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How To Master Self-discipline PLR Ebook

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Self-discipline is the key to success. It is the force that helps us stay focused on our studies when we’d rather be partying. It’s the force that keeps us going to the gym when the couch beckons. It’s behind the determination to build the 147th prototype when the 146th version didn’t work.

In other words, self-discipline is the quality that pushes us to complete the tasks we know we should do in order to achieve our goals, rather than give in to momentary distractions that take us off course.

Fortunately, self-discipline is a skill that can be learned, and improved, by anyone willing to try. By developing your sense of self-discipline, you can become healthier, achieve more in school and work, and reach your goals – whether you want to learn a language, master the guitar, climb a mountain, or just get out of the door on time in the morning.

The Benefits of Self-Discipline

Self-discipline, also known as self-control, is a quality that can help us make better choices in everything that we do. Studies show that self-discipline can help make us healthier, happier, and more successful throughout our lives. Here are just a few examples:

Higher self-control in childhood results in better physical health as an adult.
Teens with more self-discipline are less likely to use drugs or alcohol or indulge in risky sexual behaviors.
Children with higher self-control do better in school.
In a study spanning twenty years, children who had more self-control in school became adults with more career success.
Employees with more self-control earn more and have higher status jobs than those will less self-control.
Self-discipline increases happiness and wellbeing.
People with more self-discipline report better relationships with their friends and family.

In short, the research is clear that self-discipline positively affects just about every aspect of life. Self-discipline is so beneficial because it helps us make better choices at every turn, in all areas of our lives.

Fortunately, self-discipline is a skill, not just an inborn quality, and anyone at any stage of life can improve their self-discipline and begin to reap the benefits.

How to Develop Your Self-Discipline

Just as there are many exercises in the gym that can strengthen your body, there are many exercises that can help you build self-discipline.

Luckily, the practice of self-discipline is self-reinforcing. As you build your focus and work steadily toward your goals, your sense of achievement will make it easier and easier to stay disciplined. The following list offers just a few of the ways that you can work to improve your self-discipline.

Set Clear Goals

Self-discipline is willingness to do the thing you should be doing. So, to improve it, first you need to decide what it is you should be doing. What are your goals? Whatever you want to achieve, start by writing it down as a SMART goal. A SMART goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.

For example, let’s say you want to get fit. That’s a wonderful goal, but it’s not SMART. How will you know when you are “fit”? How long will it take? How will you judge your progress?

In order to have a truly motivating goal, narrow it down. For instance, if your general aim is to get fit, a SMART goal might be: “I will run a 5 km race in three months.” This goal is:

Specific (a 5km race)
Measurable (did you run the race or not?)
Achievable (whereas running a marathon in three months would be too much)
Timely (you’ll do it in three months)

Now that you have a SMART goal, how your self-discipline will help you is clear. You’ll need to complete your weekly training plan in order to meet your goal. Your self-discipline will be needed every time your schedule says you need to run, yet you are tired, or sore, or the weather’s bad, or the TV is interesting.

Visualize Your Goals

One reason why humans struggle with self-discipline is because we tend to put a greater value on present enjoyment than on future accomplishments. So, we might wish to be fitter and healthier in three months, but then skip a run because it’s raining and the couch is comfy.

One way to overcome this tendency is to clearly visualize the joy of reaching your goals. For example, when you sit down to study Spanish, summon a vision of sitting in a bar in Spain, talking and laughing with the locals. When it’s cold and you don’t want to go to the gym, imagine the thrill of crossing the finish line of your race. When you struggle to concentrate on your presentation, imagine how good it will feel to watch your client sign the contract.

Whatever your goal is, the more clearly you can imagine how good it will feel to achieve it, the more you can bring your future joy into the present. This will make the hard work feel much easier.

Finding Peace In The Chaos PLR Ebook

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Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unsure about the future? You are not alone. Studies show that Americans are feeling remarkable levels of stress. While everyone experiences stress from time to time, when stress levels stay high for a long period, serious health consequences can result.

If you are experiencing stress and chaos in your life, it’s important to identify the causes and take steps to lower your stress level, take care of yourself, and build strength and resilience going forward.

Read on to learn more about the physical impact of stress, and simple practices you can adopt to help you cope better.

The Emotional and Physical Toll of Stress

In a 2019 Gallup survey of moods around the globe, 55% of Americans said they had felt stressed the previous day – much higher than the global average of 33%. People under 50 and those with a low income had the highest levels of stress. 

In addition to stress, many people are also experiencing other negative moods. For example, loneliness is a significant issue that has roughly the same health impact as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Loneliness increases the risk of heart disease by 29%, and the risk of stroke by 32%. Sadly, in the US, 40% of adults sometimes or always feel that their social relationships are not meaningful, and almost half say they feel lonely or socially isolated at least some of the time. 

Both stress and loneliness can contribute to more serious mood disorders, including depression and anxiety. Rates of anxiety are growing, and it’s worse for children than adults. Estimates suggest that as many as 32% of adolescents experience anxiety. Among American adults, around 40 million (or 18% of the population) have an anxiety disorder. Depression is also very common, with around 17 million, or 7% of Americans, experiencing a major depressive episode each year. 

In addition to the increased risk of mood disorders, stress also affects our physical health. In the short term, stress can cause headaches, muscle pain, digestive problems, trouble sleeping, and a lowered immune system. Stress can also worsen asthma, arthritis, and skin problems such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. In the long term, stress increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and dementia. 

If thinking about the negative effects of stress is increasing your stress levels, that’s normal. Fortunately, stress, while serious, can be managed. Stress reduction starts with simple self-care such as getting enough sleep, exercise, healthy food, and connecting meaningfully with others. Once you have the basics down, soothing practices such as meditation, connecting with nature, and practicing gratitude will help you build the internal resources to keep your calm, no matter what life throws at you.  

Identifying What Makes You Worried and Stressed

In small doses, stress can be healthy and inspiring. When you stare down a difficult run on the ski hill, wait behind the curtain before you step out to give a speech, or walk into a new job for a first time, the butterflies you feel in your stomach are caused by stress. A little stress fires us up and gets us ready meet new challenges head-on.

Unfortunately, too much stress has the opposite effect, and can result in serious health consequences, as discussed above.

Humans tend to feel stress any time we experience change or loss. Common sources of stress including negative events, such the loss of a friend or family member, a serious health problem, a traumatic event such as a crime or natural disaster, or financial difficulties. Positive events such as starting a new job, getting married, or moving homes can also be very stressful because these events involve both the uncertainty of new situations, and the loss of the familiar.

Work and school are major sources of stress for Americans, with 40% of Americans experiencing stress at work, and 80% of college students saying that they feel stress sometimes or often. Stress at work and at school can have many causes, and many are similar: worries about performance, interpersonal struggles with colleagues and bosses (or fellow students and teachers), financial worries, and overwhelm from too much to do and too little time to do it.

Worry about the news and world events, as well as the personal effects that larger forces may have, are also major sources of stress. For people in marginalized and minority communities, worries about the news may be more urgent: these groups are more likely to be affected in difficult economic times, and are likely to experience more negative effects from climate change and pollution.

Whatever the cause of your stress, it can be managed. Simple self-care strategies can help you manage stress and perform at your best. In addition to following the self-care suggestions laid out in the next section, consider talking to a therapist or a life coach about your specific stressors. These experts can help you navigate your specific situation and teach you coping skills that are tailored to your own strengths and weaknesses.

If you are in serious distress, speak to your doctor. There are many treatments that can help manage the negative effects of stress on your body, and help you feel better soon.

Pen And Paper Activity Games Personal Use Ebook

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Insider's Guide to Pen and Paper Games

If 2020 taught us anything, it's that humans are not meant to be idle for long. It also taught us to appreciate the time we have with loved ones because it can all change in a moment. Taking a queue from years gone by, before cell phones, gaming consoles and such were in every home, this month we're going old-school and focusing on activities you can do with pencil and paper, to bring family members together and keep our minds busy and sharp.

Family time is one of the most important aspects as you may remember from your own childhood, playing games with your parents, siblings, cousins, and friends. It was fun and everyone loved it. Playing games helped build strong bonds between you and your loved ones. Games helped keep you connected and, most likely, had a long-lasting impact on your family, even if you don't immediately recognize it.

Playing age-appropriate games keeps children, and you, engaged. They challenge the mind, teach you strategy, problem solving, pattern recognition, collaboration, critical thinking, deductive reasoning, teamwork, and many other skills. Playing games helps build confidence, reduces stress, and can even help boost brain development in kids. Some games boost motor skills and can even lead to getting better grades in school.

Games bring fun, laughter, conversations, and so much more to the table. It teaches children the importance of family, flexibility, and sportsmanship. It helps young ones learn to follow rules and to win and lose gracefully.

Playing pen and paper games reduces electronic screen time which is great for both mental and physical wellbeing If done on a regular basis, you can start new traditions that will create fond memories that last a lifetime.

One of our favorite things about playing games is that many only need pen and paper to play. Creating them is inexpensive, which is great when so many are out of work or working reduced hours.

When selecting games to play, consider the age necessary to understand the rules. Choose games that help improve certain skills. Also, ensure the games are ones that your child will enjoy, though definitely push them outside the box a bit to challenge them as well.

When you think about family game nights, you may think board games - which are not always cheap - and games that take hours to play. That's not always the case though. You can create paper versions of some of those board games. Some games don't take long to play and are still a lot of fun. So, consider how you can make and play games that fit your family's needs.

In this package, we've created 10 game templates to get you started. You can use them individually or combine them to quickly create activity books and more to sell and use for your own family.

Templates you'll find in this bundle include paper versions of Battleship, Crossword Puzzles, Cryptograms, Sudoku, Word Puzzles, Word Searches, Hangman, Connect Four, Word Scrambles, Tic Tac Toe and Dots and Boxes.

We've also included 80+ ready-to-go games to help you get a jumpstart on creating new memories with your family.

Let’s Talk About the Templates Included in this Month’s Package:

Our goal every month is to make things simpler for you…to make it easier for you to reach more people in your business and get more sales. With that in mind, let’s look at this month’s templates pack. This bundle includes 10 game templates to get you started including include paper versions of Battleship, Crossword Puzzles, Cryptograms, Sudoku, Word Puzzles, Word Searches, Hangman, Connect Four, Word Scrambles, Tic Tac Toe and Dots and Boxes. Also included is 80+ ready-to-go games! Now let’s take a closer look!

10 Game Templates

Use these game templates to get you started. Use them individually or combine them to create activity books and more.

You can use these templates time and again changing them as needed. Games included:

Battleship Template
Connect Four Template
Crossword Template
Cryptograms Template
Dots and Boxes Template
Hangman Template
Sudoku Template
Tic-Tac-Toe Template
Word Scramble Template
Word Search Template
80 + Premade games

Use these pre-made games made for the entire family to get your audience thinking about bringing their family together and keep their kids engaged with only a pen and paper. These games will challenge their mind, teach strategy, collaboration and more!

Total Mental Resilience MRR Ebook

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“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving; we get stronger and more resilient.”

Steve Maraboli

This book is built on the foundations of the statement above. Life is not a bed of roses, and the earlier you realize this, the better for you. Many people crash and even take their lives because they expected life to go easy on them. Unfortunately, life is such an unpredictable “spouse” that promises you forever but can file a divorce the following week. It is no news that life is volatile like the stock market but unfortunately, many people are not prepared for it.

It’s this lack of preparation that makes people unable to cope with the fiery darts life throws at them. When you are not mentally prepared for the adversities of life, you will throw in the towel too soon. This lack of resilience is one of the reasons many people are depressed in the world today. It is also the reason many people have either taken or attempted to take their lives. According to the World Health Organization, around 800,000 people around the world kill themselves every year.

This development is sad, and that is why you need to become stronger, develop the muscles of your mind, and build up a tough skin according to the recommendations of Steve Maraboli. You don’t get stronger for life by hitting the gym. Rather, the preparation is mainly, if not purely, mental and psychological. This guide was put together to enable you to build mental strength that can sustain you during the days of adversity. It is going to be a beautiful journey that can be life-changing, depending on your attitude. Let’s begin.

Chapter 1: The Trainer Called Adversity

Experience is the best teacher; adversity is the most accomplished trainer. No one really ever wants to face misfortune. We would all have preferred to go through life, enjoying the ride without bumps. However, things are not always as planned and life is not a bed of roses and chocolates, there are always thorns somewhere. In this chapter, we’ll explore how the troubles that come our way have come to make us and not break us.

Tough Times Are Not Avoidable

The truth that many people wish isn’t true but is the reality is that adversity is inevitable. There’re no magic potions or wands that can make an individual avoid troubles and misfortunes in life. Therefore, you shouldn’t be hoping that you won’t encounter unpleasant periods in your life. Rather, you should be hoping that
you won’t experience difficulties that will break you to the extent that you won’t be able to rise up.

Indeed, there are terrible situations that can shake a person and make you feel you are cursed. However, if you keep rising from the ashes like the phoenix, you can live a beautiful life. Adversity isn’t avoidable because of the following reasons.

You Have Dreams You Want to Achieve

The year 2006 must have been one of the worst years for former Arsenal and French national team football player, Thierry Henry. It was a year Thierry was teary because of the unfortunate situations he found himself in. He lost both the World Cup final and the UEFA Champions League final that year.

These two trophies are the greatest in world football and every footballer dreams of winning one or even both trophies before they retire. In fact, some great football players are mocked after their retirement when they didn’t win these trophies during their active days. So, for a man to have lost both trophies in the same year is indeed a sad situation.

Thierry Henry would go on to win the Champions League with Barcelona eventually. The point is that we face challenges and sad days because we have dreams and aspirations we want to accomplish. So, we become frustrated when we don’t achieve them. As long as a person has goals he wants to achieve, adversity is inevitable.

You Have People and Things You Care About

Another reason tough times are unavoidable is that we have loved ones and things we want to work out. We all hope to enjoy the companionship and camaraderie of our friends and families for a long time. However, this is not often the case. Sometimes, we lose them to unfortunate situations such as diseases and accidents.

Those days are sad and dark in our lives. It is often tough to move on after the loss of a person very dear to us. Sadly, these situations are part and parcel of life. So, adversity isn’t avoidable because we don’t have control over situations such as how long our loved ones

will live. We care about them and will definitely be devastated when we lose them.

We Have Emotions

One of the biggest differences between human beings and robots is the fact that we have emotions, but they don’t. Our feelings are some of the most beautiful parts of our lives. They are the reason we feel appreciated when people celebrate us on our birthdays or when we achieve something significant. Our emotions are also the reasons we feel connected to loved ones and enjoy spending time with them.

However, our feelings are also responsible for unpleasant states such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideations. It is because you can feel that you are sad when you experience heartbreak. A robot, regardless of its sophistication, doesn’t understand such things. Your feelings are also responsible for experiences such as betrayals, disappointments, and frustrations. You will always have reasons for such feelings as long as you are alive. Therefore, adversity isn’t avoidable.

Adversity Is A Trainer

In the words of Booker T. Washington,

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.”

You should not ignore such wise words. Having been a leading voice of former slaves and their descendants who weathered oppression at different times, Washington knows a thing or two about adversity. So, you should listen to what he has to say. You might not like the sound of it, but adversity is needed. It is that trainer that takes you by the hand and leads you to the destination of your success.

So, count it all joy during those days when it feels as though the universe has a grudge against you. It is a training that will take away the dross from your silver and make you a shiny star. According to Tony Robbins, “Problems are the gifts that make us dig out and figure out who we are, what we’re made for, and what we’re responsible to give back to life.”

Overcome Obstacles MRR Ebook

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Scrolling through social media, you likely see a dozen picture-perfect lives that don't match your own. When scrolling, you likely feel your life doesn't match up to others', especially when a challenge or hardship comes your way.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret, though. Everyone faces obstacles. Whether or not they choose to share those obstacles for other people to see is up to them. Instead of dwelling on comparing your obstacles to others, it's most helpful to focus on yourself, gear your mindset to overcome the obstacle and turn it into success.

But how does one do that? Many obstacles feel daunting and impossible to beat. As a result, it is easy to become disillusioned or give up on the obstacle altogether. Or, like some people, you may get resentful of others who seem to overcome any obstacle and turn it into success with ease.

Both giving up and resentment are useless. By changing your mindset, you can become someone who turns obstacles into success. Don't get me wrong, it will take a whole lot of hard work, determination, and blood, sweat, and tears, but you too can overcome any obstacles and transform them into success.

In this book, we're going to tell you how to do it. We begin by looking at what obstacles are and how you should perceive them.

From there, we look at important points like why perception matters and the level of control you have over obstacles. These first few chapters are crucial for setting a solid foundation for overcoming obstacles.

Next, we give you the two most important steps for actively overcoming your obstacles, including identifying them and setting goals for direct action. Finally, we end by discussing the importance of focusing on yourself, emotional resilience, and continued practice.

Together, these chapters give you a key blueprint for not just overcoming one obstacle in your life but how to learn from your obstacles so that you can turn any challenge you face into success.

Whether you are facing a major obstacle at this moment or want to better your life, use this book as a guide for transforming any challenge into a success. Let's get started.


Before jumping into how to overcome obstacles, you need to know about the reality of them.

Everyone knows what an obstacle is, but most have an unrealistic and warped idea about it. Instead of viewing obstacles as opportunities for growth, people view them as events working against them. This unrealistic idea makes it much more difficult to overcome your obstacle and transform it into success.

With that in mind, you need to know the truth about obstacles: obstacles are not all bad. I know this idea might sound a little radical, but it is true. Just like everything else in life, obstacles come with both positives and negatives. Recognizing both sides will help you overcome the obstacle quickly and efficiently.

Why Looking at Both the Negatives and Positives Matters Whenever an obstacle comes your way, it is important to remember this fact. If you only focus on the negatives, which most people do, it is much easier to get distraught, overwhelmed, and depressed by the situation. This will make it more challenging to overcome the obstacle and turn it into success.

However, if you look at the negatives and the positives, you see the obstacle in a much more realistic light. This realistic understanding of obstacles allows you to think rationally and clearly about the task at hand. From there, you can begin to overcome your obstacle instead of getting overwhelmed by it.

Not to mention, you take away most of the negatives of obstacles whenever you view the positives. This will make it much easier and more enjoyable to fight your obstacles, even if you aren't necessarily succeeding as quickly as you would like.

Possible Negatives of Obstacles

Obviously, obstacles come with several negatives. Even though you shouldn't get caught in the negatives, you should be aware of them so that you know how to best go about your situation and overcome the obstacle. Whenever you are aware of the negatives, more of the power is given back to you.

As a result, you can begin to master the obstacle because the negatives are your own. Acknowledging them simply makes them less scary.

The exact negatives of the obstacle will depend on the challenge. For example, your obstacle may be finding a new job. In this case, the negatives might be that you are under financial stress, need to move, or something else related to the actual job. These negatives are different from the negatives of a different obstacle, like relationship troubles.

In addition to the obstacle centered negatives, some negatives are common in all obstacles. Most notably, obstacles require you to work. If you already have a full-time job and other responsibilities, the added responsibility of overcoming the obstacle can take a lot of your time and energy, even for the most hardworking of people.

Not only that, but obstacles challenge you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Every time you find yourself in a new obstacle, you are forced to challenge yourself to grow as a person. This process takes up, once again, a lot of energy, and it can bring up a lot of negative emotions depending on the situation.

The required effort and emotional turmoil that come with most obstacles are what make obstacles so terrible. Most people don't like extra work. So, they grow to hate obstacles.

Guaranteed Positives of Obstacles

In addition to the negatives, obstacles have a lot of positives. Most people fail to see these positives, and they focus on the negatives instead. Though this is incredibly tempting to do, you should try your hardest to keep the positives in your mind. The positives will help you overcome the obstacles, stay motivated, and enjoy the process.

Forces You to Grow

The biggest positive of any obstacle is that it challenges you to grow. Even though challenges come with a lot of hard work and effort, it is the only way for you to become the person you want to be. In other words, challenges make you a better person.

Some obstacles may make you physically better, such as an unprecedented health scare, while others will make you emotionally more resilient. It doesn't matter how the obstacle makes you grow. What matters is that you grow and become a better person at the end of it all.

Helps You to Get to Know Yourself Better

Another benefit to come out of obstacles is that you get to know yourself better. We are often trained to get to know our coworkers, family members, and friends, but we often forget to know ourselves. This makes it more difficult for us to trust our own thoughts and know what we want out of life. Obstacles force us to reflect on ourselves and the world. It teaches us our strengths, weaknesses, and limits. This allows us to get to know ourselves in a way that would not be possible without obstacles.

Improves Self-Esteem

As we grow and get to know ourselves better, our self-esteem grows as well. So, obstacles lead to increased self-esteem, which is their third benefit. Self-esteem is what helps us to know our value outside of our accomplishments and talents. It is necessary for a happy and functioning life.

Improves Relationships

The last benefit of obstacles is that they can improve our relationships. You likely have noticed that people with shared hardships tend to be some of your strongest and most trusted relationships. As you go through obstacles, you become more empathetic and able to communicate with other people in similar situations.


All in all, obstacles are not a completely bad thing. Even though they are a lot of work and can put a strain on your life, they force you to grow, help you to get to know yourself, boost your self-esteem, and improve your relationships. Remembering these positives and the negatives will help you overcome the obstacle because of your realistic and rational mindset.

Intermittent Fasting MRR Ebook

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It seems like everyone is talking about intermittent fasting these days. With this powerful guide you will learn what intermittent fasting is and how you can get started in the right way so that you maximize your chances of success.

We will explain in this guide how intermittent fasting works and how you can get the best results from it. Intermittent fasting is not easy so we show you how to inspire and motivate yourself if the going gets tough.

You need to choose the right intermittent fasting method and we will show you how to do that. We will also explain the common mistakes you need to avoid and why you may need to scale up your intermittent fasting to achieve the best results. This and more is all covered in the guide so let’s get started.

With intermittent fasting you will participate in a cyclical diet where you will fast for a specific period of time and then eat for a specific period of time. The period of time where you can eat will vary depending on the type of intermittent fasting plan you choose.

You need to be aware that there are many types of intermittent fasting. In this guide we will cover some of the more popular ones, and also recommend what we consider to be the easiest intermittent fasting plan to follow. We want you to stick with your intermittent fasting plan and not be unhappy and want to give up quickly.

Fasting and Eating Windows

As you now know with intermittent fasting you will have a time to fast which we will call the “fasting window” and a time to eat which we will call the “eating window”. You need to know what you can and can’t do during these windows (especially the fasting window).

The Rules of the Fasting Window

When you are in the fasting window time you cannot consume any food. You can drink water but that’s all. It is very important that you do not consume any calories when you are in the fasting window.

The Rules of the Eating Window

You can eat while you are in the eating window. It is important that you consume calories during this time. With intermittent fasting your diet is a secondary consideration. So you could actually eat whatever you like during the eating window.

The Secret to Success with Intermittent Fasting

If you really want to succeed with intermittent fasting then it is essential that you are totally compliant during the fasting windows. This means consuming no calories and only drinking water. The reason that this is so important is that your body will turn to your fat stores as a source of energy.

When you are in your fasting window your stomach will be empty and your body will not have any food that it can use for fuel. It will have no choice but to tap into your stores of fat. This is exactly what you want as it will burn that unwanted fat away.

A lot of people struggle with weight loss because their insulin stores are full and their bodies are able to use the food they consume for fuel. Their bodies never get the chance to tap into their fat stores. Even if the person exercises they will struggle to see any visible results.

Go For a Calorie Deficiency

Although we said earlier that you could in theory eat what you like during your eating windows we do not recommend this. You will be a lot more likely to achieve the weight loss results that you desire with a combination of intermittent fasting and a calorie deficient diet.

Calorie deficient just means consuming less calories than are recommended for your body type. When you combine this approach with intermittent fasting you are going to see visible results a lot faster. This is important to keep you motivated to stick with your intermittent fasting.

How Intermittent Fasting works

With some intermittent fasting plans you will have an eating window of 8 hours each day and a fasting window of 16 hours. This means that you need to consume calories during the 8 hour window.

So you will consume less calories than you need during the 8 hour window (calorie deficit) and when this is over and you are into the fasting period your last meal will be digested around 3 to 4 hours into the fasting window.

This means that for around 12 hours your body will have no food to use for fuel and it will have no choice but to look to your fat stores as a source of energy. It doesn’t matter if you are awake or sleeping your body will always need to burn calories to keep all of the processes going such as maintenance and repair. It will use your stored fat for this.

The concept of intermittent fasting is very simple. There are no requirements for a low carbohydrate diet, detoxification, a ketogenic diet and so on. All you need to do to get the best results is be fully compliant during the fasting windows and go for a calorie deficit approach during your eating windows.

It is no wonder that intermittent fasting is so popular these days. There are other health benefits associated with intermittent fasting as well that we will look at in the next chapter. Once you get into the habit of intermittent fasting you will find that it is easy for you to maintain this lifestyle.

Why Intermittent Fasting is better than other Diets

If you choose another type of diet you are constantly thinking about what you can and cannot eat. When people are used to eating whatever they want it can be extremely difficult for them to change to a strict diet and most people do not have the necessary willpower to maintain this for very long. The reason that intermittent fasting works better than other diets is because it requires a lifestyle change and not a complete change of what you eat. You are going to change your eating patterns by introducing an “eat” and “not eat” cycle into your life.

Your focus changes from what you should eat to when you should eat. Although we recommend a calorie deficit approach to eating you do not have to do this. This means that you have a lot more freedom during your eating windows that those people that are on a rigid diet.

Please understand that intermittent fasting is not an easy ride. At first you may find it very difficult to fast for a period of time. You will need to be resilient here and keep on going with your intermittent fasting. After a while it will all become a lot easier.

In the next chapter we will discuss the benefits of intermittent fasting…

You may think that burning fat and weight loss are the only benefit of intermittent fasting. This is not the case, and in this chapter we will make you aware of the other benefits of intermittent fasting.

The main reason for you understanding the various benefits of intermittent fasting is that it will provide you with the motivation to keep going. It is likely that you will experience some tough times with intermittent fasting, especially at the start. With these benefits in mind it will inspire you to push through any tough times and keep going.

Losing Weight

If you were to ask people why they are embarking on an intermittent fasting regime the chances are that almost all of them will tell you that they are doing it to lose weight. There is a lot of evidence to support that intermittent fasting will help most people to lose weight pretty quickly.

There are several reasons why intermittent fasting helps people to lose weight. One of the main reasons is that it helps to boost your metabolism which helps your body to burn fat faster.

Another reason why intermittent fasting is good for weight loss is that you are very likely to decrease the number of calories that you consume every day. This will lower your insulin levels and also help to increase your levels of growth hormone. It will also increase the amount of norepinephrine in your body.

The Magic Of Starting Over MRR Ebook

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Many people agree that the past should be forgotten, and we should focus on the present and the future. However, it’s easier said than done. Some traumatic and hurtful situations are not easy to let go because of their unprecedented nature. Many times, we think about what could have been, and hot tears just roll down the check. Sometimes, it can be because of the loss of a significant other.

You have been looking forward to building a future together with the person. She was the woman of your dreams. You have been waiting to have someone like her in your life. Eventually, you found her, and you were already planning forever with her. Then, out of nowhere, she was involved in this ghastly accident that took her away from you. Now, you are wondering how life could have been so cruel. You feel unlucky and depressed. The depression and dejection have made it hard for you to give any other person a chance to win your heart.

Indeed, a story such as this is tragic. If it were a Hollywood movie, you could have been shedding tears by now. We all have things like
this in our life. Of course, the intensity and situation are not the same. Nonetheless, we all need healing. We all need to let go of the past and focus on the present while looking forward to the future. This book will equip you with the tools you need on this new journey.

Chapter 1: The Past: It's Gone Forever

In the words of Chuck Palahniuk, “Your past is just a story. And once you realize this, it has no power over you.” These words were spoken some years ago. However, they are still as potent and relevant as the first time they were spoken. If only many people realized this simple but extremely powerful truth, life would have been easier for them. We would have had more individuals that are less cranky and frustrated in the world.

Some people struggle to overcome their past demons. For instance, bad experience from their past relationships often hinder them from building robust and happy relationships in the future. They built a mental wall and find it difficult to trust another person or commit into another relationship. Letting past experiences interfere with our future is detrimental to our growth and mental wellbeing. This chapter will explore some vital things about the past you need to know.

Life is a Journey

This statement might sound like a cliché, but it’s not. You have to realize that life is a journey. In fact, it is an experience we are all having for the first and last time. In other words, no one has been to this world before that is now having another opportunity to live it all over again. Indeed, there are people who are experienced in this world. However, their experiences are all parts of their journey in life.

Life is a progressive journey that begins at conception and ends in death. It is like a movie. However, this movie is your story. You are supposed to play the roles of both a director and an actor in this movie. Playing the role of a director implies that you are in charge of your life. You make plans and set goals that give your life a direction and a sense of purpose. When you are a director in the story of your life, you will take responsibility for your life.

You will not blame others for your predicament. Besides, you will not believe that your success and happiness depends on external factors, including the actions of others. Psychologists refer to this mindset as an internal locus of control. No one will give you the role of a director in your life. You can choose to take it or give it to other Pfactors, including your past. Unfortunately, many people have allowed their past mistakes to dictate their current state.

The role of an actor in the story of your life is not optional. You will play that part whether you like it or not. Even your inactions are still part of acting in that position. In summary, everyone is an actor, but not everyone is a director in the movie of their lives. Your journey in life does not end until the day you have your last breath.

Therefore, you can choose to make the earlier part of the journey (your past) the summary of your story or you can choose to rewrite the script. As long as you are still alive, you still have the right and opportunity to “edit” the script of your story. You can still come out on the other side with pride regardless of what your past looks like.

The Past is an Experience

Life is an experience that is bitter sometimes and pleasant on some occasions. One of the reasons some people find it difficult to let go of the past and start over is that they don’t expect life to be cruel and unpleasant. Well, you have been educated wrongly. Life is like a coin with two sides. There are days when you’ll experience so much happiness and have reasons to smile. However, there will also be days when you don’t want to talk to anyone because you are sad.

We all wish to have things going our way all the time. Nonetheless, life has other plans. For some people, they will have many pleasant events occurring in their lives in the early parts of it but start experiencing the other side of life in the latter period. However, some people have a lot of challenges earlier in life but have better experiences later. This pattern does not mean that you don’t have control over the events that occur in your life.

Your actions and inactions are what produce some situations you experience. However, there are events in your life you cannot control. However, you need to see every situation as an experience. In other words, you have to treat the events occurring in your life as a learning curve. There are cases when something bad happens to you because of your mistake. However, there are times it is because of the negligence or wickedness of others.

Regardless of the source of your frustration, you must take it as an opportunity to learn something new. When you don’t see life as a learning curve, you will keep nagging yourself about your failures and mistakes. You will keep wishing you didn’t go to that party or visit that person, or made that decision. Indeed, things could have been different. Nevertheless, the deed has been done.

So, the only way you can make the best out of your life is to keep the lessons of your past but never keep the emotions. In other words, remember why you failed but stop seeing yourself as a failure because you have a poor performance in the past. If you keep seeing things that way, you will never be able to prepare for future tests.

Cbd For Beginners PLR Ebook

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Chances are, you’ve heard about the benefits of using CBD. Perhaps you even have a friend or family member who has turned to CBD in order to help manage their pain.

What you may not know is how CBD actually works, how it can help with different types of chronic pain, as well as a myriad of other ailments, and what formats are available and how to choose the best one for you.

This is why we’ve written this special report, CBD for Beginners.

Throughout the coming chapters, we’ll cover all these topics and more. We’ll also discuss some common myths and misconceptions CBD so you are better informed about the many benefits of CBD and how it can improve the quality of your life.

Let’s begin!
CBD Explained

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It’s one of over a hundred compounds produced in the resinous flowers of the cannabis plant. The gooey resin is concentrated on the dense clusters of flowers (commonly called buds) of the plant. These are covered by tiny, mushroom-shaped structures known as trichomes.

These trichomes protect the plant from heat and UV radiation. They’re glandular, and create a treasure trove of medicinal compounds, including CBD, THC, and various aromatic terpenes.

The trichome oil also has antifungal, antibacterial, and insecticidal properties that repel pests and predators. The stickiness of the resin also helps by trapping insects.

And contrary to popular belief, CBD isn’t the compound that makes you feel “high” – that’s called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD is non-addictive, so you don’t need to worry about developing a “habit” from its use.

CBD oil comes from these resinous trichomes of the cannabis flower. However, there are many different strains or varietals of the plant, and the amount of CBD in the flowers depends on which strain you harvest.

Low-resin industrial hemp, which is legally defined as Cannabis with less than 0.03 percent THC by dry weight, has fewer trichomes (and thus, less oil) than high-resin strains do.

However, most high-resin strains nowadays are THC-dominant with little CBD. Therefore, it’s important to choose an appropriate CBD-rich Cannabis strain

Once you have a CBD-rich source, you then extract the oil. There are several ways to do this and each has its pros and cons.

The purpose of this extraction is to make the CBD and other beneficial components of the flower available in a highly concentrated form. Because the cannabinoids are naturally oily, separating the CBD from the plant material creates a thick, potent oil.

CBD is soluble in both oil and alcohol. Thus, the process of extraction usually uses a chemical that can dissolve an oil or alcohol-based compound. These chemicals include supercritical CO2, ethanol, hydrocarbons like butane, and common olive oil.

CO2 extraction is one of the safest methods, and it’s the one most commonly used commercially. Under high pressure and fluctuating temperature, CO2 becomes a liquid which can flush out the active ingredients of the plant matter.

This method is very effective because each compound in the oil can only be extracted by CO2 under very specific temperatures and pressures. This means you can fine-tune the process to extract pure CBD instead of a chemical stew.

Ethanol extraction has been used in many cultures for centuries. In 1854, the US Pharmacopeia recommended ethanol-based tinctures of “Indian hemp” to treat many ailments (including anxiety, depression, pain, and even muscle spasm).

Until 1937, when the Marijuana Tax Act was passed, these tinctures were commonly sold and used by the public, and in recent years, ethanol extraction has once again become popular.

Today, food-grade grain alcohol is used to create very potent, high-quality CBD-rich oil suitable for oral ingestion.

Hydrocarbon extraction (such as butane, hexane, or propane) has some major advantages as well as disadvantages compared to the other methods.

When done properly, this technique is very effective at separating cannabinoids and terpenes from unwanted plant components like chlorophyll.

However, the hydrocarbons are highly flammable. The potent concentrates of this extraction method, which are inhaled or “vaped,” can be very harmful to the user, especially if they have compromised immune systems.

Finally, olive oil extraction is simple and cheap – and you can do it at home if marijuana is legal in your area! Heat the plant matter in the oven. This will turn THCA into THC and CBDA into CBD. Steep the flowers and leaves in the olive oil.

Then sift, strain, and separate the oil from what’s left of the plant.

Note: This process doesn’t strain out the THC, so this product can produce a “high.” Cannabis-infused olive oil is perishable and should be stored in a dark, cool place so it doesn’t spoil.

How CBD Can Improve Your Life

CBD has been used as a medicine in many cultures for thousands of years. So, how can it help you?

Many consumers today are looking for safer alternatives to prescription drugs and their often harsh side effects. CBD has been proven to provide relief from many chronic conditions without any harmful side effects.}

Let’s take a closer look at just a few ways CBD could help improve the quality of your life:

Chronic Pain

CBD creates anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects that quickly help with pain management. It’s been studied in relation with reducing cancer pain, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, migraines, and other body pain, particularly back and neck pain.

Mastering Google Meet PLR Ebook

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Virtual meet-ups are a great way to connect with friends and family regardless of distance or how busy life can be. With the current climate, being able to contact family through video conference services has become even more important.

But here’s the problem:

Video-conferencing can seem rather intimidating at first, especially if you haven’t used it often, if at all.

There are so many features, options and settings that it’s easy to get confused and overwhelmed. But the truth is, it’s nowhere near as difficult as it may look.

In fact, you’ll be able to master services like Google Meet with no prior knowledge just by reviewing the information contained in this special report!

Why do so many people prefer Google Meet?

To start, they offer a free version with the option to upgrade for as little as $8/month. And Google Meet provides you with advanced security ensuring that you and your loved ones can communicate without concern of interference.

And since Google Meet integrates with Gmail and Google Calendar, it’s easy to stay organized as well as set reminders so you never miss a call.

But Google Meet does so much more than that! In this special report, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this popular platform so you can take advantage of its many benefits with connecting with friends and family.

Let’s begin!

Google Meet 101

Getting started with Google Meet is as easy as going to meet.google.com. You can use your computer or laptop, your tablet, or even a smartphone.

You can access Google Meet via a web browser from your computer or you can download the Google Meet mobile app, available on both Google Play and the App Store.

Note: You’ll need to sign in with an existing Google account or you can create one free in just a few minutes.

Once signed in, you’ll be able to either start a new meeting or copy/paste a meeting code someone has given you to join an existing meeting.

You can also visit the settings link at the top right and check your audio and video levels to make sure you look and sound your best, prior to joining or creating a call.

And just so you’re fully aware, Google Meet’s free option gives you up to 60 minutes of screen time per session, with up to 100 participants. There are also other options, with longer meetings and more participants but you’ll need to upgrade your account to access those features.

Here’s what you get with a free basic account:

You can use Meet from a browser or mobile app.
You can send invites to up to 100 friends and family.
You can see English subtitles whenever anyone speaks.
You can share your computer screen with everyone in the meeting.
You can adjust the layout of your virtual meeting room for your convenience.

If you’d like to start your own room, simply click on the “New Meeting” link. This will bring up a choice of three options. We’ll talk about the other two later – for now let’s focus on “instant meeting.”

Click that and you’ll be asked to allow Google Meet to share your microphone and video camera. This is essential because without these permissions, nobody can see or hear you.

Once you give your permission, you’ll see yourself on the screen inside your meeting room.

Your room will look a lot like the old “Brady Bunch” TV show opening. It will show a tile or thumbnail image of everyone in the room. It will also have various features at the top and bottom of your video image.

The most important options are at the center bottom. These are the microphone, the “leave call” button, and the video camera.

Clicking on the microphone once will mute you, which means no one will be able to hear you or anything going on around you.

You’ll know if you are muted because the button will be bright red with a line through the microphone icon. Just click it a second time to un-mute so you can speak.

The “Leave Call” button is how to end your participation, so don’t click that until you’re ready to exit. And the video button turns your camera on and off.

This is useful if you have to do something else where you’re able to remain on the call but not the camera. When your camera is off, others in the room will either see a blank screen with your name, or your profile image, if you have added one to your Google account.

Another useful button is available at the top right of your screen: the chat button.

It looks like a little cartoon speech bubble and when you click it, the chat screen will pop up to the side of your room. You can type whatever you need to say at the bottom, then either hit your “enter” key, or the little arrow symbol beside your words.

Chat is useful when sharing information like web links or comments you don’t necessarily want to interrupt the speaker with.

There’s another little button beside the chat. That looks like 2 little heads beside each other and clicking that reveals a list of everyone who’s in the room and on the chat screen.

Once you’ve gotten the hang of entering and leaving the room, and can mute and unmute yourself, you’re ready to go.

Now, let’s look at some basic and more advanced tips and tricks for Google Meet.

Snapchat Traffic Booster PLR Ebook

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If you want to be in business for the long run and stay relevant, you are going to need to keep tabs on the social media landscape and join social networks that are going to take you into the future. That’s exactly what Snapchat does. This platform is one of the social media outlets that have come from a constantly evolving world of social media and it uses a novel and never-before-seen method of communicating – a way of communicating that shows where the future of social media is headed.

Snapchat Is All about the Next Generation

Do you want one really great reason to join Snapchat? There are way more than one but if you need just one, think about the fact that Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media applications for people aged 12 to 24 years old. As you can see, that means that the next generation of buyers and the generation after that are all going to be potential Snapchat veterans and if your brand is on Snapchat and has been from the beginning, there is a good chance that you’re reaching a lot of these young people.

Snapchat Creates Excitement

Another great reason to join is that the way that Snapchat works is extremely fun and promotes serious interactivity between users. Snapchat is an exciting way to use social media and brands are capitalizing on these young people’s desire for exciting content by providing them with things like behind-the-scenes information about an event or brand, special promotions, discounts or giveaways that they couldn’t find out about from any other source. Because of the way that information is communicated and how quickly it disappears, Snapchat promotes excitement with every single post.
Snapchat Can Increase Your Online Presence and Gain You New Followers

Snapchat is also a great way to increase your online presence. You may already have profiles on websites like Twitter and Facebook, and you probably have a Pinterest account and other social media as well. But whenever you join a major social media network you’re going to be expanding your online presence and you will gain followers all around as a result, as well as retain followers better on your other social media networks. In fact, you will have a significant number of people coming to follow you on Snapchat from your other social media profiles as well as having people find that your Twitter and Facebook because they followed you on Snapchat.

No matter how you slice it, Snapchat is one very possible future of social media. Making sure that you are prepared for the next generation of buyers is something that every business should be doing and when you see a social media platform like Snapchat that is gaining popularity so fast – to the tune of 200 million active users per month – you need to get involved as quickly as possible and start using it to build your business even bigger.
Chapter 01 - What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a very powerful social media platform that has become very popular as of late. Major brands are not only starting to get their presence onto Snapchat but also advertise on the platform through Snapchat’s discovery system. Snapchat is similar to other social media applications in that you create a profile and then have followers or fans that you communicate with. However, that is pretty much the extent of the similarities. Snapchat is remarkably different in the way that users communicate with each other and in the ways that information is shared.

How Snapchat Works

Snapchat is a program that works with a very specific media for communicating with other users. There are a couple of differences that make this program unique and one of the most interesting social media platforms in use today like using photos and videos to communicate with other people. While Twitter, Facebook and most social media platforms mainly communicate with text, the only text that you will find here is the captions on pictures and videos. Another difference was Snapchat is that when you post your pictures and videos they will only last from 1 to 10 seconds with just a single exception, which we’ll get into later.

It might be difficult to understand how this works if you’ve never used the application. Just imagine that someone you are following on social media posts something and you get an alert. You go to their feed and check what they have posted and it is either a picture with a caption or a short video, or if you didn’t get there fast enough, you missed out. That’s basically how Snapchat works and you have followers and friends on the platform just like you do with other social media websites.

What’s the Point of Snapchat?

Snapchat is leading the way into the future of social media. This platform is going to be one of the big ones that will serve the next generation of consumers. The app is already being used by most teenagers and even Facebook has seen the value of Snapchat and offered $3 billion for the company. However, the creators of Snapchat believed in their company enough that they refused Facebook’s offer. Facebook has people who analyze a great deal of data in order to predict future trends and if they think Snapchat is valuable then brands should be jumping on as quickly as they can.

So, what’s the point of Snapchat? To socialize. To build a following. To communicate with other people who share interests with you or have an emotional investment in what you are posting. On one hand, Snapchat is just a social media platform but on the other hand it may be the application which leads the charge into the future where social media posts will be less text and more pictures and video. Brands like Mashable, National Geographic and Comedy Central as well as several dozen others see enough value in Snapchat to advertise with the application as part of the discovery feature and thousands of others have joined the platform as well. If you have a brand – it should be on Snapchat.

Chapter 02 - Getting Your Brand on Snapchat

The first thing that you’re going to need to do if you want to reap the benefits of the Snapchat application is get your brand onto the platform. This chapter will explain exactly what you need to do to create your Snapchat account and how to fill out your profile information correctly so that your Snapchat is ready to use and you can start getting followers and marketing your brand in new and interesting ways.

Signing up

Obviously, the first thing that you’re going to want to do is download the Snapchat application. You can add this app to either your Android or your iOS device. There is no support for Windows operating systems as of yet or any of the lesser-known ones. Once you have Snapchat downloaded on your phone or mobile device, launch it and you’ll be taken to a screen where it will ask you to either sign in or sign up. You are going to sign up with the following information:

Email Address

You want to use an email address that you actually check. In fact, this may be a good time to use your main email address – or the one for your business. Whatever you do, don’t just make one up because you will have to verify your account.