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Email Marketing Expertise PLR Ebook

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E-mail marketing is hands down the most powerful and effective form of online marketing. Nothing comes close. Seriously. Even search marketing with all its hype and tried-and-proven success can’t even hold the candle to just how effective list marketing can be. It’s easy to see why, survey after survey, marketing firms keep putting e-mail marketing at or near the top of their advertising preferences. Here are the reasons why.

Through e-mail marketing, you can get in front of the eyeballs of your audience members anytime anywhere. That’s right. You can be at a beach in the Bahamas somewhere writing an e-mail update. Plug that in to your e-mail service provider and your audience, regardless of where they may be in the world and regardless of what they’re doing, are sure to get your e-mail. After all, most people check their e-mail inboxes. Isn’t that awesome?

This enables you to sell more products. Since you have a de facto relationship with people who voluntarily got on your mailing list, you are able to keep the conversation going. You don’t get just one bite at the apple in trying to get list members to buy. Every time you send an update, you get a chance to convert some of your audience members into buyers.

Through e-mail, you also get to keep in touch with the needs of your audience. It’s like you’re plugged in to what they need, what they’re looking for and the problems that they face. After all, that’s the reason why they joined your mailing list in the first place. They’re looking for solutions and answers that your list can provide.

This enables you to keep a steady flow of traffic to your blog or online store. Now, this traffic may not convert right there and then but the fact that it is constant enables you to get many bites at the apple. You don’t just get a one-shot chance at converting online traffic. That traffic can come back again and again with each and every update that you spend.

If you’ve heard great things about social media, you might want to think again. Social medial marketing faces many challenges because of the evolving algorithms of platforms like Facebook. As the years go by, Facebook is sending less and less organic traffic. Even if you have a big Facebook fan page with a gigantic following, you’d be lucky for your page posts to reach a tiny fraction of your following. It’s getting worse and worse with each passing year.

With e-mail marketing, you have a higher chance of reaching your complete mailing list instead of being at the mercy of these changing social media platform algorithms. It really all boils down to how well you write your headlines and how targeted your list recruitment is. If you did your homework and you played your cards right, you stand to reach a much larger percentage of your list audience. This is not the case with the typical Facebook fan page.

Finally, with your own e-mail list, you stay in control of your access to your audience. You can even download your list members’ e-mail addresses as you move from one e-mail service provider to the next. This list is your asset. It’s not going away anytime soon.

Given all these amazing reasons, it’s no wonder lots of old-school online marketers say “The money is in the list.”

But wait… If you have just jumped in with both feet into e-mail marketing, I’ve got some bad news for you. You’re probably going to fail. There, I said it. You can fail by:

Putting up a list but it doesn’t attract many members.

Attracting enough people to your list but most don’t open your e-mails.

Building a huge list of people with many opening your e-mails - but most don’t buy anything.

The sad reality is that the vast majority of people who try their hand at e-mail marketing have very little to show for it. They spend money every single month on their e-mail service provider only to come up empty handed.

Failure in e-marketing comes in many different forms because people try many different things. Marketers also have many different circumstances and priorities. However, they all lead to the same place: very low to no income!

If you want to get into e-mail marketing and enjoy the amazing passive income it can produce for you, you are reading the best book to get your started. Seriously. No other book comes close because almost all other books out there try to pump you up about e-mail marketing. They get you all hyped up but they leave you high and dry. How come? They do not step you through a systematic and methodical way of doing modern e-mail marketing.

Let me tell you the old tricks no longer work. Get rid of them. Don’t get excited by them. Otherwise, you are just setting yourself up for failure. Unfortunately, almost all the other e-mail list marketing books out there keep rehashing the same stuff.

In this guide, you are going to get just what you need to succeed in the highly competitive yet also highly lucrative world of e-mail marketing. Put simply, I will step you through the process of putting up a modern e-mail list - one that is engineered to succeed from the ground up. I have trimmed all the fat off. There is no fluff in this book. Instead, you’re going to get clear, easy-to-understand concepts that you need to wrap your mind around for you to be successful.

Chapter 1: Identifying the Target Audience for Your Marketing Campaign

If you have a fuzzy idea of who your target audience is, you are going to fail with e-mail marketing. You really are. You might as well give up now if you are chasing after some sort of vaguely defined market.

Audience identification is crucial for niche list marketing. You cannot just target everybody. You have to drill down to a specific population of people who are trying to solve a fairly narrow set of problems. This is how you define their needs. By directly addressing the needs of these individuals, conducting enough consumer research and speaking their language, you would be able to convert a high percentage of them from website visitors to list members to product buyers.

It is crucial that you go from raw traffic to dollars in your bank account. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time. All the traffic in the world is not going to add one red cent to your bank account unless you target a specific niche market and give its audience the solutions that they are looking for.

Finding the Right Audience

So, how do you know which audience you should target? There are many different audiences out there. All of them cluster around a specific range of needs or problems. Well, it all boils down to commercial value of those needs. There are many problems out there that people are not going to pay top dollar to solve. Sure, people are looking for the right DVD set of headphones but there is a limit to people’s budgets. Different problems have different priorities.

You need to find a niche that has enough commercial value. One way to estimate this is to use Google AdWords Keyword Planner and do cost-per-click research on keywords related to your niche. If you notice that advertisers are willing to pay a lot of money per click on those keywords, then you’re in a good spot. Chances are there is enough commercial demand for that niche. People are willing to pay a significant amount of money to solve problems related to your niche.

It’s also important to make sure that you are targeting a niche that is big enough. Sure, there are lots of advertisers willing to pay a tremendous amount of money for “structured settlement” keyword traffic. We’re talking about more than $20 per click. The problem is the volume of searches for that niche is actually quite low.

Make sure the niche you are targeting has enough demand as indicated by Google Keyword Planner. This tool not only tells you how much advertisers are willing to pay per click but it will also give you an estimate of the volume of searches for keywords related to that niche. You’re looking for a nice combination of decent commercial value with decent traffic volume.

Finally, you should also pay attention to competition levels. If you pick a niche that is extremely competitive with gigantic brands monopolizing pretty much all the search volume for keywords related to that niche, you probably are going to have a tough time making inroads. You should look for a niche that is somewhat competitive but no so competitive that there’s absolutely no space for newcomers.

Seo Breakthrough MRR Ebook

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is used in all aspects of web marketing. You need to understand as much as you can about how SEO works in order to get the proper marketing of your website online.

When you use SEO in all of your content - both text and visual, you can draw more traffic to your site. In order to understand how to use SEO, you need to know why people use this type of marketing and rely on it so heavily in order to get the desired traffic to their website. SEO is what gets a website noticed in the search engines.

So what exactly is SEO? This sets up your text, photos and videos so that they are easy to find when someone is searching for them using the various search engines online. While it is often said that Google relies more on SEO content than Yahoo, which relies more on link building, the truth of the matter is that in order for a website to be discovered online, it must come up in the search engine.

For example, if you have a website that sells cooking appliances, you will want to make sure that you structure your site so that others who may be looking for the products you sell will be able to find it online. Those who are looking online for what you have to sell may do it in a number of different ways, although the easiest way for someone to find something online is to use the search engines.

Most of the traffic to your website will come from search engine opti-mization.

You need to know which keywords will work for your website. These are the words or phrases that people will put into the search engine bars to receive the search engine results pages. Many people today are putting in longer phrases into the search engines to narrow down their search.

There are tools that the website owner can use to investigate the best keywords for their website, based on what they sell and what words potential customers are likely to plug into the search bars that will lead them to the site. In order to succeed at this, a website owner must not only know the concept of SEO, but also much about the target market, which is those who are most likely to purchase the products on the website.

If you are just starting out your website, or if you have a website up and running already, you need to know how to use search engine optimization in all facets of your marketing. While there are other ways to market your website and products without using SEO, the fact of the matter is that 60 percent of all traffic on websites comes from those who found the website in the search engines.

These people are seeking out what you have to offer and are finding you online as long as you are accessible.

Once your site is search engine optimized, you can expect to get more traffic to your site from the search engines. People who may be interested in your site will find it easier if your website is search engine optimized. Most people use the search engines to find what they are looking for when they go online. By having your website optimized and easy to find in the search engine results pages, you can attract more traffic to your website through the search engines.

There are many internet marketing companies that will help you get your website search engine optimized and keep it that way. Some of the methods that they use to optimize a website include the following:

Article marketing


Press Releases

Video ads

Google ads

All of these can be optimized in order to incorporate keywords that will make the website appear in the search engine results pages or, in the case of Google ads, land them on pages where they are most likely to find people who will be interested in your website. The entire purpose of making a website search engine optimized is to make it easier for potential clients or customers to visit your site.

Those who may be interested in your products or services can only take advantage of them if the know about them and where to get them. You have, most likely, gone on line in search of something that you wanted to buy at one time or another. Chances are that you put the information into the search engine toolbar to pull up search engine results pages. You probably sifted through a few pages before you came up with what you wanted.

This is the basic concept of SEO. Those who understand how to use SEO to make their website more searchable and likely to come up in the first two pages of the search engine results pages are more likely to have clients land on their site. There are probably many sites out there that offer you interesting information as well as products or services. Unfortunately, many of them are buried deep in the search engine results pages.

Most people, when searching online for something, will give up after going a few pages into the search engine results pages.

In some cases, a search may produce millions of hits. Needless to say, you do not want to go through every one in order to find what you are looking for. Most people have neither the time or the inclination to do this.

This is why it is so important for businesses and others who want to have their website noticed make sure that they use SEO techniques in order to do so. By using SEO, a website will no longer be buried in the middle or at the end of millions of results. It has a better chance of getting to the front of the search engine results pages.

Google and Yahoo are two of the search engines that use SEO. While there are those who say that both of them also rely heavily upon link building when it comes to page placement in the search engine results, both of them also rely heavily on search engine optimization. They send their search engine spiders and bots through the text to pick up keywords to help rank the page. The bots pick up both long tailed and regular keywords. Long tailed keywords are phrases that appear throughout the text and will be discussed in a later chapter of this book.

All of the search engines use SEO to some extent. While SEO is not the only factor that figures in to search engine results placement, it is a primary factor in this placement. Google, Yahoo, MSN and all of the other search engines all rely on SEO in the content to figure on placement in their pages. However, one search engine may rely on the SEO more than others.

If you do a search on Google, for example, chances are that you will pull up different results than if you plug the same keywords into the Yahoo search engine. Both of these giant search engines use SEO in order to determine rank, although they also figure in other factors. One factor that figures heavily in the Yahoo search engine rank6 ings (as it does in other search engines) is link building and page building. The search engine will rank a website higher if it has many links back to the site throughout the web. This is very prevalent with the giant information site, Wikipedia. You have probably noticed that this site often comes up when you are searching for information. That is because there are so many backlinks throughout the web that link back to this site.

When you are on a Wikipedia page, you will notice hyperlinks to other areas of the site. This large link network creates hundreds of thousands of pages that are all linked together to dominate the search engine results. In addition to link building, however, Wikipedia also uses SEO. If you study any Wikipedia article, you can pick out the keywords and see how often they are used.

Everyone who has a website online wants to make sure that they get their website noticed in the search engines. There are positive ways to do this and tricky ways to do this. Tricky ways are often called “black hat” techniques that can get a website banned from the search engines. This can be self defeating, so you want to be sure that you naturally build up your ranking in the search engines through the use of SEO and other strategies.

One way that you can naturally build up your rankings in the search engine is to properly implement SEO in all of the text that is committed to your website. You want to be sure not to use keyword stuffing, which is when you have too much of a keyword density in your text. You should have 2-3% keyword density for your text.

Get Fit Fast With Aerobics Resale Rights Ebook

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Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise

We are always reminded that exercise could do wonders for the body. Aerobics, a kind of exercise which helps your body use more oxygen while maintaining your target heart range, can definitely help a person live longer and healthier. There are studies showing that 30 minutes of aerobics every day would benefit the body a lot.

Performing regular aerobic exercises would gradually make the heart larger. A bigger and larger heart would be able to provide more oxygenated blood which can be used by the muscles. This could also mean more energy whether for longer or shorter periods of exercise or physical activities.

• Weight loss

Aerobics and any kind of physical activity could surely help control and reduce weight. It is most successful when combined with a healthy diet. Including physical activity and exercise with your daily routine will surely help you achieve better built, healthy lifestyle and increase in energy. Aerobics would help your body burn the calories consumed and prevent them from becoming accumulated fats.

• Stronger resistance against sickness

Aerobics can boost the body’s immune system. This would prevent illnesses like colds and flu from happening. It could also help the body manage existing health problems like high blood pressure and blood sugar. Excessive weight and obesity could cause serious health problems like diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Aerobics could help in reducing the risks of these diseases. This kind of exercise could help in clearing the arteries of the heart from bad cholesterol.

• Elderly benefits

Aging could have different effects on the body and exercise could help you deal with these changes. It could help your body become stronger and more mobile when you grow old. Common problems of the elderly would be flexibility and mobility.Aerobics and maintaining other forms of exercise even when older would help reduce these problems.

• Increase in stamina and energy

Contrary to what some people think, aerobics and exercise wouldn’t leave you breathless and less energetic. It could boost your stamina and energy. Continuous and regular exercise could result to muscle development and increase in body endurance. Aside from that, aerobics could also reduce fatigue and decrease shortness of breath. Aerobics could help the body achieve better sleep at night, making the person more energetic and fresh the next day.

• Promote better mental health

Exercise does not only calm and help the body, it could also help in boosting a mood of a person. Achieving better health and physical results through aerobics could increase self-esteem and self-confidence. It is even used to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

Aerobics have numerous benefits. In fact, some would say that aside from physical and mental benefits, aerobics could also help in improving sexual performance. There are also different types of aerobic exercises which could capture the interest of people with different ages and characteristics.

However, aerobics may not be safe for everybody. Those with certain illnesses and those that are pregnant should take necessary precautions when performing aerobic exercises. Before trying any aerobic routine, it is important to consult with a doctor first especially if you have an existing or past medical condition.

Different Types Of Aerobic Exercises

Aerobics is one of the most popular types of exercises in the market. Its use of music, dance, equipment and other facilities have contributed to its popularity. Aerobic exercises are workouts that intend to increase the heart rate for a period of time. This would cause the body to have higher intake of oxygen which would result into better blood circulation, weight loss, faster calorie and fat burning.

Other physical activities can also be considered as aerobic workouts, like swimming, running, walking, jogging, and cycling. An aerobic exercise would start with a 5 to 10 minutes of warm-up stretching and exercises. After the warming-up, the routine proper would follow, lasting for about 20 to 30 minutes. The last part of the workout will be the cooling-down process.

There are different types of aerobic exercises for different levels of individuals. Skill, health and comfort are things to be considered when choosing what type of aerobic exercise would fit with the individual’s needs and abilities. Some of the types are :

• Low-impact aerobics

As the name implies, low-impact exercises don’t include activities which could harm the bones and joints like jumping and bouncing. Exercises performed had lower intensity, thus reducing the risks of injuries and leg overuse. In this exercise, one or both feet should always be in contact with the ground.

With low-impact routine, you do not start with a high note. An individual could start performing the exercises on a slower rate and gradually increase its intensity. Low-impact aerobics is ideal for seniors, obese and overweight individuals and of course, pregnant women.

Instagram Guides For Beginners MRR Ebook

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The ways in which we use social media are constantly changing and evolving. While initially a place for users to share photos with their family and friends and post aesthetically pleasing updates for people to be able to see what is happening in their lives; social media has increasingly become more integrated within consumer culture. Social media platforms have become increasingly more geared towards driving engagement and generating ad revenue.

Some audiences who are primarily still using social media to connect and be “social” have been more resistant to this switch— but others love this integration. There are a plethora of ways to bridge this gap and encourage all types of audiences to engage willingly, and happily, with business accounts.

As everyone surely knows, Instagram is one of the most popular photo sharing platforms on social media today. According to Instagram’s own data, over 200 million users visit at least one business profile each day, 60% of users say that they have discovered a new product on Instagram and one third of the stories that receive the most views are posted by businesses.

As with the social media market as a whole, there has been a shift from Instagram being a social platform, to it being a media platform that places emphasis on unique content creation, as well as business and marketing. This is evidenced by its recent layout change which prioritizes shopping features--at an inconvenience to many personal users but is incredibly useful for businesses trying to sell products via Instagram. While it can seem negative to discuss the poor reaction by some users to this change in the platform, it is still important to be able to gauge market reaction to certain features. For example, some demographics will require a different level, intensity, or subtleness of marketing to overcome their initial disdain for business features.

This eBook is divided into three overall sections: firstly, explaining Instagram Guides, secondly, how Guides can be used, and thirdly promoting the Guides.

To begin, this eBook will begin by providing an overview to what the Instagram Guide feature is.

Woven into this eBook is a discussion of the basics of Instagram.

Even if you have been marketing on Instagram before, the advent of new features always means that you should consider what the characteristics are and what, if any, the problem areas are, and, naturally, where the market is going in order to make more effective marketing choices For that reason we will be discussing the other kind of posts that are available to create an Instagram standard feed posts, stories (and of course highlights), Reels, IGTV videos, Facebook integration, and external links. It is important to understand the other kind of posts to understand where guys can truly benefit you the most--and which type of post is better suited for a Guide.

To conclude the introductory section, the eBook will delve into the to the pros and cons of Instagram Guides. This will provide you will a clear and detailed explanation of the new Guide’s feature.

The next section will provide a step-by-step side to creating Instagram Guides--the instructions will be basic, yet comprehensive, in order to provide you with the tools that you will need in order to create a Guide. This eBook will be providing a comprehensive outline to the new features available on Instagram Guides and how you can best utilize them to further your business.

Following this, we will discuss the kind of Guides that you can create: the ability to recommend places, posts, or products, as well as providing some inspiration and ideas.

To conclude, the third section will be discussing how you can promote Instagram Guides and how to use Guides to build your following.

This eBook will be providing you with everything that you need to know to create effective and creative Instagram Guides to target your audience and increase your business.

What Exactly Are Instagram Guides?

So, to begin, with what exactly are Instagram Guides? Instagram Guides are the hot new feature that the problem has just been added.

To reiterate, this section will be discussing the founding principles of Instagram Guides, before giving a step-by-step explanation into creating one in later chapters.

In more recent months Instagram has become, not only a platform for people sharing the highlights of their life but also a fantastic source of information. By introducing the Guides feature Instagram is capitalizing this and allowing users to share information in a whole new way.

Instagram Guides were implemented because the platform wanted a way for its users to more easily discover recommendations tips and other content from their favorite users. When Guides were first rolled out, they focused on ideas of “wellness”; with specific brands and organizations that were wellness oriented being able to use the feature first. Given how long many people spend on their phones, being able to get useful and actionable information—that is already integrated into the platforms that they already frequent, particularly on wellness topics was a fantastic idea.

Guides are a step-by-step flow of posts. Similar to a Story or video, Guides are a great way to show a running commentary of a particular element of business or add detail into certain aspects of your brand. They are somewhat similar to an article that you might link, instead it is an embedded feature in your profile. It is a great way to create unique content, yet still keep it on the same platform.

Essentially, Guides are a way that you can create one single resource around a specific topic or content area. They can consolidate your posts and thoughts into one single post, a Guide, and even supplement your own posts with those from other users.

Instagram Guides kind of resembles a blog post, in theory.

Guides can include text, photos and videos.

A huge benefit to the implementation of this feature is that some users are unlikely to leave a platform in order to get additional content; having to click a link to a website or another social media site turns a lot of users off of buying or engaging with your content. Guides are a great way to centralize your content onto one popular platform that your audience already uses.

Ecommerce Simplified PLR Ebook

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With the advent of systems like Shopify and WooCommerce that make it easier than ever to set up an online store without vast programming knowledge or deep pockets, and the prevalence of drop shipping companies that have affordable prices, e-commerce is booming like never before.

E-commerce is one of the only systems you can use to make money online that is truly long-lasting and sustainable, and, in a profitable niche, can keep making you money for many years to come.

In fact, there are ordinary people with no business background, no advanced education, and no huge starting bank account balances who are making millions selling everyday items.

If you’re interested in starting your own online store, I recommend reading this guide from start to finish. I’ll teach you the basics, and it’s up to you to pursue it.

So let’s get started.

Chapter 01 - Selecting a Profitable Niche

You can create the coolest, best looking, most exciting online store ever created, and fail miserably if you don’t choose a profitable niche. Niche selection is so important that it can literally make or break your success.

A good niche should:
Have a moderate to large audience
Have low to moderate competition
Have buyers who are passionate about the niche
Have products that are priced high enough to be profitable

You want to make sure there are enough people who are interested in the niche to support a good number of sales, but you don’t want the niche to be so saturated that it’s difficult to make a profit.

You want a market in which the buyers are passionate, or have a real need for the product. It’s going to be difficult to make good money selling ordinary products unless you have a very unique selling point, such as a drastically lower price, or some sort of value added selling point. You want to sell products people will be excited to buy, and that they will keep coming back for.

You want to make sure you have products that can be priced high enough to make you a good product without pricing you out of the market. You probably won’t make a lot of money selling products priced under a dollar, because you won’t be able to build a large enough market quickly enough, but a product priced at ten dollars or more would probably be enough to justify the opening of a store. Of course, there are people who have made fortunes with very inexpensive products, but it takes more volume than a beginner could likely manage.

A good starting point for niche research is to simply make a list of your own hobbies, interests, areas of knowledge, and needs. The more you know about a particular subject when you open the store, the easier it will be for you to source products people would want to buy and to find the right marketing channels to reach your core audience.

Once you have a list of at least 10-20 topics, you can begin to research them in earnest. You want to find out how many people might be interested in each potential niche, how many products are available that you could sell, and how much of a profit margin would be possible.

There are many different ways to do this, but one of the most popular ways is to check Amazon. Start by searching for individual products you might buy in a particular niche. For example, if you want to research the golf niche, search for things like golf clubs and golf balls and find out the bestseller rank for each product. This will give you a general idea of how well each product sells.

You want to be able to find at least a few products selling well enough to be in the top 10,000 in their main category, and in the top 1,000 would be even better.

Here is an example from a live Amazon listing for a particular brand of gold balls:

This product is currently #857 in its main category (Sports & Outdoors), which shows there is a strong market for golf balls, especially when I take a look at other products in the Golf Balls category. The top product in this category is #125 in Sports & Outdoors.

Now, you should be aware that strong demand within a main category might not always mean huge sales. Some categories will have fewer sales than others, of course. But this will give you a general idea if there is a market in the niche.

If you want to learn more about niche selection, I highly recommend checking out Ecom Smart Start. You’ll learn all about niche selection from start to finish, including dozens of broad niche topics you can use as a starting point for your brainstorming.

Chapter 02 -Finding Your Passion

It’s not enough to choose a niche that is profitable. If you choose a niche you aren’t passionate about, or one that you find you truly dislike, your business is likely to turn into a drudgery very quickly. In fact, one of the reasons many people start a business is to get away from jobs they hate, and the last thing you want is to end up in the same position you were in before you left your job—unhappy and wanting something different.

So as you look for potential niches, try to find something that interests you and you’re passionate about. This will make it easier for you to source products, market the products, and spend the time required to make your store a success.

It’s possible that you won’t have any interests that would be profitable, but it’s highly unlikely. Even if you like some relatively obscure things, there will usually be at least a decent number of other people who are also interested in it.

Adsense Mastery PLR Ebook

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Chapter 01 - Google AdSense - Definition and Overview

Google AdSense takes internet marketing to the next level. It is a helpful tool that allows website owners to select what types of ads are relevant for their target market, allowing only the most relevant ads to appear. When relevant ads appear on your

website, or ads that interest/speak to your specific target market, they are likely to click on those ads. And with Google AdSense, you earn money for every time an ad is clicked. It really is that easy!

In short, Google AdSense allows Internet marketers and website owners to work together to ensure the best possible results from results driven advertising. And do you want to know the best part about Google AdSense?... It’s FREE!

Rather than giving permission to advertisers of all varieties, Google Adsense puts the power in your hands to choose which ads make the most sense for you, your business and your target audience.

Google defines its AdSense program in the following way:

?Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website’s content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your visitors are looking for on your site – or matched to the characteristics and interests of the visitors your content attracts – you’ll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.

It’s also a way for website publishers to provide Google web and site search to their visitors, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.

Google further hails AdSense as ?The flexible, hassle-free way to earn revenue online.

So, is what they say really true? Does it really work and more importantly, does it really work that well? The answer is, yes!

Google will pay you every time your site visitors click on an ad within your site. That means that you get paid whether they end up purchasing something from an advertiser or not. All they have to do is click in order for you to get paid!

In addition, you can not only choose which kinds of ads will appear on your site (as in relevant topics via keyword selection), but you also have the ability to integrate them seamlessly into your site by completely customizing the look of your Google AdSense ads. You have the ability to select a color scheme, size of the ads and and placement specifications for the ads as well.

Google also makes it very easy to follow your AdSense success by providing you with easy to read, easy to manage reports that show you which ads are being clicked, how often they are clicked, and how much you are earning with your AdSense account.

From an outside perspective, Google AdSense is, in both theory and reality, a fantastic tool. So, it’s not just a self-proclaimed useful and effective way to gain revenue for your business... It really is!

Chapter 02 - How Google AdSense Works?

While Google AdSense is an extremely user-friendly tool, it can take some time to figure out exactly how it works. You will need to become familiar with all of its features, how they work and how they can best be used to benefit your particular business, your business goals and your business needs.

Let’s take a look at some of the most basic steps involved in Google AdSense to better understand how it works.

1. You choose what and where AdSense ads will appear.

You will carefully select and specify what kinds of ads you would like to show up on your site as well as where on your site they will be placed. Google will ask you for keywords about your business, products and/or services that will help generate a topic or topics of ads that are relevant to your business.

2. Advertisers bid on ad placement in real-time.

Advertising space online is valuable real estate. That is why many advertisers are willing to pay for quality placement. With Google
AdSense, the highest bidder always wins the spot. In other words, you
won’t find advertisers with questionable businesses paying too much for advertising space, so the bidding system helps separate the ?good advertisers from the ?bad ones.

3. You get paid based on clickthrus.

Google bills those who win the bids and pay for advertising space. You then receive your payment based on the ads placed on your site and when/how often your site visitors are clicking on them.

Many people find it hard to believe that there is no fee for creating a Google AdSense account and allowing AdSense ads to be placed on your website. But the truth is, they only pay you when the ads are being clicked, so if you think about it, this method makes sense.

There is no need to pay them to advertise for others businesses. And in the same vein, they don’t pay you for simply placing the ads. There has to be positive activity in order for it to work on either end of the spectrum. The advertisers decide how much they are willing to pay for their ads (to be explored in Google AdWords) and you, as the one providing the advertising

space, benefit from the ads’ effectiveness.

AdSense is also more than just advertising. With Google AdSense, you can choose to include one or all of their ?products as a way to increase your

profit-earning potential through targeted advertising. For example, you can choose to place AdSense ads within your site (which are customizable and of course, targeted); you can also choose to include AdSense searches within your site (which help users and bring you a profit at the same time); or you can choose to place Google AdSense ads in your feeds. It’s up to you which, if not all, of these options you choose, but no matter how you look at it, Google AdSense just makes sense for business.

Remember, the more you take advantage of Google AdSense products, the more you will benefit from it.

The Marketers Google Tool Box MRR Ebook

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The search engine of Google has become a dominant force in the world of internet. It is really difficult to even think of any website without Google. Similarly, it has become unthinkable to view world without Google. The importance of Google can be judged from the fact that it has crept into every aspect of our daily lives. The phrase of “being Goggles” has become a common expression which is being said and performed by millions of users around the world. Google offers a diverse range of services from productivity applications to instant messaging.

Having such prominent presence, there are people who are still not aware that Google offers some excellent tools free of cost for the users be it generic users, businessman, marketers or webmasters. This develops a thought in majority of the people that why Google is providing so many tools at zero cost? The prime reason for this gesture is it wants to foster a close relationship with the users and wants to build up the Google brand name in the process.

There are numerous tools that are being offered by Google.

The tools are divided under various sections that can guide you the nature of all the tools.

1. Must Have Tools: These tools are the basic tools that are provided by Google. They can make the computer activities much easier. They include reader, IGoogle, Picasa, Docs, notebook and desktop.

2. Maps and Travel Tools: These type of tools helps in exploring the locations around the world. It may include Ride Finder, Transit, Mars, Sky and Earth.

3. Web Browsing and Development Tools: These tools are very beneficial for the users especially for Web developers, businesses and students. All these tools aid in creating and using the websites. They include Sketch Up, Checkout and Web accelerator, FeedBurner, Web History, Base, Co-OP, App Engine, Website Optimizer, Browser Sync, Click-to-Call and Page Creator.

4. Social Networking and Communication Tools: These tools have the capability to keep you in touch with your family members, peers, classmates and co-workers. The tools include Orkut, Android, Send to Phone, Shared Stuff, Talk, Dodgeball, Friend Connect, Grand Central and Sites.

5. Custom Search Tools: Through this tool, you have the option to refine or narrow down your search for the material. The tools may include Scholar, Patent Search, Sets, Catalogs, and Search by Number, Accessible Search, Trends, Books Search, News Archive Search and Special Searches.

6. Miscellaneous Google Tools: These are additional tools that can make you do different things in your spare time. The tools that are included in miscellaneous include Google Pack, Gadgets, Pinyin IME, Image Labeler, Code Search, Alerts, Apps, GOOG-411, Google Mobilizer and Gears.

7. Third Party Tools: These tools are associated with the Google’s search technology. However, they can enable you to do wide variety of stuff more easily compared to the existing Google programs. The tools included are Simply Google, Googlematic, Goofresh, Cooking with Google and Babelplex.

Hence, by using the above mentioned tools it will make your research easier along with time management.


The search engine of Google has become a very powerful marketing tool for the businesses whether big or small. For small enterprises it has been a blessing because they generally have very limited funds at their disposal. Hence, to use the plat-form of Google for marketing activities at a very meager rate it is a dream come true for small businesses. I extensively use Google for my business in various ways. Things like articles, ebooks, e-courses, blogs and various internet businesses have been hugely associated with these programs. Hence, this chapter will discuss in great length about the home page of the search engine in terms of customization and tool bar.

My business revolves around the Internet; hence my large part of the time is spent in front of my computer. My computer has huge data that is comprised of e-books, music, addresses, pictures, phone numbers, articles, home budget and feeds. As far as my business is concerned it revolves around blogs, websites, my space, social networking sites, articles, five e-mail accounts, opt-in list and newsletter.

All these data is helping me generate a substantial amount of money with the help of the search engine of Google.

My daily business routine starts on the computer from my Home page of Google. My Google home page is customized by me and hence it exhibits the bookmarks in the order I want them to open. In regards to feeds, RSS feeds, blog Feeds and other Feeds that I read are there on my home page. I start my work from the Google bar which helps me in earning money.

When starting any business, it is very hard to think that the whole business can be conducted online. There are people whose business initially was brick-n-mortar and now they have transformed them either partially or wholly in brick-n-click. My interest was to be an affiliate marketer where you make commissions on other user’s prod-ucts. The services for which I have to sign up involves chat rooms, information sites, traffic exchanges, forums, newsletters, social networking, blogs, auto-responders and various other services. Hence, the Google tool bar provides the option of Auto-fill where it fills your forms for the above mentioned services and saves you a great amount of time and effort.

Furthermore, there is the tool of spell checker on the Google bar which helps you in writing professional contents whether in articles, emails, chat rooms, blog spots, forums and other related platforms. Another vital tool is the Page-rank which, although has been underestimated, is one of promising tool used in marketing online. It moni-tors your site and the competitors’ sites which enables you to direct your marketing strategies to relevant areas. In addition, it will search out the back links of the competitor’s sites.

Lastly, Google has a vast amount of data from all corners of the world that is current and in great detail. Hence, it provides a perfect marketing arena for the businesses that can apply its marketing tools to their advantage.


The tools that are being offered by the search engine of Google have been extensively used by the marketers and the media planners. Although the tools are designed for the generic users, they are being considered as ideal tools for the online marketing activities. Any marketer, media planner or webmaster who is involved in promoting their websites or products on the internet can extract huge benefits from the Google marketing tools.

These tools have the tendency to make your marketing tasks much easier and profitable in both short term and long run. They are valuable in nature. Listed below are the important marketing tools of the search engine of Google.

Google Analytics: This tool is considered to be one of the premier tools of marketing that is offered by Google. It is very accommodating to the users especially the webmasters and the marketers. The function of Google Analytics is it gives you a quick glimpse of your website. In other words, it evaluates the traffic on your website, their sources and what activities do they perform on your website. It can also be said that it monitors all the aspects of your website from inserting the contents to the checkout of your page. It plays an important role in increasing the conversion rate and the return on investment. A maximum of three sites can be managed simultaneously through this tool.

Google Sitemaps: With the help of the Google Sitemaps, various webmasters can quickly insert the newly designed pages to their websites through the Google Search Index function. The pages are in the XML format that is instantly uploaded to the website and eventually to Google.

Google Alerts: The role of the Google Alerts is to inform you about the listing of your website or reveals your name by either person or site. In this way, you have the benefit to monitor all your activities that are being performed on the internet.

Google Froogle: Google has a directory called Froogle that enlists all the economical prices for a wide range of products on the web. It will be very helpful for the marketers to make their products more prominent in the eyes of the users. All they have to do is study how the Froogle functions and you will avail the desired result.

Google Checkout: Although it charges some amount, it is very valuable for users who use Adwords as each dollar spent on Adwords would give them 10 dollars for free.

Google E-blogger: creating a blog on your website would attract additional customers to your website and eventually to your products. It is free to create.

Seo Secrets Unraveled PLR Ebook

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Chapter 01 – The Basics of SEO

Trying to get the site optimally listed on Google or other engines should be the priority exercise at every juncture. This should be part of the growth strategy of any online endeavor that is seeking ultimate success.

Literally meant to increase the site’s ranking of the web search conducted by the interested viewer, the SEO is one of the important ways to generate and direct traffic to a particular site.

The Basics

Monitoring the ranking of the site should be a priority to ensure the current efforts put into the content and choice of keywords to encourage the relevant clicks is the best for the site. Using complimenting platforms such as Marketing Vox will allow the individual to keep track of the page ranking with tools like Alexa and Google tool bar. All these will keep a regular check on the ranking and provide the feed necessary to facilitate a re-thinking exercise should there be a need to implement it.

Keywords are like the magnet or the eyes that are going to get the attraction of the SEO thus creating favorable ranking possibilities. The use of the most appropriate keywords will eventually make or break the success of the site’s ranking rate and this is the most important contributing factor from the viewing visitor’s perspective. Inserting the keywords into recognizable spots like the title tag and the page header will help too.

SEO ranking also takes into account the links the site manages to create. The integration of internal links is an easy way to boost traffic to the individual site or page thus creating a recognition element that is important.

Chapter 02 - How to Determine And Monitor Your Search Standings?

Business growth is always the ultimate goal sought after in any endeavor undertaken, thus the need to then consider the elements that are needed to successfully monitor this growth in an efficient manner.

Check In To It

The following are some tips on how this may be effectively achieved:

Through the process of monitoring the search standing the individual needs to be equipped with the proper understanding of how the SEO efforts work.

One of the recommendations would be to use the MarketingVox to help keep tabs on the search standing through the page ranking with tools like Alexa and Google tool bar.

Making it a periodic practice to check the referral logs to track the visitor’s movements within the site and the search terms that are being popularly used to find the site is encouraged.

Being committed to the process of determining and monitoring the search standings is also something that should be considered in a rather long term time frame.

This is because most of the results and information gathered can only be useful and effective if done for a reasonable amount a time to ensure the accurate gauging exercise in possible. Understanding that the material gathered is not beneficial is looked upon as a onetime solution or general idea of the overall picture being presented.

Having clearly defined goals will also better facilitate the monitoring exercise as the SEO efforts will be better managed. Using suitable web analytics software would be advised at this stage to create a clearer picture of what is working and what is not.

Monitoring the page yielding traffic is also a metric that determines how well the page at the specific site is able to drive search engine traffic to it. As a webhost it is a pivotal element to the success of the page to ensure its visibility to the search engines, to draw the new traffic to the site as often as possible.

Chapter 03 - Research Keywords And Know Where They Go

The harness SEO optimization there is nothing worse than using the wrong keywords, keywords that are ambiguous and misleading and keywords that are ineffective. The choice of keywords greatly dictates the traffic flow to the site thus creating the desired SEO ranking.


Keyword research is vital to any search engine optimization campaign and every exercise targeted at the site should take this into account. Potential viewers may not be able to find the individual’s site if the connective keywords are not used.

Also using keywords that are deemed popular but have no connection to the material featured at the site will also pose problems as the visitors will eventually catch on to the ploy and perhaps take action against the site.

This kind of bad “publicity” is definitely not needed or encouraged. Targeting the wrong keywords would also put at risk the cost invested into the endeavor as it would basically mean that the money being used would not produce the desired traffic interest to the site.

This would then render the whole exercise a waste of valuable time, resources and energy. Staying competitive through the use of proper keywords that are relative to the material should be the target of the keyword choosing exercise.

Discarding misconceptions would perhaps be the first way to tackle the keyword research exercise. Most webhost make the mistake of having a preconceived idea of what the popular keywords should be that would draw the traffic to the site. This may not happen as imagined due to the fact that the host is making this assumption or choice based on what he or she perceives the visitor would key into the search. Looking at the keyword search from a wider perspective would be better and more beneficial.

Amazon Affiliate Pro PLR Ebook

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What is an Amazon affiliate website?

Amazon, the world’s largest e-commerce site has a well-established affiliate marketing program called Amazon Associates that allows you to earn up to 12 per cent of the total sales value of a transaction originating from your referral website. That’s a pretty decent figure you earn for a successful referral.

E-commerce companies nowadays are trying to outdo each other in terms of sales and they are investing on every marketing channel available. Affiliate marketing is where they are interested mainly for the returns it can guarantee.

Let’s start with the basics by getting a general idea of what an Amazon affiliate website is. If you are looking to make some money, then becoming an Amazon affiliate is a great idea, but you need to do more than just becoming an affiliate. You need to promote the products you think will earn you some cash on a regular basis.

How does it work? It is really simple.

Once you open your Amazon account, you can insert plenty of Amazon HTML links into your articles or blog posts, which are based on the products you choose to promote on your blog.

These customized links will direct readers that click to the item on Amazon’s page, and if they buy the product, you get a commission. Best thing is that these links will remain on your blog forever as long as you leave them there, meaning you can be paid commissions for an endless period of time whenever someone make a purchase through your referred link.

There is a fee structure within Amazon that will help guide you to the products

where you will earn more money. For example, electronics only earn 4% commission while mp3 downloads will earn 10% commission.

Lucky for you, the more products you sell, the more commission you will earn as your percentage will go up. In regards to electronics, if you sell more than six products in a month your percentage commission jumps to 6% and then will go up again after you sell more than 30 products in a month.

The greatest percentage that you can earn in a month is 8.5%.

Now that we know the basics of the Amazon affiliate program, what is an Amazon affiliate website?

An Amazon affiliate website is a website that promotes products from Amazon and uses affiliate links to sell these products. Typically, these types of websites will have a theme, such as cameras. There are product posts, reviews and other things to create interest about a certain product to send the reader to Amazon to purchase that product.

One of the absolute best things about the Amazon affiliate program is if a reader clicks to go to Amazon through one of your affiliate links, it stores your affiliate code and anything that they buy will earn you commission. Therefore, they don’t have to buy the product you suggested for you to earn commission - they can buy anything off of Amazon and you will earn commission.

Chapter 01: Reasons of being an Amazon Affiliate

It’s free to join and easy to use. And it makes money.

There’s plenty of reasons why the Amazon Associates Program is one of the best existing affiliate program.

One of the great things about the Amazon affiliate program is if a reader clicks to go to Amazon through one of your affiliate links, it stores your affiliate code and anything that they buy will earn you commission.

I repeat, ANYTHING.

This simply means that they don’t necessarily need to buy that product you recommended in order for you to earn commission - they can buy literally anything from Amazon and you will earn commission, as long as they are directed to Amazon through your website’s affiliate link.

It’s really common for people to buy more than one item. Regardless of whether people make purchase of the product you recommended or not, statistics have found that a significant crowd of people usually went on to buy all manner of products (other books, electronics, cosmetics etc) – where you will get a commission on each one of them – this is passive income.

You earn a commission on anything that a person buys within 24 hours of you directing them to Amazon.

Amazon is one of the most widely trusted brand on the internet. The traffic for Amazon has been proven to be one of the most popular shopping destinations online. Readers know Amazon and are familiar with it – they trust it and do spend significant amount of money there.

Tens of thousands of Amazon customers have already set up an account and specifically have a credit card stored on file for speedy checkouts. Proving that these pool of trusting loyal customers usually will not have second thought on making a purchase.

The amount of products on Amazon is what makes it attractive. The wide arrays of products selling on the site allows you to narrow down your options. Amazon has such a variety of products, bloggers with narrow niche generally get to avoid facing the common difficulty to find the right product that matches their blog’s focus.

For example, certain blog that only focus or specialize in reviewing a specific product that affordable affiliate program do not offer. Many bloggers don’t have the luxury of being able to choose high paying affiliate programs that have narrow niche because they simply don’t relate to their topics. Therefore Amazon is a great option to bloggers.

Your earnings might come in slower than you can wait but trust me on this, it will build up as time goes and when it is established, it will be your constant snowballing income source. The next best thing is the effort needed for this program is pretty minimal. Just by doing reviews, blog posts, adding links to your posts over time. Create as much doorways you can to direct customers into the Amazon store. Each time you do, you are increasing the chances of people making purchase and you will get your share of commission. That is literally all you need to do. Attract, direct, earn.

And just like any shopping center, the sales during holidays season on Amazon bloom rapidly too. There is a significant bloom in sales whenever it hits holidays season so the key to making profit as an Amazon affiliate is to aim for times like this. Plan ahead, line up your links and posts a couple of months before, and run specific posts leading up to the holiday rush (like Christmas or New Year). You’ll be sure to earn extra commission during the holiday season.

Master Your Money Personal Use Ebook

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There are so many discounts you can get on a daily basis if you are paying attention. You may not be able to qualify for every single idea on every single day, but it may generate opportunities for other potential discount opportunities for the things that you need and want.

1. Student Discounts – Students can get discounts on all kinds of things if they have a student ID. From bookstores to life insurance, nothing is off-limits when it comes to asking or a discount for your student or for you if you're a student.

2. Elderly Discounts – What constitutes "elderly" is different for each business, but start looking for discounts once you reach about 55. And once you're 65, you can get tons of discounts off food, gym membership, and even tuition.

3. The Day Discounts – Just like some restaurants make it a tradition to offer inexpensive tacos on Tuesday night, some offer "buy one get one" offers, "children eat free" offers and other offers on different days. Learn the days for your favorite places.


4. Your Job Title Discounts – The military, nurses, teachers, fire rescue, and more often get discounts in the local area if you just ask. Don't be shy. If you fit into a job classification that might deserve discounts, the local business owners may agree too.

5. Membership Discounts – If you are a member of something such as AARP, Costco, or even your book club, many memberships offer benefits like discounts on regular shopping that members tend to do. If you have joined anything as a member, look to your members' benefits statements to find out what more you can do with it.

6. Frequent Shopper Discounts – Some business owners offer regular and frequent shoppers discounts the more you shop. For example, Kohl's offers "Kohl's Cash" each time you shop, which is a coupon that you can use during specific dates to get a deeper discount on your next trip.

7. Gender Discount Nights / Days – Like to party? Bars still have "ladies' night" and "gents' night" as well as other nights that offer the person of the night a significant discount and even freebies.

8. Holiday Discounts – Whatever holidays are prevalent where you live, there is usually a similar discounted sale going on. For example, in the USA, Memorial Day is common for mattress sales. February is a typical time you can shop at malls around America and get huge discounts of 80 percent or more on clothing.


9. Time of Year Discounts – Some businesses give discounts for you on your birthday and other special days. If they ask for that type of information, find out why it's being used - maybe in order to send you a discount coupon.

To help you remember certain discounts, take the time to plan any shopping trip in advance so that you always look up potential discounts before you even leave the house.


If you're a retiree looking for another job to help shore up your bank accounts or buy something extra, or just to be around people, these options might work for you. Remember that you can change your entire direction if you want to, or you can leverage what you learned working and become a consultant. These twelve great jobs for retirees will make you want to get started now.

1. Photographer – You can become a photographer in a few ways. Many companies that need someone to take school pictures offer equipment and training for people. But you can learn to become an adequate photographer on your own today by taking a class through LinkedIn Learning, Udemy.com, or even locally.

2. Temp Event Staff – In your local area, there are probably events that need people to handle a lot of set-up, teardown, and organization such as parking. You can sign up for these types of jobs through various temp agencies in your town or go directly to the venue that puts on the events to ask.

3. Substitute Teaching – Even if you have never taught or have a degree, in some locations you can become a substitute teacher. They make from $50 and up per day and are in high demand. A good sub can work full time in a large district.

4. Child Care Provider – Another way to be around kids and make some money in a job for retirees is to work at a daycare center or start your own daycare in your home. If you work at a center, you’re likely to make minimum wage, but you can often arrange to work only a couple days a week in the room you want to work in, such as the infant room.

5. Freelancer – Another way to work is to become a freelancer. You can work online as a virtual assistant, content writer, graphic designer, and other positions as a freelance contractor for a variety of business types.

6. Drivers and Delivery Drivers – Rideshares and personalized delivery are very popular right now. They give you an excellent opportunity to make money in your retirement, working only on the days you want to work. Sign up with Instacart.com, Uber.com, Lyft.com, and others to find out more.