Tag Archives: Giveaway Rights

Let Your Customers Do Your Selling For You Giveaway Rights Ebook

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You know about testimonials – those little blurbs from customers that tell prospects how great a product or service is.

But did you also know that over 70% of customers look at product reviews before buying? And 90% of participants in a Zendesk survey say they were influenced in their buying decisions by positive reviews.

According to research firm McKinsey, customers that come in through the advocacy of other customers actually stay longer and pay you more over time.

And it gets even better, because according to Influitive, customers who advocate for you will actually stay longer and pay you more.

Talk about a win-win-win, with YOU coming out as the biggest winner of all.

But getting testimonials can be a problem. Business people don’t want to ask for them or don’t know HOW to ask for them. And customers, while they might want to give them, don’t know how.

That’s why we’re going to show you exactly what to ask to get testimonials, how to use the testimonials to overcome the biggest objections of your prospects, and even how to get testimonials without asking.

First, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – that is, the problem with 90+% of testimonials out there right now…

“I don’t believe it!”

The problem – and it’s a big problem – with testimonials is they tend to be too sugary. Too positive. Too… unbelievable.

“Since I bought the ABC Super Scooper Money Making Machine, I’ve made so much money I dumped my wife of 22 years and I married 18 year old super model triplets. I now own 16 homes, 83 cars and my own personal rocket ship to Mars. Plus my skin rash cleared up real nice and I’m about to buy a big yacht and an island and become president of a South American country. Let me tell you, that was the best $19.95 I ever spent!”



You believe that, don’t you?

Me neither.

Testimonials are a lot like resumes…

What happens when you hand your snazzy jazzy resume to a hiring manager? Sure, they read it. But do they BELIEVE it? Nope. If they did, they wouldn’t do all that digging into your past, your social media accounts, your previous employers, your college records and your references.

Why don’t they believe what they read in resumes?

Two reasons:

1. A lot of people ‘pad’ their resume, making themselves sound better than they are. And since they don’t know you, they just have to assume you’re padding until proven otherwise.

2. It’s all positive. Nearly nobody every puts anything negative on a resume. “That company canned me because I didn’t do a darn thing for 8 months but play video games on the computer and play with the company dog.”

And what does this teach us about why people don’t believe testimonials?

1. A lot of testimonials are fake, or at least people perceive them as being fake

2. The reason they think they’re fake is because they’re all positive – sometimes ridiculously positive - like the example at the beginning of this article.

With those two strikes going against you, how do you get real testimonials that people BELIEVE?

By getting believable testimonials.

Which brings us to the question:

What makes a testimonial believable?

If the testimonial starts out on a negative note, people’s defenses go down and they your credibility goes up. In fact, not only does a bit of negativity ring true and become believable, but there’s a second benefit as well:

Because the testimonial starts out negative, people are captivated into reading it from start to finish.

Let’s say a friend is recommending an auto mechanic to you. What might they say?

“You know that repair shop on 5th and Vine, the one in the tacky yellow building? Well I went in there the other day because something was wrong with my car.

The place came highly recommended, but I gotta tell you when I walked through the door, I wasn’t too sure. It didn’t look nearly as modern as the repair shop at the dealership. But they took great care of me and my car. They diagnosed the problem in minutes, told me exactly what was wrong and how long it would take to fix it.

It cost way less than I thought it would, and they had me back on the road in 40 minutes. I was so impressed. The last time I went to the dealership they tried to upsell me on a bunch of stuff and I know they overcharged for what I let them do. I’ll never go back to the dealership again.

That repair shop might look a little funky, but the mechanics are top notch, fast and friendly, and they don’t try to rip you off.”

Notice how different this testimonial is from most of the testimonials you see online. This one starts out negative, talking about “the tacky yellow building,” and “it didn’t look nearly as modern as the repair shop at the dealership.”

And near the close it gets negative again, saying “That repair shop might look a little funky.”

But there is no doubt the author of the testimonial is thrilled with the service he received and the price he paid.

THIS is a testimonial people will believe.

In fact, if you have several of these kinds of testimonials, half your job of selling will be done for you.

That’s because your customers will be overcoming prospect’s objections for you, in a way you alone could never do.

Im Niche Salesletter Swipes Giveaway Rights Template

Are You Ready to Build a 100% Automated Information Marketing Machine!

What is holding you back from online success, from being able to hit that elusive $100k online in one year goal?

Perhaps you have been working hard, trying to create a product, or maybe you even created a product, but you don't know how to sell it.

Or maybe you have been working feverishly to build a list...but you don't know what to sell your list and you know that if you don't sell anything, you aren't going to hit $100k, right?

Or maybe you have a couple of products, but now it is getting really confusing figuring out who needs what, who has already bought product 1, how to write your autoresponder emails so they promote both products, but don't overdo it.

Methods For Finding Blogging Ideas Giveaway Rights Video With Audio

Learn the 21 Methods For Finding Blog Topics!

Ideas can seem endless once you get the urge to start writing a blog. More often than not you are writing the blog because the topic at hand is near and dear to your heart, which makes it even more challenging.

Eventually, you exhaust all those ideas and get them all out on paper. The only problem after that is your mind is all out of content for your blog. Then you have to ask yourself where you can get more ideas?

Inside this product are the 21 methods that will help you discover that vast sea of ideas that you originally had when you started your blog.

Remember, it is always a good idea to keep a log and record ideas as they hit you. The excellent idea that you think you will never ends up being forgotten right about the time you need it the most.

13 Ways To Make Your Squeeze Pages Convert Giveaway Rights Video With Audio

Learn the 13 Ways To Make Your Squeeze Pages Convert!

If you are a blogger, internet marketer or affiliate marketer, chances are you tend to build an email list because most successful internet marketers suggesting to build a list because the money is in the list.

Now, you are building your squeeze page to collect email addresses from your prospects but the problem now is that they don't optin into your squeeze page.

Why is that? Inside this product are the answers to that question that will help you solve your marketing challenges.

Get More Eyes On Your Content Giveaway Rights Video With Audio

Learn the 8 Ways to Get More Eyes On Your Content!

If you are a blogger or website owner, chances are you need to have many people to see your content and invite them to your offers whatsoever.

The thing is that, even if it is very simple to hear, but sometimes content marketing is not very easy to do.

Well, the good news is that inside this product is a video guide that will help you boost your content marketing efforts.

How To Keep Your Email Subscribers Giveaway Rights Video With Audio

Learn How to Keep Your Email Subscribers!

Indeed, the money is in the list. That's why you decided to build your own email list but as you go along, building a list is not just your task that you have to take care of.

There is the concern of how to make your list conversion increase and most of all how to keep your list intact or at least you have low number of attrition.

Well, if you will look to other business model, attrition is normal but if you will handle your list quite well, you can decrease it numbers and make more money from it.

Is Your Website Losing You Business Giveaway Rights Video With Audio

Learn if Your Website Losing You Business!

Are you aware that you can actually decrease your number of sales by offering too many different or services on one website?

For example, your one website could provide SEO advice, Facebook Page services and a website building service.

A customer could then visit your website with the intention of having a professional Facebook page built and end up not taking advantage of your Facebook page services merely because they see tons of information concerning your SEO advice and website building services.

After leaving your website, that same customer goes to a website that offers just the Facebook services and decides to invest with them. Why is that? Learn more inside...

Stop Shopping Cart Abandonment Giveaway Rights Video With Audio

Learn How to Stop Shopping Cart Abandonment!

The three most common reasons that lead to customers abandoning your site is that the design is poorly manufactured, the site is operating slowly, or that the product is simply too expensive.

Those are all problems they encounter before they even make make it to the shopping cart. So the question is 'why do customers take advantage of the shopping cart and then leave?'

Well, the most recent research shows that it has to do with 'compulsory registration.' In fact, a quarter of all customers will hit the shopping cart and then choose to leave because of this form of mandatory registration.

In other words, customers leave because they feel pressured or unsafe in some way. The simple solution to this is just to make the checkout process painless as possible. Learn more inside...

Why Hate Mail Giveaway Rights Video With Audio

Why Hate Mail Is A GOOD Thing And What You Should Do About It!

If you are an online marketer, then you are likely to get chewed out or called names at one point or another.

What no one tells is you is that hate mail actually a Good thing. The fact of the matter is that you can't please everyone and if you try to please everyone you end up jumping through hoops 24/7 and losing money.

Sales and online marketing are not the same when it comes to customer responses. In sales, you more often than not get a simple no or I am not interested but in online dramatically increase the chances that a person will get fired up and send you a nasty message.

Increase Your Holiday Sales Giveaway Rights Video With Audio

Tips That Can Help You Increase Your Holiday Sales This Season!

Did you know that you can make this holiday business a more profitable one for your online business? As an internet marketer, you have to appeal to holiday shoppers so they will buy your products and services.

There’s lots of competition out there and you must develop sound strategies so that you can continue building your relationship with your customers and potential customers in order to make more sales during the holiday season.

It is well worth taking the time to do this and will result in increased profits for you.