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Anti-aging Hacks MRR Ebook

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For centuries, humans have been obsessed with beauty and youth. We have tried everything from practices we still use today to some off the wall things that might make one cringe in order to maintain a youthful appearance. With the technology that we have at our disposal now, looking and feeling great is almost down to a science! Even now, scientists are uncovering new tips and tricks to maintaining a youthful appearance that will help us to stay confident and enhance our lives.

While the saying is true that beauty is only skin deep, many people find that maintaining a youthful air is important to keep going on with our routines. The working world is competitive in more ways than one, and it also helps us to stay confident with our friends and partners if we can manage to look younger than our age. It is one of the best compliments one can receive, and this book will help you to uncover several anti-aging hacks that will help you to stay at the top of your game.

The most important thing about focusing our lives on anti-aging is the fact that we are doing everything we can do within our power to view our bodies as machines that are either going to work in our favor or against it. So when does the body work mostly in our favor? When we supply it with the vital components that it needs in order to stay at its peak form. Our bodies will work in our favor when we are getting the essential vitamins and nutrients, it will work in our favor when we are drinking enough water, and it will work in our favor when we are exercising.

When does the body work against us? When we stop accepting responsibility for the things that we do to our bodies and what we put into them. When we decide that we can cut corners and that we can continue to go on paths full of vices and habits that are going to make it difficult for us to remain healthy. Our bodies will work against us when we are giving ourselves an excuse to make bad decisions that will harm us rather than becoming proactive and stepping up to the plate to give ourselves the reason and the motivation to make the choices that are best for our bodies and lives. If we aren’t making choices that are going to help us to embrace a youthful life, then we are not going to live a youthful life. It is that simple.

Whether your goal is to keep an edge in the working world or simply to make sure you are feeling as confident as possible, there are several different things that one can implement in order to prevent aging from marking its course and diminishing our confidence. We don’t have to accept aging at face value! We can take control over our bodies and lives and do everything possible to prevent aging from taking over our lives. This book will show you how!

When most people think of anti-aging, most of the time what they really want is to make sure that their skin does not show the typical wear and tear that naturally come with growing older. Over time, we often develop habits that make our bodies suffer and eventually we begin to see the results of these poor choices. Fortunately, there are many ways that we can begin to address the bad habits that can cause our skin to look more aged than we are comfortable with. This book will cover these antiaging hacks in the chapters to come!

The first and foremost of these tips, however, is to do everything possible to take care of your skin and keep it hydrated. If you are not using a good skincare regime now, then it is something to seriously consider for the future. Our skin is what shows the appearance of age, probably more than most other things besides perhaps gray hair. If you want to have the appearance of youth, what you do and don’t do for your skin will really make a difference! Everything that we do has a consequence. If we aren’t taking care of our bodies to the best possible extent, then ultimately there will be consequences for that. Make sure the consequences that you manifest are the most positive possible!

Our skin is made up of three very important layers. The external layer is called the epidermis, and contains the protein keratin, which is what eventually continues to grow as our skin cells die and are removed in flakes. It also contains Lagerhans cells, which are a preventative measure our bodies take to ward away bacteria and viruses, along with other things that could ultimately end up making us sick. Our skin insulates us, protects us from water and intense temperatures, and keeps our inner workings safe from sun damage. It also gives the brain signals through our nerve endings when everything is operating fully. Ultimately, it is one of the most important organs in our body (although it can easily be argued that every organ in our body is pretty important!)

The layer of skin below the epidermis is called the dermis and it is also very important. It is more to do with the way things work beneath the surface, such as with the temperature regulation by controlling our blood flow. For example, when it’s cold outside, our skin will constrict the flow of our blood, while when it is hot, it actually allows the blood to circulate more quickly so that heat can escape through the surface of our skin.

Our bodies can cool themselves using natural thermodynamic methods, including sweating. However, when we sweat it releases toxins from our bodies that can stay trapped on the skin unless we deal with them quickly. That is why it is so important to keep our skin clean, especially if we want to reduce signs of aging!

Knowing the importance of our skin and how it works can be a vital element in preventing aging from showing up on it. When we understand just how important skin care really is in our daily regimen, and caring for our bodies in general to help us get ahead of aging before it’s too late, then we will have the tools at our disposal to live a life with the vitality of youth and the confidence to match it! This book will show you how.

Many, many people go through life feeling the pressure to look a certain way in order to feel confident and be accepted by their peers. We want to be attractive, youthful, and confident, and a lot of people find that one of the aesthetics they thrive for is to be tan.

Tanning is a natural process that a lot of people in the Western world have succumbed to encouraging. Sitting out in the sun, rubbing oils on the body so that the sun’s rays are attracted to our skin to give it that pleasing, darkened glow, is something so common that it’s almost bizarre to consider that it could be harmful.

Unfortunately, the UV rays from the sun’s rays can actually cause damage to the skin and cause wrinkles. It can also, over time, cause skin cancer. The negative effects are enhanced greatly if you end up getting sunburnt frequently. This can dry out your skin and cause untold damage to it that can present itself as you age in the form of wrinkles and other blemishes.

When you do get sunburnt, it is important to deal with it immediately. Using things like aloe-vera cream will help you to heal your skin and keep it hydrated despite the damage that has already been done. It will help to do some damage control and provide some relief from the pain of the sunburn as well.

Overall, it is incredibly important to make sure that you are smart about your sun exposure. You want to keep your skin hydrated whether you are in the sun a lot or not, but to prevent wrinkles and dryness, making sure to moisturize becomes even more important. When you go outside, you could try to make sure that you only do so during hours when the suns rays are not as extreme in temperature. Another thing that you can do is to wear clothing that will protect your body from the harmful U rays of the sun. Wearing hats, long sleeve shirts, sunglasses, and even carrying a parasol, can be good ways to keep your skin smooth and pristine and prevent yourself from having to suffer from the consequences of negative UV ray exposure.

UV rays are a threat to anybody who gets sun exposure. It is difficult to predict when or how one might get cancer, but skin cancer is more prevalent in those who spend a lot of time out in the sun. Don’t make the mistake of using suntanning oil over sunscreen. Don’t purposefully expose yourself to tanning beds or natural UV rays for a temporary attempt at glowing and beautiful skin. Instead, do everything that you can to keep your body safe from the harmful rays. Even if you don’t get skin cancer, it will still damage and dry out your skin and could ultimately cause wrinkles and contribute to age spots.

Our society has a tendency to glorify the people who look vibrant and tanned without really getting into the details about how damaging the sun can be for our skin. It is a dangerous industry and we will have more long-term beauty if we are able to avoid overexposing ourselves to the sun’s rays. Instead of spending money on trying to heal the damage caused by years of sun overexposure, do yourself a favor and prevent it, starting now!

A lot of us have habits that we perform daily without even thinking twice about it. We may not even think of them as bad habits and simply functions that we perform in order to go about our days. However, did you know that rubbing your eyes is actually considered dangerous to your skin, especially for those who are concerned about the effects that aging can have on their appearance?

Well, it’s true! When we rub our eyes regularly, it can actually cause the damage to the skin around our eyes. This is because it is so thin there that when we rub it, we can easily damage the blood vessels surrounding it. This can lead to decreased blood flow in one of the most sensitive areas on our body and a place that is highly prone to showing the effects of aging on the body. It can have several different consequences, including a darkened effect around the eyes, or the thickening of the skin around the eyes as it works to consistently repair itself after our thoughtless habits. It can even lead to a lackluster effect that decreases the vibrancy of one of the most captivating parts of our bodies! It’s best to avoid rubbing our eyes if at all possible because we don’t want to help our bodies age faster than it is necessary!

If you have been prone to rubbing your eyes in the past, have no fear. While it can be true that our past habits can affect us in the present moment, the sooner we address our bad habits and do away with them, the faster we can begin preventing any further damage from occurring. Knowledge truly is power! Especially when we use it wisely.

Focus MRR Ebook

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Maintaining your focus in a noisy and distracted world can be tough. There is so much pulling our attention in every direction that it seems almost impossible to focus on the tasks that are truly important. From social media to text messages and calls and even people stopping by to talk, there is always something that can take our attention away from getting work done.

The result is that we feel like we are behind. When we spend most of our day checking notifications on Facebook or responding to unimportant emails, we find that there is very little time left to get projects and other work done. This can leave us feeling overwhelmed and may drive us to overwork ourselves, while feeling like we get nothing done.

This guidebook is here to change all that. The goal is to learn how to focus our attention and manage our time so we no longer have to stay at work late to finish projects or waste time away from our loved ones. Inside, we will learn that we are the ones in control over our time, not the clock, and that we can actually get things done based on a schedule of our own choosing.

As we work through this guidebook, we will learn the importance of setting goals, minimizing distractions, and even taking breaks.

When it comes to focusing, we can work with some of the best time management techniques, including the Pomodoro Method and Eat the Frog to help us get more done. Slowly, by implementing some of these tips in one at a time, you can start to turn these ideas into habits and improve your focus when getting work done.

Stop letting this noisy and distracting world get the best of you. Stop being a slave to the clock and feeling like nothing gets done. Take a look through this guidebook and see the exact steps you can use to reclaim your time and your focus!

Chapter 1: The Psychology of Staying Focused

When we think about how many things are vying for our attention right now, the list seems endless. From a long to-do list to our phones, emails, family members and more, it seems almost impossible to keep up. While modern technology is amazing and has helped improve our world so much, there is the side effect of always getting our attention.

Think about your phone. It is common to see one notification after another popping up and distracting us from the things that we need to get done. All of a sudden we have wasted an hour and have a ton of work left to do. This continues to happen throughout the day and makes it impossible to get ahead.

You are not alone in this problem. The average office worker will find a distraction every three minutes. And Research from the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University says that it can take almost 25 minutes to get back on task after a distraction. Basically, it is easy to lose focus and hard to get it back. We may not have a problem with too much work, but rather a problem with too many distractions.

How the Brain Chooses What to Focus On During the day, your brain is always on and trying to gather and take in important information. This means that it has to sort through the noise and decide what it wants to focus on. This is called selective attention and there are two main forms that come with it:


This is also known as voluntary focus and it is one of the best types. With this focus, you pay attention to your goals. You look at the bigger picture and come up with a plan that helps you get there. You know that your phone and emails keep you from reaching these goals so you ignore them. You get stuff done on time, if not ahead of time.


This is more of a stimulus-driven focus. When a thought starts to creep up to you or a notification shows up on the phone and you get distracted, this is a sign that you work with bottom-up focus. You have to pay attention to what is going on around you, rather than the thing that deserves the most attention for you.

What’s the Problem Here?

The ultimate goal is to become a top-down thinker. This allows us to focus on what is important and avoid all the rest. Unfortunately, because of our natural instincts, we are often bottom-up focusers instead. Willpower and focus are finite resources, which means that the more you are distracted, the harder it is to get back on track. And since we are bottom-up focusers, every little thing is enough to distract us from our goals.

Since most of us can be easily distracted by little things like emails and notifications on our phones, we need to prepare for this. We need to be aware of it and limit the amount of distractions that we have during the day. Turning your phone off and staying away from social media, for example, can help keep the distractions down so your brain will not even realize they are there and you can focus on your work.

There is just too much that is adding to our focus problem and trying to draw our attention away from what is important. Those notifications, those emails, and those little things have a way of drawing us in, even if they are not that important at all. We think we just give them a few moments of our attention, but it does not take long for them to take over and then we get nothing done during the day.

Notifications are Just as Distracting as Phone Calls In the past, we would not know anyone was trying to contact us on our phones unless it rang. This was less frequent because most people had to have something important to talk about before they would go through the effort because it took some time for a phone conversation. Today, our phones often do not ring as much. But we may here a single beep or a vibration for a text or a Facebook message. And since these take the sender just a few moments, we may get a lot of them during the day.

A study from three researchers at Florida State University suggest that getting one of these notifications, no matter how small they may be, could distract us as much as responding to a text message or a phone call, even if we do not respond to it.

During this study, there were about 150 students who had to complete a test of sustained attentional performance. During this test, the subjects are given a series of single digits on a screen and a new digit will show up every second.

During this, the students are meant to tap on the keyboard each time the digit changes, unless the new digit is a 3. Each person did the test two times. The first time they did it without their devices there to interrupt them. The second time, they could have their phone and assistants to the test would text or place phone calls to these phones.

Through this, researchers found that the performance for that assessment suffered if the student receive audible notification on their phone of any kind. Each type of phone distraction, whether it was a phone call or a text, was destructive to how well they did. It didn’t seem to matter if the student didn’t answer the phone or ignored the text. If they got the notification, they still knew they had that notification and their performance suffered.

This is telling to our focus and it is an example of how bottom-up thinking works. Something as small as a text notification is enough to send our focus out the window and can make our performance suffer. Recognizing this and finding methods to limit the impact it has on our work can be critical if you want to improve how well you do at work.

Ultimate Usp PLR Ebook

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What is a USP?

USP stands for Unique Selling Proposition (or Point) and every business needs one. It’s easy to spot a USP once you see one in action. It’s the service or product that you offer which no other business is currently offering to their clients.

It’s what your business stands for.

It’s how you’re different.

Your USP is why consumers should do business with you, versus the competition. It’ll also be the reason they keep coming back to your business.

And contrary to popular belief, your USP can (and should) change over time, as market needs change, audiences prioritize different things and your overall industry grows and shifts.

That being said, your original USP will continue to deliver on the promise you made – it will just evolve over time.

In this special report, we’ll look at a few examples of winning USP’s so you can see what a USP is, and how to create one for yourself.

You may be thinking: This isn’t going to work. What do I have to offer my customers that my competitors aren’t already giving them?

After all, how many clothing stores, groceries, hardware stores, and gas stations are out there?

And yet, each one of them has its own unique selling proposition that attracts a certain type of customer.

HelloFresh, a meal kit delivery company, offers the following USP: America’s Most Popular Meal Kit.

That’s their selling point – what they’re offering that the other meal kit companies aren’t. They’re the most popular choice, which provides social proof and validation. Just this alone will entice new customers to purchase from them so that they too are part of the “club”.

Make sense?

If you look at their landing page, they include multiple benefits, all within their USP, such as:

Offering largest recipe variety on the market of meal kit delivery services.

They have the most 5-star reviews of all meal kit companies.
They test each recipe 45 times to make sure each one is simple to make and delicious.

And finally, they require no commitment, allowing people to cancel at any time.

If you’re in the market for a meal kit delivery service, you’ll like be attracted to a USP like that: America’s most popular.

Their USP has done the work at showcasing that they’re the ‘chosen’ company – the one that most Americans have decided to use, which goes the distance in assuring potential customers that they should also subscribe to their service.

Take a look at what these USP’s actually do.

They go beyond just a catchy phrase or slogan. Each part of their USP tells you one important point about the company’s product and service.
Each one highlights something their competitors aren’t doing.

And most importantly, every component of their USP answers the question,

“Why should I choose your business over another?”

And that’s the question you should be asking yourself about your own business when it comes time to create a USP.

You may not think that your business has a unique selling proposition… that it isn’t different from another, but it is.


Because no one else is like you. Your story, the reason behind creating your brand, your goals and why/how you plan to help your market are all part of the foundation behind a successful USP.

Weave your own unique story into your notes when coming up with ideas for your USP. But make sure others will relate to it.

Your USP will and always should focus on how your products or services benefit your customer – not how it benefits you – but your own story is often an easy starting point when evaluating your business and how it’s different.

Meat Substitutes PLR Ebook

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Every year, more people are reconsidering the amount of meat they consume, choosing instead to implement healthy meat substitutes into their diets.

In fact, Persistence Market Research says the global plant-based protein industry may reach $16.3 billion by the year 2026, if it keeps growing at this rate.

There are a number of reasons for this:

With skyrocketing meat prices, and science that indicates that consuming a high level of meat may actually be unhealthy, more people are choosing a meat-free diet.

In addition, with the enormous meat “ranches” producing massive amounts of methane and depleting resources that could be used for human consumption – it’s just another reason that people are taking another look at meat substitutes for their dietary needs.

However, one thing to keep in mind if you are considering eliminating meat from your diet is that you must ensure you’re still receiving enough protein in your diet in order to stay healthy. Protein is every bit as important as vitamins, carbohydrates, and regular exercise when it comes to your overall health.

You see, protein helps build and repair body tissues such as bone, blood, skin, and muscles. Proteins also help increase overall muscle mass and strength. In addition, they help boost your metabolism so you can burn more fat.

A scientific study even showed that a high-protein diet helped lower blood pressure, “bad” cholesterol, and triglycerides. Protein also helps you feel fuller with less food, which is great for weight maintenance or loss.

To help you get started, we’ll take a look at some of the top meat substitutes throughout this special report.

Important Note Before We Begin:

When choosing a meatless product, carefully check the ingredients and the nutrition label. You want to make sure it isn’t loaded with unhealthy fats and salt, or are over-processed.

Look at the number of ingredients as well – the more ingredients there are, the more highly processed the product is. Also look for sodium and added sugar (fruit sugar is a natural form that’s better for you).

Not all products even contain enough protein to satisfy the daily recommended amount, so always read the labels. Some meat substitutes will contain added vitamins and nutrients that may be lacking in a typical vegetarian diet, like iron, zinc, and Vitamin B12.

In fact, only a few plant foods contain all nine of the essential amino acids needed. These are called complete proteins.

Soy, buckwheat, and quinoa are among the few plants that are complete proteins, so be sure to eat a variety of plant foods in order to get all of your essential amino acids.

Today, we’ll look at the top ten meat substitutes, as well as some nutritional information that you should know.

Let’s begin!

Meat Substitute #1: Tofu

Most meat substitutes are typically made of legumes like soy or peas, vegetables, and cereals. Those plants produce nearly as much protein as your body needs and can be combined to equal as much as you’d get from eating meat.

Tofu is the classic and most well-known meat substitute. It’s made from soybeans and has been used in Asia for centuries as an inexpensive, but healthy source of dietary protein.

It’s also low in calories and easily absorbs aromas and flavors from the spices and marinades you may use.

This makes it a versatile part of your diet. It’s meant to be eaten more like cheese – as a flavorful meal component all its own – though you can make some nice alt-meat products from it.

You make tofu by soaking soybeans, then mashing them with more water to make a puree. The next step is to filter the puree to separate the fibrous solids from the liquid part.

Heat the liquids to just below boiling points so it curdles, making the solid tofu in much the same way as cheese is made. You then press the tofu into slabs and cut it into whatever shape you wish – usually simple rectangles. The fibrous solid part of the puree, called okara, can be dehydrated and used as alt-meat chunks or mince.

Tofu comes in extra-firm, firm, soft, or silken. You can also press even more water from it before cooking for a crispier product.

Some recipes call for it to be patted dry before cooking. Make sure you follow your recipe to get the most flavor from your tofu.

Silken tofu is great for smoothies, while extra-firm can be fried or grilled like regular meat.

One cup of tofu usually contains about 188 calories, 20 grams of protein, 12 grams of fat, 868 milligrams of calcium, 13 milligrams of iron, and 0.7 grams of fiber.

One thing to look for is a non-GMO product or certified organic. According to a 2016 study, about 82 percent of the world’s soybean farms grow genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Many consumers are leery of GMOs since we haven’t been eating them for very long and don’t know the long-term consequences of such products.

Soy is what’s called a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine needed amino acids. It’s usually fortified with Vitamin B12, which isn’t found in plant-based proteins.

Note that soy does contain natural phytoestrogens, so you shouldn’t eat it more than once or twice a week.

If you’re pregnant or have had a hormone-related cancer, talk to your doctor before eating tofu because the natural hormone might cause severe problems.

Become A Super-ager PLR Ebook

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Everyone wants to live longer. With modern medicine, human beings have already increased their natural life span by curing many childhood diseases and vaccinating against viral killers like measles, influenza, and pneumonia.

You’re not likely to die from infections, either, thanks to antibiotics, nor are you to succumb to diseases like diabetes, because of the development of insulin.

And when reflecting on how much the average lifespan has changed over the years, there’s a lot to be thankful for.

In 1900, average life expectancy was around 46 years. Today, it’s nearly 80 years!

But as wonderful as it is that overall life expectancy has increased over the years, there are things we can do to further encourage a longer lifespan.

And that’s what this special report, Become a Super-Ager, is all about.

We will take a look at the different ways you can live longer, healthier and happier just by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle.

And best of all, every strategy and technique featured in this report is backed by science.

To without further delay, let’s begin!

See a Doctor Regularly

One of the common mistakes people make, especially elderly, is to assume that they’re healthy.

They put off seeing a doctor, even if they do have that little twinge in their chest or crackle when they bend over.

One of the best things you can do to prolong your life is to pay regular visits to your family doctor.

It’s easy to tell yourself, “It’s just a little pain,” or “I’ll be okay in a few days.” That is, until you wind up in the emergency room and the doctor says, “I wish you’d come in years ago when we could have taken care of this problem.”

In fact, there are hundreds of different diseases and conditions that are easily prevented with regular check-ups and self-care.

But if you don’t go in for that physical exam, how are you going to know if you are suffering from one of them?

Don’t self-diagnose.

It’s far too common for people to Google their symptoms in an attempt to figure things out for themselves. Keyword searches for “home remedies” have been growing in popularity every year with people trying to resolve their issues and improve their health on their own.

Don’t make this mistake. See your doctor regularly and especially if you aren’t feeling well. The earlier possible issues are caught and diagnosed, the better your chances at overcoming whatever is ailing you.

In addition, many insurance plans will pay for a yearly physical so be sure to take advantage of any coverage you have, keeping in mind that plans typically reset every year.

You can also get intensive check-ups, with MRI scans, EKGs, x-rays, and other modern scanning techniques.

Sometimes those scans will catch conditions like an aneurism, or undetected coronary artery disease, two of the top killers of them all.

These are more expensive than a typical physical exam, but if you have a family history of certain disorders, it’s worth asking your doctor about.

Spend More Time Outside

It’s time to get outside and into the sunlight. Not only will this make you feel better overall but it has been proven to increase longevity.

Here’s why:

When you expose your skin to sunlight, it produces vitamin D.

Doctors estimate that as many as 50% of modern humans don’t get enough sunlight to produce the proper levels of vitamin D.

This is an easy fix for any of us. Just go outside for 15 minutes a day and expose your face and hands (at least) to sunlight.

Remember not to overdo it, because the ultraviolet light will also cause burns and skin cancer if you stay out too long. Fifteen minutes is plenty of time to get that vitamin D into your skin.

Vitamin D isn’t just important for healthy bones, but it’s also helpful with heart disease, diabetes, depression, and other conditions.

Ultimate Hustle PLR Ebook

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If you’ve been looking for a way to maximize your income while still working a full-time job or focusing on other ventures, this special report will help you set on the right path.

Side hustles are simply profitable opportunities that you can take advantage of but aren’t necessarily devoting a lot of time to.

And while many people start off making money with side hustles as a way of simply adding some extra money to their monthly income, it’s not uncommon for side hustles to start making so much money that they quickly become a primary source of income and replace your 9-5.

In other words, a MAIN hustle.

So, begin by exploring the different side hustles featured in this special report.

Write down notes and ideas as you read through the content and then once you’re finished, create a plan of action!

Side hustles are one of the best ways to quickly pay off debt, save for retirement or simple to minimize financial stress so you can live your best life.

And finally, the best side hustles are flexible and can continue to be profitable without having to commit to spending a lot of time working them.

While most of the side hustles featured in this report can easily be expanded into a much larger business, they are designed so that you can work as little or as much as you wish when just starting out.

So without further delay, let’s begin!

Create Video Tutorials

People are always looking for how-to videos that show them how to achieve a goal, complete a task or simply to learn something new.

This makes video tutorials extremely profitable and with platforms like Vimeo and YouTube, it’s easy to quickly build a channel and generate quality traffic quickly (and at little to no cost).

To begin, consider the type of content you would like to create, particularly what skills or knowledge you possess that could be turned into video-tutorial content.

Then, spend some time reviewing existing video tutorials in that niche on YouTube in order to get familiar with the style, tone and voice that established creators are offering to their audiences.

This is when you’ll also want to decide on your overall video tutorial format, such as whether you’ll create an explainer video, presentation-style video, or perhaps a screencast video.

The more you research your market, the easier it will be to come up with creative ideas that will attract viewers, so dedicate a bit of time to exploring popular channels.

You will also want to create a storyboard or script that guides you through the video. This will minimize errors and help your video flow so that people stay engaged.

Next, you’ll want to purchase a bit of equipment in order to create high-quality videos, but you don’t have to go all out.

You can get started with just a high-quality microphone and a screen-capture software program such as: Snagit or Camtasia, two of the most popular tools used by both beginners and professionals alike.

If you’d like to explore this side hustle further, here’s a great step-by-step guide to getting started (it’s free!): https://www.techsmith.com/blog/instructional-videos/

Offer Online Training

Similar to creating video tutorials based on your knowledge and skills, you can take things a step further by creating online courses and training programs.

Students will pay for access to your training which can be delivered a number of ways including through one of the popular course platforms like https://www.Teachable.com or https://www.Thinkrific.com

When it comes to creating your training material, you can choose to develop video-based lessons, text lessons or a combination of both.

The preferred format should be based on your market and what they are looking for so you’ll want to spend some time researching your niche, including existing courses based on your chosen topic.

Loving Your Imperfect Body PLR Ebook

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Bodies smell. They leak. They wrinkle, get blemishes, creak, and ache. They have hair sprouting from weird places, even when hair won’t grow where it’s wanted. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes, all colors, and with all kinds of flaws and differences in ability. And of course, as the children’s book says, everybody poops.

In short, all bodies are flawed and imperfect. At the same time, our bodies house our thoughts, dreams and emotions, and allow us to see, hear, feel, and experience the world. While there may be a world beyond our physical self, right now, as a living, breathing human, your body is the only home you’ve got. It’s important to love your home, even if it’s got a few flaws (which they all do). 

Our body image influences our self-esteem and self-confidence, affects our physical and mental health, and changes how we move through the world. If you struggle to love your body, read on to learn more about body image and how it can be improved.

What Is Body Image?

The term “body image” refers to how we feel about our bodies, how we physically inhabit our bodies, and how we see ourselves – both in our mind’s eye and when we look in a mirror. Body image is different than appearance, and in many cases, our own body image is quite different than how an objective observer would describe us. 

A Positive Body Image

People with a positive body image have a realistic sense of their own appearance. They know that their appearance does not define their worth as a person, and they are happy and content in their own skin.

Having a positive body image does not mean that a person thinks that their body is perfect or without flaws; rather, it means that they understand that everybody has flaws, and is nonetheless deserving of love and respect. 

A Negative Body Image

In contrast, people with a negative body image can’t accept their physical flaws. A negative body image can lead to feelings of shame, or a need to hide. It can keep someone from engaging in social activities and can be a barrier to intimacy in relationships.

A negative body image can also lead to people spending excessive time and money “hiding” their flaws with makeup, accessories, or clothing, or seeking out cosmetic procedures but finding little relief from their appearance-related anxieties. 

People with a negative body image can become obsessed with perceived flaws that are not noticeable or only minor to an outside observer. In extreme cases, a negative body image can lead to body dysmorphia, in which someone sees their body as radically different than it actually is. For example, a body builder with body dysmorphia may see a frail, scrawny wimp in the mirror, even though they are, objectively, built like a tank. 

A negative body image can lead to poor self-esteem and low-self-confidence, and people with a negative self-image are more likely to suffer from poor mental health, including depression and anxiety.

While a negative body image isn’t the only cause of eating disorders, it is a contributor. Even in those who do not have full-fledged eating disorders, a negative body image can lead to disordered eating behaviors, including fasting, restricting food groups, dieting, binging, and excessive exercise, all of which can take a toll on health and wellbeing. 

Worrying about Our Appearance

Unfortunately, today’s society makes it easy to feel bad about one’s body. Even as North Americans are getting larger, our image of the ideal body is getting thinner – and harder to obtain. For example, fashion models used to be 8% smaller than the average woman, and now they are 30% smaller – and several inches taller.

For men, the physical ideal has also shifted. Just look at the leading men in any Marvel movie, with their elaborately sculped muscles, as compared to the biggest stars of the 1950s. Certainly, celebrities such as James Dean and Marlon Brando were fit and handsome, but they didn’t spend hours in the gym or eat highly specific diets under the watchful eye of trainers and nutritionists as today’s impossibly lean and muscular stars do.

Studies show that both men and women are worried about their appearance. Estimates suggest that around 70% of women aged 18-30 don’t like their body, and around 50% try to control their weight with unhealthy behaviors. Among men, 43% don’t like their body and body dissatisfaction is growing among men.  

A positive body image is important for a happy, healthy, well-adjusted life. A negative body image harms physical and mental health and can hold us back from achieving our dreams. Read on for more about how our body image is formed in childhood and adolescence.

Body Image in Childhood and the Teen Years

As infants, our first job is to figure out how our body works. At first, we can’t even lift our heads, but soon we are crawling, walking, and then running around, getting into mischief. Soon after we start learning to move our bodies, we start absorbing messages about which bodies are good, and which are bad. Studies show that children as young as three may start to worry about their weight.

While humans have always valued beauty – a walk through any art gallery will teach you that – today’s concern about body weight is newly intense and is affecting children at younger and younger ages. In 1970, the average age that girls began dieting was 14, but by 1990, that age had dropped to 8. By age 10, more than 80% of girls have been on a diet.

As well as worrying about their own weight, young children also start to judge others based on weight. Elementary school students who are obese are 65% more likely to bullied by their peers, and those who are overweight are 13% more likely to be bullied.

While children are worried about their appearance at earlier ages than ever before, puberty is still the worst time for liking one’s body. The average person’s body image hits an all-time low between the ages of 12 and 15, and self-esteem drops along with it. Studies show that by the teen years, many girls will give up many activities such as going to the beach, playing sports, or even speaking in public, because of concerns about their appearance.

Along with the decrease in body image during adolescence comes an increased risk of eating disorders. Most eating disorders begin during the teen years. Even among teens who do not have a full-fledged eating disorder, unhealthy eating patterns are common. Half of teen girls and a third of teen boys fast, binge, or use smoking, laxatives or excessive exercise to control their weight.

Evidence shows that media, including movies, television, magazines, and social media, is a big contributor to teen’s body dissatisfaction. Studies show that the more time young women spent on social media, the more likely they are to have a poor body image.

When teens read articles about dieting and weight loss, girls are six times more likely to engage in unhealthy eating, while boys are four times more likely. Over 90% of teenage girls feel that the media pressures them to be thin. While 65% think that fashion models are too thin, 46% strive to look like the images they see in fashion magazines.

Type 2 Diabetes PLR Ebook

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Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. Of the more than 30 million Americans with diabetes, 90% have type 2 diabetes, while the remainder have type 1, or insulin-dependent diabetes.

In type 1 diabetes, the body’s own immune system damages the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes can’t be cured and requires daily insulin treatment. In contrast, type 2 diabetes can be managed by diet and lifestyle changes, although some people will also need medication to manage their blood sugar levels.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body doesn’t handle insulin well or cells stop responding to it, causing blood sugar levels to become too high. Over time, if it isn’t treated, high blood sugar causes serious damage throughout the body, resulting in vision problems, skin infections, and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

Who Gets Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes begins with a period of prediabetes, when blood sugar levels are elevated but not as high as a full diabetes diagnosis. Prediabetes is more easily reversed than diabetes, so it’s important to be aware of both conditions. If your blood sugar is high but you don’t yet have diabetes, it’s important to make changes to bring your blood sugar down. 

The main risk factors for both prediabetes and type 2 diabetes are the same. They include: 

Being overweight or obese
Having a waist circumference of 40” or more for men, or 35” or more for women
Being 45 years or older
Having a family history of diabetes
Having had gestational diabetes or having given birth to a baby over 9 pounds
Being sedentary (physically active less than three times a week)
Being of African American, Hispanic, American Indian, Alaska Native, Pacific Island, or Asian American descent

While the risk of type 2 diabetes increases with age, people of any age can get it. In fact, the number of children diagnosed with type 2 diabetes has steadily increased over the past couple of decades, alongside the rise in childhood obesity. The number of youths under 20 with type 2 diabetes is still small – less than 200,000 children and teens – but as childhood obesity increases, these numbers are likely to increase.

A healthy diet and plenty of activity is the key to preventing type 2 diabetes in children. Only one in three American children get daily physical activity, yet children and teens should be active for at least an hour every day. 

How Diabetes Is Diagnosed

Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed with several tests that show your blood sugar levels. Your doctor will test you if you show symptoms of diabetes. Many doctors will also conduct regular blood sugar tests as part of your annual check-ups. This is important since in its early stages, type 2 diabetes may not show symptoms, or the symptoms may be very mild. You should talk to your doctor about routine diabetes screening if you:

Have a body mass index (BMI) over 25 (23 if you are of Asian descent) and have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, are sedentary, have a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), or have a family history of diabetes. 

Are older than 45. If your initial test is clear, retests are advised every three years. 
Have a history of gestational diabetes.
Have prediabetes with mildly high blood sugar. 

Diabetes is diagnosed through blood tests. The most common test is a glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test, which measures your average blood sugar level. An A1C level of 6.5% on two separate tests means that you have diabetes, an A1C level between 5.7 and 6.4% shows prediabetes, and less than 5.7 is a normal reading. In some cases, your doctor may also recommend a random blood sugar test, a fasting blood sugar test, or an oral glucose tolerance test. 

If your doctor suspects that you might have type 1 diabetes rather than type 2 diabetes, you will need urine tests for specific byproducts that are produced in the kidneys of people with type 1 diabetes. 

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes, it’s important to make lifestyle changes as soon as possible to prevent diabetes. The same lifestyle changes are needed with diabetes, and your doctor may also recommend some medications. 

Make First 100 On The Web PLR Ebook

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Making your first $100 online is easy.

Actually that’s not quite true – actually earning your first $100 online IS pretty easy…and what I’m going to show you in this book makes it easier.;

What’s hard is believing you can do it, and sticking with the method.

Once you’ve made $100 then replicating the system is easy. You know you can do it, your sub-conscious belief system kicks into place and before you know it, pulling in $100 daily will be a pretty simple matter.

It’s that first step that takes some doing.

So much so that I think it’s easier to make $1000, $10,000 or $100,000 online that it is to make $100.

Take that first step, jump that first hurdle and you’ll never look back.

The best, simplest and easiest way to start is selling other people’s products as an affiliate. There’s very little risk, the setting up is quite straightforward with a little help (that’s what this book is for) and the results usually speak for themselves.

So let’s start with the first $100…………

Chapter 01 - Getting Started As An Affiliate

One of the easiest ways to get started in internet marketing is to promote affiliate products. This means you get a commission for each sale of a particular product that comes from your link or referral. It’s definitely the easiest route into making money online.

You don’t have to spend time and effort creating and marketing a product of your own, you don’t have to deal with customer service and recruiting people to sell for you...all that you have to do is find a product to promote and create a website or link “pre-selling” the product.

Many affiliates choose Clickbank.com to start out with, for a number of reasons. They are incredibly easy to use, the merchants pay generous commissions, and their products sell well.

Clickbank describes themselves as a “leading retailer of digital products”; they do not sell physical products. Everything on their site can be digitally downloaded.

So to explain to you how to get started in affiliate marketing, we are going to use Clickbank as an example, although there are many other reputable affiliate companies as well, such as paydotcom, Commission Junction, Pepperjam, and countless others.

To sign up as an affiliate at clickbank, all you have to do is go to their home page at www.clickbank.com.

At the top of the page, you will see a link that says “sign up”, and you click on that link to create your affiliate account.

When you sign up, you need to give Clickbank your physical address, because they will be mailing you a check for your commission. They do not currently have an option to pay via paypal, but they HAVE just introduced a direct to bank account system. This makes things a whole lot easier if you live outside the US.

They will also ask you to choose a nickname. This nickname is how you get your commissions, because you are going to include it in a link called a hoplink. Don’t worry it’s not madly complicated – this is just a web address that people can click on that includes your nickname so when you make sales, Clickbank knows who to pay.

When You Choose Your Nickname, Choose Wisely
We’ll talk more about hoplinks shortly, because they’re very important.
They are how you get paid.

Customers will be able to see the nickname in your hoplink, so keep that in mind when choosing it.

Also, once you choose that nickname, you will not be able to change it later.

Here’s how Clickbank works: when a publisher creates a digital product that they want to promote, they are going to want as much help selling that product as possible.

The best way for them to enlist an army of salespeople is to pay those salespeople, (referred to as affiliates), a generous commission. Generally they are going to pay most of the sales price to the affiliate. A product that sells for $37, for instance, will probably net the affiliate about $23 per sale.

A usual commission to an affiliate ranges from 50% - 75%

If a merchant pays too low a percentage to their affiliates, the affiliates are most likely not going to feel very inspired to promote the product, and the merchant’s sales will suffer.

The Vegan Green Book MRR Ebook

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History of Vegetarianism

To get a good understanding of being a vegetarian, vegetarian food, and cooking it will help to learn about the origins of Vegetarianism. Vegetarianism can be traced back to ancient Egyptian society where many religious sects abstained from eating meat or wearing clothing that was made from animal skins do to their beliefs in reincarnation. The practice could also be found in ancient Greece. Most notably, the famed scholar Pythagoras, known for his contributions in the field of mathematics believed that being a vegetarian was an essential part of being a good human and would help lead to a peaceful existence. The idea of being a vegetarian was hotly debated by the Greeks throughout their civilization. This was one idea that the Romans did not share with the Greeks. Romans saw animals as a source of food and entertainment for the masses.


Adhering to a vegetarian diet is central to many religions.

Buddhism shows kindness to all living things and its believers hold many animals to be scared for what they provide to humans whether it is milk or as work animals to help plow fields. Followers of Christianity had different views when it came to being a vegetarian.

Chris-tians believe that humans reign over all other living things on Earth meaning that they believe that animals are here for their use whether that means as beasts of burden or as a food source.

However, that does not mean that all Christians are carnivores.

Throughout history, different sects of Christians have broken with the mainstream beliefs and preached a vegetarian lifestyle.

Vegetarianism played a key role for Christians in Eastern Europe; among these groups were the Bogomils that rose up in the 900’s in what is now modern day Bulgaria. The Bogomils were seen as heretics because they spoke out against what they saw as the excesses of monasteries and the Eastern Orthodox Church; they rejected the physical world and forswore the consumption of eggs, meat, and cheese that led them to lead a vege-tarian lifestyle.


While not all Hindu’s practice vegetarianism a substantial portion of the followers of the religion up to 35 percent adhere to a vegetarian lifestyle. Those that live as vegetarians believe that idea of nonvio-lence applies to animals and that by avoiding the slaughter of animals they will not bring bad karma upon their family. The influ-ence of vegetarianism on the Hindu religion came from its prede-cessor Brahmanism in which violence against animals was strictly controlled with its scriptures only allowing the slaughter of animals for religious sacrifice.

In Addition, the Brahmanism views are also expressed in the Hindu law book the Dharma??stra, which denounced the slaughter of animals and the consumption of meat unless it was performed in a proper religious sacrifice performed by priests. Today, the slaughter of animals based on these principles has almost come to an end.


Other major religions throughout the world to include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have followers that adhere to a vegetarian diet, but the religions do not have a strict policy concerning the consumption of animals. However, when it comes to Judaism and Islam followers of these religions will not consume meat unless it has been slaughtered through the traditional halal method for Muslims and kosher method for followers of Judaism. While both of these reli-gions allow their followers to eat meat that has been prepared in the proper manner they both avoid eating pork, and meat from carnivo-rous animals to include birds of prey.

Types of Vegetarians

If you are looking to join the vegetarian lifestyle, there are different options from which you can choose. These different options give you the opportunity to ease your way into the scene without having to jump into the deep end with no life vest. You no longer have to make the decision to swear off meat all together to be a vegetarian and you can choose to be one of the four types.


Strict vegetarians are also known as vegans and as their name implies, they do not eat any products that derive from animals, to include cheese, eggs, and cream. Vegans will replace the nutrients that are found in food that comes from animals with different food-stuffs. For example, vegans use tofu to replace meat that may be found in a dish along with the use of plant cream and plant milk. The nutrients that humans get from eggs and cheeses are replaced with the substitution of applesauce and certain ground seeds like flax.

Strict vegetarians also have their own variations of foods that meat eaters consume. If you take the time to visit your local health food store, you will have no problem finding vegetarian sausage, vegetarian burgers, vegetarian chicken nuggets, and vegetarian bacon. To replace what nutrition that is lost by not eating meat nutri-tionists recommend that vegans have a minimum of three servings a day of vegetables that include the dark green and leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, along with vegetables like carrots.

To further their nutritional intake nutritionists recommend that strict vegetarians also consume at least five servings a day of whole grains like pasta, bread, and rice. To comply with nutritionist guide-lines strict vegetarians should also have three servings of fruit and at least two servings of beans, peas, or lentils.


Research studies have shown that people that adhere to a strict vegetarian diet and follow the recommended nutritional servings have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease as well as lower levels of obesity. Studies have also shown that a properly executed vegetarian diet is safe for all ages of human life, along with situations that put more nutritional needs on the body such as pregnancy. On the other hand, if a strict vegetarian does not follow a properly planned diet they may suffer from shortages of vitamin B12, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, iron, zinc, among other vital vitamins and minerals.

To counter act some of the deficiencies that can occur with being a strict vegetarian it is recommended that vegetarians eat foods that are rich in vitamin B12 or take a vitamin B12 supplement to ensure that blood levels maintain their normal levels. The reason for this is that vitamin B12 is essential to the formation of new red blood cells, DNA synthesis, and proper nerve function. By not consuming the recommended dosage of vitamin B12, strict vegetarians are at risk for a variety of health problems to include anemia.

This is especially critical in strict vegetarians that become pregnant. Vegetarian women should supplement their diet with B12. Low levels of B12 when breastfeeding have been linked to neurological problems in children. It is also important during pregnancy for a strict vegetarian to ensure that they follow the recommended daily servings because consuming a vegetarian diet has been linked to low birth weights in newborns.

Lacto vegetarian

Lacto vegetarians follow most of the dietary recommendations of strict vegetarians except that they consume milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter but not eggs. This type of vegetarian diet is popular in India. Lacto vegetarianism is in keeping with the Eastern religions such as Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism and their belief in nonviolence. Hindu’s believe that you are affected by the type of food that you consume and being a lacto vegetarian helps them maintain an inner peace by not consuming the flesh of any animals.


This type of vegetarian diet is good for people that want to keep their cholesterol levels at an acceptable number. They can do this because lacto vegetarians abstain from eating fish and egg yolks that are high in cholesterol. Just like strict vegetarians, those who choose to become lacto vegetarians should maintain a proper diet with the recommended servings of vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and fruits. They should also back up their food selections with vitamin supplements such as B12, iodine, and choline.

Furthermore, while vegetarian diets have been deemed healthy for all ages, pregnant women should ensure that they are getting all of the recommended nutrition. If they do not, they are putting their newborn at risk for low birth weight, neurological disorders, and vision problems. They can help avoid these problems by taking the aforementioned vitamins and minerals along with DHA supplements to help the development of the newborns vision.