Tag Archives: Ebooks

Social Media Marketing Made Simple MRR Ebook

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Weirdly, if you were to search for “social media marketing” on your favorite search engine, you will likely receive results from the same couple of websites, as well as an assortment of targeted ads. This is a prime example of social media marketing in action. Search ranking, recognition, and branding are essential elements of your future marketing strategy, Throughout this book we will be referring to the concept of brand loyalty; it is an appropriate goal of many businesses, and with it will come sales and engagement. To reach brand loyalty: you must first have brand awareness and recognition: this is where social media marketing comes in.

Social media marketing involves consistently using appropriate strategies to engage your audience and raise awareness of your brand. Simply posting is not enough. Your posts need to be relevant and strategic.

This eBook will make social media marketing simple. The concept of social media marketing can seem challenging and convoluted. And, with a haphazard attempt towards it, social media marketing can be. You will need to have a clear strategy, that will help you reach your clearly defined goals.

When it comes to the results of marketing, ignorance is not bliss. You would never implement a traditional marketing campaign without first clearly planning it and outlining several specific goals; so why would you do it online? One of the biggest mistakes people make in implementing social media marketing is not acknowledging the stark difference between regular marketing and online marketing. Many of the foundational principles are the same, yet new skills and elements exist and will be necessary to comprehend.

Before beginning, it is important to note that this eBook not directed towards one specific business type, it is for everyone who is using social media to market. The eBook may include phrases like “your product”, “your service” or “your business.” What is meant, is whatever you have to offer! Use the elements that apply to your business, do not falsify a business to fit with anything other than your goals.

We will begin by discussing what social media marketing is. It is important to have a complete understanding first so that you can do a better job of working through the remainder of the book. It may be prudent to answer all the rhetorical questions posed within the coming pages to truly outline your overall business goals and how you can use social media marketing to achieve them.

The eBook will then go on to discussing the key elements of social media marketing; this section will provide you with a list of ideas and questions that you can include in a strategy. It is important to remember that not every part of social media marketing will be relevant to you and your business. You need to find and focus on the elements that are most applicable to you and your goals, while also taking into account your audience and their media usage. We will then go on to discuss how you can implement a media marketing strategy; it will provide you some tips and hints of the top things that you should be considering in creating a strategy and provide you with ideas for some goals that you could set. The book will then discuss branding which is in itself a kind of marketing. Having a brand would be a central aspect of building a loyal audience.

This eBook will then run through the importance of analytics. Tracking analytics and data is some of the most essential skills for someone who is trying to run a business online to have. Without them, you will not be able to tell your progress, nor will you know if your marketing is effective. We will discuss how you can use tools to do so as well as simple metrics to track. Following this, this book will discuss the benefits of some of the different social media platforms. However, it will not go into detail into which demographics use which platform. It simply will provide an overview of the types of content that will be created on them.

Throughout all this, however, it is important to remember that each business and each audience is different; for this reason, there is not a one size fits all approach to marketing. Rather than giving you a strategy, this book will give you the tools and understanding that you need in order to produce your own. This will allow you to build a tailored strategy to your goals, skills, and abilities in order to make the most out of your strategy.

The Beginning: What Is Social Media Marketing?

You may be asking, is it not enough to simply have active profiles on social media? Unfortunately, no, it is not.

In this day and age, almost every person, and, even, many pets(!) are on social media. For this reason, there is an undeniable need for the existence of an enhanced and consistent social media presence to be able to run a business on social media. There is an abundance of content that you will need to compete with, so, above all, you need to try to have a high-quality brand.

But, people do not only use social media to be social with their friends and family—as it was originally intended. Social media is used to build connections and make business decisions and, of course, learn about new and exciting products.

Social media was designed with the intention of keeping us on our phones and to constantly refresh our feeds to see what new and exciting content is available for us. And it certainly worked. Social media usage is constantly increasing, with platforms finding new ways to keep us posting and most importantly buying.

When social media was first introduced, it was ad-less and free. But, as sites grew, so did the ability of it to be used for marketing. Now, in amongst pictures of our family and friends, are sponsored posts and ads that the algorithms think that we might enjoy. The videos we watch are often paused momentarily to make way for a quick ad. Advertising has been seamlessly integrated into our feeds; but how do you compete with all that content? The answer comes in creating a social media marketing strategy.

In essence, social media marketing is defined as efforts made on social media to connect with audiences and achieve business goals, such as increased sales, increased followers, more traffic, and building a brand. Through social media marketing, you will want your audience to develop brand awareness, then brand recognition, and finally, brand loyalty. We will discuss “branding” more specifically later, but it is important to keep in mind that as branding is how your audience perceives you, you want them to have a good impression.

Social media marketing is the combination of all your online activities that aim to drive user engagement and overall sales.

As with regular marketing, it can be proactive or reactive. Preferably of course you want proactive marketing to head off anything bad—ideally, you want your marketing strategy to seem effortless, not staged PR.

While it can seem like a challenge, the ideal social media marketing strategy does not seem like one at all to the audience. It should come across as natural, organic content.

Key Elements Of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is not the same as traditional marketing. Depending on one's industry and business goals, it may require traditional marketing as well as social media marketing to grow their business. There are elements of social media marketing that are inspired by traditional marketing, but one would be foolish not to have a solid understanding of social media marketing specifically to maximize the possible gains from it.

Whether you, yourself, are your brand or you are trying to run a business from social media you will still need to use social media marketing. Basically, you will not succeed on social media, irrespective of your endeavor, without a good social media marketing strategy.

If you have already started your business, it could be helpful for you to conduct an audit of the kinds of posts you have been doing and the success of these posts. Doing so will also help you learn the skills that we are discussing throughout this book. The sooner you learn to apply the skills, the better; so if you can do an audit of any content currently, it would be an advantage.

Webinar Mastery MRR Ebook

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To successfully make money from webinars you have to know what works and what doesn’t. A lot of marketers make big mistakes with their webinars and do not get the results that they want. This guide will explain which methods to create the most successful webinars.

We have worked hard to provide you with everything that you need to know about planning, promoting and running successful webinars. You will find it an easy and engaging read and we encourage you to read it from start to finish and then start to implement the tips and advice you find here.

You will learn what other successful webinar marketers do to make a lot of money. What they have done is not rocket science and you can replicate their success easily. Engagement with your audience is essential and this guide will show you how to achieve that.

Why should you use webinars as part of your marketing strategy? There are a number of reasons. Over the last few years webinars have gone “mainstream” and people are familiar with them a lot more than they used to be. People know that if they attend a webinar they will receive some value and there is likely to be a pitch at the end.

This is good for you. When people attend your webinars they are very likely to have this expectation. It will not be a shock to them when you make a pitch for one of your products or services at the end.

Deliver Value with Webinars

All of your webinars must provide value to your attendees. This is the main reason that people will attend. They have a problem in your niche and they believe that the webinar will solve that problem for them.

A high value webinar can keep an audience engaged for a long time. It is not uncommon for webinars to last between 1 hour and 2 hours. No other marketing tool has the power to do this. Videos are not interactive like webinars so they will not have the same impact and people are likely to stop watching after a few minutes.

Attendees know that they will be able to participate. The main way of doing this is to ask you questions and get the answers in real time. You are able to ask your audience questions as well and you can ask them to participate regularly in micro actions such as polls, quizzes and so on.

When you get your audience to perform micro actions throughout the webinar you are warming them up to taking the final action that you want – purchasing your product or service.

Not all webinars have sales pitches at the end of them. Some businesses use webinars to just provide value by explaining how to solve a problem and how using their products and services make things a lot easier. This increases brand awareness and trust which will make the attendees more likely to become customers in the future.

Expert Status

If you are running a webinar then your audience will perceive you as an expert. Even if some of the attendees have never heard of you before they will assume that you are an expert in your niche because you are running the webinar.

Being perceived as an expert is exactly what you want. People trust experts and are much more likely to buy from them. It takes effort for attendees to register for a webinar and they have to spend their precious time attending. They wouldn’t do this if they didn’t believe that they are going to learn something valuable from you.

No Hard Sell

If you setup and run your webinar in the right way then you will not require a hard sell for your products or services. We will cover this later on in this guide. You will be able to present your offer to your audience and some of them will just go for it because you have impressed them so much throughout the webinar.

Your webinar needs to discuss a problem that your audience is having and provide a solution. It needs to deliver value and overcome any objections. You need to persuade the attendees that they have a specific “WANT” and your product or service is that WANT. By the time you come around to the pitch your audience will be ready to buy without a hard sell.

A Large Global Audience

One of the really great things about webinars is that you can provide your presentation to hundreds (possibly thousands) of attendees from all over the world. You can sit at home controlling everything. It doesn’t get much better than that!

OK it is not as effective as a one to one meeting with a prospect but it is the next best thing. Your audience wants to hear what you have to say and how you will solve their problems. They are a captive audience. Can you imagine the logistics and the cost of gathering hundreds of people from around the world to a physical venue?

Webinars have High Engagement Levels

Live webinars are special because your attendees know that if they show up late they are going to miss part of your presentation. If you don’t plan to provide a replay (or at least announce that you are going to do this) then they will miss out on everything if they do not attend.

This is why people from around the world are willing to attend a webinar in the middle of the night. They will do this because they want the information that you are going to share. It is one of the best scarcity tactics available. Show up or miss out and stay until the end or you may miss something important!

Financial Planning For Everyday People PLR Ebook

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The act of financial planning consists of the long-term planning of your finances, which includes all the money you receive (whether you earn it, inherit it, win it, or otherwise), and how you fund your life goals from now until your death and even after your death – including planning for your family members’ future by planning how your estate will be handled.

Steps to Planning Your Finances

When you want to get serious about your finances, it’s time to engage in financial planning. Financial planning allows us to realize our goals and objectives by learning, organizing, and planning based on the reality of the current situation. You have to understand what is genuinely achievable and know the steps to make it happen to be successful with financial planning.

For most people, successful financial planning will include:

Setting goals and objectives
Determining your current situation
Figuring your assets and liabilities
Choosing your budget method
Implementing and monitoring your plan

You do have to know where you are, where you want to go, and the steps that it takes to achieve that result, to be successful with any type of financial planning. But the good news is, anyone can get benefits from financial planning. Let’s look more closely at each of the steps involved with solid personal financial planning.

Step #1: Set Goals and Objectives

The personal financial goals and objectives you set for yourself should include both long- and short-term savings and expenditures. The goals you set should cover the goals you hope to achieve both today and throughout your life.

You’ll set goals for your entire life, including education, housing, and retirement. You’ll want to set goals that involve both short-term and long-term planning. For example, paying down debt, saving for a down payment for a house, saving for emergencies, saving for a vacation, affording health care, improving your career options, and of course, retirement planning.

Set goals for this year and set goals for the future for anything you want to do so that it makes it concrete. If you don’t set a goal for it and then set up a way to reach the goal, it’s unlikely to happen.

12 Financial Goals You May Want to Set

Let’s look at some financial goals that you may not have thought about that you may want to actively plan for, to give you some ideas about what financial goals you may need to think about.

Develop a Realistic Daily Budget – The best way to get a handle on your situation is to have a realistic budget set up that involves paying your bills and meeting your daily needs, and keeping you to your future goals. If the budget is too tight, you won’t stick to it, so it needs to be as realistic as possible.

Create a Six-Month Emergency Fund – One goal essential to all the other goals is having a backup emergency fund that you can get to right away when needed. This fund should include six months of needed funds to cover the basics. You’ll need to know what that amount is to be successful.

Get Out of Consumer Debt – The biggest roadblock to success in financial planning is having consumer debt. Consumer debt involves unsecured credit card debt, payday loans, and the like. This type of debt can be useful at times but most of the time, it’s a big mistake that you should try to pay off as fast as possible.

Plan for Retirement – It may seem far off, but this time of your life is closer than you think. Thus, it’s vital that you fully understand how money works, including compounding interest and so forth. If you start planning now, you can even set up a number that you need to retire early.

Ensure College Education for Kids or You – College is a considerable expense, and it is not always going to be covered by scholarships, even if your child is super-smart. You cannot rely on that. Every state has plans you can start investing in today to use for your child’s education in the future. If you want to go to school yourself, you’ll need to plan for that as loans are also a dangerous proposition and may not help you get ahead.

Tax Planning to Avoid Overpaying – While most people don’t need that much tax planning, it can help to talk to someone who knows how to help you avoid overpaying and best use your money.

Develop More Income Streams – They say that rich people tend to have more than seven income streams. You should also plan to have more than one income stream if you want to meet your financial goals. Work, investments, and cash flow from side hustles can go a long way to ensuring you can achieve your goals.

Buy the Right Insurance – Everyone needs to buy insurance, but you want to make sure you never buy more insurance than you need. Most people need insurance on everything they own plus health and life insurance. A good agent can recommend what you need.

Buy a Forever Home – If you would like to stop renting and buy a home, setting a goal to save a 20 percent down payment is the first thing you should do. While you can buy homes without a down payment, most people will get better loan terms with a good one.

Go on a Vacation – Even things like going on a vacation, whether yearly or less often, need some form of financial planning. If you plan for it, you don’t have to use credit, as this is is not a good way to fund your vacation.

Using Facebook Events To Engage Your Audience Personal Use Ebook

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Using Facebook Events to Engage Your Audience

Do you struggle to keep your audience engaged? Social media has become an important tool for audience engagement. As well as allowing you to create business pages to connect with your customers, it also provides several ways to market your services.

The most popular social media channel for businesses, Facebook, offers a variety of tools to boost audience engagement. One of them you might not have considered using is Facebook Events.

Here, you’ll discover how to use Facebook Events to engage your audience.

The power of Facebook Events

Facebook gives you a huge audience to market to and its events feature can be a great way to reach them. Helping you to build up customer loyalty, generate additional leads and keep your audience engaged, Facebook Events can be a powerful marketing tool.

You can use the events feature to advertise upcoming occasions or events. So, it could be a bonus you’re offering for a limited time, or a networking event you have organized for example.

After setting up the event, you can invite fans of your page, alongside friends and family. This will create an RSVP list, with those invited placed in an “interested in going”, “attending” or “not attending” category. This helps you to clearly see who plans to be there.

Members who have been invited, will be notified as the event date gets nearer. There are actually different types of events you can host via Facebook. It helps to have a good understanding of each type before deciding which is best for you and your business.

What types of events can you host?

There are two main types of events you can host via Facebook. You can either host an online or offline event. You can also choose whether to host a paid or a free event.

While offline events have the power to generate more sales, hosting online events can deliver a lot of benefits. This is especially true following the coronavirus pandemic which forced us to socially distance and cancel events.

With an online Facebook event, attendees simply need to tune into your channel on the day of the event. You’ll typically host it via Facebook Live, allowing you to quickly connect to your audience. One of the benefits of live online events is that they save onto your business page. This means anybody who missed the event can still catch it while you keep it on your channel.

With offline events, you’ll simply be using the tool to advertise rather than host it. However, you could also live stream the event for anybody who wasn’t able to attend in person.

So, choose whether you want to host an online or an offline event and then think about the pricing. If the event is going to give your audience a lot of value, selling tickets can help you to make a good little profit. Another thing to consider is that selling tickets gives the event a more exclusive feel. This can drive up sales, resulting in a larger number of attendees.

On the other hand, offering free tickets can also greatly boost attendance. The trouble is, you’ll generally experience fewer conversions from free events so this is something to consider.

The best practices and strategies you can follow

If you want your Facebook event to be successful, there are a number of practices and strategies you can follow. These include:

• Optimize the event
• Provide regular updates
• Consider adding an incentive
• Promote on other social media channels
• Create event hashtags
• Engage with influencers

The first strategy that’s going to increase results is optimizing your event. This is going to guarantee maximum visibility. It basically involves using keywords in the event description that will help people find it. Facebook will automatically suggest keywords but doing keyword research will greatly enhance its optimization.
You’ll also want to ensure you provide regular updates to your attendees. Use your business page to advertise the event and provide taster content to get them excited. Provide updates on both the event page and your business page. As your audience engages on your event page, it will help it to show up in newsfeeds of their friends and family. This gives you the potential to reach a much wider audience.

Consider adding an incentive too. For example, every person who attends the event will receive something for free. It could be a free gift, or a discount off your products and services. Giving them an incentive is going to help significantly boost attendance and interest.

List Landslide MRR Ebook

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What Is List Building?

The money is in the list, they say.

What is a list, exactly? Basically, it’s short for email marketing list or email autoresponder list. These emails are the contact information of visitors who come to your site who are looking for specific information on your niche topic.

In order to build a list, you will need to have an email autoresponder set up. The two most common autoresponders in the market are:

• Get response (www.getresponse.com)
• Aweber (www.aweber.com)

It is compulsory for anyone who wishes to start an online business to get an autoresponder account. This will be used to manage your subscribers and mass email your list with offers and information of interest.

Fortunately, these autoresponders come in different packages for big and small entrepreneurs, so choose your desired package wisely.

Once you have an autoresponder account set up, you’ll have to set up a business system for collecting leads or subscribers, which I will explain more in detail in
Chapter 3: The Basics Of List Building.

Chapter 2

Why Build A List?

One of the most common question asked by new online marketers is:

“Do I Have To Build A List?”

The truth is, there are many ways to make money online. Some make money through blogging, which involves getting readers hooked onto your blog content and wanting to come back everyday to read new stuff. While others dabble with e-commerce or drop-shipping.

However, if you are in the business of information marketing, it is highly recommended that you build an email list.

Why is that?

With an email list, not only can you continuously build rapport with your subscribers, you can also offer them products of interest. Traffic that comes and is not captured is a waste. People are looking for specific information and they will leave forever once they have found out. However, if you manage to capture their emails, you can continue to provide value and turn them into your loyal customers or followers.

One more good reason – With an email autoresponder, you can automate emails so that new subscribers will automatically be funneled through a series of emails which will lead to a sale eventually. Can you say passive income?

Chapter 3

Basics Of List Building

So how do you start building a list, exactly?

You will first need to set up your list funnel. It typically consists of 3 components:

1) Landing page or Squeeze Page
2) Free Gift or “Bribe”
3) Opt in box

The landing page is a simple one page website which consists of a headline, sub headline, pitch & benefits and call to action.

The headline has to be eye-catching and bolded to immediately get your reader’s attention. The sub headline will reinforce the message of the headline.

The purpose of the page is to “bribe” a visitor to enter his name and email in exchange for a free gift. This could be an e-book, e-course or weekly newsletter. The benefits are meant to explain what the reader would get from this free gift and to improve sign up rates.

Finally, in the call to action, you inform the reader that they must enter their name and email to get the free gift.

The place where the reader enters his contact information is known as the “opt in box”, which can be obtained from to email autoresponder host website. Autoresponders like Getresponse offer easy customizations for opt-in boxes to make boxes suit your site layout easier.

Alternatively, you can choose to put your opt in box in your blog or website to collect subscribers. The choice is entirely yours but landing pages often have higher opt in rates because visitors only have less choices – Opt in or don’t as compared to blogs.

List Building For True Success Resale Rights Ebook

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List building is a method to collect targeted prospects who are visiting your site by offering them a decent quality information in exchange for their contact details such as email, first name, last name and their phone numbers, this is also known as laser targeted, responsive subscribers list that eventually becoming the key element to your success.

When the subscriber has confirmed his email subscription on your list, you can then start to send them the follow up emails in conjunction with relevant and useful content based on your product or services.

Affiliate marketers or any business owner are using different style of squeeze pages and opt-in forms combination on their site to capture potential prospects. You are able to generate the web opt-in forms from the autoresponder provider user dashboard and it is used for embedding into your squeeze page template either as a javascript or HTML codes.

Every moment when a visitor enters their name and email address into your squeeze page opt-in form, they are instantly being added to your mailing list system and instantly become an active subscriber you can follow up with them later on.

With the method of list building, you can potentially transform the confirmed subscribers into buyers, since once your potential prospect has been added to your mailing list, you are able to establish a relationship with them, that will encourage sales as well as repeating sales (which will add up more sales profit for long run).

The Gadgets You Need

Building a profitable email list building campaign is not to be exempted this day. To get started, you will need to make sure that you have the entire gadgets ready; as such you need the following:

Professional Auto responder Account (Hosted Services or Owned Version)

The most top 2 recommended auto responder services which are from www.GetResponse.com and www.Aweber.com, by using their services, you are able to set up an unlimited number of mailing lists, each of them provides an easy customization options to fit into your opt-in form for your squeeze page codes. (I have included a list of autoresponder services, please check on the last page for the recommended resources)

Organizing your lists into each of their individual campaign will be able to let you personalize your emails so that specific information or topics are directly send to the targeted groups of subscribers who are interested in.

An auto responder is an automated mailing list system set up with preloaded follow-up messages to be sent out on a predefined schedule of time and date. This means that you can write all of your messages at once but have them drip to your subscribers on the date and time you specify in the system.

Being able to schedule all follow-up messages makes life a lot easier for an affiliate marketer because you can set it up once and for all to be on auto-pilot, so that you can spend the rest of your time and effort to focus on driving traffic to your squeeze page in order to continuously expand your list.

The auto responder service provider you are going to choose will provide you with an account where you can log in and create unlimited email campaigns as well. This means it can lets you accommodate to a couple of dozen or more niche markets but making sure that you keep things organized and well managed to email your subscribers to avoid confusion.

For instance, perhaps you are interested in the fitness niche market as well as the weight loss market. You would simply create two auto responder campaigns. One titled fitness and the other one titled weight loss.

You would create your content separately for these two markets, pre-schedule your follow-up messages in your auto responder account and it would instantly send out your notices, news and updates to each group of subscribers on a predefined schedule.

If you prefer to host your own auto responder system, one of the most decent, low-cost and affordable scripts on the Internet is available from Millennium Responder, http://www.millenniumresponder.com/

Alternatively, you may also want to check out the software being offered by Interspire and it’s called “Interspire Email Marketer” and the other one is from Auto Response Plus.

The best things about locally hosted email autoresponders is the fact that you own the program. Once you have purchased the software, you do own it for the rest of your life. This way, you don’t have to worry about any other charges. You won’t have to pay a company to run it, which will save you a lot of money in the long run. There are no monthly charges involved either, which makes locally hosted email responders that much better than remote hosted responders.

Squeeze Page

A squeeze page consist of your opt-in form with the details to present to the potential prospects being able to find you on the web, by evaluating what you are offering them in exchange for their contact information and making the decision to become an active subscriber of your list.

A squeeze page is very similar to a sales page in terms of its primary function is to pull in customers and motivate them to take further action, in this case, they have to subscribe to your list.

Highlighting the "Call of Action" is very important in creating high performance squeeze pages, and you must place highly appealing outlines and benefits to ensure that your visitors are guided fully to fill in the opt-in form; otherwise they will not be added to your list.

You need to clearly direct visitors to enter in their name and email address as well as instruct them to confirm their request to join your list (if you are using double opt-in).

Pinterest Profits PLR Ebook

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Introduction To Pinterest

Pinterest is a fast growing image-based social networking site that not only offers a unique approach to the way that people communicate, but it offers incredible potential to maximize your business exposure and brand awareness.

Even those who held no interest in other types of social media sites have jumped on board Pinterest simply because it offers a very innovative method to share and communicate with others who hold the same interests.

With more than 10 million visitor’s monthly and over 2 million visitor’s hitting the site each day, Pinterest is an extremely valuable resource for spreading your business message, connecting with potential customers, and furthering your brand.

But how exactly does Pinterest work?

Pinterest is similar to the bulletin boards that you’ve seen located in shopping malls, local grocery stories, and perhaps convenience stories, but on a global scale.

Similar to the way that corkboards and bulletin boards work in local shops, where people can pin up announcements, news, items for sale and of interest, Pinterest’s foundation is based on providing users with the opportunity to “pin” the things that interest them.

Imagine being able to create a virtual “sticky note” for your business that is seen by thousands of visitors a day. Now consider the branding opportunity that is now at your fingertips, just by utilizing the popularity of a virtual “corkboard”.

It’s no surprise that hundreds of businesses, entrepreneur’s and marketer’s have begun to develop creative marketing campaigns based around the ever-growing Pinterest community.

Exploiting The Popularity of Pinterest

In order to create an effective marketing campaign within the Pinterest community, you need to understand the features and extended options when creating pins.

Image Showcase

One of the most powerful components of a successful pin is in your ability to create, collect and display various images from your websites, resources, and even other website’s in your niche market.

Visitor’s to Pinterest are interested in exploring relevant content pertaining to their interests, and while many of Pinterest pages are designed around specific brands, physical products and collectibles, you can easily create popular Pinterest pages around your offers, just by helping members discover your very own “themed” image collections.

For example, if you are in the business of selling physical products, such as t-shirts, mouse pads, books, DVD’s or anything in which you can usual visual marketing components to sell your items, you can easily create a Pinterest page that includes a full collection of product images from your inventory.

For example, if you are in the business of selling physical products, such as t-shirts, mouse pads, books, DVD’s or anything in which you can usual visual marketing components to sell your items, you can easily create a Pinterest page that includes a full collection of product images from your inventory.

But even if you sell digital products, you can still take advantage of image themed pins by creating a visual library of everything associated to your brand, including your logo, ebook covers, and other image-based marketing materials.

And don’t just stop there. With Pinterest you can also create visual-marketing campaigns around other image types including spreadsheets, graphs, charts, and even mindmaps!

Examples of Successful Pinterest Campaigns

Consider the image-based training tools that you use within your products. All of these can be used to create Pinterest based pages that provide a visual illustration of the services and products that you offer.

Drawing from a couple of examples of successful Pinterest marketing, let’s take a closer look at Etsy – their Pinterest page vailable at http://pinterest.com/etsy/pins

Etsy has developed a presence within Pinterest just by showcasing handmade crafts, clothing, vintage collections and designs from their community.

But Etsy is only one of many online businesses who have taken advantage of Pinterests global community. Sony Music, Pepsi, clothing designers, interior decorators, and many other big-brand companies have established Pinterest accounts in order to futher connect with their target audience.

When it comes to online businesses, Mashable has had great success with their Pinterest page, available at http://pinterest.com/mashable/pins

Mashable is the perfect example of how online businesses can begin to generate high targeted traffic to their websites instantly, while maximizing exposure with very little work involved.

Twitter Success PLR Ebook

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If you're looking for a fairly automated way to build a brand online, you don't have to look further than Twitter. In fact, for the longest time, a lot of marketers and marketing companies have long

considered Twitter as a great place for brand formation. If you're looking for an online brand, Twitter is a great place to start. It's easy to see why.

Twitter is so easy to use. You just need to post a tweet that is one hundred forty characters. You need to do it long enough. You have to pick the right hashtags. You have to pick the right content and, given enough focus and attention to detail, you will get it right. It’s just a matter of time.
Of course, this does not mean automatic success but, with everything else being equal, Twitter compared to other social media platforms, is definitely easier to master. Why?

First of all, it is very friendly to automation. That's right. You can automate pretty much everything you do on Twitter. This is why a lot of people use it to make money from the Internet on autopilot.

They don't have to babysit each tweet. They don't have to sit around to figure out what's going on. They can pretty much set a strategy, let software do it, let the process run for some time, double-check their work, make some adjustments here and there and then let it run.

Basically, they keep repeating this process until they get it right. Again, you can run things on autopilot. With that said, you shouldn't expect much traffic if you just started on this platform. I hate to break it to you but, just like with anything else in life, you can’t start out at the top.

You can’t expect massive success without having put in the time. While the actual work involved in Twitter can be so well-managed that it almost feels like everything is automated, it still requires work.

I know this is going to discourage a lot of people because a lot of people are looking for get-rich-quick schemes. A lot of people are looking for some sort of one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter instant-success formula.

Unfortunately, Twitter doesn't work that way. It can deliver success pretty much on an automated basis, but you have to pay your dues to get there.

Everybody is different. Everybody’s situation is different. Everybody's goals are different. This is why you need to put in the time.

The good news is if you are able to do that, you will be greatly rewarded by this platform because of certain key features of this system.

What is so great about this platform is that it has fairly easy mechanics. It really does. When people use Twitter for the first time, they just tweet away. They just think of things to say and in one hundred forty characters, they tweet away.

Sooner or later, they realize that they would reach a wider range of people if they use hashtags. Even later, they figure out that people who tweet about certain topics all the time are more likely to send them more visitors or more interested followers if they engage with them.

In other words, Twitter is one of those platforms that you just have to figure out in broad terms to lay out an initial strategy. Implement that strategy and then learn from your results.

Chapter 01 - Things to Do before Starting Marketing on Twitter

Before you even seriously think of starting on Twitter, do these first. If you set up a website, you should have been doing these already. Just in case you’re unclear on the concept or just in case you did things out of order, here are the things that you should do before you even think of marketing on Twitter.

Pick Your Niche

It's really important to understand that if you want to be successful on the Internet, you must have a laser focus on how you're going to make money. A lot of people are clueless regarding this.

In fact, a lot of them think that they just need to buy a system that somebody else has built and they will make money. What they’re really saying to themselves is that they're too lazy to think through their online business.

That’s always a dangerous proposition because when you let another person do your thinking for you, you're going to have to deal with the consequences. You have to understand that when people build systems for others, they’re usually trying to cut corners.

They’re trying to make the most amount of money with the least amount of effort. Do you think they have your best interest in mind with that attitude? Of course not.

This is why it's a bad idea to let somebody else pick your business for you. You have to do it yourself. You have to know what you’re doing. You have to know who you're going to be marketing to, what exactly you’re going to be pushing and how you’re actually going to be making money on the Internet.

You can’t just buy some sort of “business in a box” and expect everything to work out smoothly. That happy ending that you may have been dreaming of may be a very distant and even impossible dream. Why? You just didn't step up. You have to do all of this yourself.

The most important is to pick a niche. A niche is a subject matter category or some sort of category for whatever collection of needs you are trying to address.

What kind of problems do the products you are promoting or the website you are building address? Pick that niche. Understand how that niche compares with other niches. Understand whether it fits your amount of resources and your expectations.

Video Marketing Unleashed PLR Ebook

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Video marketing is not actually new. Regardless of what you’ve heard and regardless of how much hype there is in video SEO, video conversions, or video sales pages, video marketing as a whole is not exactly a new phenomenon.

Video has always been around. In fact, its marketing potential has always been apparent to a lot of online marketing professionals. You only need to go back to the days of RealPlayer to understand the hype surrounding video marketing even back then.

The truth is video marketing’s promise has always been well known, but what makes today so different is the fact that we now have the technology to deliver on these promises. People have always been talking about how awesome video marketing could be, but it was all just theory. It was all just speculation, opinion, and the facts were not there. The technology was just simply lacking.

Thanks to four major changes, video marketing has become the killer app. It’s always been the once and future king of marketing, but now it is probably

wearing its crown thanks to the rise of high-speed yet cheap wireless data transmission. You can actually watch videos on your mobile phone without having to spend an eternity waiting for the video to download completely.

We also have high quality decoding and coding technology that is standardized. In other words, regardless of what device you are watching a video on and regardless of which website you’re viewing, the images will be crisp and the sounds will be crystal clear.

Another technological breakthrough that we have now, involves the price of storage. You have to understand that the video that you’re watching has to be stored somewhere. It has to reside on a series of hard drives. That’s not free. Thanks to modern technology, storage prices have really crashed through the floor. On top of that, the service that people offer to host websites has become cheaper and cheaper.

Given this combination, video marketing has come to its home. It has finally arrived, but here’s the problem. It is quite ironic. The challenge to video marketers nowadays is that video may have been the victim of its own success. The problem now is that there’s so much video out there that most of them simply don’t have an impact. They don’t get people to convert to buyers.

Fact: most YouTube videos have very few views

Have you ever been searching for stuff on YouTube and noticed that there are a huge number of videos that have very few views? That is the fate shared by the vast majority of

marketing videos on YouTube and other platforms.

You have to wrap your mind around the fact that video marketing is both new and old. Depending on how you navigate these factors, you will either succeed or fail. Either your video is going to convert people into buyers or they’re just going to sit there on YouTube getting zero views.

What’s new?

It involves three new technologies that has really turbocharged its effectiveness. First of all, you can use software to create video. You no longer have to patch together or shoot video content by

hand. There is all sorts of software that can help you edit, enhance and even automate the creation of video content.

Also, video marketing content is increasingly plugged into a larger marketing infrastructure. These are the blogs, social media platforms, so on and so forth.

Finally, there are tools out there that would enable you to upload the video that you created without you manually going through all sorts of upload steps. With a few mouse clicks and a few key strokes, you can massively distribute your video.

Sounds awesome right? Well, don’t get ahead of yourself. A lot of marketers think that it’s all about technology and that as long as they have the right tools, video marketing will pretty much take care of itself. Absolutely wrong. How come?

You have to pay attention to the old elements that sill remain alive in video marketing. Lose sight of these and you're going to fail. These factors remain. You have to build a brand. You have to create a human connection with your prospects. Most importantly,

you still have to walk people through the KLT (know-like-trust) buying process.

Without these old elements, all of your videos, as awesome as they may seem on the surface, simply won’t be able to do the job. Sure, you may get sales every once in a while, but that’s not the kind of income you’re looking for. You want videos that close the deal on a consistent basis, but that’s just not going to happen if you disregard the old rules of salesmanship.

These old rules worked in the past, they’re working now, and they’ll continue to work long into the future. This training steps you through the mystery of the effective video marketing so you can set it up to maximize your ROI. This training is based solidly on the interweaving of the new and old factors that make up video marketing.

Content Marketing Formula PLR Ebook

Sample Content Preview

Chapter 01 - Content Marketing – Why is it Necessary?

If you’re at all interested in digital marketing and in making a name for your brand online, then it is crucial that you understand how to properly make use of content marketing. Content marketing is currently one of the biggest trends in digital marketing as a

whole and is an area that many website owners and brands are investing in heavily right now thanks to the impressive returns that they are seeing.

While there is no such thing as a ‘magic bullet’ when it comes to getting your brand known and encouraging sales, content marketing is perhaps the closest thing to such a notion and can help you to drastically increase your visibility as well as your authority and trust.

But content marketing is a complex and broad term that encompasses a number of different strategies and activities. In order for it to be successful, you need to have a good understanding of what it is, how it works and how you can best adapt it to work for your particular brand.

What’s more, is that you need to know where content marketing is heading in the near future and how you can ensure that the work you put in now keeps on paying dividends long into the future. For all that and more, keep reading. What you will learn in this book is how content marketing works, why it is crucial for your business and how to harness it in a way that completely transforms your success.

You’ll receive a completely content marketing formula that you can adapt to your own brand and that you can use to build immense authority and a huge list of readers. Once you can fully utilize this key aspect of your marketing, you’ll find that it helps you to create something that is much bigger than a simple brand. You become a movement. And that’s how you achieve the maximum measure of success.

What is Content Marketing?

Before we dive in any further, it of course makes sense to simply ask ourselves: what is content marketing?

There’s a chance you know the term already but I ask that you bear with me in case there are aspects of the definition that you have missed out.

At its most basic, content marketing is the process of using content in order to market a website. This means that you could consider SEO to be a form of content marketing – in as much as you are creating content that Google will be able to index. This way, your content is making your site easier to find and thus it is a form of marketing.

Content marketing can also be seen as a crucial aspect of social media marketing. Most social media marketing strategies involve sharing posts and links on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and very often these will

include content that is on the brand’s own website. Take a look at the highly popular Facebook Page IFL Science. This page mainly posts science news by sharing blog posts from its own site. This ensures that liking the page provides readers with a constant stream of interesting information and it helps to gain more likes as a result.

But the objective of content marketing goes beyond simply getting people to your website. All these uses for content demonstrate one key fact: the internet runs on content. The reason that people search for topics on Google is because they are looking for either information or entertaining. Both those things are examples of content.

By filling your site with great posts, you are giving people a reason to like your Facebook page. What’s more, is that you are giving Google a reason to add you to its search results. Google wants to pair its visitors with the top sites and resources on the web. In doing so, that is how it is able to provide value and that is what will keep people coming back.

But if your site is filled with great content, then you are also giving people a good reason to come to your site directly. In other words, content marketing that is good enough will eventually cut out the middle man. Content marketing that is good enough will encourage visitors to bookmark your site and to visit it regularly as part of their routine in order to see what new posts you’ve uploaded and what more they can learn.

In other words, you are filling your site with value.

Once someone is visiting your site directly and without being encouraged to do so by an advert or by Google, then they have evolved beyond being a simple visitor. Now they are a fan. They are actively choosing to engage with your brand, so they must really like the type of content you provide, your style of writing or the topic that you cover.

This takes your site to a whole different level and that’s not even the whole story…

Chapter 02 - Content Marketing is Crucial for Selling – Here’s Why!

Content marketing doesn’t only ensure greater loyalty and give you a big audience to sell to though: it also gives you more impact and authority.

Think about your favorite celebrity. Someone that you really look up to, whose work you admire and who you

think has got their life up together. Imagine if they recommended a certain item of clothing, or a certain health supplement. Would you be more likely to buy it?

The answer for the general population is a resounding yes. This is why the shoe that Under Armor designed with huge online influencer Dwayne Johnson was the fastest selling of 2017. The shoe: The Rock Delta, had the considerable advantage of being recommended by someone with a huge audience and a huge amount of authority and trust within that community.

The objective of content marketing is essentially to build that kind of trust and authority directly. Instead of working with an authority, you are going to become that authority.