Tag Archives: Ebooks

Passion For Your Passions MRR Ebook

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You cannot become rich or achieve any other kind of success in life if you don’t have passion about what you are doing. Be it the simplest thing or the most sophisticated thing, you need passion in order to succeed.

Here we take a look at how important passion is and what different forms it must take in order to point our lives in the right direction, i.e. in the direction of super success.


“When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.”

You have a 9 to 5 job drawing a good pay, you have a good family and all’s well with the world. But deep inside, you feel like you are going nowhere. The job isn’t moving upward either. You are actually stagnating in your career and mentally and spiritually. Something is missing.

Passion. The one quality that textbooks and instruction manuals and company procedures will never talk about. Everyone is in such a hurry to make you fit perfectly into the machine like a well oiled gear, that they forgot you are a living, feeling human being. Even you have forgotten.

Ask yourself. If I had a million bucks in the bank, what kind of work would I be doing? Would I chuck this humdrum job and move on to something really exciting? Something that I have always wanted to do? Then ask yourself – why am I not doing that right now? Is it because of peer pressure or because I don’t want to move out of my comfort zone? Don’t want to rock my boat? You are half asleep in your boat already and in a few years, you could be put out to pasture! If the boat rocks now, you could be jerked awake and come to your senses.

Your passionate senses.

In the aftermath of the recession of 2008, millions of people lost their jobs. Many of them took up new vocations and suddenly found that they were finally following their dream. Many of them are now highly successful in their new found professions.

You don’t have to wait for dire straits to rock you out of your present mediocre life. You can decide right now, that you want to live and work passionately and make your life worthwhile. The Highway of Passion is an amazing ride. And Prosperity is just one of the land-marks on this route! Get ready for the ride of your life!


“Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.’

– Georg Hegel, German philosopher

So you have decided to break away from the pathetic monotony of your regular job. You want to live fully and passionately and reap all those rich rewards at the end of the rainbow. How do you find out what you are truly passionate about? How do you separate the delusions from the do-able? You could be passionate about becoming the King of Spain, or winning the lottery or ruling the world. Indeed, there are people who have dreamt of that and done it. Alexander the Great ruled almost the entire known world in his time. But what is your true passion?

HERE ARE a few steps you can take to discover the currents that move you deep inside:

1. Read your own body language. How does your body behave at your present job? Does it tense up and ache all the time? Do you get panic attacks very often? Are you so bored that you doze at your desk? Do you keep looking at the clock as break time approaches? Then you are in the wrong job. You simply don’t have the passion for it. When you work on a job that you are passionate about, all your aches and cramps will dissolve. You will find yourself working extra hours, talking to your friends about your work and simply bubbling with life.

2. What did you love doing as a child? Your childhood hobbies and obsessions can indicate a genuine passion. Education and family pressures often move us away from our true calling. Did you love bikes or gardening or trekking? Then maybe a career in the automobile or landscaping or travel industries is where you should be! So sit back and recall your childhood and write down your memories. What made you smile then may still make you grin today and in the future.

3. What do you love doing as an adult? You might very well have passionate side pursuits even today. Do you love your moonlighting job more than your regular day job? Many corporate honchos work the night shift as chefs or night school teachers. Start spending a few hours every day on your pet hobby. It may just hold the key to the real you!


“Rest in reason; move in passion’

– Khalil Gibran

Sometimes to unleash true passion in yourself, you may have to change your job to suit your aptitude better. But you may find that you do love your existing job, but simply don’t feel very passionate about it. You can study your situation and then try to make a few changes to rekindle the passion you felt when you first started working.

Visualize yourself working passionately at your job. What would you be feeling? A sharp focus, clear vision of your future, total control and mastery over your work, a healthy body and an exuberant atti-tude! Then reverse engineer these symptoms to regain your passion.

Check on whether you work better with a team on the field rather than those solitary hours at a desk. Are you logical minded or creative minded? Are you crunching numbers when you would rather be in the design section? Get a revised aptitude assessment done. Ask your superior for a redesignation or transfer to a more appropriate department.

Plr Success Shortcut MRR Ebook

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Smart business owners should always be on the lookout for tools and strategies that will help them run their organizations more easily, quickly, and profitably. One of the toughest parts of an online busi-ness is the need to keep generating useful, high-quality content for your newsletters, ezines, videos, audios, and blogs. Thank goodness, there's a tool to make this constant content generation easier – PLR, or Private Label Rights. As you'll discover in the following pages, when you purchase PLR content, you get the legal right to use it in your business in a variety of formats. When used well, PLR is an information marketer's dream come true... but when done poorly, it can cost you more time and money than it's worth.

My goal in this short report is to answer the most common ques-tions about PLR, including how you can use it for your business, what the different rights mean, and how to avoid some of the all-too-common mistakes many entrepreneurs stumble on. Trust me when I say, PLR is a shortcut no forward thinking internet business owner can afford to skip.

Let's get to it!


To the uninitiated, “PLR” sounds like an airline or a record label. But instead of just being another common internet abbreviation, it's one of the most valuable shortcuts an entrepreneur will find to creating fantastic content for their audience. What is it exactly? In it's simplest version, you can purchase arti-cles or reports that have been written in advance. The PLR site owner sells these articles or reports (or videos, ebooks, etc.) with special rights that allow you to edit them and use them as if you'd written them yourself (although there may be certain restrictions).

So, the PLR, or Private Label Rights, is the means by which a busi-ness owner, like you, can purchase rights to pre-created content, and then use that content in a variety of ways as your own.

Unlike ghostwritten articles, you'll pay much less for PLR (approximately one dollar per article), because others are purchasing the same articles to use, too. (I'll show you how to stand apart form all those other users in a bit.)

Unlike free reprint articles, you can edit the PLR content you purchase and you do not have to link to an author.


PLR content is available in scores of topic areas, from health and fitness, to internet marketing, to parenting, to pet training, and every-thing in between. Good PLR is written by professional, native-language speakers. You, as a business owner, can purchase single pieces of content or packs of articles at a relatively low price, and then use them for your website, blog, newsletter, podcast, etc.

One of the first questions many people ask is, “Is this legal?” If the content is created and sold with the express intent of offering it as PLR, then you are legally permitted to adapt, use, and disseminate the information, according to the specific rights you've been granted.

The next question people typically ask is, “Why would anyone sell PLR? How can they possibly make any money?” The answer is in volume. They may charge only a dollar or so per article, but by selling multiples of the same article to many different business owners, they make their money in numbers.

Now you're probably wondering what happens if a bunch of people purchase the same articles and publish it via their websites or newsletters – won't their customers notice, or get mad that they're using someone else's material? Well, here's the real secret about PLR. You need to see it as a starting point for your content. Sure, you could cut and paste it into your blog or ezine as-is, but savvy business owners know that they need to put their own spin on PLR to make it really work. We'll cover more about how to do that in the following sections, but for now, what you need to know:

PLR is legal
PLR is easy
PLR is effective
PLR needs to be “massaged” into a format that fits your brand and voice
PLR is a great tool for any business owner, regardless of niche or market. Read on and I'll show you how to make it work for you.


PLR may seem like it's only for certain big business owners in particular niches, like internet marketing or finance. While there is a plenitude of PLR content available in those markets, you can find PLR to fit virtually any business. If you have a business where you regularly provide blog posts or articles to your prospects and customers – or SHOULD be doing so but haven't yet started – PLR is for you.

A QUICK SEARCH of some of the leading PLR sites shows content avail-able in the following categories:

Finance and Debt
Health and fitness
Weight loss
Marketing and Business
Home décor
Pregnancy and parenting
Pet Care and Training
and dozens more!

Not only are there hundreds of categories of PLR content avail-able, you can actually take PLR from one content area and adapt it to your market. We'll get more into customizing your PLR content later, but a quick example: If you bought a pack of articles on using social media to get new customers, you could quickly and easily add content to make it apply to the real estate market, the personal training market, the dog grooming market, and pretty much any other niche market where people are trying to get new customers online. The same goes for stress, productivity, and self-improvement. The niche doesn't matter; you can “work it” to make it fit.

Private Label Cash MRR Ebook

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Private label rights are a new concept which functions within the realm of internet marketing. It is a derivative of private labeling and can generate a great deal of cash from those companies and individ-uals who are tactfully engaged in the world of making money online. The idea follows one wherein an author sells all or most of the intel-lectual property rights to their work. There is no legal definition, with the license being defined by the author. This concept is similar the idea of reselling rights in internet marketing.

The use of private label rights has become a hot commodity these days, with private label rights being offered everywhere you look. However, in spite of the particular breed of re-print rights that are defined as private label rights, not many people are aware of them or how to use them.


Defining private label rights can seem tricky. Overall, they allow you to change the content purchased from another author so that it looks like your own and you can claim it as such. This can range from changing an introductory paragraph, editing a title, or completely altering the content and adding your name as the author therein. Private Label Rights allows you to change the content and use it to direct traffic to your site, sell more to your customers, and generate more income.


Reprint rights were the original private label rights. There is a mixture of definitions found now for both reprint rights and private label rights, but overall, reprint rights means that you have the right to re-distribute work done by another author that was already published. Reprint rights are not limited to internet business, but they are most popular among them now.

In terms of master reprint rights, it means that you have complete ownership. You can then re-distribute the product and from there trade the partial re-print rights for the product. You can even sell the master rights to a product.

This means you can purchase full rights to a thirty chapter e-book from someone and sell the partial rights to each chapter in the book. From there you can resell other parts of the book or sell the master rights to the entire book. The people who purchase the partial rights to chapters from the e-book are allowed to re-write part of the content and re-distribute it as their own.

These vary from copyrights entirely and are only in reference to a means of distributing content. However, the criteria for these private label rights are contingent upon the actual agreement. Based on the agreement, you may or may not have the right to:

1. Give away the unchanged product.
2. Give away a branded version of the product with your links
3. Package the product with other products
4. Give the product away as a bonus
5. Use the product as web content only
6. Break the product into smaller articles only
7. Offer the product through auction sites
8. Offer the product in the form of a paid membership area only
9. Alter the product
10. Allow buyers to resale the rights of the product

Private label rights can cover reports, documents, e-books, soft-ware, graphics, and articles. You are able to use private label rights in order to expand an existing product line, increase the profession-alism of your existing products, or enter into other markets without product development.

IF YOU AGREE to terms which allow you to alter the content and then present it as though you were the author or creator, then you have found a valuable purchase assuming that you have assessed the quality of the product and it is good. It is important to note that just because you obtain the private label rights does not mean you own the product, unless it is explicitly stated in the agreement. You also cannot distribute the product in any manner you choose unless it is explicitly stated in your agreement. A good rule of thumb is to assume that you cannot distribute or reprint the content as your own unless the seller says it is ok.


I f you have an online business, it is no secret that it is in need of a constant stream of information and content which is engag-ing. This can come in the form of blogs, newsletters, info on products, or print books sold online. The problem for many business owners is finding content which has the quality to keep your business expanding. While some private label rights can be bought and sold through membership websites, there are great websites out there which offer articles and blog content for pennies each. You can select only content you need instead of being forced to buy large block groups of articles and information which might vary from month to month. There are packs available online for particular niche markets which leaves you in control. These are great because you don’t have to buy more than you need, which saves you the hassle of buying content which you cannot use. It is beneficial to find content which has gone through an editing process from both the writer and an editor, ensuring quality purchases. With more than one mind you add ideas and value to any content.

Time Management For Success PLR Ebook

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Chapter 01 - Time Management and its Basics


“Ordinary people think merely of spending time. Great people think of

using it.” – Anonymous

How do you make the most of your time? Have you felt missing something at the end of the day, thinking that you can do more with your time yet do not get the chance to do so? This is probably a typical scene for most people. But, to be able to become successful, you have to realize that time management is an essential ingredient.

Time Management and Its Fundamentals

Time has been considered as one of the most essential things in one’s life. Without it, the society must be in great trouble these days. That is why many people try to engage in proper time management.

Time management is considered as the most essential part of becoming a successful employee, student, or a person as a whole. Before you continue reading, think about this, what do you do every day so as to be efficient in managing your own time? Have you experienced middling about other tasks on the day while working in the mid of a certain task? Do you experience combining two different tasks together successfully or unsuccessfully? Do you find yourself thinking about the things you should have conducted today while lying on your bed? If so, it could be a good sign because at least you are aware of your own time.

Hence, what is really time management? Simple, it is actually the art of being aware of the tasks within the given day and allocating your time in such a way that you will be able to effectively and logically accomplish all your tasks as well as your individual activities.

There are a number of levels to time management that you have to tackle. You can say that you are an efficient time manager if you are able to handle an unpredicted task that is not included in your predetermined schedule of the day. This is exactly where the true time management enters the scene and is something you must learn about.

However, for now, a simple way towards the creation of an efficient schedule can be taking a single day of a week, preferably one weekend day in order to take a seat with yourself for at least one or more hours and

design your schedule for the whole week. As you do this, you will need to note down the tasks you have daily and allocate the amount of time required in order for you to have them accomplished. Do not fool yourself by including the impossible. Make sure that the schedule you have created applies to reality. You may imagine the way it would work in your mind as you go about the creation of the schedule.

Yes, at first, expect that it will be difficult. However, keep in mind that doing great in time management will surely offer you great benefits in just about every area of your life that especially includes work and school.

And if in case you find some trouble having yourself committed into it, always keep in mind that time is certainly your most valued possession that you should manage properly. While important, people have to deserve of your time, as it is not like money that you can get any time that you want. It is something that you can never return once lost, so make sure to make the most of it.

Chapter 02 - Treating Others with Love and Respect


“Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be.” –

Leo Tolstoy in Anna Karenina

Giving quality time to your loved ones simply shows how much you love them. Time is something that is considered very important in relationships. If you give some of your time to them, even with your busy day to day living, it should let them feel your love to them, showing how much you respect your relationship. This only means that quality time allows the establishment of good rapport.

The Best Way to Show Your Love and Respect with Others

Showing your love and respect to other people is an essential part of keeping significant personal relationships. Learning to respect the abilities, quirks, abilities, opinions and efforts of other people should benefit you in return, as it will keep you successful and happy with your interpersonal life.

Giving respect to yourself may also assist you in moving forward complemented with confidence so as to create the routine of respect and have it shared with other people who surround you.

As you show a person that you respect him, you also display your love to him. If you respect a person, you will listen to what he says harder. As you may know, proactive listening must be your initial social skill. You should know this because you certainly love people who listen to you. Hence, it will be safe to think that others also love it whenever you listen to them.

Being considerate is another way you can show your respect to others. Once you have listened, it is then the time to do the action accordingly. When there is something about the body language and the voice tone of the person that gave a clue of how they feel, make use of that data in your contact.

Keeping your promise can be another way to display how much you respect others. As you keep your word with someone, this does not only display you as a person with integrity, yet it will also make that someone feel like you truly value them.

Time also plays a significant role in showing your respect to others. Being on time must entail that you respect them. By treating someone’s time as

valuable, you simply show them your respect. Be punctual and respect to others should follow, which may even give you their respect in return.

Show some manners. If you respect a person, of course, you will show him the respect you think he deserves. Never be an interruption in a conversation. Make sure to be polite and observe your “thank you” and “please”. By showing good manners to someone, you should make him feel valuable.

Respect and love are generally connected, so if you love someone you will show him respect and give him your time he simply deserves.

Chapter 03 - Why is Showing Gratitude Important?

Bid Adieu To Stress PLR Ebook

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Chapter 01 - What is Stress and How Does it Damage You?

We all know that stress is bad for us and this is something we get told very often. However, it’s all too easy to write this off as being a minor nuisance or frustration rather than anything to really worry about. We all get stressed from time to time, right?

In reality though, this is the wrong way to think about stress. While it is fairly common place, that is not to say that it isn’t serious. In fact, stress is incredibly serious and can cause severe problems both in the short term and long term.

Stress can shorten your lifespan. Ruin your enjoyment. Cause serious illness. Shrink your brain. Hurt your performance. Ruin your relationships. Cause impotence.

Do those sound like small matters?

To understand this better, it can help to look more closely at what precisely stress is. How it causes the problems it does and how and why you need to do everything you can to prevent and reduce it.

So What Exactly is Stress?

Stress is what we feel when we’re overworked, when we’re dreading something that’s about to happen or when we’re generally unable to relax and stay calm due to outside or inside factors influencing our thoughts.

But it actually goes beyond this. Stress is a basic physiological reaction that is designed to help us focus and survive. In itself it is not a bad thing and is actually rather adaptive. The problem is that it has been taken out of context, which means the positive effects become outweighed by the negative.

Essentially, stress is what causes the ‘fight or flight response’. This is a physiological response to perceived danger, designed to improve our chances of survival. If you were to see a lion for example, this would trigger a cascade of effects collectively resulting in the stress response.

This begins when we observe danger or experience fear. Increased activity in our brain, causes the release of adrenaline, as well as dopamine, norepinephrine and cortisol – our stress hormones. These then trigger a number of physiological changes: increasing our heartrate, making us breathe more quickly and making us more acutely focussed on the potential threat.

A list of the symptoms should include:

Increased heartrate
Rapid, shallow breathing
Muscle contraction
Tunnel vision
Heightened sensitivity
Increased blood viscosity
Suppression of the pain response
Suppression of the immune system
Suppression of the digestive system
Dilation of the pupils
Dilation of the blood vessels
Reduction in prefrontal cortex activity (temporo-hypofrontality)

In the short term, this is good for us. In the short term, these things help us to evade danger and win combative situations. Increased muscle tension makes us stronger. Increased blood viscosity makes our blood more likely to clot in case of an injury. Dilated pupils let more light in to improve our vision. Suppression of secondary functions means that more blood can be sent to the muscles and the brain. Reduced pain means we can carry on fighting or running despite injury.

In short, anything that can help you to survive is prioritized, while secondary functions are suppressed. The idea is that once we get to safety, we can then turn off this fight or flight response and instead enter the ‘rest and digest’ state in order to recover. Once the predator is gone, we can recover.

But the problem is that in our modern environments, predators aren’t the main problem. It’s rare these days for us to be chased, to get into a fight or to need to escape a forest fire.

What’s not so rare, is for our boss to shout at us and to tell us that we’re late for our deadline. It’s not rare for us to be in debt. It’s not rare for us to have marital problems.

And unfortunately, the brain interprets all these signals in just the same way: as threats. And this causes the same fight or flight response. But because these types of threats aren’t so easily resolved, this means we’ll often end up on heightened alert for a longer period of time.

This is also why stress causes impotence in men. If you are highly stressed, blood is sent everywhere except the genitals!

And this takes a tremendous toll on our bodies.

As you might imagine: it is not good for you when your immune system and digestive system are suppressed for days. It’s also not good for your brain to be flooded with norepinephrine and cortisol. It’s not good for your heartrate to stay elevated, or your blood pressure to stay high.

This is the problem with chronic stress as opposed to acute stress. And it’s the problem with heightened levels of stress, as opposed to the gentle, motivating force of ‘eustress’. We’ll look at all of this more in the long term, but suffice to say that the longer stress like this continues, the more you start to feel drained, malnourished, fatigued, ill and possibly eventually depressed.

How Stress Damages the Brain

When we are stressed, it effectively makes us less intelligent. This is due to the reduction in pre-frontal activity, which in turn is designed to make us more focussed and alert. Essentially, the pre-frontal cortex is the part of the brain responsible for forward planning, creative thinking and other ‘high-order’ brain activity.

When you are being chased by a lion though, it is really not the time to be thinking about the meaning of life!

So shutting down this part of the brain and placing your focus on feedback from your senses makes much more sense.

Of course that’s not particularly useful in the workplace though: and this is why the stress response is so seriously unhelpful when we have to give a presentation, answer a question on the spot or go on a date. This is when we lose all articulation and start stammering and saying useless things.

Slightly longer-term is adrenal fatigue. This is what happens when your brain has exhausted its supply of adrenaline and other stress
hormones. That might sound like a good thing but you actually need a little norepinephrine, dopamine and cortisol to stay motivated – and even to wake up in the morning! Adrenal fatigue leaves you listless, demotivated and potentially depressed. It can also cause what is known as ‘learned helplessness’ – a condition where you essentially completely give up because your brain has been conditioned to learn that any attempts to change its situation will be met with failure. Not good!

Easy Keto MRR Ebook

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The keto diet is one of the best diets to follow if you are trying to lose weight fast and transform your lifestyle. The keto diet is a dramatic diet shift for most people, making it notoriously difficult to start. One of the best ways to start your keto diet is to arm yourself with the most reliable and helpful information possible.

That is why I have decided to create this eBook. In Easy Keto, I provide you with a straightforward and practical guide to the keto diet. This includes keto recipes and meal plans for beginners. To make this book a bit easier to follow, I separated it into three parts.

In Part 1, I go over the keto diet and what you should expect from it. Next, I cover what meal planning is and how you should set up a meal plan based on your day in Part 2. Finally, I give you several keto recipes to try out in Part 3.

By the end of this eBook, you'll know all of the most crucial information needed to master the keto diet successfully. This is a great resource to start with if you have never tried the keto diet before. Even if you aren’t new to the diet, I offer more advanced recommendations that everyone will benefit from.

Let's get started!


Just like with everything else, Easy Keto starts at the beginning – defining the keto diet. Without a firm foundation, it is impossible to master a keto diet successfully.

The key to starting a keto diet is understanding the keto diet, how it works, and how to go keto. Without a basic understanding of what going keto means, you can never successfully lose weight and take charge of your health using the keto diet.

In Part One, I am going to tell you all about the keto diet. This includes the keto diet, the benefits of the diet, side effects, and more. The first chapter lays out all the key information for what it means to go keto. Then, I am going to give you key tips for going keto. Since the first couple of weeks on a new diet is always the hardest, you need key tips and techniques for honing your mindset, so you stick to your keto diet.

The keto diet has become a popular fad for weight loss and quick results.

Many people jump on the keto bandwagon without knowing exactly what the keto diet is, how to master it successfully, and why it works so well.

As a result, people quickly switch to a keto diet and give it up even more quickly. With such short bouts of keto dieting, it is impossible to see the results you want. The only way to see the lasting results you want is to live a keto lifestyle.

What is the Keto Diet?

The keto diet is a low-carb diet. It is similar to other low-carb diets, but it requires you to eat even fewer carbs than you would on other diets. Many people find the keto diet incredibly hard to follow because of how restrictive it is on carbohydrate intake.

By lowering your carbohydrate intake, you must make up those calories by eating a high amount of healthy fats and protein. In other words, you make healthy fats and protein the star of your meals, not carbohydrates.

Food like bread, pasta, potatoes, and carrots are removed from your diet, while foods like steak, avocados, and nuts are added. Although cutting out carbohydrates is hard, at least you can still eat a lot of the yummy, filling foods that you love, like burgers and chicken.

The most important aspect of the keto diet is consistency. You will not see any lasting results if you go back and forth on your diet. Of course, the occasional cheat day is permitted, but you must rigidly stick to your low-carb diet if you want to see lasting results on your weight and health.

If you stick to the keto diet rigidly, you can expect to see lasting results quickly. The keto diet is wildly praised for how it can make a noticeable difference in a short amount of time.

Ketosis – the Secret to the Keto Diet

You may be wondering, But what makes it so great? The answer to that question is simple – ketosis.

Our bodies are programmed to run on two energy sources – fat and sugar (glucose). When we eat a regular diet filled with carbohydrates, our body prefers to run on glucose. Glucose requires insulin as a transporter and breaks the brain-blood barrier.

Whenever our bodies do not have enough carbohydrates, they naturally use fat as our fuel. Our brains cannot run on fat directly, so our bodies use ketones as fuel. Ketones are a great fuel source, but they don’t require insulin as a transporter and still break the brain-blood barrier.

The process of your body switching over to ketones as a fuel source is known as ketosis. As you probably assumed, the name “keto” comes from ketosis, a metabolic process where our bodies run on fat, not sugar.

Benefits of the Keto Diet

Since the keto diet puts your body in ketosis, you can expect to lose more fat quicker when on the keto diet. This is because ketosis gives you easier access to your fat stores, which in turn makes it easier to burn off. This is an excellent fact if you are trying to lose weight. Although your weight loss will eventually plateau, the first months you are on keto will dramatically change your weight and body.

The keto diet is good for more than just weight loss, though. Since ketones don’t require insulin as a transporter, the keto diet helps regulate your blood sugar levels. Without the need for as much insulin, your blood sugars can normalize.

Those with diabetes or prediabetes will significantly benefit from the keto diet for this reason. The diet can help regulate their blood sugars so they can decrease their insulin and blood sugar medication.

Another benefit of the keto diet is that you don’t have the peaks and lows of other diet types or a high sugar intake. When you eat a lot of sugar, your body gets a natural high that eventually crashes. When you decrease your carbohydrate intake, your body normalizes better, so you have a more consistent feel.

Similarly, you don’t feel as hungry on the keto diet. Fat takes longer to process than sugar. This means that you will feel full longer when you are on a keto diet. Many keto dieters enjoy this benefit because it means they don’t feel like they’re dieting; they still feel full and satisfied. Below is a complete list of the benefits of the keto diet:

- Reduces appetite
- Feel fuller longer
- Weight loss
- Decreases triglycerides
- Increases HDL cholesterol
- Decreases LDL cholesterol
- Reduces blood sugar and insulin levels
- Effective against metabolic syndrome
- Benefits brain disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

Side Effects

Although the keto diet is mostly beneficial for your health and wellbeing, it does come with some side effects as well. Make sure that you recognize these side effects so that you don’t harm yourself in the process of losing weight.

Most people who switch to a keto diet experience something that many people call the keto flu. Although it is not a recognized medical condition, switching to a keto diet can cause flu-like symptoms for the first week or so that you are on the diet. Vomit, gastrointestinal distress, fatigue, and lethargy are all signs of the keto flu, though they usually pass within a couple of days.

The reason for the keto flu is the adjustment period between switching from sugar fuel to fat fuel. Your body gets tired and worn down in the process, but it quickly adjusts to the change. Sleeping well, drinking water, and drinking matcha green tea are great ways to bust these symptoms.

People on the keto diet also experience diarrhea. This is often due to the gallbladder, the organ associated with fat breakdown, feeling overworked. Diarrhea can also be due to a lack of fiber, a common problem for those on the keto diet. Eat fiber-rich vegetables or supplements to help lessen this effect.

One of the more severe side effects of the keto diet is ketoacidosis. Though ketoacidosis is unlikely for people without a prior health concern, those with type 1 or type 2 diabetes should only use the keto diet while being monitored by a doctor due to this side effect.

Ketoacidosis is when the body stores too many ketones and the blood becomes too acidicup This can cause liver, kidney, and brain damage. Dry mouth, frequent urination, nausea, bad breath, and breathing difficulties are signs of ketoacidosis.

Influencer Secrets MRR Ebook

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It is certainly possible for you to develop influence mastery so that you can influence others to do what you want. You will learn exactly how to do it in this powerful guide. It all starts with understanding what influence really is and what it isn’t.

You need to accept that it is going to take time and effort to develop influence mastery. By using the techniques in this guide and practicing them on a regular basis you will get the results that you desire.

It is important that you understand how people are wired and how they make decisions so that you can influence them. You need to follow the rules of influence outlined in this guide and adjust your influence tactics to match those of the different decision maker types that will make up your audience.

Credibility is everything with influence. You need to develop it and maintain it. There are other actions that you need to take to maintain your power of influence. Everything that you need to know about developing influence mastery is in this powerful guide. So read every word and apply what you learn.

In order for you to be an influence master you need to know what influence really is. One of the mistakes that a lot of people make is that they think that influence and persuasion are the same thing.

This is not the case. Persuasion is an element of influence and is often used as part of the process of influencing others. But it is not the same as influence. The most important difference between influence and persuasion is that with persuasion you use a specific set of tactics to get people to do what you want.

Influence is much more than this. It is your presence in the world. When you become an influence master you will have something called “conversion” with others. This is different to the “compliance” that persuasion tactics bring.

Compliance and Conversion

You can use different persuasion tactics on people to get them to do what you want. But it is very unlikely that their belief systems will be affected by this. What you have really done is impact their thought process and nothing else.

This means that you have persuaded the person to act in a way that they might not actually believe in deep down. They have complied with you for a variety of reasons such as short term reward or conforming to social norms.

With conversion you have a lot more power. As a master influencer you can actually change the belief systems of others. When you achieve this they will buy into your message and all of your subsequent messages. Even if you have nothing to say they will still follow you.

Others will Share an Identity with you

When you are a master influencer others will start to see you as a symbol that they identify with. This is much more powerful than just sharing a message with others. By sharing your identity with others it will become an element of their identity as well.

As an influence master you have great power because you can use your influence without any direct effort. Influence master are able to obtain conversion and compliance from others just based on who they are or what they have done in the past.

The most Important Attribute of Influence

If you were to look at all of the attributes that influential people have, they would al share one thing in common – credibility. When you have credibility with others they will trust you, believe that you are smart and that you are knowledgeable. To others you seem to have the right experience and have the capability to become whoever you want to be.

A lot of famous people have high credibility and influence. Oprah Winfrey is a good example. Many people will listen to what she has to say due to her high levels of credibility. She has done a number of things in the past to build this credibility.

Have you ever wondered why companies use famous celebrities to endorse their products? It is all about their ability to influence others using their credibility. Every year, many thousands of companies send their products to Oprah hoping that she will talk about them on TV.

Even a 30 second product endorsement from Oprah can be extremely influential. Companies have made thousands of sales of their products using Oprah’s influence. She is one of the most influential people in the world.

How do People Perceive you?

The way that people perceive you determines your level of influence. You need to understand that influence is not always good. You can have a positive influence on others or a negative influence. It is likely that you have heard someone say “he (or she) is a bad influence” and this is true.

If you think about negative influencer’s from history then Adolf Hitler will probably come to mind. He was able to negatively influence a whole country to do terrible things. The power to influence is neutral. You as the influencer need to determine whether you will use this power for good or bad. We want you to use your influence for good.

Another critical aspect of influence is the reputation that you have with others. If you have a reputation for being smart, powerful or knowledgeable then many people will want to listen to you. The opposite is true – if you use your influence to make people do things that they don’t want to do then you will have a bad reputation and not many will want to listen to you.

How To Build A Huge Mailing List As Simple As Possible Resale Rights Ebook

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Be remarkable

Master marketer and best-selling author Seth Godin says that companies that resist innovation are like brown cows—after a while, they all look the same. If you’ve seen one brown cow, you’ve seen every brown cow there is to see. You don’t notice them even when they’re standing on the side of the highway. They might as well be invisible.

But when a purple cow comes on the scene, it stands out at once. You can’t take a brown cow and paint it purple, Godin explains. Purple cows are purple from the inside out—or they might be blue from the inside out, as in the case of JetBlue Airlines, a company that meets Godin’s criteria for excellence.

What is Seth Godin trying to teach us about marketing this time? If I’ve learned anything from Godin since his 1999 Permission Marketing, it is that he doesn’t waste his readers’ valuable time. So I’ve learned to listen to what he has to say. What does he have to say in Purple Cow? It all comes down to two words: Be remarkable.

I hope you’re listening, too. “You’re either a Purple Cow or you’re not,” says Godin. “You’re either remarkable or invisible. Make your choice.” I think you have made the right choice; otherwise, you wouldn’t be taking the time to read this. You’ve taken the first step toward becoming remarkable. This report will show you how to separate yourself from the millions of invisible brown cows on the Information highway.

When you finish this report, you won’t be a brown cow any more. You may discover that you’re not a purple cow either. You might be a blue cow, a red cow, or even a pink cow. But one thing is certain: You’ll know what it takes to build the kind of list that can skyrocket your Internet business. You’ll know what it takes to be remarkable.

Forget the advertising—innovate

It would be easy to notice a purple cow if we suddenly encountered one, of course. But how do you spot purple cows in the business world? To be a purple cow in the business world, Godin explains, “Stop advertising and start innovating.”

Consumers are immune to most of the advertising that reaches them, but they are hungrier than ever for real solutions to real problems. The secret of successful Internet marketing is to create and drive word of mouth.

When fifty-two JetBlue planes were frozen on runways in an ice storm last February, passengers were stuck inside the grounded planes for hours. Other airlines cancelled flights in anticipation of the winter storm, but JetBlue vowed to get customers to their destinations.

When it didn’t work out as planned, the company had a customer service nightmare to deal with. Police were called in as irate passengers argued with JetBlue employees at airport check-in counters.

At the height of this public relations disaster, David Neeleman, founder and CEO of JetBlue Airlines, posted a video message on YouTube to apologize to customers. As far as I know, this was the first time the CEO of a major corporation posted a video message on YouTube directed at customers.

In his YouTube message, Neeleman explained that steps were being taken to prevent the same thing from happening again. And he outlined a new customer protection plan with enough substance behind it to show customers that he wasn’t just blowing hot air.

Customers may not have forgotten what happened, but they seem to have forgiven JetBlue. When the situation got out of control, Neeleman didn’t do what other corporate leaders have frequently done. He didn’t call in his staff to manage the crisis. He didn’t hire a public relations expert. He did what Purple Cows do—he innovated. He created an innovative information product. And it worked.

Information products—the key to the success of your Internet marketing business

Creating a product or program is a powerful—and possibly necessary—step in your business development. When you do so your business has the potential to skyrocket.

—Michael Port

An information product that adds value to people’s lives is the best tool for creating word of mouth. When you offer real solutions to real problems, satisfied customers will want to tell the world about you.

The best way to start a viral marketing campaign is to share your knowledge and expertise with prospects and customers.

As an Internet marketer, you know that the key to your business success is the ability to build a list of customers and potential customers who look forward to hearing about your new product releases and special offers through e-mail announcements. And you know that successful list-building depends on your ability to build a bond of trust with prospects and customers.

You already have a powerful list-building tool right in your own hands—literally. Whether you type on a keyboard, talk to your voice recognition software, or grind it out the hard way with a pencil and paper, you are the best tool you will ever have for building a list.

A lead-generating information product is one that you give away in exchange for an e-mail address and permission to follow up. A lead-generating product is the easiest, fastest, and most effective tool for creating a connection with potential clients. As you build trust with potential customers, you will soon reach the point in the sales cycle where prospects are ready to buy your products or services.

Your information product is often the most powerful tool in the sales cycle. Readers will brand you on the basis of what you offer them in exchange for their e-mail address and permission to follow up. Creating an information product is the easiest and fastest way to establish yourself as an expert, build your brand, and win the trust of customers and potential customers.

Business And Life Transformation PLR Ebook

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Chapter 01 - Introduction

If you run a business from home, then it's important to recognize that it's going to mean living a completely different lifestyle from the majority of people you know. Not having a commute in the morning, not spending all day sitting in an office and being able to generally create your own working hours puts you on an entirely different page from most people you'll know.

For the most part, this is a good thing. Being able to set your working hours, to dictate the way you work and when you work and getting to spend time doing something you love can all contribute to a much happier and healthier lifestyle on the whole. In fact, it's a starting point for improving overall health.

At the same time though, this type of lifestyle also brings with it its own challenges. And because very few people live the same lifestyle you do, that means you're going to be somewhat 'on your own' when it comes to finding advice on how to manage this work/life balance.

Well, until you found this book anyway!

Here's the long and the short of it: being self-employed and working from home gives you the freedom to begin your own 'lifestyle design'. This is pretty much the way things are moving and is likely the future of working. Technology is making it possible for us to work remotely in more and more industries and more and more roles. The benefits of this kind of work drastically outweigh the cons – for both the employee and employer – and so the traditional office may soon become a rarity rather than the norm.

That means the emphasis is on increasingly more of us to look after our own health and work/life balance. This book will help you to do just that.

1.1 Working From Home: The Possible Health Benefits

As mentioned, when done right, working from home has the potential to lead to incredible health benefits.

Let's look at the facts. Most of the population is overweight, overtired and overstressed. If you can still remember working in an office, then no doubt you will recall what it felt like to have a full on day in the office, to travel home for an hour on the train/bus or in the car and then to have to cook dinner when you got back.

What did you most often end up doing? You threw something in the microwave and you collapsed in front of the television. And then when your friends called to invite you out, you ignored that and carried on 'vegging out'.

Many of us talk about 'time management' and we say that the reason we don't stick to a training regime/weight loss program is that we don't have the time. This is in fact all wrong. Most of us have plenty of time (otherwise, how did you manage to fit in the entire series of Lost recently?) but what we lack is the energy. Without energy, we don't have will-power. Without will-power, things don't get done and we start to drown in a list of things we need to be doing and become incredibly stressed. Our bodies suffer, our relationships suffer and we don't live life to the fullest.

Working from home can change all that. Working from home means that you can choose to work out in the morning or in the afternoon – you just have to choose the time that you have the most energy. At the same time, it means you can put food on the stove while you're working and watch it simmer.

Working from home means you can sit outside and feel the sun on your face, instead of being cooped up in an office (which is known to contribute to stress and depression). Working from home means that you don't have to commute down busy streets with hundreds of people walking at you during rush hour – this wreaks havoc with your heartrate.

In short, when you work from home you get to choose your priorities and you reduce the stress of working several times over. Now you can put yourself first and that's an incredibly important and valuable thing to be able to do.

The potential health benefits are transformative and life-changing. This book will show you how to start working from home if you don't already and how to take maximum advantage of that situation so that you're able to feel your very best and feel the benefits in every other area of your life.

Oh and of course this will have a powerful knock-on effect and impact on your productivity helping you to get more work done and to a much higher quality.

1.2 Working From Home: The Health Risks

But this book won't just be about capitalizing on the amazing health benefits of working from home. Just as importantly, we'll be looking at the potential health risks that working from home can pose. And make no mistake: there are many.

Think being shouted at by your boss is stressful? How about being shouted at by 10 angry clients? Or 300 angry customers who just downloaded your app?

And here's the difference between working for someone versus working for yourself: when you work for someone else and you have an unproductive day, you still get paid.

When you work for yourself and you have an unproductive day? You get nothing.

Have a bad month? You still get nothing. That's another thing: working for yourself is highly volatile and unpredictable and that's why some people refer to bipolar depression as 'the entrepreneur's disease'.

People Of The Web Vs Spyware MRR Ebook

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I t is normal to see pop-up ads while surfing the net, right? What a lot of people don’t realize is that those ads could have made their way onto their computers through spyware. By the time that you figure out what is behind the ads, the spyware pop-ups may have gotten so bad that your only choice is to completely reconfigure your computer and just hope that the pop-ups don’t come back. And, if your only mechanism to fight against the spyware is hope, the pop-up ads will return.


Spyware is a type of software which gets onto your computer and is generally used to gather your personal information and then send advertisements to you, normally in the form of a pop-up ad. Spyware software can also change your computer configuration as well as many other potentially harmful things. Even though the term spyware may suggest that the software is simply monitoring action in a secretive way, the purpose of spyware usually goes well beyond this. The party responsible for creating and distributing the spyware are often profiting greatly through targeted advertising or selling off your personal information.

When spyware software is on a computer, it generally is hidden from the user. In 2005, a study carried out by AOL and the National Cyber-Security Alliance showed that 61% of user’s computers were infected with spyware. Of all of these users, 92% of them were not aware that their computers were even infected. 91% of the users claimed that they had not granted permission for the spyware soft-ware to be installed. Since then, spyware has become increasingly sophisticated and is often impossible to detect on a user’s computer. Even worse, once detected, some spyware is impossible to remove.


The terms spyware and adware are often used interchangeably. Both of these terms are used to describe software which can display advertisements. However, there is one major difference between these two: spyware gets onto the user’s computer through illicit means.

With adware, the user agrees to have the adware program installed in exchange for something else. For example, the program Eudora will allow users access to shareware for free but they must agree to receive advertisements. The key word here is “agree.” Adware will not attempt to mislead users and is offered in exchange for a service.

An example of adware includes the file sharing program Eudora. Rather than asking users to pay a registration fee, it asks them to agree to receive advertisements. On the other hand, Gator software is a type of spyware. When users visit certain websites, spyware is installed on the users’ computer through some sort of deceptive manner. The company behind Gator as well as the website where the spyware was installed will both receive revenue.


Today, there are an incalculable number of “health” problems that a computer can be at risk for. Generally, these risks can be broken down into spyware, viruses and
worms. It is easy to confuse these different types of computer prob-lems because they have many similarities.

Spyware, viruses and worms all get onto a user’s computer with permission or by using deceptive means. Once on the computer, they cause harm to the computer and impair functions. Spyware, viruses and worms are all designed to be difficult, if not impossible, to detect. They often are designed in a certain way that prohibits them from being removed in normal manners. Recently, there have been many viruses and worms which have been, as spyware is, created for profit.

Compared to viruses and worms, spyware is a relatively new problem. Viruses have been around since the 1980s and worms almost as long. Spyware didn’t become a major issue until 2000.

The major difference between spyware and viruses and worms is that spyware doesn’t seek to replicate once on your computer. It also doesn’t seek to infect other computers. Both viruses and worms, on the other hand, actively replicate themselves and can spread to other computers through means such as email.


Another big difference between spyware, viruses and worms is objective. Spyware is always used for some form of monetary gain such as through advertisements. Modern viruses and worms can also be used for monetary gain. However, viruses and worms are often created in an attempt to gain fame.

Some virus and worm creators have claimed their motivation was to show how far virus creation has advanced. Other creators desire to “outdo” the creators of anti-virus and anti-worm software. As in the case with the Bagel and Netsky viruses, the creators of the viruses wanted to outdo each other.

Additionally, viruses and worms are often created specifically to do damage to a computer through a type of web espionage. An example of this is the Conflicker worm which spread in 2008. It made its way into the defense systems of France and Britain as well as about 15 million computers around the world and creating severe damage to the computers’ health. Spyware, however, does not want to cause severe damage to the computer. That is because it relies on the computer’s health in order to send advertisements to users.


It is getting increasingly difficult to distinguish between spyware, viruses and worms. As all three of these computer health issues become increasingly sophisticated, they have taken on properties of one another and often rely upon one another for functioning.

There are many instances when spyware is spread through a virus or visa versa. There are also many instances of spyware, worms or viruses creating openings for other types of harm to enter a user’s computer. Because of this crossover between the spyware, viruses and worms, it is important that countermeasures are taken against all forms of computer infections.


Because spyware doesn’t progressively destroy a computer’s functioning like viruses and worms do, it may be possible to simply ignore the fact that your computer is infected. Many people figure that it is better to simply keep closing all those annoying pop-up ads rather than bother with antispyware software, some of which can be very expensive. Ignoring the fact you have spyware is a temporary solution but it can end up costing you in the long run.