.

Eat less meat

Reduce the portion size of lean meat. Your plate should be 2/3 to ¾ vegetables and the rest lean protein. Meat is still important for iron and other minerals but you will notice that you will feel less bloated by eating less red meat. Try to eat red meat medium to rare as it is easier to digest.

Eat less saturated fats

Saturated fats are found in processed and packaged foods and stay as fat in our body. These are the fats that make the bad cholesterol and contribute to heart disease.

101 Ways To Travel Around The World For Cheap Giveaway Rights Ebook

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Yacht crew

Many large yachts that are cruising the world are looking for crew members with skills other than sailing. If you can offer culinary, mechanical, engineering or navigational skills apply to be crew member. Owners often move yachts around the world to rake advantage of weather or fishing conditions and the boat needs to be relocated. An extra pair of hands never goes astray.

Budget airlines

The budget airlines in Europe and North America offer cheap flights, so if you need to pay for travel take advantage of them.

Student travel scholarship

Apply to study for a year overseas to complete your degree. Travel and accommodation is provided and sometimes a daily allowance.

Transport vehicles for others

When people move to another country they don’t want to transport the car on a train or a truck. They will pay you to drive the car to their new destination. Some car rental companies need someone to drive the cars back from one way rentals.


If you plan on hiring a car for your travel look into others who can join you and share the travel costs. Alternatively you can join a car going in the same direction you are and pay towards the travel costs. Often this needs to be arranged before you go. Check out web sites, bulletin boards and hotels while you are away.


This mode of transport is still quite safe in some countries so don’t discount it.

Take advantage of off season rates

Try to use off season times to travel. Rates are cheaper and even though it may not be the time of year you want by travelling a few weeks earlier or later the fares are always cheaper.

Weekdays often cheaper

Travelling in a country is often cheaper by train, bus or plane on weekdays as they try to fill all of the seats. Even overseas travel can be cheaper as most people organise travel around a Monday to Friday working week.

202 Tips To Work Effectively Giveaway Rights Ebook

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162. Figure out the causes of stress.
163. To eliminate stress from your work life, make your work plan easy to follow.
164. Never put yourself under too much workload.
165. Never push yourself to work beyond your limits.
166. Take deep breaths and relax after regular intervals.
167. Restore work-life balance by using time management techniques.
168. Building self-confidence reduces stress.
169. Recognize your fears and overcome them; it will enhance your self-confidence.
170. Take a course to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.
171. Learn to stay calm during long work hours and try to create a stress-free work environment.
172. Learn to control your aggression caused by long hours of work.
173. Sleeping and relaxing for a while helps to control stress.
174. Do not let your expectations or emotions fool you; be realistic about the task that you have to do.
175. Never lose touch with your own life; giving importance to your well-being reduces stress.
176. Adopt positive thinking; negative thinking is a major cause of stress.
177. Never be pessimistic about any situation.
178. Overcome the fear of failure and change.
179. Good decision making skills increase work effectiveness.
180. Work effectiveness depends on how well you manage the risks involved in a task.
181. You need to break the habit of even-analysis; the value of things changes over time.
182. Make your financial decisions by thinking about the current value of the things.
183. Develop a habit of critical thinking.
184. Be careful when choosing between options.
185. Consider a decision from all points of view.
186. Make sure there are no blind spots left in your final decision.
187. When making decisions, never jumps to conclusions without carefully considering every point.
188. Learn well the common yet fatal flaws usually made in decision making.
189. Learn the skills of making decisions under pressure.
190. Decide carefully whether you need to be ‘cautious’ or ‘courageous’ when making decision; your ability to deal with risks will help you in this regard.
191. Develop your skills to get the most out of limited resources. See how you can optimize them well.
192. Having right carrier skills increases productivity and effectiveness.
193. You must know how to handle any official position given to you.
194. If you are unable to deal effectively with office politics, you will not be able to work efficiently.
195. You should also acquire skills to deal with people who are lazy and idyll.
196. Work effectiveness, especially in teamwork tasks, depends on how well you can motivate others to work.
197. Your own efficiency will not do any good if the other members of your group are not efficient.
198. Learn to use your creativity skills; use different and unique techniques to get a job done.
199. Be innovative in your ideas; it will infuse in you a new spirit to work effectively.
200. Never be intimidated by the challenges that come in your way.

303 Offline Strategies Giveaway Rights Ebook

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287. Proven & tested- a customer will be able to trust and get comfortable with you.Do small things that will stick in your customers' minds. I find that links to articles of interest to my clients work very well. Most of my clients are too busy to spend a lot of time on the internet. I always pass along links to articles or books that may interest them. This positions me as someone who is in the know

288. Quality- Nothing stands out as quality for customers. Identify which customer categories have the greatest need for your products. Look at the types of customers who are likely to purchase your products and use your services. Consider things such as age, gender, income level, marital status, occupation, educational level, gender and ethnic background.

289. Quickly- This is what would drive customers to you. Then targeting and connecting with your market as much as possible should be the obvious next step. However, this is where many marketers fail, for they are trying to be “all things to all people” and attempt to market their product to everyone.

290. Rare of its kind- You cannot miss any customer with this hot selling word. Do small things that will stick in your customers' minds. I find that links to articles of interest to my clients work very well. Most of my clients are too busy to spend a lot of time on the internet. I always pass along links to articles or books that may interest them. This positions me as someone who is in the know.

291. Reduced- time and money saving is something that brings customers to you.People like to be appreciated. Sometimes new business is simply a matter of prospecting. Whether it is making cold calls or sending out proposals, every so often you just gotta do it. The target market is the actual customer group, or audience, in which your business will attempt to sell its products and services

292. Refundable- And customers would not want to lose out which is why refundable is excellent. Although it is impossible to capture every customer within your target market, gearing your services toward the identified market will make sales much easier. When you give the refundable option, customers trust you.

293. Remarkable- This is what you need to present to your customers . Advertising is great and can lead to new customers for sure. The problem is that it is inherently biased; it is you tooting your own horn. Creating an incentive referral program is simple and it can yield great results. The key is to give people a reason to refer business to you

294. Reliable & Recommendable- This phrase will sell you fast.Again, the idea is the same – if you keep doing the same thing, offering the same old products. And marketing them the same old way. it is the same old people who will notice them. Offering a different product, or product line, and letting people know about it, does that.

Website Advertising Giveaway Rights Ebook

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How the Web Reinvigorated Advertising Advertising is nothing new to the world. Attaching sales messages that many people don’t care to read or view on to things they want to or must read or view has been a tactic of sales people since for eons. Since the earliest days of advertising very little of substance has changed in this respect. Ads attached to important material or put in places where people cannot avoid seeing them (billboards, train stations, airports) still rules the day in the ad world. But what has made a material difference in this universe has been the growth of the web. What the web can do that other forms of advertising cannot essentially amounts to leaving the web as the superior way to get highly targeted and thus cost-effective sales messages out to the public. Whereas an ad in a train station will be seen by a very wide demographic (a lot of different types of people ride the train, and they tend to buy a lot of different types of things), web pages tend to be viewed by people looking specifically for the material on that web page. What lies on that web page likely has some bearing on the demographic characteristics of the viewer, and thus an advertiser can “know” something about the people who are likely to visit the page before they put their ads on it. Advertising came to the web slowly and tentatively. But the pace of change has been pretty rapid. Where once you would find one or perhaps two banner ads on a page, today you will find about one-fifth of the page covered, if not more, in ads. And unlike with newspapers and magazines, these ads do not only sit alongside content. Web pages today are filled with ads that sit on top of, or otherwise obscure the content of the page. Now this is something new in the world. And not everyone is happy about it. Many people object to the notion of ads at all, but even the more tolerant among us are objecting to the ad become a barrier to reading the content on the page. Of course, who only knows where we go from here. The next developments in web advertising are just as likely to be more controversial than less so. With such a highly targeted forum advertisers and the web sites they support are having a hard time turning their backs on the opportunity to get the attention of would-be buyers.

Website Advertising Continuing to Evolve There is no question but that the presence that advertising has had within the web environment has expanded tremendously in recent years. What used to be thought of a little more than a static banner ad opportunity, the web today is exploding with ever more plentiful, animated, and sometimes intrusive ads. The trend is due to several factors. One is that the barriers to the web as an accepted place for advertising have vanished almost completely. There are few products or service types that are not marketed on the web today. The other is that the web has become the fastest growing advertising outlet available, and use of it is increasing. Both of these trends point to the same net result, which is that ads are plentiful on the web, and there needs to be a way for each to distinguish itself from the next in the mind of the page view. As a result, more ads are appearing as animated, and active. Some are even designed to initiate after the viewer has already started reading a page. These ads share one other thing in common: the page viewer must take a direct action to remove them from the page (and typically what they are trying to read on the page). Viewers must either click on the ad to engage it, or they must close it out. For those who wonder why there now seem to be so many more ads than before and who seem to feel more encroached upon by those ads, know that you are not alone and your observations are not just your own. As ads become ever more pervasive and ever more intrusive, viewers become ever more put upon by them. So, advertisers and the sites that serve them are playing a game of chicken with viewers. Web site advertising is believed to be among the most effective of the available forms of advertising, but it is wearing thin the patience of viewers everywhere. The overall trend toward greater use of the web as an ad vehicle is unquestioned, but what is becoming increasingly in doubt is not just the limits of viewers’ patience, but of their attention. One trailing implication of the onslaught of all of this intrusive advertising is whether or not it undercuts the web as an effective vehicle by overloading the attention spans of viewers. There are limits to everything, including how much information we can productively absorb, and some would argue that the current state of web advertising is pushing those limits.

The Future of Website Advertising Considering how quickly the website advertising industries have grown up in the past several years, it is daunting to think about how much more they can possibly evolve. Web advertising has massively changed the face of advertising as a marketing strategy, and you need look no further than the massive flow of funds into web sites that sell space, and away from traditional print media to see how impressively this has happened. But print media is not the only form that is being changed by web ads. Television is facing its own threat from the web platform, something that only a few years ago, many thought was not likely. The web was seen as a good place for static ads, but not the kind of dynamic ads that are seen on television. One of the major hurdles to television ads on the web was seen as the way that the web does not have a natural place for these audio and video enabled ads. Television, of course, does. In fact the whole production of a television show, newcast, etc is built around the requirements for the advertising that supports them.

Clickbank Cash Success Secrets Giveaway Rights Ebook

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Choosing The Best Product Title For Your Keyword

Product name keywords are a gravid way to get to the top of Google, and beginning seeing the quickest sales. But, I've heard a lot of individuals saying, “There’s too much rivalry in my niche, so the product name keywords are not going to go”

I have to say that what I've seen has been really different. Let’s take the health niche, among the most competitive niches on the net.

Your Product Keywords

As I carried out my research, I considered three of the highest gravity merchandise suppliers on Clickbank, and I was amazed to see how little competition there truly was.

Here is where most individuals bomb. They view 1or 2 highly searched keywords such as “Product Name” review and that's it.

Doing a little research, I discovered over twenty keywords across these three highly competitive products in that rigorous niche. Each one of them is highly directed to purchasers, with very little SEO rivalry. The search volumes range anyplace from a hundred monthly searches to five thousand with precise match, and even larger on the liberal match searches.

That's a lot of keywords that you may be targeting that would convert truly well to sales, but most individuals merely are not “wasting their time” on these keywords. I hear individuals telling me that they're too competitive and they can’t acquire ranking for them.

I decided to have a look at a few physical products inside the niche. I discovered that this was even easier. I discovered one that the keyword was Buy x product name with over 5,000 precise match monthly searches and not any of the pages on page one had any on page search engine optimization, and they weren’t big authority sites. One of the pages had zero links to the page, and less than five hundred to the site, and it was in the top ten.

So, please take a little time to do a little research into the product name keywords, and utilize that research to begin setting link building goals. Then, center your link building efforts on these pages instead of the general content on your site. They'll rank faster, and you'll see higher conversions than you will on general content with an advertisement injected.

How to discover which products in the Clickbank Marketplace are worth marketing via SEO?

Among the greatest affiliate marketing trends of late (and rightfully so as it works) is going to the Clickbank market, browsing through the popular merchandise , and then marketing them by optimizing for the “product name keyword” in Google, and acquiring great buyer traffic from those searches.

You are able to see that there's a lot of individuals doing this, once they discovered a worthy product in the Clickbank marketplace, they'll begin marketing the product thru SEO. They commonly add more keywords after the name of product with (review/bonus/discount/ whatever that make individuals wish to click and purchase).

Affiliate Marketing Success Tips Giveaway Rights Ebook

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#1 Cloak Your Affiliate Links

You want to eliminate those long ugly affiliate links. You can do this with a link cloaker, which will create affiliate links that are short and more pleasant to look at. It will also increase your click through rate.
Let’s look at an example. Here’s an affiliate link for a shareasale.com affiliate program. http://www.shareasale.com/t.cfm?A=223794&U=243855&M=17541&urllink= and samplelink.com/recommending/this-products/ - with the use of a link cloaker it would look something like this http://yourdomain.com/this-product or something similar.

#2 Write Numerous Reviews

Using written reviews is an excellent working strategy. It is one of the best tips floating around. With your review you will talk about the product on a page. One product to one page. You will tell the readers about the product you are reviewing both pros and cons to provide your readers with insight. You might also compare products.

You can get the most out of your reviews by creating a category strictly for reviews. Make sure it’s visible to your visitors. Use a rating plugin to rate the products you review. The starts indicate the quality of the product. The more visible your reviews the more likely your sales are to increase.

#3 Promote Only Products That Can Make You Money

There’s an endless array of products on the market that you could review, but stick to those that can actually make you a decent commission and forget those that don’t pay well. This doesn’t mean avoid low ticket items. A $10 item might have a 20% commission and a $100 item might have a 10% commission. It’s easier to sell cheap products. But what it does mean is you should avoid the $10 item that pays $1 commission or the $100 item that pays you a couple dollars. Choose your affiliate products wisely. Your goal is to build a profitable income stream. Keep that in mind. You can also test products to see how well they do in the market place. Sometimes those products you think will do well, don’t actually do well but you won’t know this unless you test. So test, test, test and test some more.

There you have it – 3 practical tips that can help you have a successful affiliate marketing program.

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