Tag Archives: Giveaway Rights

Ultimate Lifestyle Giveaway Rights Ebook

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Day-after-day we keep ourselves engaged with those things that matter the most to us. A lot of times, it may be just to survive and make a living. In doing so we occasionally disregard or forget about the additional matters that are necessary to balance our lives. They’re even more crucial to provide real meaning to our world.
You have to pay attention to your health.

Exercise is where it's at, along with a low-fat, high-fiber diet and a wish to move towards good health. Naturally you'll likewise need to cut down on those awful habits, like smoking, drinking excessively, or practicing drug use, which includes over usage of prescription medicine.

Good health comes to those that attend to their Body. When you better your health today health, in turn other good things will come to you in many ways. Before you know it you'll discover yourself doing things you never did before.

Although only the higher power is in control of our earthly life, it doesn't mean we can’t attempt to live a healthy and happy life. In attending to our bodies, and having a complimentary life-style, we will live longer…

Do you wish to live longer, happier, and healthier? If you truly wish to, reading this e-Book can help you accomplish your goals........

Ultimate Health Lessons

Learn to adopt healthy living that will change the way you feel about your body.

Chapter 1:

A Quick Study To Understand What Requires Fixing


Life expectancy of the humans is increasing every day. Just imagine how nice it would be to live healthy till you're 80 years old, or longer.

The Basics

Rest will help with body functions and help you have less tension, and anxiety. Sleep helps you to think distinctly. Acquire a sound routine for rest. Discover how much sleep you truly need. During the day if you're not working, take a thirty-minute nap, which may help you feel more beneficial during the evening. Everybody is different so you’ll need to see what amount of sleep your body needs.

Nutrition, vitamins and the correct food will help you to live the life you'd like to live. The body requires nutrients to function, and without a suitable diet we'll be starving vital organs and they won’t function correctly. Gluttony is not good for the body either and makes the heart work harder. A few physicians and other health care providers claim eating food that's healthy for you is more important than exercising. However, is it true?

Exercise on a day-to-day basis will step-up the chances of not getting brittle bones and stiff joints when you become older. Exercising will improve your heartbeat, which will ensure a healthier life-style and keep you from feeling sluggish. Tension and anxiety may be cut down with exercising. If you're not doing any exercise, begin today. Don't get into huge workouts to begin with. Do easy arm lifts, leg lifts, even simply stretching. Walk up and down stairs, if you’re able to utilize stairs, at a slow pace a few times daily. After a week you are able to introduce your body to a bit more exercise. Take your time.

Water will help your body to do away with toxins, germs and things that your body doesn't need. Water is the sole fluid that will truly flush your system out. It's highly suggested that you drink adequate water each day. Remember next time you have to purchase something to drink, get a bottle of water. You'll save money and your health will benefit without the sugar and additional ingredients in a soda pop.

Protect yourself from harm. Do you like to ride a bicycle? Put on a helmet. Don’t say ah that’s not for me. Youngsters and grownups are hurt everyday with bicycle accidents. Protect your head, and your brain.

Utilize good moisturizers and lotions to protect the skin from too much sun. Lotions and moisturizers will help keep skin healthy. As we mature the skin will begin to break down and thin. Utilizing good lotion and moisturizers will help your body to keep your skin in the correct shape.

Stress, depression and anxiety need to be cut down in an individual’s life. Not only is it harmful to your emotional state, it's causing stress to the heart. We have to control these matters and learn to unwind.

You must give up Smoking. Not too much more to say about that. It isn't good, smells foul, and tastes foul. Your heart and lungs don’t enjoy it either. Give it up.
Observe the doctor appointments. See your physician as often as they’d like you to go. Have annual medical checkups to ensure that things are all right with you. We have to take an attack of preventive care.


Living long, healthy and happy requires work. When you employ self-command for living longer, healthier and happier - you more than likely will accomplish it. You have to hold goals, plans, and take action - to take the steps to move toward healthiness in every area of your life.

Best Online Marketing Secret Ever Giveaway Rights Ebook

The Best Online Marketing “Secret” Ever in the History of IM

I don’t know what day you’re reading this.

But I do know that today someone, somewhere, just launched a brand new Internet Marketing product or course that will finally teach you the secrets to building a successful Internet Marketing business in just months.

How do I know this?

Because every single day of every single year, someone does exactly this.

And here’s the best part – many and even most of these products work.

They truly do. That is, they work as long as you do the work.

Which bears repeating - Building an online business takes actual WORK.

There is no magic button to making a million overnight.

If there were, no one would be waiting tables or working at dead end jobs because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE would be rich. So just get thoughts of overnight wealth out of your pretty brain the next time someone tries to tell you they found the magic button and they’ll share it with you for just $97.

However, if you are willing to work, and you’re willing to invest in your business, then I will tell you the secret to having an honest to goodness real business within 3-4 months that does indeed earn you a minimum of $5,000 per month.

The sad things is, most people who read this aren’t going to actually DO it.

And that’s because it’s not sexy and it takes WORK.

Darn, there’s that 4 letter word again.

And one more thing – if you want to accomplish this in 3-4 months, it’s probably going to take an investment as well. Now, before you get unraveled because I suggested you have to WORK and INVEST, think about this…

…what job can you get - with no formal training - that will pay you $5,000 a month to start, with monthly raises? And that calls for you to work from any darn place you choose, when you want, where you want and how you want?

Name me one job like that and I’m in.

But there’s no such thing.

Imagine for a minute that you apply for a job.

The interviewer says to you, “The only training you need will be on the job. You’ll be making $5,000 a month by your third or fourth month. Each month that you want a raise, you can have one. There is no limit to what you can earn, it’s up to you. You can work from home or anyplace you like. You can work whenever you like, as little or as much as you like. And if there is any part of the job you don’t like doing, you can outsource it to someone else.”

That, my friend, is a job applicant’s wet dream.

And it’s exactly what you can have, if you want it bad enough. So what’s THE big internet marketing secret I mentioned in the title?

If you haven’t already guessed it, keep reading.

If you have guessed it, are you doing it yet? If not, why not????? Okay, here we go, and I warn you – you have heard this before. You may have heard this 100 times before.

But what counts is the ONE time you hear it and actually starting DOING it.

That, my friend, is LIFE-CHANGING.

And it’s why I’m taking so long to lead up to this – because I’m trying to help you make THIS the time you actually DO it and make it yours.

Here we go…

What you need to succeed is a LIST.

Yes, I told you that you heard this before.

But if you really want total financial freedom, you need a list.

You need a list.

You need a list.


Whew. Sorry about that. I get a little keyed up when I see people buying every latest greatest newest product out there when all they need to do is get busy and build a list.

Having a list gives you a ready market for any products you want to develop and create.

It allows you to sell affiliate products whenever you want. It allows you to make money on demand.

Whoa – did a big bill just land in your lap? Send an email and get the money to pay it.

Did you just find something in the store you MUST HAVE RIGHT NOW?

Send out an email and in a few hours you can have it.

Think about this… properly built and handled, a list of 10,000 people can give you an income of $5,000 a month if you promote the right affiliate offers.

This doesn’t even include promoting your own products. Plus when you have a list of 10,000, you also have leverage.

You can ask other marketers to promote your products to their lists in return for promoting their products to your list.

And you can build your list from zero to 10,000 in a couple of months, especially if you’re willing to invest in your list building efforts.

First, choose your niche. Health, finance and business, relationships, self-improvement… choose something you enjoy yourself that’s filled with people who spend money.

The hungrier your market, the better.

Either create a lead magnet or have one created for you. It should be an offer so enticing that visitors can’t help but opt-in to get it.

Put an upsell after that squeeze page to earn some up-front money.

Run solo ads or Facebook ads to send traffic to your squeeze page. Just spend a little bit here and there at first until you get your squeeze page and upsell page tweaked and optimized for best results.

Then buy more traffic. Use the profits from the upsell to buy MORE traffic.

Yes, you will be spending money.

But done right, you will also be making money.

Create Your Own Physical Video Products Giveaway Rights Ebook

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How to Create Your Own Physical Video Products

Why are video products important? Because they have a higher perceived value by your prospects and customers. You can charge more for videos than you typically can for ebooks, and they can be easier to sell because more people want to watch videos than read ebooks. If you want to capture both video lovers and readers, simply add PDF transcripts of your videos to your package.

Then if you choose, you can also re-purpose the video by stripping out the audio and selling that as a product, as well as packaging the transcriptions into an ebook or breaking them up into articles and blog posts. And if you're making a series of videos, you can even turn them into an entire course or membership site.

What kind of camera do you need?

You can go with an expensive model, but in the beginning I advocate saving your money and using a fairly decent camera that doesn't set you back several hundred dollars.

After all, what's truly important is the content of your videos, not that you have Hollywood quality film making (you're not going to achieve that level anyway!) You can haunt your favorite office store and simply pick up an economical camera there. Or you can use the one built into your computer.

And by all means get the tripod – it'll pay for itself the first time you record yourself.

How do you choose your topic for your video product?

It's much the same as for any product – find out what your customers need and want and give them that and more. And to be sure you're on the right track, test it out. Maybe do a blog post or take a survey and see what kind of reaction you get. Even though video products are faster to make than written products, you still don't want to waste a day or two making a product no one buys.

How do you script your video?

There is a myth among those who have never made a video that all you need to do is pick a topic, turn on the camera and start talking. And if you're a polished speaker well versed on your topic, that might even be true. But for most of us, you need to have a game plan before you start recording.

Start with who you are and why they should listen to you on this topic. Are you an expert? Have you interviewed experts? Have you studied your topic? Whatever it is that makes you an authority, place it right up front at the beginning to build your listener's confidence in you.

Next, discuss the problem. Is your video on how to get traffic? Then the problem fairly obvious – no traffic = no sales. Is your product on skincare? Talk about the trials and tribulations (which are very real) of having bad skin.

Let them know that you are a lot like them. You had the same problem and you went through some tough times before you solved the problem.

Then after much expense / trial and error / embarrassment / time / etc. you discovered the solution. You're telling your story of problem, hardship and finally solution.

Next you cover what the solution has done for you and how your life/business has improved since discovering the solution. And you paint a picture of what their life and or business will be like once they implement your solution.

This is where you pile on the greatest benefits your solution will give your viewer. Make them FEEL the benefits, get them pumped up and excited, and most of all get them happy they're watching your video and eager to know what you're about to teach.

If this is sounding something like a mini-sales letter, it is. In the beginning of your video you are reassuring your viewer that they made an excellent decision buying your product by shining a light on their pain and being the expert with the solution.

You might also briefly cover the old ways of dealing with the problem, versus the new way they're about to learn. For example, the old way of dealing with acne was x, y and z. But now we know better. In fact the latest scientific research shows us that those solutions were about as effective as chanting naked under a full moon compared with your new solution.

No one likes to be associated with the "old way," and so this simply reinforces the fact that they scored a home run when they got your product.

Finally, you're going to get into the meat of the product. All you've done up to this point is set them up to get your solution, now you're going to provide it, step by step. Don't be afraid to give them detail, and to tell them not just 'how' to do something, but also 'why' they should do it that way. Remember, you are the expert, so by all means be forthcoming with your expertise.

Before you wrap up the video, you've got one more thing to do – tell them what to do next. Tell them to take the information they've just gained and put it to work. And most of all, give them the first step. If you've just given them a boatload of info, they may be overwhelmed into doing nothing. That's why you want to put them on the road to success by reminding them of that first step, and telling them to do it right now while it's still fresh on their minds.

What software do you need?

You'll need some kind of software for creating your finished video product, and the good news is that it's free. If you've got a PC you probably already have a copy of Movie Maker, and if you don't you can download it off of the Internet. If you have a Mac, then you'll be using iMovie. Of course you can also purchase professional software such as Adobe. But in the beginning, there's really no need since the software you already have on your laptop is probably more than you'll need. How about editing tips?

First, keep it simple. Sure there are all kinds of fancy tricks you can use in your videos, but to look truly professional you want to keep it simple.

The easiest way of all to edit your video is to hire someone to do it for you. You might use a Fiverr person for this, or someone at Freelancer.com or one of those freelancer websites. Tell them you want a title slide at the beginning, a smooth transition into the video of you speaking, and most of all edit out any and all gaps. You know what I mean – the time you dropped your notes, you lost your train of thought, or when the UPS man knocked on your door.

20 Ways To Get More People Watching Giveaway Rights Ebook

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20 Ways To Get More People Watching and Recommending Your YouTube Videos

1. Create tutorial videos. These kinds of videos are good because they're easy to make and they provide information that people need. For example, if you're promoting a course on how to drive traffic, then talk about traffic driving methods. Impart real info, not a sales pitch. And at the end of the video, remind them to click the link below for more information.

2. Don't narrow your target market too much. For example, if you're teaching people how to drive traffic, don't make it, “How to drive traffic to an origami website.” Yes, you'll get views from people with origami sites, but no one else.

3. Don't sweat the subscribers too much. It's great to have some loyal subscribers because every time you post a video some of them will almost immediately watch and comment on the video. This gets you boosted higher in the rankings and thus more easy to find by new people who have never heard of you. They'll leave comments, pushing you still higher in the rankings and making it even easier for people to find you. It's your subscribers that start the ball rolling, but it's commenters (subscribers and non3 subscribers alike) who push you higher and higher in the rankings and thus get you more viewers. So while you eventually want tons of subscribers, know that even a few at the beginning will get the ball rolling.

4. Use your best keyword(s) in your video's title. Think about what a person would search for if they needed the information found in the product you're promoting. For example, back to our traffic product, they would probably type in something like, “How to get more traffic to my website.” Do some research on this and find the best keyword phrase(s) to use so that you can get found.

5. Place all of your best keywords in your tag section. Your very best keyword(s) go in your title, but you don't want to over load it. Instead, place all of your other good and great keywords (including the ones in your title) into the tags section. How do you find your best keywords? One way is to find the most viewed videos in your specific niche and then use the keywords that repeatedly show up in these top videos.

6. Collaborate. When you make a video with someone, you get your viewers and THEIR viewers watching the video. Collaborate with 10 different people on 10 different videos, and now you've got 10 new audiences viewing your videos and possibly buying your product. This works especially well if you are promoting your own product, since you can then give a commission to the person you're collaborating with and build your list of buyers. Plus this is a great way to build relationships with other marketers who might refer people to your videos in the future even when you're not collaborating with them.

7. Start discussions. Ask questions in your video that gets people commenting. For example, asking for advice on a problem or something that stirs a bit of controversy can go a long way to getting comments, and of course the more comments you get, the higher you can rank on the most discussed list.

8. Encourage video responses. A video response is like a comment on steroids – it's a video someone makes in direct response to your video. Their subscribers then watch your video to understand what the video response is all about This gives you an entirely new audience watching your video and perhaps clicking your link or viewing more of your videos or even subscribing.

9. BE a video response. After you make your YouTube video, search for other videos that are somehow similar. In other words, what would you search for to find your video? And when you make that search, what other videos come up? Now go to the first video, and if it's appropriate in content and has a lot of viewer activity, submit your video as a video response to that video.

10.Don't hate on the haters. You're going to get hate comments because, well, you just will. There are folks out there who are looking for things to hate, and sooner or later it will be you. Three things you should know: First, a hate comment is actually a compliment. Something you said or did had an impact on them, or they would have simply clicked away with no comment at all. So take it as a good thing. Second, do not respond. At all. Simply ignore the hate comments and go on with making your videos. If you get bogged down by the haters and the trolls, then you won't be in the right frame of mind to continue making great videos. Third, once you put anything online, it's in cyberspace forever. Your negative responses to negative comments can come back to bite you time and time again, so just don't do it.

30 Rules For Being An Online Marketer Giveaway Rights Ebook

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30 Rules For Being an Online Marketer

This list is by no means exhaustive – it's really more the result of a brain storming session when I sat down to figure out why some succeed online while others haven't succeeded. Yet. :-)

1. You gotta sell something. I've known people who were "in business" for months, yet hadn't sold a thing. Until you start selling somebody's product (yours or someone else's, doesn't matter) you don't have a business.

2. Get into profit as fast as possible. If you're buying traffic, figure out how to make that traffic pay as soon as humanly possible. If you're outsourcing work, find a way to make that work more than pay for itself. Sure it's common sense, but I've seen a few folks go into serious debt.

3. Make smart investments that pay off. Hiring a coach that shows you what you need to know is smart – throwing a few thousand at Adsense is dumb. Investments are sometimes the fastest way to get your business on the fast track, but you've got to be smart about them.

4. Turn lookers into buyers as fast as possible. If this means selling them a $5 ebook, do it.

5. Upsell. Once they buy the $5 ebook, realize they have greater needs that ebook won't fill, so find a way to fill those needs and wants and charge more for it.

6. Make it brain dead easy for your customers to sign up. The harder it is, the fewer customers you will have.

7. Competition in your niche is generally great. No competition means you're in the wrong niche.

8. Get to know your competitors personally. Send them email, talk to them on Skype. You'll be surprised how often competitors can be turned into allies – and the first step is to say hello.

9. Make a new connection every day. This might be your competitors, but it could also be people in similar niches, different niches, affiliates, product owners, etc. Make a list of people you want to get to know and then start contacting them with no agenda except seeing if you can help them in some way.

10.Build a customer list, then create products for them. Building the product first means you've got no one to sell it to and puts you at the mercy of affiliates. Building the list first and getting that list toasty warm to your offer means you've got sales of your new product (when it launches) from day one and stats to show potential affiliates that totally rock.

11.Your customers are not marks or suckers or even fools. And they're not strangers, either. They're your mother, your brother, your best friend and your next door neighbor. Think of them that way and you cannot go wrong.

12.Watch the hype. A little hype in the form of excitement and enthusiasm is okay if you can back it with evidence. Too much hype and no one will believe you, even if what you say is true.

13.Use the element of surprise. When you deliver your product, add something surprising for the customer. When you're paying your star affiliates, send them a bonus surprise – even if it's just a small Amazon certificate. Always do a little bit more than expected.

14.Treat your active affiliates and JV partners like gold, because that's what they are.

15.It's okay to screw up. And fail. And feel stupid. And look like a complete dork on social media. Just learn from your mistake, apologize and keep moving forward. The only people who don't fail are those who don't do a thing, and you don't want to be one of those.

16.Make a list of the 3 things you MUST get done today. Then do them.

17.Do the toughest thing first thing in the morning. Whatever it is – running 5 miles or making that phone call you dread – get it done first. Then the rest of the day is easier by comparison.

18.It's not always fun. Sorry about that, but it's true – having your own online business means sometimes you have to do things you don't like. The trick is to suck it up and do it – or find someone to outsource it to. It's like a journey – to get to your destination sometimes you have to drive through neighborhoods or even whole stretches of road that aren't fun – do it anyway.

19.Lose the negativity. Whether it's someone else tearing you or your business down - or your own little monkey mind telling you why you can't do it - get rid of the negative talk.

20.Automate as much as you humanly can in your business. The more you automatic and delegate, the more time you have to work on your business rather than in your business.

10 Secrets Of Highly Lucrative Video Marketing Giveaway Rights Ebook

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10 Secrets of Highly Lucrative Video Marketing

I started to compile a bunch of stats to show you how popular video marketing is becoming.

And then I realized – the last thing you need are more stats about how video is taking over the internet.

The fact is, if you’re not using video yet, you’re losing customers, clients and revenue.

Consumers love video. They watch video. They ENJOY video.

They even enjoy video when the video is selling something, as long as the video still entertains and informs.

So how can you use more video in your business?

And how can you make those videos perform as well as possible in getting your viewers to take action?

Here are ten tips to get you started in the right direction:

1: Make your video is about the story, not about the sale.

Anyone can slap up a sales video and put it on YouTube. “Buy my product!” But will it get views? Not likely.

Instead, tell stories and deliver value. Let’s say you’re selling a course on how to do marketing for chiropractic offices.

It’s tempting to tell the viewer why your course rocks, why it’s exactly what they need, and how it’s only available for a limited time.

But what if you make a series of short videos, with each video providing one powerful marketing tip just for chiropractors?

I guarantee those videos will be watched and shared among the chiropractic community.

You’ll establish massive credibility. And of course you can politely refer them to your website at the end of each video.

These videos won’t sell your course for you.

But what they will do is make it far easier to get the sale.

Think of it as romancing the client…

First you take them out on a date or two or three…

And THEN you close the sale.

Your success rate will be much higher than if you try to close the sale while the two of you are still strangers.

2: Make the first 10 seconds the BEST 10 seconds ever

One stat says that 20% of viewers will click away from a video within the first 10 seconds.

Now you’ve got to ask yourself – why would they do that?

They came to watch something, yet they leave almost immediately.

There could be a few reasons:

• Your video doesn’t appear to be what they expected. If they are coming from a link that says, “Free iPad!” and your video is about growing organic veggies, you’re going to lose them. Continuity is key here.

• You have a long, boring, “Look at me!” intro. You’ve seen those intros where it’s 30 seconds of how great the company, video creator, brand or whatever is. The problem is, no one cares but the person who made the video. Lose the long intro.

• You dilly dally around. Taking the first minute of the video to finish setting up your recording equipment is a major no-no.

• You don’t start out with a bang. You want to get right to the meat of the subject by quickly introducing what’s happening and then making it happen.

Think about movies back in the 50’s, 60’s and even 70’s – they all had long boring intros filled with lots of credits and no action.

Now think about todays’ movies – from the first moment there is action; something that captures your attention and makes you want to stay tuned to find out what’s happening, why it’s happening and what’s going to happen next.

When it comes to writing fiction, teachers often tell their students to lop off the first page or two, because they’re usually full of long, boring intro stuff to set up the first scene. But when you lop that off and start with the action, BOOM – the reader is captivated.

Videos are the same way. Start with the good stuff and let it just get better form there.

3: Don’t be so serious.

Your video might be to inform and instruct, but that doesn’t mean you have to sound like a boring, stuffy college professor.

Find ways to inject fun and humor into your presentations. This doesn’t mean to inject knock-knock jokes that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Instead, find the humor in what you’re teaching or talking about. It’s always there, you just have to look for it.

Now I know that when you get in front of a camera, if you’re like most people you get nervous. And when you get nervous, you might not be able to find the humor in anything, except perhaps your own nervousness. Three things I can tell you – if you practice beforehand in front of a friend, you’ll be surprised at the funny things that come to mind. Go ahead and try your humor on your friend and listen to their feedback. They’ll tell you which ones parts and which to leave out.

Second, when you’re filming, continue to think of the camera as your friend. You’re just having a friendly conversation, regardless of whether it’s you on camera or you’re using slides.

Third, have fun. If you’re having fun then the viewer will likely have fun as well.

Marketing Lessons Taught By Psychopaths Giveaway Rights Ebook

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Marketing Lessons Taught By Psychopaths

In my never ending search for ways to better appeal to my audience, I sometimes venture into the dark recesses of the human psyche so that I might better understand my customers and even myself.

I’m not picking on psychopaths here. Nor am I villainizing them. As I understand it, psychopaths are born the way they are – it’s not a choice.

A psychopath is generally someone who feels little or no real emotion, and instead has to fake it. They might lie a great deal. They have an inflated sense of self-worth. They use superficial charm and glibness to manipulate and con others. They lack remorse, guilt or empathy. And they constantly are in need of new stimulation.

About 1 out of 100 people are psychopaths. Odds are you know at least one, yet you might not realize it. Remember, most of them are not killers as the media might portray them.

But they can be incredibly charming and persuasive. Some psychopaths can find a person’s weak spot in minutes, manipulate that person using that knowledge, and actually make their target very happy and thankful to have been manipulated. I’ve seen psychopaths at work. They fake emotions and use the techniques I’m about to cover to make people like them almost instantly.

Have you ever met someone and almost instantly thought you had a lot in common with them? Maybe you did – or maybe they were a psychopath adept at making you feel that way.

Now then, for those with active imaginations, I’m not recommending you turn into a psychopath when it comes to your marketing endeavors. And I’m certainly not suggesting you manipulate your prospects into becoming customers, either.

What I am suggesting is two-fold:

First, we can learn about influence from those who are skilled at it – and psychopaths tend to be especially adept at influencing others.

Second, forewarned is forearmed, which is to say once you are aware of these manipulation techniques, you will be better able to recognize them when they are being used on you or even against you.

Flattery: This isn’t just compliments and buttering you up, although that’s a part of it. Psychopaths can hone in on your insecurities and then provide you with the reassurance you crave to make you feel better. This makes you like them, trust them, and follow their suggestions.

As Marketers we do a variation of this in sales letters, agitating the problem and making the prospect feel the pain of the problem before we offer the feel good solution.

Favors and Gifts: The psychopath will do you a favor or give you a gift you might not even want. But still, now you feel obligated when s/he asks you to do something for them.

We do this in marketing, don’t we? We give away things, and in turn folks feel obligated to take a good look at what we’re offering.

False Intimacy: They’ll pretend to be interested in everything about you – your hobbies and interests, the kinds of music you like, your job, your family and so forth. Then they’ll tell you fake secrets to create an even deeper intimacy, at which point you’ll reciprocate and tell secrets about yourself. This is how a psychopath can go from ‘stranger’ to ‘new best friend’ in one or two meetings.

Again, marketers use a variation of this in sales copy, by first showing how similar we are to the prospect. “I had the same problem you do, here’s my story with all my dark secrets, etc.” False Expectations: Psychopaths pretend things are already happening the way they want them to happen, before others even have a chance to think. So instead of asking, “Do you want to go to dinner?” They’ll simply say, “Let’s have dinner tonight, I’ll meet you at Harvey’s Grill at 8pm.” You’re not thinking IF you want to go to dinner, but instead you’re already making plans to meet him there.

Marketers and sales people alike will often ‘assume the sale’ to get the prospect to simply go along, rather than feeling like they have to ‘decide.’

Silent Treatment: Psychopaths will give random and unexpected silent treatments to throw you off. You might wonder if you did something wrong, and even try to make up for it with gifts or overt kindness. If you do, then the psychopath knows s/he’s got you wrapped around their finger.

In marketing, going silent is seldom going to pay. Out of sight is very quickly out of mind.

21 Tips And Tools For Recruiting The Best Affiliates Giveaway Rights Ebook

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If you’re a product seller, you already know that not all affiliates are created equal.

Some will never promote you. Others promote once and disappear. And a small percentage will promote your products over and over, making a lion’s share of sales for you.

So how do you recruit great affiliates?

While there is no one answer, there are many ways to find and recruit those key affiliates who will take your business to the next level.

1: “Wanna Promote?”

Contacting websites, blogs and other web publishers.

Send them a well-written email to ask them in a very polite way if they would like to become your affiliate.

You’ll likely have to contact a lot of people to get results, but it can be totally worth the effort.

2: Use a Service

Use a service such as Affiliate Leads https://affiliateleads.net/ to locate potential affiliates by category, keyword or advertiser.

3: Bloggers

Group High http://www.grouphigh.com/ is a site that will help you find the best bloggers and influencers, as well as manage your relationships.

4: Outsource

If you have the funds, you can hire a service such as Experience Advertising https://experienceadvertising.com/ to do your outreach and recruiting for you.

5: Use PPC Search Ads

Did you know that affiliates are actively looking for great programs to promote? You can find them by running PPC ads in Google Adwords and Bing Ads.

Don’t forget to track to see which ads are bringing in the most effective affiliates.

6: SEO’d Affiliate Pages

Create a page just for affiliates. Then optimize that page for SEO results, so when people are searching for affiliate programs in your niche, they can find you in the organic search results.

7: Press Releases

Write press releases for online distribution. Press releases can be another way to gain traction in the organic rankings.

8: Facebook Ads

Did you know you can find affiliates on Facebook? Target people who are interested in affiliate marketing and blogging in your niche.

9: Networks

Launch your product on an affiliate network.

There are many to choose from, including Clickbank, Commissions Junction, JVZoo, Linkshare and Sharesale. In some cases you might want to screen affiliates from these networks to be sure you’re only dealing with reputable people.

10: In Person

Trade shows, summits and conferences are great places to meet new affiliates. You might even consider getting a booth at some of these events, so affiliates are coming to you instead of you hunting them down.

11: Affiliate Forums

Build and maintain a presence on affiliate forums. These are great places to meet and recruit affiliates. Here’s a few to get you started:

A Best Web http://www.abestweb.com/
Affiliate Fix https://www.affiliatefix.com/
Affilorama https://www.affilorama.com/forum/
Black Hat World https://www.blackhatworld.com/
DN Forum https://www.dnforum.com/
Digital Point https://forums.digitalpoint.com/
Site Point https://www.sitepoint.com/community/
V7N http://www.v7n.com/forums/
Warrior Forum http://warriorforum.com
Wicked Fire http://www.wickedfire.com/

12: Twitter

Twitter is a good place to meet potential affiliates. Search for your keywords to find who is talking about your niche, and then follow them and start interacting.

13: LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great place to meet affiliates and just network in general. You can post and participate in discussions and connect with people in a professional atmosphere.

14: Talk to Your Customers

This is a great way to get new affiliates who truly use and believe in your product. Reach out to your buyers and see who would like to be your affiliate, and take it from there.

Income Claims, The Ftc And Jail Giveaway Rights Ebook

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Some of you might remember the wild west days of the Internet, where you could make ANY income claim and pretty much never have to worry about the feds coming after you.

“Bank 10 Gazzillion Bajillion dollars in 2.3 Seconds!” Yeah, in some ways those really were the wild west days… The days of people throwing up a website, creating a crappy product and ripping everyone off to the tune of hundreds of dollars apiece…

…and then disappearing down the rabbit hole from which they came.

No, we don’t miss those days a bit. These days advertisers have to be…

(get ready for it, this is a lulu of a shocker) …advertisers have to be HONEST.

Gasp! Shock! Oh, the horror!!

Wait a minute – isn’t that a GOOD thing?

So many times I’ve heard people moan and groan about the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) playing cop and being mean when someone makes income claims.

For example, legendary marketer Frank Kern was sued by the FTC because he advertised specific income results. Yes, he might have made 5 or 6 figures from what he was teaching, but the vast majority of people won’t.

To be fair, I’m sure there are cases where the FTC gets overzealous or even spiteful and targets a marketer who means well.

But you have to admit, the trust level overall these days between product creators and product buyers is arguably higher than it used to be, because of the FTC regulations in place.

And this is a wonderful thing, because people are generally LESS skeptical when they read about a new product that doesn’t claim to make millionaires out of paupers at the press of a button.

Now then, if you’re new to marketing or you haven’t been paying attention to what you can and cannot do in your advertising, here are some guidelines to keep you out of hot water with the FTC.

And please note: I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on Netflix. This isn’t legal advice. This is simply me wanting to keep you out of jail with some good common sense.

Let’s get started:

1. If you’re making income claims of any kind, be fully prepared to back them up with documentation that will satisfy a court of law - just in case.

2. If you’re making income claims, state clearly that the income claimed is one example of what might be accomplished, and absolutely no guarantee these results can be duplicated. Just because someone can win a gold medal in running, and then teach me to run, doesn’t mean I can win a gold medal, too.

3. It’s okay – and even a most excellent idea – to let people know that many will make absolutely nothing with your system. After all, there is work involved, and if someone doesn’t consume your product and put it to work, they’re not going to make anything. This is common sense and yes, your reader already knows this. Expressing this demonstrates your honesty and makes everything else you say more believable. Plus, it’s true. And near as I can tell, the FTC likes truth in advertising. A lot.

4. If there are expenses related to making this money, clearly state what those are. For example, did you earn $10,000 but you paid affiliates $5,000? Then don’t say you earned $10,000 without immediately revealing you paid half of that to affiliates. Or simply say you cleared $5000 after paying affiliates.

5. Reassure your prospects that your money making method takes WORK. Believe it or not, this will usually increase your conversion rate, because people believe it takes work to make money. If you make it sound too easy (even if it is easy) they won’t believe you. And if they do believe you and buy the product, and then realize it’s not as easy as you made it sound, there will be complaints – some of them straight to the FTC.

6. Be brutally honest about how long it took you to achieve your results. Oddly enough, this not only keeps you honest, but it can also be a great selling point. “I had to try 27 different techniques before I got it right and I made my first dollar. Fortunately, I’ll teach you only the 27th method, the one that works for me. Because you won’t be wasting your time with the other 26 methods that didn’t work, your learning curve should be far shorter and less bumpy than mine was.

7. With everything you write or say, ask yourself if you are telling the whole story, because a half-truth is in fact a LIE. From the FTC website (bolding is mine): The Federal Trade Commission Act allows the FTC to act in the interest of all consumers to prevent deceptive and unfair acts or practices. In interpreting Section 5 of the Act, the Commission has determined that a representation, omission or practice is deceptive if it is likely to: mislead consumers and affect consumers' behavior or decisions about the product or service.

8. Assume the FTC is going to read your copy or watch your sales video. Yup. That puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?

9. Whenever possible, don’t make an income claim your primary benefit. Let’s say you teach a course on how to do marketing for offline businesses. Hopefully that is your BIG benefit – teaching offline marketing. Any income claims should be secondary to that benefit.

10.Can you sell your product without making income claims at all? That’s terrific – do it. Very few products MUST contain income claims.

Okay, I need to talk about #10 – back in the day if you wanted to sell an Internet Marketing type of product, you just needed to make some realistic income claims along with a plausible story of how it works, and you made sales.

As marketers we got complacent. We had a sales technique that worked – making income claims – and so we used that most every time we were selling an IM type product.

Bottom line – we got lazy and we forgot how to sell without income claims.

So let’s say Bob has a nice little method to earn $1,000 a week. And that’s what he’s earning, too. He writes up the process he uses and makes a product out of it. So far, so good. But how does he market it?

How To Create A Lead Magnet Giveaway Rights Ebook

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First, we better reveal what a lead magnet is. You know those freebies you get for subscribing to a list? Those are lead magnets.

They’re something offered as a free gift or enticement in exchange for an email address. And they’re the easiest, fastest way to build a list of target subscribers.

Remember this: The goal of any lead magnet is to convert traffic into leads.

While it’s true you can throw just about anything together and call it a lead magnet, it’s also true that the better (and more targeted) the lead magnet is, the easier it will be to build a profitable list.

A lead magnet doesn’t make money by itself. Yet working as your front line ambassador, they can be extremely lucrative.

As you know, there are three ways to grow a business:

• Increase the number of customers • Increase the average transaction value per customer • Increase the number of transactions per customer

With the right lead magnet, you can increase the number of prospects and customers you have joining your list.

And with a well-targeted lead magnet, you can also increase the average transaction value and even the number of transactions per customer, by attracting the very best customers for your particular business.

As you go through the following sections, always think of your lead magnet as an irresistible bribe that will offer real value to your prospects.

Your lead magnet has to be so good, your prospects will ‘buy’ it with their email address.

It should be relevant to your niche and your offers.

It should be ultra-specific in what it gives to the user.

It should be priceless, in that the prospect can’t easily google the information and find it for themselves, or even buy it someplace else.

And it should be easily consumed, because you want the prospect to consume it immediately after they download it.

We’ll go through each of these in turn in a moment.

The point to remember right now is this: Your lead magnet is perhaps the single most important piece of your entire marketing system.

The right lead magnet will bring you a never ending stream of new prospects and soon-to-be customers.

The wrong lead magnet will bring either the wrong prospects for your offers, or no prospects at all.

Let’s get started:

Creating Your Lead Magnet

First we’re going to choose a specific market segment to target. Then we’re going to craft your ‘promise.’

Next we’ll write the title and decide on the format.

And finally, we’re going to actually create your lead magnet.

Choosing Your Specific Market Segment

The biggest mistake I see people making is trying to be all things to all people in their lead magnet.

Let’s take the Internet Marketing niche as an example.

New marketers will write a lead magnet such as, “How to Make Tons of Money in Online Marketing.”

Evidently they are trying to target ALL people of all experiences trying to make money in all arenas online.

That’s a wide audience.

Another one might be, “How to be a great parent.” Parent to who? Newborn babies? Toddlers? Grade school age children? Teenagers? Children with special needs? Adopted children? Foster children?

It’s a cliché, but it’s true: When you try to be all things to all people, you’re nothing to nobody.

The more you can niche down your market segment, the more successful you will be.

This isn’t to say you can only service one tight niche. You can work in several different segments; you’ll just need to create several different lead magnets – one for each segment.

For example, let’s say you’re in the dating market. You could create a lead magnet targeted to:

• Professional women in their late 20’s and 30’s looking for the perfect husband

• Recently divorced men who haven’t dated in over a decade

• Widows over 40 who are lonely but afraid to date again

• Men who want to play the field

• Women who want to date younger guys

• And so forth.

Each of these segments have different fears, desires, challenges, motivations and so forth.

You could easily come up with a 100 possibilities, but it’s up to you to choose the right segment to target with your lead magnet. Think about the exact segment of your market you want to write your lead magnet for.

When you’ve decided, move on to the next step.

Crafting your promise

You’ve chosen a specific segment of your market in the previous step. Now it’s time to make them a promise.

The goal here is to enter the conversation already happening in your prospect’s mind.

Ask yourself what their concerns are. What are their fears? What do they want most of all?

What conversation are they likely already having, and how can you enter that conversation with a promise?

What value can you give them that will be irresistible to where they are in life right now?