Tag Archives: Ebooks

The Ultimate Home Workout Plan MRR Ebook

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Whenever you aren’t ready to do something, you’ll look for a thousand reasons why you shouldn’t do it. However, whenever you’re ready to get something done, only one reason is enough to accomplish the task. Even when you fail to admit it, you desire to have a physique that will make you proud. You want to look at yourself in the mirror, all smiles, because you admire your body shape.

If we all desire to look fit, why then do many people not commit to carrying out exercises that can help them? There are many contributing factors to this reluctance. One of them is that many people aren’t aware that they can keep fit in the comfort of their homes. Some people think that they can only develop their body shape when they visit a gym or hire a physical trainer. However, this is far from the truth.

You can have an effective workout plan that will enhance your muscles and physique without leaving your home. How? It requires access to the right information, dedication, and commitment. This guide will help you with the knowledge aspect. You’ll find quality information regarding how to create your home workout plan and tips that will help you stick with it. In the end, you’ll be able to enjoy the numerous physical and mental health benefits that come with these activities.

Chapter 1: Keeping Fit: A Route to Sanity

In a world where many people act based on what they see, it is vital to focus on both the outward and inward aspects of your life. Many people will judge you based on your appearance. In fact, some people of the opposite sex can turn you down because they feel you aren’t sexy enough for them.

Indeed, it is not ideal to judge people only based on their physical appearance. Nonetheless, you need to realize that we aren’t living in an ideal world. So, while developing your intellect and emotional strength, you’ll do yourself a lot of good by also investing in your physical appearance. Some people will never give you the chance to show what you can do because of the way you look.

Therefore, it is critical to improve your physique. Besides, the insensitive comments you can get, especially on social media because of your body shape, can be depressing. Therefore, keeping fit is a route to sanity in the modern world. This chapter will explore what a workout plan is and the link between your physical and mental health.

What is a Home Workout Plan?

Indeed, we cannot deny the added advantages of visiting a gym or hiring a physical trainer to develop your physique. An expert has both the knowledge and experience to give you a customized routine that will get the requisite results. Nonetheless, you don’t need a gym membership to build your muscle or lose weight.

If you’ve been observant enough, you’ll notice that many people post pictures and videos about their home workout routines online. It is true that you shouldn’t believe everything you see on the internet because many people post false information just to get likes and positive remarks. Nevertheless, the reality is that many people are improving their physical appearance without leaving their homes. You can be one such person if you’re ready to pay the price.

A home workout plan is a deliberately structured routine to improve your physical appearance by carrying out various exercises. Indeed, there are equipment and facilities that can make this process easier. Nonetheless, you don’t have to break the bank to get a good sweat, lose weight, or develop your muscles. You can still lose weight or build your abs with minimal or no investment by choosing the right plan and tasks.

Vital Features of an Effective Home Workout Plan

Just like any activity, there are vital components that are integral to the success of your home workout plan. Once these features are missing, you’ll only have a plan but will never execute it. They include:


When you fail to define the reason for an activity, it will eventually become redundant. You need to ask yourself why you need to start regular exercises. Do you want to start so that you can post a picture on your social media profile? Do you want to do it because it is the current trend? If your reason is flimsy, you’ll stop very soon.

Therefore, you have to ensure that you have a clearly defined objective before starting your plan. Endeavor to write your targets down so that you can tailor your plans in the right direction. Your goals will also help you to develop an effective diet plan that will support your commitment to physical activity.

A vision is something you see long before it happens. Having a clear vision about the kind of person you want to be determines the kind of commitment you’ll have today. It enables you to channel your energy and resources in the right direction.

The purpose of starting a workout will affect your vision. Meanwhile, your vision will determine the kind of exercises you’ll perform. For example, if you’re doing exercise to develop your abs, you’ll not have a workout plan that encourages the development of butt muscles. The kind of physique you imagine yourself having is what will determine your routine.

Gradual Process

Nothing you do in a hurry can stand the test of time. Rushing may earn you some quick results, but you’ll not be able to sustain it.

Besides, impatience often leads to desperation, which often leads to disastrous outcomes. In the context of physical activities, it can make you engage in strenuous routines that can have adverse effects on your health.

You must never forget that developing your physique is a gradual process. Impatience and desperation can make you injure yourself or become discouraged along the way. You need to enjoy the process to make your home workout plan a success. It is good to use the body shape of others as inspiration, but you must never forget that it took them time to achieve that physique.


The fuel of any aspiration is passion. Zeal spurs you to follow up on a plan or strategy to ensure that you succeed. Your home workout plan will never become a reality when you lack motivation. You must be excited to do your press-ups every day.

Once you lose the desire to go on, you’ll quit. So, use your vision as a springboard to get going, especially during days when you’re tired or in a bad mood. Joining a fitness club may encourage you to sustain your momentum. Nonetheless, if you’re self-motivated, you can still be consistent all by yourself.


You cannot separate motivation and commitment. When you’re motivated to carry out a task, you’ll commit to it. A plan that lacks commitment will only remain on paper but will never be executed. Laziness is one of those factors that can stop you from achieving your desired body shape. So, ensure that you don’t allow laxity and boredom to set it. Anyone can start working out, but only committed people can sustain the momentum in the long run. There are some critical tips that can help you sustain your plan. You’ll learn about them in subsequent chapters.

Killer Traffic Generation Tactics MRR Ebook

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1.1 Generating Traffic – The Next Important Thing

Did you know that many people don't know that generating traffic is the next important thing to do once you have constructed a website? It's unfortunate, but it's true.

This is more than likely the cause of a considerable amount of spam sites.

New entrepreneurs start a site, wait for traffic to come, end up disillusioned with Internet-based business – and instead look only to generate traffic, rather than to produce a decent site with reasonable content and products.

So why doesn't traffic immediately stream in after someone sets up a website? The primary reason is that traffic has to come from somwhere. It doesn't just drop out of the sky.

When it comes to “free” traffic, such as organic search engine traffic, that takes time.

There are an estimated four MILLION sites on the Internet. And guess what? You're competing with those sites for positions on search engines.

Now, what's important to note is that getting “traffic” isn't all that hard.

You can always purchase five hundred thousand “hits” for $100, but if it isn't targeted to your specific category and clean (i.e. from reasonable sources), it isn't worth your time or money.

Instead, you have to find a way to generate traffic through viable methods and then recycle that traffic into repeat visits.

Traffic is the lifeblood of your business. Without a constant stream flowing through, your business will slowly begin to cease up altogether.

So don't forget: after you've created a viable website, generating traffic is the next important step.

Even more important is making sure that the traffic you generate is clean and targeted to your niche, so it actually converts into repeat visitors, buyers, and list members.

1.2 How Traffic Can Impact Your Website Profits

If you've spent any time at all reading Internet marketing or Internet-based business forums, you've heard time and time again how traffic can impact your website profits.

But can it really increase your profits? As I mentioned previously, it CAN, but in order to do so, it has to be targeted.

For this reason, you should avoid any traffic-generation scheme that looks too good to be true.

So how can traffic impact your website profits? Let's count the different ways:

1. It can explode your sales. Let's say you regularly have 20 unique visitors daily and most of them are untargeted. You might be able to go weeks without a single sale. Now, let's consider a situation in which you setup a joint venture and your partner sends a mailing to his or her list that generates 15,000 targeted visits over night. You could go from making less than one sale per day to over 1000 sales in a single night.

2. Traffic can impact your website profits by helping you build your list at warp speed, too. Again, consider how long it would take to build lists with the two models described above.

3. Last, traffic can absolutely expose your personal (or your brand) popularity. This can have an exponentially powerful effect on each of your successive product releases.

How else can traffic impact your website profits? If you have no traffic, you will also have no profits. It's simple.

If your site receives little to no traffic, you will have fewer chances to gain opt-ins in sales over any given period of time.

Moral of the story: traffic is important. Targeted traffic is even more important. If you don't have both coming to your website in a fairly constant stream, your website is in the process of slowly dying, not growing.

1.3 The Two General Ways of Generating Killer Traffic

Did you know that there are two general ways of generating killer traffic? One way is “free” and the other is paid.

Both require some investment, whether it be time or money, but neither is guaranteed to make money.

Additionally, the two general ways of generating killer traffic can be extremely powerful, but it all depends on who is controlling them.

For instance, you might be selling a product that could potentially make a considerable amount of money through paid traffic.

Additionally, by using paid traffic, you might be able to automate the process completely, so that you could begin another venture.

But what if you don't have any idea how paid traffic works, what sources to use, and how to use them?

More than likely, you'll use the wrong ones or the right ones in the wrong ways. There are far more wrong ways to advertise than there are “right ways.”

Now, in contrast, if an expert, such as Perry Marshall, is using a paid advertising medium, such as Google's Adwords program, it can be an extremely effective means through which to generate traffic.

Not only can he make one of his owns sites wildly profitable, but he can also generate wildly profitable traffic for people who are using Adwords the wrong way to generate traffic.

Creating Live Demonstrations PLR Ebook

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Live demos or demonstration videos are as simple as they sound but can be complicated to master. They are live demonstrations of a product or service you or a company provides. It provides an opportunity to showcase exactly how a product or service works, or can solve a problem for someone else.

Live demos can easily be the reason why some companies are beyond successful and others are not. Remember, the primary purpose of hosting live product demonstrations is to close a sale and, in turn, generate more revenue for the company or you.

A live demo funnel can help to achieve more qualified sales and leads. This is because you are showing the potential customer more than just words. People love to see proof and feel more comfortable purchasing if they see it. Just like the common phrase goes, "seeing is believing," and live demos do just that.

Why Bother Creating Live Demos?

Even if the product may seem straightforward to you, it is always a good idea to create live demos that properly showcase and demonstrate your product or service. A correctly done live demo is informative, educational, and also memorable. While live events may seem like a lot of work, these events provide loads of benefits.

These benefits include:

Increased Audience Relationships – Live demos give you a chance to engage with your audience in a way that other content can't accomplish. It's your chance to demonstrate why your product is the best and can help solve a problem your audience may be having. You get to engage and educate your audience at the same time by answering any questions they may have and by showing them how to use the product correctly.

Increased Sales – Successful live demos generate more sales. This is because live demos provide the opportunity to show possible customers exactly why they need your product. If you can successfully show people how your product solves their problem, you will generate more sales. You can't expect people to know your product can help without showing them first.

Increased Product Reliability, Proof, and Trust – Live demos show your audience that your product works and performs the way you promised it would. Having someone else demonstrate the product goes even further to gain their trust. If anyone can use your product as you say they can, people will believe you. That's because any business can easily claim it is the best product or service, but real physical and tangible proof is what people need to make the sale.

Enhanced Marketing Material – Visual content is what everybody craves these days, and recording your live product demos is yet another great way to share and market your products. They can be repurposed into YouTube videos or even Facebook Ads. They also provide an excellent resource for your sales team to share with potential customers over and over again without having to rely solely on verbal communication. Again, customers love seeing the proof and live demos is precisely how you achieve this.

As you can see, live demos generate benefits that can't be ignored or overlooked. The more you can engage, educate, and increase trust within your audience, the more successful you will be. With these benefits, any company that chooses not to do live demos must have even better reasons or are missing the mark.

Which Products and Services Work Best for Live Demos?

Live demos can work for just about any product or service-based company. Even restaurants, consulting firms, brick-n-mortar stores, and more can benefit from adding live demonstration videos to their marketing plan.

This is because people love visual content and seeing products or services in action before they buy them. They want to see that what you are telling them is true. Even better, they want to see other people with the same problem use it and see how it benefits them. The only way live demonstrations wouldn't benefit your company is if your audience rarely uses the internet or technology.

Consulting firms can benefit by going live on a social media platform to explain how they solve typical customers' problems or how their customers are currently benefiting from their services.

However, if customers are typically older or dislike using technology, it is unlikely to benefit you. In other words, like everything you need to do, success with live events has more to do with your audience than your product or service itself.

While any company can benefit from live demos, the following types work best:

E-Commerce – E-commerce businesses don't have the same "drive by traffic" opportunities that brick-n-mortar companies can rely on. E-commerce companies are parked on the internet and require a search engine and specific keywords to find their business or products. Live demos showcasing and educating people on their products is a great way to get their business known and shown worldwide.

Software – Software companies cannot rely on or be successful without live demos these days. Most software companies also offer free trial offers so customers can get a hands-on approach. The majority of software applications are too tricky to explain and sample using words, and many would get bored or get confused before they finished reading it.

How To Start A Freelance Business MRR Ebook

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So, you think you want to be a freelancer? Let us guess, you want freedom, flexibility and to be in control of your life? There is no denying that starting a freelance business will change your life; but it will also change your relationship with, and your perception of, work.

Being a freelancer is one of the most liberating career paths. It is also one of the toughest. Starting a freelance business is not just as simple as waking up in the morning, rolling out of bed, and opening your laptop. Freelancing is not just an easy way to monetize your hobbies and nor is it easier than a “proper” job.

Nevertheless, freelance work is some of the most rewarding work you will ever do.

One of the most significant things to remember when becoming a freelancer is that the worst thing someone can say to you is “no.” You need to put yourself out there. There is no shame in being rejected, but there is some shame in not trying the first place. You may have to reach out to people— things do not always come to you; you will have to seek them out.

Freelance can be done part-time, on the side, or, eventually, it may turn into a full-time job.

This eBook will give you all the tools that you need to be a successful freelancer. It will tackle common problems and answer the most common questions that new freelancers have.

There are numerous perks that exist within a freelance business, that other jobs simply do not provide.

The first section of this book outlines the basic foundations required to start a freelance career; it will ask you some questions and force you to think about your dream life. This will make you think about whether a freelance business is the right path for you and will give you some hints on structuring your new lifestyle. It will emphasize the fact that a plan is essential, a freelance business is not just something you can make up as you go along. Effectively researching and planning extensively before beginning will be the hallmark of success—ensure that you understand your service, your industry, and your audience properly, first.

After discussing planning, goal setting, and briefly touching on legalities, this eBook will talk about how essential a portfolio is. It will also go on to provide some tips on how to fill it up effectively to attract your target audience.

Following this, it will also discuss how you can start working without much experience, and also delve into the positive and negatives of different platforms and places to finding freelance work.

You will also have to think about the importance of time management and valuing your work. Your time is valuable, and the way that you manage it will help to dictate your work-life balance.

The book will conclude by suggesting some forms of business expansion. Once you have reached a level of success you will have the opportunity to upscale it.

So, future freelancer, read on for the ultimate guide to starting a freelance business, and changing your life.

1. The Basics To Being A Freelancer This eBook will begin by outlining some of the basic features of freelance work.

The fundamentals details of a freelance business plan will be outlined in the next chapters, however, it would be remiss to discuss the basics of freelance work without stating unequivocally that, as a freelancer, you are also a business owner. You will be responsible for all elements of your business, which is why you need to have a solid understanding of what it means to be a freelancer.

Is a freelance career right for you?

Chances are, if you are reading this eBook, it is. Starting a freelance business requires courage and investment; two things you already have by choosing to read this content.

The remainder of this chapter will be discussing some of the most important things that you need to think about before starting your new business. What skills do you have?

First of all, you need to start by thinking about what skills you have. These skills are likely things you have gained throughout your life and your career. Your freelance business will be most successful if you play to your strengths and your skills.

It can include, of course, any education and training you have received, as well as things that you excel in.

What interests you?

As well as your skills, you need to recognize what interests you. What are your passions and your interests? What kind of work do you enjoy?

What about your free time and hobbies? What do you do then, and what is it about them that you enjoy?

Your business will be most successful if you are doing work that you are genuinely passionate about.

Most importantly, what kind of work makes you happy?

You should think about, and reflect upon, the past projects that you have most enjoyed. What elements of your past work have you enjoyed? Is it in the customer service element, or the collaborative effort of a team?

Or, if you have been stuck doing work that you hate, reflect on why, and determine what you can do to make sure it does not happen again.

Concentrating on doing work that makes you happy will improve your quality of life and give you a spark that other freelancers do not have. What will your service be?

As well as determining what you do, you also need to determine what you do not. This will ensure that you are only doing quality work in areas of your expertise that you want to do.

When you begin freelancing, you should really think about what you actually want to do. You may have an idea of the vague industry or area, but you should think about what specifically the kind of work that you want to do. It should lie at the intersection of your skills and passions—this will be the key to the success of your business.

Freelance work ideas

There are a plethora of freelance business ideas, that can be tailored to your skills and interests. Chances are you already have an idea of what you would like to do, however, below, in no particular order is a list of potential freelance business ideas.

Mini Ebook Gold Mine MRR Ebook With Audio

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People often ask, “what is a mini E-Book” and why is it important in the scheme of my business? To answer the question of “what is a mini E-Book?”: a mini E-Book is a 5-25 page executable file or PDF document that discusses a very specific topic. While the mini E-Book has become wildly popular as an Internet marketing tool, it is also used in non-IM niches.

A mini E-Book can be used for a number of different purposes. In general, however, a mini-E-Book is usually used to convey a very specific – and little known – secret about a niche topic, whether it be car waxing or pet care.

What is a mini E-Book and how is it different from a regular E-Book? A mini E-Book is smaller than a regular E-Book because it doesn't aim to be comprehensive.

Instead, it concentrates on providing highly-specific, crucial information about a specific technique or idea. Successful publishers will often going beyond a pre-set scope in their mini E-Book.

While smaller than a normal E-Book, it can still be sold through the same avenues. For instance, publishers who start by asking, “what is a mini E-Book?” often end up asking “where can I sell such a product”? It's simple: they can open a vendor account at http://www.clickbank.com, pay the $50 initial product fee, and then begin selling any amount of mini E-Books.

Additionally, a mini E-Book publisher can also give his or her product away completely free of charge in order to generate traffic. This is often employed by skilled Internet marketers, who will coordinate a massive free give away – and then include some back-end component to return readers to their sites.

So what is a mini E-Book and why is it important? It's a short book or report on a specific topic that either generates revenue or facilitates traffic generation.

What makes a mini E-Book a mini E-Book?

A normal E-Book generally spans from between 30 and 75 pages in length; however, there are a number of E-Books that are considerably longer.

Ken Evoy's “Make Your Site Sell” (MYSS) -- once dubbed the Bible of Internet marketing – contains well over 700 pages of marketing advice, rife with powerful illustrations and examples. This could hardly be considered a mini E-Book.

Rather, large tomes like Ken Evoy's and even smaller E-Books, such as ones that span from 30 to 75 pages are usually considered full E-Books because they cover a range of topics in considerable depth. They are comprehensive and complete.

In stark contrast to the large, comprehensive E-Book is the mini E-Book. So what makes a mini E-Book a mini E-Book? Obviously, the size is important: a mini-E-Book generally spans around 5 to 25 pages.

Another important distinction when considering what makes a mini E-Book a mini E-Book is that it is not comprehensive – and this is crucial. Unlike a full E-Book, a mini E-Book should give a piece of an incomplete idea, prompting the reader to take action – whether it be to purchase the complete version or to opt-in to a newsletter.

Another part of what makes a mini E-Book a mini E-Book is that it is generally free. Rather than capturing revenue, as most large product launches must do, it seeks to penetrate a specific niche crowd and to pull them in as leads. Additionally, it seeks to give list subscribers a specific incentive to circulate the report, which again will bring in additional revenue.

In summary, what makes a mini E-Book a mini E-Book? It must be short, targeted, incomplete, and yet still effective at persuading list subscribers to circulate it; but most importantly, it should be free.

The Role of Mini E-Books in Internet Marketing

What is the role of mini E-Books in Internet marketing? In Internet marketing, mini E-Books serve almost exclusively as a viral tool that generates traffic and opt-in list subscriber growth.

In many cases, the role of mini E-Books in Internet marketing is to generate viral and explosive growth through word of mouth promotion. But before you attempt to integrate mini E-Books into your marketing campaigns, there are a number of important things you should first consider.

The first and most important thing to keep in mind is that your product must have a target market. If you have no list to promote to and no idea whether or not anyone is actively looking for the solution you present in your mini E-Book, do not write it.

Start with market research and determine what people really want to know about your specific niche. You can do this by searching forums for hot topics that have received a significant amount of replies. Take one of these topics and generate a quick report about it, using a controversial angle – something that

will grab someone's attention and compel them to buy.

Next, determine how you will market your mini E-Book. You can start by looking for joint venture partners. Find webmasters who have lists related to your topic. And then approach them quietly with your offer. But make sure it is compelling. Webmasters with big sites get offers like yours every single day. Yours must stand apart and provide a compelling incentive, such as a large affiliate commission.

Again, the role of mini E-Books in Internet marketing is to generate viral traffic. If you don't have people promoting your E-Book through word of mouth, then you might as well not write it.

So start with the market research. Find out if anyone will actually buy your product. Once you do that and develop a good product, start contacting your potential JV partners with a good, compelling offer.

The Purpose of a Mini E-Book to YOU

What is the purpose of a mini E-Book to you and your business? Is it simply another means through which to generate revenue? In many cases, yes, it is. Often, if you have a list, you can use a bunch of mini E-Books to supplement your income by creating a product in 2-3 days and then selling it for as little as $7. Who on your list wouldn't buy it, provided that the information was useful and the sales page was compelling?

The purpose of a mini E-Book to you and your business that we will discuss in this article has more to do with traffic generation. Many people don't realize this – even as they pound away on repetitive search engine optimization tasks – but the mini E-Book is often the absolute best means through which to generate traffic.

Why spend hundreds of dollars purchasing content and hiring optimization specialists when you can simply create a mini E-Book, give it to your list for free, and watch it spread like wildfire, as your subscribers give it to friends – and their friends also give it to other friends? Of course, to ensure this level of success, you will have to create content that is worth reading and answers an oft-asked question.

Organic Gardening MRR Ebook

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Originally, organic gardening was understood as good old natural gardening where you put the plants in the ground and let “mother nature” take over, while you sat back and watched your garden grown.

Today, organic gardening has become known by many titles including chemical-free gardening, earth-friendly gardening, and organic, but the reality of it is that although we use the term “chem-ical free” to mean “Organic”, but that only applies if you use no fertil-izers or pesticides when creating and growing your garden.

So, basically, organic gardening requires it to be done naturally without the use of fertilizers and pesticides, which means that before you start your organic garden, you need to understand a few of the essential elements that will affect your gardens growth.

ESSENTIALLY, organic gardening consists of understanding the following three principles:

1. The Soil – Gardens require fertile soil to grow good crops; therefore the richer you can make it, the better your organic garden will be.

2. Simplicity – One of the hardest things for most gardeners to do is let nature do its thing, but when organic gardening simple practices without chemical intervention work best.

3. Preventative Methods and Measures – Understanding the pros and cons of the pests that inhabit our gardens and how to rid them naturally and prevent them from arriving initially is a big part of organic farming and gardening.


With rich nutrient soil our gardens will produce bumper crops, so understanding how to maintain the soil and keep it so it is growing becomes a major consideration before you even plot your garden’s layout. In today’s society, where people have a tendency to deplete everything they touch, the land is not different. Every year, the earth losses layers of soil due to wind erosion, run off, and other more destructive building practices, and each year millions of acres of fertile land are consumed by man for building and expending cities, leaving very little workable land to feed the multitude.

With this being said, no matter what condition your soil is in, when using the organic method to gardening, it is recommended that you build your soil into a deep, dark, rich soil that can support and sustain a summer growing season. To do this, your entire garden will need to have a good base to grow in, so the more compost and organic manure, chopped leaves and natural mulches you can work into the soil before planting season, the better your garden will grow. Turning the soil over and over to aerate it is also a good practice. Crops like crumbly soil that is not packed hard.

Once your soil has been prepared, you can then set about to plan how you would like to lay your garden out, remembering to keep in mind that you want to take in the growing condition of each fruit or vegetable so that they receive as many of the natural elements as they require. For instance: If you have tomatoes growing that require lots of sunlight and water to grow, you would most likely be wise not to plant it next to corn that has a tendency to grow tall creating lots of shade, and drink in all the water available in its general area.


When planning your organic garden there are many things you can do to produce the most yield. Many of these things are simple, although they do require some advance planning and generally, a little forethought when it comes to managing how the plants will work best depending on direction of sun, etc.

It is advisable to seek professional advice like for example a land-scaper. Walk through the garden and ask advice to find out which areas in the garden are suitable for vegetables, flowers, herbs, trees etcetera. The other option that you can try before investing your money in a landscaper is to visit your local nursery. The staff will be able to give you valuable information on what plants flourish in the area and the seasons that are the most suitable for the different types of vegetables and plants.

Start planning the garden according to the data you gather along the way. Make sure the area you choose for the vegetable garden is not too big and easy to maintain. Also opt for pathways between the various types of vegetables to prevent people from harming the crops. Place sheets of plastic underneath the pathway to stop weeds from growing. Plant the taller crops at the back of the vegetable garden and the herbs in between the different types of vegetables

If your space is limited use containers to plant your herbs and vegetables in. Remember that herbs act as a natural pesticide. It is wise to plant herbs throughout your garden. After you planned the layout of the organic garden walk through the garden again to make sure it is viable. Also be flexible some layouts look great on paper; but they are not practical. If you need more guidance use the Internet, garden magazines, public gardens and catalogs as a source to find layout concepts.


Not many people are aware that the benefits of organic gardening can improve their health, lifestyle and the envi-ronment. It is important that you understand what you can get out of the organic gardening process to reap the benefits.

Growing your own vegetables can save you a lot of money. You can pick fresh vegetables from your own backyard. There is no need driving to the shop anymore, using fuel and money to buy lettuce, cucumber etcetera. Another plus is that due to the fact the herbs, fruit, vegetables are not treated with harmful chemicals it reduces diseases and increases mental and physical health.

The Winning Mindset Formula MRR Ebook

It is certainly possible for you to develop a winning mindset so that you can achieve everything in life that you want. You will learn exactly how to do it in this powerful guide. The formula for a winning mindset is:

Know what you really want – set goals and make plans – change your subconscious mind to empower you to achieve your goals

You need to accept that it is going to take time and effort to develop your winning mindset. It is likely that you have beliefs and habits in embedded in your subconscious mind that are holding you back right now. These are not easy to change but using the right techniques and being consistent you can do it.

It is important that you understand how your brain works so that you strengthen your belief that you can develop a winning mindset. If other people can do it then so can you. You can change existing neural connections and establish new ones to transform your mindset.

Your subconscious mind is very powerful and we will explain how you can change it to your advantage in this guide. It is essential that you identify what you really want and we will show you how to do that too.

Setting goals in the right was is critical and you must have a plan for each goal. Your plans must be broken down into daily tasks that you can complete to move you closer to your goal. Taking consistent action is essential for the development of a winning mindset.

Everything that you need to know about developing a winning mindset is in this powerful guide. So read every word and apply what you learn. The steps outlined in the guide require practice, patience and persistence.

It is really important that you have a good understanding of how your brain works to develop a winning mindset. There are 2 main reasons for this:

1. It will strengthen your belief that you can develop a winning mindset (belief is critical)

2. It will motivate you to use the techniques in this guide and be persistent with them

Most people let their brains rule their life. They think that they are in control but they are not. It is an illusion for them that they can choose how they want to feel at any time. Unless you take control of your brain then it will definitely control you. You will be in reaction mode all of the time and your mood will change with each situation.

You must take conscious control of your brain if you want to be successful. When you do this you will be able to dictate your moods and your motivation. Failure to do this will leave you at the mercy of the chemicals that your brain releases and having very little control over your life.

Structure of your Brain

There are billions of neurons in your brain. These neurons are small cells that have tendril extensions that reach out to all of the different areas of your brain. You can create new neurons, destroy old ones and change existing ones.

These changes are brought about by your experiences. The neurons in your brain make up your memories and are responsible for the thoughts in your head. Electrical impulses fire through the neurons and these are signals that command your body to feel and act in a certain way. Your neurons are all interconnected and if two neurons fire at the same time often then they have a connection. So if a single neuron fires then it is likely that others will fire as well dependent upon the strength of the connection between them.

You have clusters of neurons in your brain that are connected and responsible for specific behaviors. It is possible for a single neuron to reach from one end of your brain to the other. So when you experience something in your life some of your neurons will fire up based on your memory and your understanding of the situation.

If there is a strong connection with other neurons then they will fire too. You form these connections throughout your life. The end result of particular neurons firing together is an emotion. Your neurons have synapses which they use to communicate. There are neurotransmitters that include chemicals that are released into surrounding cells.

There are different types of neurotransmitters. Some of them will make more neurons fire around them and others inhibit the firing of other neurons. It gets more complicated as some neurotransmitters will help you to commit something to memory while others while evoke an emotion in you such as happiness or sadness.

Every situation that you face in your life will lead to certain neurons firing. They will then release neurotransmitters to perform a specific function. The neurotransmitters are chemicals such as cortisol and dopamine and the amount of chemicals released depends on the situation.

If you were facing a dangerous situation then the neurotransmitters released would affect your central nervous system. In turn this will put you on high alert and make physical changes in your body to prepare you to tackle the danger. This is all automatically programmed in your brain. In a dangerous situation the firing neurons and subsequent neurotransmitters released are designed to protect you. You experience an instant change in your body due to chemical and hormonal changes.

The Power of Neurotransmitters

The neurons in your brain cannot tell real danger from irrational fear. If you suffer from stress due to areas of your life that you don’t feel that you are in control of then your brain sees this as a threat. Some people suffer from stress due to the most minor things and this is all to do with the way that their neurons fire and the neurotransmitters released.

When we are stressed it is normal for dopamine to release into your body. In a way this is a good thing because it helps to focus your mind on the thing that is causing the stress. Did you revise for exams at the very last minute? The day before the exam the stress was so great that a dopamine release helped you to concentrate on the exam revision.

Having some stress in your life is natural but too much is bad for you. The dopamine release will only allow you to focus on the thing that is causing the stress at the expense of everything else. The good news is that you can control your stress.

Paperless Ebook Publishing For Profit MRR Ebook

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Good evening and thank you for investing in your Information Product education.

You are probably convinced on how profitable the information market can be. And in cases more than one, I admit that the profitability in the information market can be, most of the time, out of my own realm of imagination.

So much so, indeed, that it’s rather fascinating.

Also, I trust that you already know that this package has been divided into 3 instructional Modules.

Obviously, I hazard a guess you will be starting your Info Product profits education with this manual.

In a nutshell, the 3 Modules required of you to succeed in being an Infopreneur are:

Creating a product,
(covered in this module)
Setting up your business, and
(covered in Module #2)
Market it!
(covered in Module #3)

While these steps may sound absurdly oversimplified and have been told in many versions, I’ll show you how making money online with your own Info Products is done.

As the title of this manual is rather self explanatory, you will also quickly learn that this manual itself is a perfect example of an Info Product that sells. At first glance, to some, it may look as if I have just created an Info Product that teaches others how to create one.

But you will also discover that I really DO practice what I teach, having been of service to some of my faithful clients as a ghostwriter and created several Info Products and Private Label products that sells.

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: it takes all of the Modules (which are presented in this package) to succeed and profit in the information market.
If you have at least one weak Module or more, your business can be doomed to fail. It is that crucial.

Now, I strongly recommend that you start with this manual, whether you haven’t written your first Info Product that sells just yet or not.

At the end of this manual, I know you WILL learn something new, even if you are a seasoned information entrepreneur.

Now, let’s get started. The earlier you begin, the faster you can rake in your profits in the information market. So here’s the scoop from me – how to create your own Info Product out of thin air!

To Your Paperless E-Book Publishing Success!

How to Profit from Your Info Product

Upfront Sales

This is self-explanatory. You make this type of money simply by first selling to your customers.

Back end Income

You earn this kind of income from the same customer through your links embedded within your E-Book.

If the same customer purchases something through your link or affiliate link, you earn additional income to the upfront sales from the same customer.

The income can be recurring if your link or affiliate link is a membership or service site.

Conveying Resell Rights

You can sell your same product at a higher price by giving your customer, especially a reseller, the right to resell your product.

For example, your product is priced at $97.00 then perhaps your Resell Rights price can be $397.00.

Savvy customers or resellers can afford such a price and know too well that it takes only after 4 sales to profit from the sales of your product.

(Now, you know how I turned a $57.00 product into a $550.00 product)

The subject of Resell Rights is covered in detail in the report “3 Steps to Profiting from Your Resell Rights Business”.

Selling Its Source Format

This type of rights is probably the most expensive type of rights there is in Internet Marketing.

In a nutshell, you are selling your product’s Private Label Rights, which is the editable Word document, to your customers, who are likely to be Internet Marketers.
Since savvy marketers are often busy individuals and some of them just don’t have the knack to create their own product, you can sell your product’s source format at 5 to 10 times the price, maybe more.

This is the basis of the manual, Guide to Private Label Rights, where it shows you how you can profit from selling Private Label Rights in detail.

What You Need

Word Program

You will need a Word Program to start creating your own Information Product (E-Book). If you are Microsoft user like me, you should find the Microsoft Word program readily installed within your computer’s system.

PDF Converter Program

Once you have finished creating your own Information Product and proof-read it for the last time, you will need a program that can convert your Word document into PDF format.

That way, your product cannot be altered, add, removed, edited, and its contents remain intact and just the way the document was before you converted it.

You can also disable the copying function to prevent convenient content theft copying.

I am currently using the PDF converter, which is already available within the suite where I am hosting my web site at, to convert my Word documents into PDF products.
Alternatively, you can PDF converter services such as OpenOffice.

Recommended Resource: This PDF Tool Kit is yours as a bonus to purchasing this package. Its retail price is $19.95, but that should help you save at least $400.00 from using Adobe’s PDF converter program.

Disconnect To Reconnect MRR Ebook

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There’s no doubt that technological advancements, especially the internet, has made the world a better place. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have made the world a global village where online social interactions occur. We can now have friends in nations we’ve never been to and may never visit. It also provides endless opportunities for trading and business expansion. Therefore, social media is indeed a blessing for interpersonal and professional relationships.

Nonetheless, this blessing is a curse for many people. Social media isn’t evil; however, its abuse, just like medications, can be disastrous. Many people are battling social media addiction today, such that they are anxious when they don’t have access to their phones. Some people cannot imagine not using their phones for a day.

Meanwhile, social media platforms are full of disturbing content that affects people’s mental health. So, it’s vital that you’ve control over your social media use. What you need is a social media detox.

Unfortunately, many people that would’ve loved to regulate their social media use don’t know how to execute this plan. If you’re one such person, you’re reading the right material. This book is a complete guide that explains social media addiction, its ills, and how to control it. Therefore, you need to pay attention to every page while reading because this book has the potential to be life-changing. You’ll find quality information that’ll enable you to disconnect to reconnect. Are you ready to get your life on track? Here you go!

Chapter 1 - What is Digital Detox?

Activities such as yoga and meditation are gaining more prominence because they help people to attain inner tranquility. More people need them because it’s becoming more challenging to focus in the modern world, thanks to the myriad of devices and fancy toys we possess. It’s difficult to find a teenager in the 21st century without a mobile phone. Access to the internet is increasingly easier and cheaper. Indeed, it has many advantages. Nonetheless, its negative impacts are also numerous.

One of the ills of social media addiction is a lack of focus. Meanwhile, you cannot have maximum performance when you’ve issues with attention. So, it’s critical that you’ve control over your use of social media, and that’s why you need a digital detox. This chapter will explore how social media use can go wrong and how you can reconnect to your true self again.

Stats on Social Media Addiction

Indeed, social media platforms are parts and parcel of the modern world. We all want to be connected to people in other parts of the world through these mediums. However, when you don’t control the time you spend on these platforms, it will affect your productivity.

Social media addiction is a severe issue that’s ruining many people’s potential. Many people are immersed in the digital world such that they struggle to get to grips with the real world. Some people have friends on these platforms but struggle to commit to or maintain quality interpersonal and social interactions.

The stats regarding social media use and abuse are startling, if not terrifying. For example, the Nielsen Company reported that the average US adult spends around eleven hours interacting with media daily! This duration includes reading, listening, and watching videos.

This analysis shows that an average US adult spends almost half a day in the digital world! Meanwhile, many people spend around fourteen to sixteen hours interacting with digital devices, especially during holidays. Instead of using leisure periods for building a robust bond with loved ones, many people spend them in the digital world.

Moreover, this statistic is mindboggling because it reveals that many people only have around twelve hours left to sleep, eat, work, and interact with loved ones. Many people claim that they don’t have time for social activities, hobbies, and regular exercise. Besides, some people also struggle to have sufficient sleep because of their social media activities.

Meanwhile, the Sleep Foundation recommends that you should sleep between seven to nine hours a day. So, such people will not be able to have enough rest for optimum performance in their daily tasks. There’re many reasons you need to consider giving up your phone and devices for a while. For example, you may want to enjoy more personal time without interference.

You may also feel that your device use is becoming excessive and increasing your stress and anxiety level. According to a poll conducted by Common Sense Media, 50% of teenagers admitted that they were addicted to their mobile devices. This report also revealed that 78% of the respondents check their digital devices every hour.

The Dark Side of Social Media

Despite its multiple benefits, there’s a dark side to social media use. Indeed, these platforms aren’t evil, but people can misuse them to hurt others and also hurt themselves. The unpleasant results of social media abuse are as follows:

Insensitive Comments due to Anonymity

Social media platforms allow people to register without using their real names. This anonymity empowers people to say insensitive things that can make others depressed. Many people don’t realize that Twitter followers or Facebook friends have many reasons for associating with them. Some of these people you meet online don’t care about you or how you feel. Many people say things online that they will never dare to say to you in physical interaction.

Body Shaming

If you’re not careful, the media can make you feel horrible about your body shape, especially if you’re fat. It’s becoming increasingly embarrassing to call people “fat” because of the barrage of media abuse associated with the word.

Moreover, plus size people are often the butt of many jokes in movies and social media. So, you may feel bad about yourself and feel rejected. It’s okay to lose weight to look fitter and avoid obesity. However, it’s an issue when you’re losing weight to be accepted by your loved ones. Friends who make you feel worthless because of your physique aren’t worth your time.


If you’ve been a victim of cyberbullying, you’ll never be a party to it. It can be devastating to be the target of numerous verbal attacks from different people around the world. It can ruin the individual’s self-esteem and lead to suicidal ideation.

Unfortunately, many people face several backlashes online every day because of one reason or the other. The margin for error is slimmer in the modern world thanks to many destructive critics out there. They prefer to humiliate you rather than help you grow.

Social Comparison

Social comparison is inevitable when you’re exposed to many extravagant people who like to display their wealth on social media. Unfortunately, many celebrities are fond of this ludicrous behavior. They forget that many people aren’t enjoying the same privileged positions. Some of them do it in the guise of motivating others not to give up on their dreams. Nevertheless, these images paint a picture of life being devoid of happiness without luxurious lifestyles to many people. Meanwhile, this perception is a vague assessment of the meaning of life.

Digital Detox to the Rescue

Based on the DSM – 5, mental health experts don’t regard tech and device overuse as a mental disorder. Nonetheless, it’s evident that it’s a behavioral addiction that can pose psychological, social, and physical health problems. So, you need to regulate the rate of your interaction with the digital world. You need a brief period when you refrain from using tech devices such as tablets, computers, television, video games, and social media. This process is called digital detoxification.

Adsense Profit Exposed MRR Ebook

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Chapter 1

Earning A Comfortable Living From

Adsense Reviewed

Technically, there is only one way to earn money from AdSense. You create a website, and paste the AdSense code into the pages. You then drive traffic to that site, and you earn money when people click on the ads that are being served by Google. That sounds easy enough, right?

It is easy, but it takes more thought and effort than that. What you must remember is that you only earn a few cents when someone clicks an ad, for the most part. That amount can be as little as three cents, and on up to five dollars. The most successful AdSense publishers are targeting keywords that pay the most amount of money.

These AdSense publishers use a variety of tools to find out what the high paying keywords are. These tools include keyword research tools, such as Word Tracker and Keyword Elite.

They spend a great deal of time researching those keywords, finding out what the top keywords are, in terms of number of people searching for them, and what word combinations are being used. These are words and phrases that they will target in the content of their sites.

Next, they determine which of those top keywords topics pay the most money per click. Those who have been in the AdSense game for a while are not going to build sites that target keywords that only pay three cents per click!

They are making a living, and three cents doesn’t go very far in reaching their goal.

These AdSense publishers use the tools that Google provides to help determine which keywords are paying the most to the publishers. Unfortunately, you won’t find these tools inside your Google AdSense account. You need a Google AdWords account for this.

You see, Google has two programs: Google AdSense and Google AdWords. Those two programs work together. Business owners use Google AdWords to promote their products and websites. When you publish Google AdSense ads on your site, the ads that are being displayed are those that people using the Google AdWords program have paid Google to run.

Fortunately, it is free to set up a Google AdWords account. You just set it up, and get in there and start using the tools that are there to see how much bids are for the keywords that you’ve discovered using keyword selection tools such as Word Tracker and Keyword Elite.

By doing this, you have access to the same information that the people who are paying for ads has, and this helps you to build more profitable AdSense websites.
This is a secret that Google won’t tell you about, and few AdSense publishers will share with you. Having a Google AdWords account is the key to finding out which keywords are going to pay you the most amount of money per click.

Choosing the right high paying keywords, however, isn’t all that there is to it. You also must have the traffic. Low traffic sites won’t make you a full-time living. This is why most publishers have more than one website.

They find the top keywords in terms of number of searches, figure out the keywords from that list that pay the most amount of money per click, and then build sites accordingly.

A successful AdSense publisher may have sites on topics such as fishing, weight loss, video games, making money, and more. When you have multiple sites, you can make a nice living with a mid level amount of traffic to each site.

If you have hundreds of sites, which some publishers do, you can make a living even with low traffic. So, here is some food for thought: The more traffic you have per site, the fewer sites you will need to earn a living from AdSense.

Chapter 2

What Is AdSense, Really?

In recent years, there has been a great deal of discussion and information concerning Google’s AdSense program at http://adsense.google.com. There have been numerous E-Books and articles written on the topic.

But in the grand scheme of things, it is a profitable program that still gets overlooked by many who are just coming online to start a business, as well as those who have been around a while.

First, let’s take a look at exactly what AdSense is and what it is all about.

AdSense is a program for webmasters which was implemented by the famous Google some years ago.

Essentially, a webmaster (a person who owns and builds one or more websites) signs up for an account with the program, and once they are approved, they paste the Google AdSense code into the pages on their websites.

Google then starts serving ads to those websites, based on the keywords that it finds in the text of the page. When a visitor clicks on one of those ads, the webmaster earns money – usually a few cents for each click. However, when a site has a great deal of traffic, and when the webmaster knows which keywords are the most profitable to target, there is a lot of money to be made.

It sounds simple enough, but it’s not really that easy. First, you have to be approved – and Google is picky. The good news is that once one site is approved, you have a Google AdSense account, and you do not have to seek Google’s approval to use AdSense on any other site that you own, as long as that site is within the Google’s terms of service guidelines.

Once you are approved, you have to know which keywords to target – the ones that will make you the most amount of money per click, and how to write (or have written for you) content that draws those high paying ads. Often, this is the hardest part for what are known as ‘AdSense publishers.’ When we get into this, the secrets will start unfolding.