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When To Leave
Obviously, you don't want to make a scene in the restaurant by arguing about it. Getting up and walking out is just plain rude to do, even if the person did lie to you about something. There are times when you are allowed to do this though, so do not be afraid to end the date early. Measure your date's lack of respect for you, their temper, and actions in the beginning of the date. Here are a few reasons you might want to end a date early.
Phone Addiction
A date who is constantly looking at their phone is not someone who is interested in you. If the text or call is that important, they may be seeing someone else they've been wanting to go back out with for awhile. If they are truly interested in you, they will either turn their phone off or put it away. However, if they need to take an important business call and politely excuse themselves - this would be fine. Sometimes we need to take calls so be sure to have a little empathy. If your date looks at their phone all the time and texts constantly, just let them know you are going home early. There is no need to tell them why you are going home - just let them know you are feeling ill. If they try to contact you later and ask, let them know the truth. You don't want them to cause a scene.
Never Letting You Talk
From time to time, you'll bump into those men or woman who never let you talk. They are so absorbed in themselves, that they don't care what the other person has to say. They might not even think it matters. There is a difference between extremely talkative people and those who don't let you put a word in. The people who are just talkative will also ask questions about yourself and they know how to listen too. If you see that they don't interrupt you when you are talking, you know you are in good hands. Otherwise, if they don't let you talk - it's a good idea to end the date abruptly.
Getting Strong Vibes
Are you getting a strong vibe that the person you are seeing may be married? Maybe they got a phone call with the caller I.D saying "Husband". Or you have a bad feeling that the guy you are seeing could be the next serial-killer. You see him come into the restaurant, wearing dirty clothes and just know he didn't take the time to prepare for the date. Avoid men like this because most likely he doesn't care enough to impress you with his wardrobe choice. Any type of vibe you have should be given attention. Being intuitive and aware of your surroundings is important so don't be guilty to end the date early if you are not comfortable.
Now that we have discussed the three examples of ending a date, let's discuss the right and wrong way how to do it. First of all, you should never scream, cry, or show a huge emotion when ending the date. You don't know how that person may react and if you are showing so much emotion, this will make the person uncomfortable. The departure won't be smooth either because of this.
If you are dating someone and need to leave quickly, let them know you have to go to the hospital to see a family member. An excuse is better than telling the truth. However, there are some people who will feel hurt and want to know what's wrong once they've figured out what you said isn't true. Make sure you tell them so that this way they can be more prepared for their next date. Some may be upset with you while others will be grateful that you told them and can even give them a better dating experience.