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This is probably one of the biggest reasons why goals are never achieved. Life is full of distractions and yes, it can be so easy to get off track, you need to learn to stay focused.
Some of the top distractions which can be blamed for not reaching your goals is by always wanting to be perfect at everything you do. Being perfect is not necessary and you must be willing to accept that things will get in your way. But just because you get offtrack a bit it doesn't mean that you have to give up on your goal.
It is part of human nature to give into a craving, or to miss a work out class. What you do not want is to let this become a habit. When you are distracted just figure out a way of getting back on track quickly.
Stumbling through a difficult task at work is better than giving up because you can't execute it perfectly all the way through. You persevered and got the job done. Your boss will notice this and that can help especially if your goal is to move up within the company.
Being open minded is another way of how you can beat distractions. While you may have spent a lot of time on writing out and planning the path to your goal, be open and accepting of new ideas. If someone were to offer you help or guidance don't be closed minded and not listen to their advice. Remember that your way doesn't always have to be the one and only way! Be open to suggestions and be willing to try them out.
Along the same lines you should never be afraid or unwilling to reach out to others for assistance. If your progress is not progressing according to plan then ask a friend or co-worker for advice. Many people are only too willing to help and are just waiting to be asked!
What all of this really boils down to is a mental fight in your head. You probably understand where I am coming from with this and have experienced the feeling at some point or other.
If you do experience a setback your first action is to not let your mind take over with negative thoughts. If you allow yourself to give up you will never reach your goal. Plus your belief in yourself will be at a low level and this is definitely not where you want to be in life.
Whatever obstacle is standing in your way you want to ensure that you find a way to deal with it. Your obstacle may just be negative comments from your family, co-workers or friends. Do not let this type of comment get in your way.
Burt Reynolds was once told to give up as he had no talent, good thing he didn't listen I In fact many famous people were told to give up on things and they refused to. To handle a negative situation well you want to become equipped with positive thoughts. This is where using motivational quotes can come in handy. They can help reinforce your belief in yourself.
If your obstacle is something different such as a time restraint then look for ways to remove this new barrier. Maybe your exercise class has been rescheduled to a time that is inconvenient? See if there is another class you could take or consider joining a new gym if that is the only solution.
There are ways to overcome any obstacle or negative situation. Just be open-minded and look for ways to work around them. As much as we would all like to work towards our goals at a steady, uninterrupted pace, this is not always possible.