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Weirdly, if you were to search for “social media marketing” on your favorite search engine, you will likely receive results from the same couple of websites, as well as an assortment of targeted ads. This is a prime example of social media marketing in action. Search ranking, recognition, and branding are essential elements of your future marketing strategy, Throughout this book we will be referring to the concept of brand loyalty; it is an appropriate goal of many businesses, and with it will come sales and engagement. To reach brand loyalty: you must first have brand awareness and recognition: this is where social media marketing comes in.
Social media marketing involves consistently using appropriate strategies to engage your audience and raise awareness of your brand. Simply posting is not enough. Your posts need to be relevant and strategic.
This eBook will make social media marketing simple. The concept of social media marketing can seem challenging and convoluted. And, with a haphazard attempt towards it, social media marketing can be. You will need to have a clear strategy, that will help you reach your clearly defined goals.
When it comes to the results of marketing, ignorance is not bliss. You would never implement a traditional marketing campaign without first clearly planning it and outlining several specific goals; so why would you do it online? One of the biggest mistakes people make in implementing social media marketing is not acknowledging the stark difference between regular marketing and online marketing. Many of the foundational principles are the same, yet new skills and elements exist and will be necessary to comprehend.
Before beginning, it is important to note that this eBook not directed towards one specific business type, it is for everyone who is using social media to market. The eBook may include phrases like “your product”, “your service” or “your business.” What is meant, is whatever you have to offer! Use the elements that apply to your business, do not falsify a business to fit with anything other than your goals.
We will begin by discussing what social media marketing is. It is important to have a complete understanding first so that you can do a better job of working through the remainder of the book. It may be prudent to answer all the rhetorical questions posed within the coming pages to truly outline your overall business goals and how you can use social media marketing to achieve them.
The eBook will then go on to discussing the key elements of social media marketing; this section will provide you with a list of ideas and questions that you can include in a strategy. It is important to remember that not every part of social media marketing will be relevant to you and your business. You need to find and focus on the elements that are most applicable to you and your goals, while also taking into account your audience and their media usage. We will then go on to discuss how you can implement a media marketing strategy; it will provide you some tips and hints of the top things that you should be considering in creating a strategy and provide you with ideas for some goals that you could set. The book will then discuss branding which is in itself a kind of marketing. Having a brand would be a central aspect of building a loyal audience.
This eBook will then run through the importance of analytics. Tracking analytics and data is some of the most essential skills for someone who is trying to run a business online to have. Without them, you will not be able to tell your progress, nor will you know if your marketing is effective. We will discuss how you can use tools to do so as well as simple metrics to track. Following this, this book will discuss the benefits of some of the different social media platforms. However, it will not go into detail into which demographics use which platform. It simply will provide an overview of the types of content that will be created on them.
Throughout all this, however, it is important to remember that each business and each audience is different; for this reason, there is not a one size fits all approach to marketing. Rather than giving you a strategy, this book will give you the tools and understanding that you need in order to produce your own. This will allow you to build a tailored strategy to your goals, skills, and abilities in order to make the most out of your strategy.
The Beginning: What Is Social Media Marketing?
You may be asking, is it not enough to simply have active profiles on social media? Unfortunately, no, it is not.
In this day and age, almost every person, and, even, many pets(!) are on social media. For this reason, there is an undeniable need for the existence of an enhanced and consistent social media presence to be able to run a business on social media. There is an abundance of content that you will need to compete with, so, above all, you need to try to have a high-quality brand.
But, people do not only use social media to be social with their friends and family—as it was originally intended. Social media is used to build connections and make business decisions and, of course, learn about new and exciting products.
Social media was designed with the intention of keeping us on our phones and to constantly refresh our feeds to see what new and exciting content is available for us. And it certainly worked. Social media usage is constantly increasing, with platforms finding new ways to keep us posting and most importantly buying.
When social media was first introduced, it was ad-less and free. But, as sites grew, so did the ability of it to be used for marketing. Now, in amongst pictures of our family and friends, are sponsored posts and ads that the algorithms think that we might enjoy. The videos we watch are often paused momentarily to make way for a quick ad. Advertising has been seamlessly integrated into our feeds; but how do you compete with all that content? The answer comes in creating a social media marketing strategy.
In essence, social media marketing is defined as efforts made on social media to connect with audiences and achieve business goals, such as increased sales, increased followers, more traffic, and building a brand. Through social media marketing, you will want your audience to develop brand awareness, then brand recognition, and finally, brand loyalty. We will discuss “branding” more specifically later, but it is important to keep in mind that as branding is how your audience perceives you, you want them to have a good impression.
Social media marketing is the combination of all your online activities that aim to drive user engagement and overall sales.
As with regular marketing, it can be proactive or reactive. Preferably of course you want proactive marketing to head off anything bad—ideally, you want your marketing strategy to seem effortless, not staged PR.
While it can seem like a challenge, the ideal social media marketing strategy does not seem like one at all to the audience. It should come across as natural, organic content.
Key Elements Of Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is not the same as traditional marketing. Depending on one's industry and business goals, it may require traditional marketing as well as social media marketing to grow their business. There are elements of social media marketing that are inspired by traditional marketing, but one would be foolish not to have a solid understanding of social media marketing specifically to maximize the possible gains from it.
Whether you, yourself, are your brand or you are trying to run a business from social media you will still need to use social media marketing. Basically, you will not succeed on social media, irrespective of your endeavor, without a good social media marketing strategy.
If you have already started your business, it could be helpful for you to conduct an audit of the kinds of posts you have been doing and the success of these posts. Doing so will also help you learn the skills that we are discussing throughout this book. The sooner you learn to apply the skills, the better; so if you can do an audit of any content currently, it would be an advantage.