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Not eating the right amount can slow down the metabolic rate of the body, thus making it more difficult to achieve weight loss. Automatically, your body detects when there has been a modification in calorie levels and it reacts accordingly. If you starve or restrict your body from eating foods, your body will start to preserve its fuel, which is stored fat. As a result, less calories are burned, so you cease losing weight. While being on a diet means hunger and deprivation, staying well-fed at the right time and with the right amount actually results to more effective weight loss and maintenance.
The Protective Mechanism of the Body
The body’s metabolic response to food deprivation shows a defensive mechanism of survival. When you do not consume foods, the body presumes that you may be experiencing famine. Since the body does not know when the food may come along, it preserves its stored calories to be used later on. This evolutionary defense of your ancestors creates an eating pattern called “all or nothing” which is proven ineffective for your weight loss goals. Yes, it is true that sustained food deprivation over an extended period will lead to weight loss. However, this is not a realistic or healthy weight loss plan. Starvation diets will not just damage your metabolism, but your body as well.
Starvation Drops Serotonin Levels
Apart from damaged metabolism, food restriction can also cause your serotonin levels to drop dramatically. You might be wondering what serotonin is. Well, it is a neurotransmitter that creates a satisfied, peaceful and calm feeling. When the levels of your serotonin get low, you feel more cranky and agitated. When you attempt to modify any habits, this cranky or agitated state can make it more difficult for you to stay motivated and successful. As a result, dieters give in to the temptation of eating more than what they should. Consuming foods rich in carbohydrates leads to consistent levels of serotonin, thereby giving you emotional and physical strength to stay on the right track.
Eat to Lose Weight
Would it be too ironic if someone tells you to eat to lose weight? Well, it is a shift in perception that must go with successful and maintained weight loss. According to Dr. Laura Pawlak, research highly suggests that one of the most effective approaches to permanent and gradual weight loss is a diet plan that includes several fruits, legumes, vegetables, whole grains and good fats. Her book entitled Stop Gaining Weight stresses the importance of eating 5 or 6 times per day with several plant-based and high-protein foods. The book also points out that those who want to lose weight must drink plenty of water.