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Maybe you’re wondering how being in good overall health can affect our biorhythms. We touched on that earlier, but here we will discuss it further.
The truth is, nothing can truly alter our biorhythm cycles. They are as regular as clockwork. No situation, medication, procedure, spell or potion can change these cycles. But keeping our bodies running efficiently can help us handle their fluctuations much better, minimizing their negative impacts and taking the fullest advantage of their positive ones.
One of the easiest ways to illustrate this point is by considering the immune system. This is the system that attempts to ward off sickness and disease, and to rid our bodies of it when it does find its way in. Its ability to function properly depends greatly on our overall health, and it can be enhanced with the right nutrients, regular exercise, and adequate rest.
It’s true that on physical critical days, our immune system’s function is often at its worst. But if our bodies are in good enough shape, the immune system is still working quite well, even on such a bad day. So even at its worst, chances are it will provide enough protection to keep us from falling ill.
It’s kind of like comparing a professional basketball player to someone who only shoots hoops a couple of weekends a month. The professional will play better on his worst day than the weekend warrior on his best day. This is because the professional gets regular practice and training. Similarly, the immune system that is well taken care of performs better on its worst day than the immune system that barely gets what it needs in order to function.
Or perhaps you prefer car analogies. Imagine two 20-year-old vehicles of the same make and model. One has been kept in mint condition, with regular maintenance and as-needed repairs. The other has only had its oil changed once every few years, never mind anything beyond that. If you run each one a quart low, which one do you think will fare better? The one that has been taken care of might suffer some ill effects, but the other will be more likely to end up in the junkyard. Applying this concept to our immune systems will keep them from ending up in the proverbial junkyard.
These analogies don’t just apply to the immune system, or even just to physical health. They apply to our physical abilities, brain function, and emotional stability as well. The better we take care of ourselves in every way, the fewer adverse effects we will see on critical days. We will still have the same fluctuations in each cycle, they just won’t be as noticeable. We won’t face the intense ups and downs that we would if our bodies, minds and emotions were in poor repair.