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Vitamin D Deficient PLR Ebook

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Did you know that an estimated 1 billion people worldwide have low levels of Vitamin D in their blood?

And did you know that Vitamin D isn’t really a Vitamin at all?

It’s a prohormone—and prohormones are substances that your body will convert into a hormone. And because of that, unlike vitamins, every cell in your body has a receptor for it.

This also means that it must be broken down from the initial form into a form your body can use. Vitamin D is then circulated throughout the body and in turn, it serves many important functions.

This so-called “vitamin” is essential in many of your body’s functions, especially your skeletal system because it supports bone growth and promotes muscle health.

In this special report, we’ll take a close look at why Vitamin D is essential, the causes of Vitamin D deficiency—as well as symptoms you should look out for—and what you can do to make sure you are getting enough.

Let’s begin!

Why You Need Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, especially as we grow older. It helps your body take calcium from the blood and use it to produce and repair bone and muscle tissue.

It also helps your body regulate calcium levels in the blood.

The most common type of Vitamin D deficiency, of course, is rickets. This is a childhood condition in which bone tissue never mineralizes properly, and the bones become soft and deformed.

However, modern research has been revealing many other health problems that proper Vitamin D levels can help protect against. We’ll talk about those later in this report.

Vitamin D also helps with the immune system. Immune cells have a receptor for Vitamin D and can synthesize the active Vitamin D metabolite or hormone, so there’s a definite connection between them.

A deficiency in Vitamin D is often associated with increased autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis. If you have enough Vitamin D in your blood, your immune system will work as designed to keep you from coming down with infections or autoimmune disorders.

Finally, Vitamin D helps the parathyroid gland, which is the one that regulates the amount of calcium in the blood.

Vitamin D helps communication between the intestines, kidneys, and skeleton so that your calcium levels are appropriate. If you have enough calcium in your blood, Vitamin D will help your body use that to form and strengthen your bones.

However, if you don’t have enough calcium, or if the Vitamin D levels are low, the parathyroid gland “borrows” it from the skeleton, weakening your bones.

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

There are several reasons why you may be struggling with a Vitamin D deficiency. In fact, as mentioned in that the start of this report, over 1-billion people are Vitamin D deficient.

Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to detect, especially if you aren’t familiar with the symptoms. Let’s take a quick look at some of the reasons why this can happen:

You don’t eat the kind of foods that support the development of Vitamin D.

Most of these foods are animal-based, like fish and fish oils, beef liver, egg yolks, and fortified milk products.

If you’re vegan, of course you don’t eat these foods, so you’re likely to suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency unless you consume supplements to make up for it.

Your skin color is very dark.

The pigment (melanin) that makes your skin tan or dark reduces your skin’s ability to form Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. So, the darker your skin, the less likely it is to make Vitamin D even if you sunbathe.

Twitterverse Explained MRR Ebook

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Today, Twitter is a social website used by absolutely millions of people to send messages to groups and friends every day. It has become one of the hottest social networks on the Internet today with thousand of new people signing up on a daily basis. This new phenomenon, ranks right up there with Facebook and LinkedIn for social contact and social media marketing. Today, companies are using this information to keep their friends, families, and customer base up to date on what is happening in their lives, families, and business ventures.

Twitter has long since considered itself to be one of the top communication systems for exchanging quick little “blurbs” of infor-mation with those you wish to keep in touch with. This short and direct communication has become known as “Tweets”, or short form messaging system, that allows a connected individual to share and listen to what is happening to and with the people their surround themselves with.

As Twitter has evolved it has become a communication device that provides many platforms for communication, but mainly communication on Twitter is done through posts, or “tweets”, which are restricted to less than approximately 140 characters in length.

Using Twitter, members can keep people updated, as well as follow updates from other members. Today, tweets are used for more than just updates; they are also used to discuss hot topics, videos, music, and events happening in the daily news.

One of the bonus features of Twitter is the ability to “Retweet”. This enables users to share things like tweets, links, and other little gems that they pick up from others who also use Twitter. New users often do not understand the benefit of retweets, but after a little time on Twitter they soon learn the value of retweets and set out to share as much as possible.

To retweet the user has a special set of tools available that make it easier to do. Some of those tools include copy and paste so you can share tweets themselves with others. When users do this, because they are using someone else’s information, the retweet is usually followed by an “RT”, short for retweet, as well as the original creator’s name. So, if you were to retweet the following sentence from “Sue-Smith”, your retweet would look like this:

The ipod I bought was great and I would recommend it RT@SueSmith AS A RULE PEOPLE TRACK, or follow, the most popular retweets on Twitter by using one of the following methods:

RETWEETRADAR – a tool for tracking and bringing to the forefront the most popular content on Twitter – right now, today, or yesterday. RETWEETLIST – this tool lets you track the most popular links that are being retweeted by other users on Twitter. You will note that it also keeps track of the accounts that are retweeted the most. TWEETNMEME – this is a tool that records and keeps score on the number of retweeted Urls and stories on Twitter and then places the ones that receive the most retweets on the front page of Tweetmeme, which if selected can be broken down into categories – i.e.: business, sports, etc.

ANOTHER GREAT THING about Twitter is that all your friends and tweets can appear on your desktop and retweets only take two simple clicks – one to create the retweet and one to post it.


As a Twitter member you will notice that the site has some great user friendly tools that will help in making your experience on Twitter a completely customized one.

However there are some steps you should initially take when creating your profile that will further enhance your customized experience.

First to ensure that you get the best possible results on the site, starting by creating your Twitter log in using your real name or company name this makes it easier for people to search for and find you. Also, using your real name makes it easier for fellow tweeters to follow and recognize you or your brand.

Including a personal photo or company logo on your profile page is always the best way to give your customized notability.

Your photo should be a good quality one; the picture should be clear, well lighted and you should have a friendly appearance the more approachable you appear the more people will follow you. If you are using a company logo make sure it is professional looking and represents your company’s brand you will want a pleasing image that people will remember and associate with your specific product or service.

Next you should work on customizing the settings on your profile page using the settings tool. Twitter does have built in themes that have predesigned backgrounds that use preset color schemes which is fine if you prefer it but you can also use the theming tools offered on the site to create your own theme and use your own personally designed color schemes.

Another customization tool available is language preference you can customize your profile to appear in your preferred language; there are several global languages to choose from. You can also change your privacy settings from public where anyone can view your tweets to private where only your followers can share your tweets.

Another way to customize your Twitter page is to share your personal media whether it is photos, videos, music or documents there is a tool available to help share your personal media. Groove-shark seems to be the most popular and user friendly music sharing application. You can tweet about a song you are listening to it.

Feature wise the most popular, free and easy to use file sharing application for sharing documents and videos is FileTwt.

If interested you can find out more about this application by visiting http://mash-able.com/2009/05/25/filetwt/.

A newer file sharing application available is Twitgram; It is a file sharing application that offers some great features such as : file send-ing, sending and sharing messages over Twitter in complete privacy, create chat rooms, organize your chats and the 140 character limit for tweets is not an issue with this application. This application however, costs to use. To find out more about Twitgram you can visit http://techcocktail.com/twitgram-share-files-sendprivate- messages-http://techcocktail.com/twitgram-share-files-sendprivate- messages-Twitter-2011-08#.TkbuGWvlx5w Also, Tweeters now have mobile access to Twitter. Now you can Twitter using most currently used mobile devices. Now Twitter is a mobile companion for the tweeters.


On Twitter the Twitter handles have become an important aspect of being a part of the community. Your handle represents you who you are and what you represent. As a matter of fact the Twitter handles have actually become a commodity on the site; there has been a need for an aftermarket to be created for the handles. The aftermarket is where Twitter handles are constantly bought and sold.

It has become a necessity for any member of the community whether business related or otherwise to claim their Twitter handle for their full name or full business name. If another member claims the name first it could lead to confusion when people are looking to contact you or your business on the site. It is very advisable to also employ this action for future business or personal prospects.

To gain followers a good way to attract people to you is to have your profile completely filled out and do so accurately. A word of warning, don’t claim expertise at something when you are not - create your brand based on your interests and your skills.

Your Twitter profile page should have a background that is related to your particular brand. When someone looks at your profile they should see an extension of who you are and what your brand repre sents. You should use the same logos, themes and color schemes as on your company website.

Furthermore, there are three different methods that can be used to brand you or your business on Twitter:

Leading with your company - Use your company as the beginning part of your account name and use your personal picture as your avatar.

Mutual branding – using your employees to subtly advertise by having their photos accompanied by the business logo as their profile avatar.

Personal branding- create everything completely about you. Using Twitter to establish that you are an expert in a particular field works very well to create an expert image for your brand and garner followers by constantly tweeting about the subject. Also, If you have a blog you can use Twitterfeed to create an affiliation between your blog and Twitter. You can also host question and answer f orums on Twitter with your followers about your field of expertise. By creating a marketing scheme you can also build up your brand.

Website Cash Ideas MRR Ebook

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More and more people across the world are turning to the internet for a solution to their financial problems in the face of the job cuts resulting from the recent economic crisis.

Many people, who have previously enjoyed successful corporate careers and who have never had to worry about money before, are now finding themselves in a situation where their pension funds have been dwindled precipitously and the college education plans they had for their children have gone up in smoke.

The situation is out of control and lots of people are now begin-ning to question whether relying on someone else for a pay-check was ever really such a good idea in the first place.

Turnkey Internet Businesses are becoming more and more popular as a second, as well as a primary, income source simply because they require hardly any up front investment and also have great earning potential.

There are lots of possibilities out there that could suit your unique interests or skills. In this Ebook, we will look to examine some of these options so that you can make an informed decision about which strategy will be best for you.


ATurnkey Business is one which you can operate, part time if desired, online from the comfort of your own home.

After researching hundreds of different opportunities, companies and Franchises, we can say with certainty that a successful Turnkey Online Business will contain the following six ingredients:

1. You have to have a product that everybody wants and needs. This doesn't have to be fancy or particularly fashionable, just something that is in demand that everybody can benefit from in the short and long term.

2. You have to have a compensation plan that will guarantee you a good immediate income with the potential for residual income down the road. The idea of building a turnkey online business is that, as the business grows, you'll have more time to spend with your friends and family and let the business run on auto-pilot.

3. You need a comprehensive system that can be easily duplicated that does the telling and selling for you. Many people have product ideas but don't want to pick up the phone to talk to people and are scared of the marketing side of their venture. Your system, therefore, needs to do all of this.

4. You need a system that provides the necessary training, via webinars and conference calls, so that you can feel confident about doing what you are doing.

5. You need to be able to mentor with people, who are already successful, doing what you want to do, who are already making the kind of money that you want to make and who already have the kind of lifestyle that you want to have. That is important because they are going to share with you how they did it and the mistakes they made along the way so you can avoid doing the same.

6. Finally, you need yourself. You are the most important piece of the process. You have to understand that, in order to be successful, you are going to have to learn new skills and put in some work initially to get your business up and running. Do not believe the nonsense that often gets peddled online about instant riches. Making a success of business on the internet is possible, but it will not happen overnight. Condition yourself to be flexible and dynamic and adopt a long term view with your strategy. Getting your expectations in check from the outset is half the battle for most newcomers.

You are reading this Ebook because you are looking for ways to generate an income from home either on a part time or a full time basis. If you are fed up worrying about whether you are going to have a job in six months or whether you are going to get that pay rise (which probably won't happen). Or, if you are just fed up working 80 hours per week for a measly wage, then keep on reading because, with the right knowledge, the internet can literally transform your life.


Google AdSense was the very first major contextual advertising program. Most of Google's earnings originate from its share of the contextual ads served on the incredible number of web-pages that run the AdSense program. Site owners can subscribe to AdSense to make it possible for text, image as well as video ads to be shown on their websites. Revenue is generated on either a per click or a per impression basis. Per click is where the advertiser pays the Search Engine (SE) along with other Internet publishers for just one click of its' adver-tisement that brings one visitor to its' web site. And an on line adver-tisement impression is just a single appearance of an advertisement on a web site.

AdSense has turned into a popular approach to placing adver-tising online since the adverts aren't as intrusive as banners and the content of the adverts is usually highly relevant to the web site. The primary reason Webmasters have for using AdSense would be to help their website's content generate revenue because they usually don't have the ability to develop advertising sales programs or employ sales agents.

AdSense works by providing webmasters with a Java-Script code which, once entered in to web-pages, displays relevant adverts from Google's inventory of advertisers. Since the ads tend to be more focussed, they will often be clicked, and this generates profit for the person who owns the web site, as well as the server of the ad itself. For contextual adverts, Google's servers make use of a cache (i.e. a sizeable storage of relevant data) of the page to find out some high-value key words. If key words have already been cached, adverts can be found for all those key words predicated on the AdWords bidding system.

For site-targeted adverts, the advertiser selects the webpage(s) to exhibit the adverts on, and then pays predicated on a Cost Per Mile, or CPM (the publisher only needs to load the advertising on his web site and show it to his visitors to be able to receive the commission), or the cost the advertisers decide to cover for each thousand adverts shown.

AdSense has received a fair amount of criticism in the past.

The primary section of complaint involves its vulnerability to click fraud. Google claims that, to prevent invalid clicks, they remove publishers from their partner network on a daily basis.

AdSense publishers can select from a number of click-tracking programs available that display step by step details about the visitors who click the AdSense adverts. Publishers may use this to find out whether they've been a victim of click fraud. Google will withhold payment until a merchant account reaches US $100.00. However, Google can pay all earned revenue of more than US $10.00 when an AdSense account is closed.


Clickbank is the world's largest internet provider of digital products. Every day, many products are put into Click-bank's marketplace for Online marketers to judge whether they would like to promote that product or not.

Those who are newcomer's to affiliate marketing visit Clickbank, examine all of the products and then put up campaigns and internet sites to advertise them. Expectations are usually huge and all of the hype that the 'pitch pages' of these products create often leads Online Marketers down a path of self destruction.

Only a small number of individuals promoting products on Click-bank ever make the 'big bucks'. Those who do not belong to the 'in-crowd' have no idea what they've done wrong and normally, after expending much effort, they quit.

To help those just getting started, there are some things that will help in determining whether an item on Clickbank may be worth promoting and whether it has the potential to create money. The points covered in this chapter can help you evaluate a great quality pitch page versus one which will not convert.

Does the headline stick out? Does it capture your attention? Does it produce a desire for you yourself to wish to read more? If it does not, it is time to search for yet another product to advertise. In the event that you are not thinking about reading the entire pitch page, neither are your visitors going to be.

Again, put your self in your customer's shoes. Take into account the benefits and options that come with what the merchandise is promoting. Does it complement your key words well for relevance and does it produce a desire for more information? Try to understand exactly how it benefits your customer.

Products that are distinctive will sell a lot better than other things. What's unique relating to this product that other products aren't offering? How could you capitalize with this to achieve a distinct market share that other people will lose out on?

Are testimonials featured? They are vital in showing the credibility of the merchandise for sale. Featuring a few of these is good but too many can be overwhelming and they may not be read.

Clickbank requires all products sold to have a fifty six day refund policy. So, if the guarantee is for longer than fifty six days, it should catch your attention.

It's amazing just how many pitch pages there are which do not implement a proactive approach. It is hard to create a sale if you do not instruct a person on how to proceed to help make the purchase.

Telephone numbers, email addresses, text links to other web pages and opt-in boxes for newsletters, free offers and trials are classed as 'exits' from the pitch page that benefit the vendor as opposed to the internet marketer. Always search through all 'exits', therefore, to ensure that they benefit both the product owner and the affiliate.

5 Benefits Of Morning Rituals PLR Ebook

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If you are not a “morning person” you may recoil in horror at the idea of waking up even earlier to include morning rituals in your busy schedule. You do not have to wake up at 5 AM everyday to benefit from introducing morning rituals into your life.

If you drink a cup of coffee in the morning or immediately start scrolling through social media after turning off your alarm then you already have morning rituals. The idea is to optimize your morning routine for a more stress-free and productive day. Our mornings can set the tone for the rest of our day which is why many experts recommend using the morning to spend some time on you.

What is a Morning Ritual?

A morning ritual is a task that you perform in the morning every day. This can range from taking a walk to making a to-do list. Your morning rituals should be tailored for what works best for you.

Benefits of Morning Rituals

These benefits of morning rituals are backed by scientific studies.

More Productive Days

Taking a few moments at the beginning of the day to organize your thoughts and plan your day can go a long way when it comes to productivity.

Going into work groggy, grumpy, and unprepared can leave you feeling unfulfilled and unaccomplished. Having a productive day is not just about making a to-do list either.

Having a morning ritual that makes you feel good about yourself and start the day off in a relaxed mood will also help you be more productive. Instead of rushing into all of the tasks you have to complete with a scrambled mind.

Less Stress

Stress is a normal human reaction to having too much to do in too little time.

There are a lot of physical and mental ways that stress can affect you over time. This includes increased anxiety, developing depression, fatigue, headaches, and even body pains from tension.

One of the ways that having a morning ritual benefits you is that you know what to expect every morning and so your brain has less to worry about. Self-care rituals like exercise, journaling, or meditation can reduce your stress levels throughout the day because you can approach challenges from a clear mindset.

Live Healthier

If your morning rituals currently include things like pressing the snooze button multiple times, scrolling on social media while chugging a boiling cup of coffee, skipping breakfast, and violating several traffic laws as you speed to work...well that’s not great, but you are not alone. Many people get into bad habits and do not know how to break them. Having a morning ritual is a great way to implement healthy habits into your life.

Having a schedule in the morning can help you make time in your day for working out and eating a healthy breakfast. These healthy habits will make you feel more energized and productive throughout the day and benefit your long term health. It is tempting to hit the snooze button (we have all been there), but once you get into a routine your body will adjust to waking up at a specific time. Having morning rituals that you enjoy to look forward to will motivate you to get out of bed in the mornings.

Better Memory

Have you ever taken a long commute to work and settled into your work when you suddenly groan and realize you forgot to complete an important task at home? Having a morning routine can help to prevent you from forgetting important things. Imagine working all night on writing a paper just to forget it at home on the day it is due. Instances like that are avoidable by using morning rituals to take time to reflect on the day ahead of you and prepare.

Getting into a regular morning routine means that you do the same tasks every morning which makes it harder to forget things. Creating a to-do list is a morning ritual that will have a huge benefit in helping you to remember all of the important things you have to get done that day. Being clear-headed in the morning helps to improve memory.

Make More Time For Yourself

Morning routines save time because you do not have to waste time thinking about what to do next. This means that you can get more sleep or get more things done in the morning. Having time for yourself in the morning means that you can spend more time getting ready for the day. You can plan out your outfits and spend more time on your appearance which will make you feel confident and look more put together.

For many people, the morning hours are a sacred time. Families with children will appreciate the quiet and calm before the kids wake up. Take time for yourself in the morning to walk outside and smell the fresh air. Write in your journal, burn a candle, meditate, take a bath, and pamper yourself and you will feel better all day. There are many ways that you can pamper yourself in the morning.

Why Morning Routines

Are Important

All of the benefits that we listed have one thing in common: they will help you be a more successful person with a more positive attitude. Both your career and personal life can benefit from morning rituals.

For Your Career

People who work in sales or management know how far a positive attitude can go. Being in a leadership position is a lot of responsibility and coming into work every morning in “pre-coffee mode” can be off-putting for your future career prospects.

Web Traffic Simplified MRR Ebook

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The World Wide Web has truly pervaded all aspects of human existence. Everything and everyone is going online now, and the move towards a totally connected world is not

“if” anymore, it’s “when”.

Statistics show that up to 85% of the people who spend time online also purchase online. If you take the North American conti-nent alone where more than 75% of the population have a broadband Internet connection at home, even if a fraction of these people buy online, it is still a huge market.

Online purchasing is also seeing tremendous growth and many companies are projecting a doubling of volume in just three years. If you take PayPal as a case in point, they have gone from $2 billion in payment volumes in 2002 to $16 billion in 2009 with revenues crossing $2.4 billion.

Amazon is another case that you can take as an example. Consid-ering that Amazon is one of the largest online retailers, if not the largest, just looking at their total sales volume will show you that the trend in terms of online purchasing is only going up. While just four years ago, in 2006, Amazon was about par with retail sales, since then they have posted higher growth rates, including during the recession years while retail sales has seen a steady decline in sales. Amazon has posted a 16% growth since the last one year alone while retail sales have grown only by 2.5%.

Online is where you will have to be in the future and whether you are selling something or just blogging about your thoughts, if you are serious about it you will have to do something to increase web tra?c to your site.

There are a number of ways in which you can do this and there are a number of people who give free advice on what you need to do to increase web tra?c. One of the most common things you hear is SEO or Search Engine Optimization, and while this is something that you have to keep in mind, there are a number of other things that you can also think about.

This guide is meant to be informative to help beginners who want to set up their own websites on the salient points that they will have to keep in mind while they do this. Some of the tips may be a little complicated, but most of them are very simple and how popular your site becomes depends on how e?ectively you can bring them all together.

The content that you put up on your website is the most critical thing that you need to think of. In the same way that a store will do well only if they sell things that people

need, you will get people visiting your website only if you give some-thing that people are looking for. Of course it also means that you are entering a crowded market because genuinely unique niches are hard to come by. If you do find one, you are on to a good thing, but even if not, as long as you make the content appealing, you are sure to find takers.

Do something that others don't do. For example, selling products or services online is catching on really fast, and you will find a number of sites with products that link back to the larger online retailers like Amazon or eBay. If you want to do the same, it is not that di?cult, except that there is something that you will have to give that other websites do not o?er. For example, if you o?er a personal review of the product that you are selling you are sure to develop a certain number of loyal customers and as long as the reviews are informative and helpful you will only get more customers with time.

There are other websites that o?er the same thing, but most of them will have only a couple of lines that they probably found in other websites and copied. If you give information that is more detailed and specific, things that only a user would know, you are sure to make a hit.


This does take more work and time, but unless you are willing to invest in good content, there is really no point in proceeding further. Make sure that you do your research. Even if you are only selling dog collars, as long as you give the pros and cons of each one honestly people will appreciate it. The goal should be to make the content such that people who even casually visit your site once will book-mark it and keep coming back.

KEEP it short and simple

While writing your content, remember that just because you want to be informative you should not have long winded articles. Statistics show that between 400 and 600 words is the best length for most online articles. If you want to fill space in your site use other interac-tive content. Not only will this make the whole thing nicer to see and read it will also relieve the monotony of just plain text.

Even if you do not have the expertise to create interactive content, just using bullet points and charts in-between text will break it up into smaller more easily read pieces.

STAY who you are

Lastly, while writing, never lose your human voice. While writing it is easy to lose the personal touch that you give when talking and instead go for a more professional voice. The only thing that this will serve to do is to make visitors feel unwanted.

This becomes more of a problem as you grow, because as you see more money come in you will start to streamline the content. You need to walk a tight rope here because it is very easy to lose what brought people to your site in the first place while doing this. The risk of changing anything is that just as there is potential for success, there is an equally good chance for failure too.

One more thing that you should keep in mind when developing web content is that the more graphics you have, the more time it takes to load the page. While this may not be a problem with many people because they have a broadband connection, a number of people access the net through their phones and palmtops, and heavy websites really slow down these machines.

Yoga Secrets Revealed PLR Ebook

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Yoga is something different to most people. It’s quite diverse, and practitioners have different expectations when they start. That’s perfectly okay. Whether your goal is greater enlightenment, a more toned and muscular body, or relief from disease, there’s a yoga for you. This b00k will serve as a guide.

The philosophy of yoga has been around for 5,000 years. That’s an undeniable staying power. Yoga is not just an ‘exercise’, it is a philosophy, a way of thinking rather than a religion. In ancient India, the word yoga meant union. It refers to a union of the entire self – mind, body, and spirit.

This union is achieved through physical poses, frequently called asanas, although asana is just one of the many types of yoga. These poses are meant to heighten awareness of mind and body, which makes yoga a natural corollary to meditation.

Today’s researchers are discovering the many benefits of yoga. While it can increase spirituality, it also has the ability to heal many

ailments and diseases, especially stress, immune system disorders, and heart problems. It also provides increased flexibility, which can reverse the aging process.

The more vigorous yoga practices are considered cardiovascular exercises. Along with a proper diet, you will be able to lose weight. The gentler types of yoga do not have cardiovascular benefits, so remember to do additional exercises.

Why are people becoming interested in yoga? The most common reason is to improve flexibility and physical health. Besides the physical benefits, yoga also boosts the mental power and paves way to spiritual enlightenment. For most, it’s the spiritual awakening that turns yoga into an important part of their lives. This is a gradual but wonderful development and opportunity for personal growth. The essence of yoga is always to become a better version of oneself.

Chapter 01 – What is the Science of Yoga?

People have been practicing yoga for thousands of years. While the original purpose was to elevate to a greater spiritual level, it became clear that yoga benefits the person as a whole. Modern scientific research has shown that the tremendous overall health benefits of a yoga lifestyle.

Yes, yoga does improve the body, but surprising scientific research has shown that it changes the brain, as well. It’s about becoming a better version of yourself and getting in touch with the real, authentic you as the brain becomes more uncluttered. It keeps us focused on the present. While yoga begins on the mat, it extends to our entire day as greater compassion and awareness becomes a part of our life.

Yoga won’t provide untold riches, although the physical benefits are remarkable. The world is already filled with abundance, much of which we ignore. The real beauty of yoga is that it grounds us to the present, connecting us to the abundance that is within our grasp. A better, more fulfilled life is within our reach when we let go and simply accept what is there.

Each yoga pose, which usually involves stretches, has its own purpose and benefit. The practitioner becomes aware of tension and learns to release it. Yoga poses are very specific, and perfection comes with practice, but it is not the ultimate goal. Yoga involves a lot of stretching, but, more importantly, it creates balance by increasing flexibility and strength. Whatever type of yoga you practice, your body and mind simply improve.

Yoga is extremely diverse and individual, which makes it important to work at your own level of comfort. Don’t use the person next to you in class as a guide, or even the teacher. Work the poses in the best way for you. This isn’t a speed contest, and you have nothing to prove. Yoga is a lifetime commitment, not a competition.

Even if you are not used to exercising, you can practice yoga. You may not be as flexible as the next person, but you will get there. Yoga is always a work in progress and never a competition. While it is a physical practice, yoga will inevitably touch on your spiritual side. It unifies mind and body to become one.

Research conducted throughout the 20th century has found a myriad of physical benefits to practicing yoga.

Relief from Stress

Our lives are filled with daily stressors, and we know that stress can cause tremendous damage to the body and mind. The boss wants to talk, your spouse is upset, the mortgage is overdue, and the kids want the keys to the car. Just another typical day.

Holding yoga poses, stretching muscles, being focused on the presents, and breathing deeply and slowly helps us achieve a state of greater relaxation and harmony. We are able to consciously choose our response to stress instead of being at its mercy. Remaining calm under difficult circumstances is a choice, and yoga can provide the tools.

Yoga and Pain Relief

Studies have proven that practicing yoga can provide tremendous relief for people suffering from multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and other chronic conditions. We’ll discuss its amazing effect on the auto-immune system and cardio system at greater length in other chapters.

Yoga and Breathing

Yoga combines physical movements with breathing. Slower, deeper breathing can alleviate stress.

Yoga and Flexibility

Yoga involves a lot a stretching, which strengthens muscles. Since yoga impacts the entire body, flexibility and elasticity from head to toe. It also loosens tight, tense muscles and helps us become more relaxed.

Yoga and Weight Management

Yoga does not burn up as many calories as some other exercise regimes. However, it does increase body awareness. People who practice yoga become more aware of what they eat and the effect such food has upon their health.

This usually leads to better, healthier eating habits and a natural loss of unwanted weight.

Yoga and Circulation

If your blood isn’t supplying your body and brain properly with oxygen, your health will suffer. You need proper circulation for the brain to function, energy, and the growth of cells. Sluggish circulation can cause nerve and tissue damage, blood clots, dizziness, among other problems.

The thorough stretching in most yoga poses will improve circulation. The Camel Pose described in this book is an excellent way to improve circulation.

Yoga and Cardio Health

For patients who have experienced heart surgery, depression and anxiety can be a natural result. Yoga can be helpful in managing this type of post-operative stress. It can also lower blood pressure, serving as a preventive heart-healthy measure. The specific heart benefits will be discussed in a separate chapter.

There’s No Hurry – Take Your Time

These benefits will take time to achieve. Yoga is not a two-week miracle program. So, as you begin with your yoga sessions, allow sufficient time for the results to manifest themselves. You should see a huge difference in approximately two months. Whatever your reason for practicing yoga, you should notice an improvement in all aspects of your being.

Web Video Strategies MRR Ebook

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Changing technologies have sourced paradigm shifts in the way companies used to do their business. Gone are the days when print media, radio and television were considered the only ways of reaching the masses. The internet evolution has caused a revolution especially in the fields of advertising and market-ing. Internet has become the most effective mode of communication and today millions of companies around the world are engaging in online business activities in one way or another.

Even the companies who do not have an online presence rely extensively on online adver-tising and marketing campaigns in order to reach to millions of potential consumers and create brand awareness and promote their products and services.

As internet is becoming the most extensive medium of communi-cation. Well focused and future oriented companies realize the potential of the “Interactivity” of the online medium and hence they are spending millions of dollars on online marketing.

According to a report published on the 13th of October 2010 on marketing-interactive.com; which states that:

“Although severe global recessionary pressures have affected the economies in the last couple of years, it appears that the recession doesn't exist on the web. This statement was based on the basis of report presented by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and The Price Water House Coopers (PWC) which suggests that during the first half of the year 2010, advertisers spent US 12.1 billion dollars on the web, which is a record spending on online advertising for a half-year period. According to the report the online advertising spending climbed to 11.3% over the same period in 2009. That spree was fueled by a robust 6.2 billion US dollar in spending during the second quarter of 2010, marking the second-largest revenue quarter ever tracked by the Interactive Advertising Bureau /Price water house Coopers (roughly $6.3 billion was spent during last quarter of the year 2009).

Analyzing the results the report further highlighted the comments of David Silverman, a partner at Price Water House Cooper (PWC) maintained that despite an adverse impact of recession, the double-digit growth in both online search and display clearly suggests that the prospects for online advertising continue to be strong and it clearly indicates long-term growth in the future.” Visualizing the importance of online marketing and advertising, businesses are engaging into an incessant war to improve their visi-bility, drawing more and more traffic to their web sites. Online marketers and advertisers are constantly incorporating various tactics and strategies to attract the attention of the masses of visitors and stand out to their competitors. Hence there are several forms of online marketing through which companies can maximize search engine rankings online, one of which is Video Marketing.


Video marketing is defined as a marketing strategy use by companies to promote their products and services by using short, attractive and informative videos. The basic objective of developing and using such videos is to induce product or brand awareness in the prospective customers and entice them into purchasing the promoted products and services. It is also essential to note that video marketing is basically a strategy of marketing products through video as people sometimes confuse it with marketing the videos.

Communication through videos has always been the most efficient means of conveying your message successfully to your audience.

As it is a well-known phrase that “A picture is worth a thousand words”, video communication is a potential mode of communication to reach thousands of people. A visual presentation instead of textual material is not only attractive and visually appealing but also remains in the minds of the visitor for a long time.

This is why today video communication is getting more and more important and companies are trying to improve their marketing efficiency through video marketing and giving its importance this book is dedicated to give you, an in depth information about Video Marketing. If you want to become a successful online marketer and want to stand out of your competitors through incorporating effective marketing tactics by incorporating videos in your websites and other online sources than this book is essential for you and will help you explore not only the importance and the scope of video marketing but also it will help you to explore how to create and develop an effective, and ways to embed it in your websites.

Further we will discuss several tips and tactics that can improve the efficiency of your videos. Hence this book presents a complete outlook on video marketing.


Afamous Russian story writer and dramatist, Anton Chekhov once said that; “DON'T TELL me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass”.

IT IS WELL-KNOWN fact that human brain always tends to visualize things whenever they read or see something, hence in order to communicate your message it is always important to remember that showing is better than telling. This quote is practiced well by expert marketers as effective marketing is also an art of showing not telling. As mentioned in the previous chapter that a picture message is worth more than a textual message. In an advertisement that is composed of text only, an online visitor has to go through the text, which consumes extra time and effort, in order to figure out the message conveyed. However, visual demonstration captures a viewer's atten-tion quickly and has the potential to create an impact on the minds of a viewer. This is the reason why many marketers either conventional marketers and/ or the online marketers prefer to use video clips in order to advertise and promotes their products well.

Also as it is a common knowledge that nowadays people enjoy searching the internet rather than to watch TV or to read newspapers, there is an emerging trend of increasing number of people turning to the internet in search of information. Even one of the major online icons Google recognized the importance of video marketing and recently bought out YouTube, the top video site on the Internet, which is one of the first sites that comes to mind when you want to do a video search for something. So bringing video into your campaigns is important to give your site a big boost.

As internet is becoming a globally preferred medium of communication and videos being the most efficient and attracting modes of communication, online marketers are extensively using internet marketing videos to attract high number of visitors towards their websites. Statistics reveals that there is an emerging scope of online video marketing as online video helps the businesses to reach to a wide range of best prospects instantly. According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and The Price Water House Coopers (PWC) report, ad spending on digital video enjoyed its best quarter ever, jumping 31 percent vs. the first half of '09.

Another report indicated that the year 2009, was definitely a year when online video boomed, as in the United States the total time spent watching online video grew up by 34.9 percent.

Hence, online videos are getting popular as it does not only enable you to reach the targeted customers across geographical boundaries and fetch maximum number of customers but also the associated costs are significantly lower. This expands the customer base of a company. Online marketing is therefore more cost effective than regular TV ads, simply because, it is not only the less expensive source to produce and disseminate your message, but also it makes customer targeting a lot easier too.


By now you must be aware of the fact that effective video marketing is essentially important to get traffic to your web site and increase your bottom line profits. With the ever growing rate at which companies are getting online and introducing themselves on the web pages it is essential to do something extra to beat your competitors and stand out of competition. By adding an effective and attractive video can help you to grab the attention of the web surfer towards your web site. Now before getting into further details about how a video can help you optimize the search engine rankings of your web site and attract traffic, let’s first explore a few common forms of video marketing that will help online marketers to improve the efficiency of their online marketing campaign and multiply their bottom lines.


Video marketing can take a variety of forms. Especially in the today’s world of digital age and increased technology an online marketers have so many opportunities to take the advantage of video marketing. A few of the various ways through which a marketer can utilize videos to improve their profitability are listed below as follows:

• INCORPORATE VIDEO on your own website

The most popular and the most efficient source of video marketing is to add a quality video to your website. An informative and eye catching video will make you stand out of your customers and also help you to generate web traffic towards your own site. Videos on websites can vary for example a video testimonial can be uploaded, or an informative video on how to use a product, or videos on customer reviews can be uploaded to increase consumer aware-ness and your company can be viewed as more reliable company.


Video blogging is similar to blogging with incorporating video messages instead of text posts. Constantly uploading numerous informative and interactive videos at regular time intervals on your blogs can help you generate potential customer towards your website.

• ADD VIDEOS on Popular video web sites or social media websites

Business Online marketers can add videos to increase their webbase and broaden their reach on various social web sites like Face book, Google video, to get your message viral. Also in olden days, usually television was considered the only possible option by business marketers when they think of video marketing; but today video sharing sites like YouTube have gained enormous popularity and have made it possible for business owners to reach a broad audience without incurring huge costs. Posting videos to Youtube is not only free but also you get permanent air time.

Power Of Visualization MRR Ebook

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“If you dream it, you can achieve it.”

William Arthur Ward

The quote above and many others that have been spoken by wise men in the history of human beings point out the importance of visualizing an event before it occurs. “Dream” in the context of the above statement doesn’t refer to the images and visuals you see when sleeping or taking a nap. Rather, this refers to the goals you plan to achieve in your life.

The topsy-turvy nature of life makes it challenging for some people to have targets they intend to achieve. Some people would cite the example of the rumblings and shocking nature of the COVID-19 as a genuine reason you shouldn’t make plans or set targets in life. Some individuals will say that life is just like the stock market; nothing is certain.

There isn’t doubt that life can be volatile such that you are never sure of what happens next. However, if you decide against setting targets and goals you intend to achieve within some periods, you are living your life based on speculations. It’s not true that whatever will be, will be. You can decide what you want in life and accomplish it.

There are many great examples of people who have achieved tangible success because they leveraged the power of visualization. You can become one of such people when you leverage the tips in this book. The journey begins with what visualization is and ends with how you can succeed with it. Enjoy the ride!

Chapter 1: What is Visualization?

One of the worst kept secrets in the world is that the mind is a powerful “place” and what you feed it can affect you in a powerful way. Forget about the impressive wordplay; it’s the reality. Countless numbers of books have been written about how your state of mind affects your life. Visualization is one of the most effective “weapons” of the mind that is capable of setting you up for the glorious future you desire. The aim of this chapter is to help you know what visualization is all about by highlighting what it’s not.

What Visualization isn’t

One of the best ways to learn about something is to first identify what it’s not, and we will start this journey with this approach. Just like most popular concepts and phenomena, there are many descriptions and beliefs about visualization that are either blown out of proportion or totally false.

In order to ensure that you haven’t been a victim of some of the common overhypes and conjectures surrounding visualization, we will highlight them. Below are some common myths of visualization.

Myth #1: Wishing and Hoping Something Happens

It’s true that visualization involves creating a mental image of a target you intend to achieve. However, it’s delusional and misleading to assume that visualization is all about wishing and hoping that something happens. This ridiculously simplified view of this concept is the reason many people never achieve anything tangible with visualization. They assume that they are practicing and utilizing this phenomenon, but that’s not the case.

Rather, visualization involves using your thoughts to engineer a certain result and what you will need to do to achieve it. In other words, visualization doesn’t end with thinking about what you want to achieve. Instead, it also involves imagination regarding the steps you’ll need to take to accomplish the target. If all you do is imagining yourself achieving a target without thinking about how you will achieve it, you are in the realm of fantasies.

Myth #2: Visualization isn’t Scientific

In the bid to discredit visualization, some people would say that the practice isn’t scientific. However, this claim is far from the truth. Scientists have proven that visualization affects our brains in certain ways that promote the achievement of our goals. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to verify any assertion before you believe it.

The modern world offers us endless resources on the internet to evaluate the veracity of any claim. So, you’ll be doing yourself a lot of good by checking your facts before you agree with any popular opinion. In the subsequent chapters, we will explore the scientific evidence that validates the effectiveness of visualization.

Myth #3: Visualization is for Lazy Dreamers

This claim comes from the assumption that visualization is all about sitting on a couch dreaming about buying up Microsoft. Nonetheless, as mentioned earlier, this is far from the truth. World-beaters such as Jim Carey, Oprah Winfrey, and Will Smith have openly discussed how they were able to achieve their dreams by leveraging visualization.

If you know these people, you’ll know that they aren’t lazy people. Rather, their thought process fueled their desire to move from where they were to where they are. So, visualization isn’t for lazy people who live in the realm of fantasy. Instead, it’s for people who are deliberate about what they want in life and will go all out to accomplish it.

Myth #4: Visualization is Only Effective for Long-Term Targets

What you intend to accomplish doesn’t have to be in fifteen or twenty years before you can employ visualization. As long as the target you intend to achieve is in the future, you can leverage this practice. Therefore, even if your target is something that can be achieved within a week or a month, visualization remains relevant.
In fact, it’s more likely you achieve success with visualization when working on a short-term goal than a long-term one. A lot of things happen when you have long-term targets that can make you distracted. In some cases, you stop seeing the goal as important as when you first thought about it. So, you might abandon a long-term target along the line.

Visualization or Meditation?

One of the questions people ask is whether they should choose visualization over meditation. This question ought not to be perplexing or complicated. Just like visualization, many studies have established the benefits of practicing meditation. These two techniques are interwoven, and they share some similarities. However, they aren’t the same.

Visualization focuses on the mind more, while meditation involves both the mind and body. Meditation is broader and more complex than visualization and offers more benefits. So, choosing between the two depends on what you want. If all you want to do is set your mind right and keep yourself motivated to achieve your dream, visualization is what you need.

Irresistible You MRR Ebook With Audio

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Report: How to be Engaging, Charming, Charismatic and Persuasive

How are you in a group setting? How confident are you at talking in a group? When you meet new people, do you feel anxious or do you revel at the chance to dive straight in?

Most of us would say that we still feel at least a little anxiety in a lot of social situations, especially those that require us to interact with lots of people we don’t know, or where there is some kind of pressure to perform well.

And those people that don’t feel any anxiety might be more worrying still – it suggests that you might not truly be thinking about the situation or how you can optimize the way you’re acting and maximize your opportunities.

And there are SO many situations in life where being able to mix into a crowd and make the best possible impression is crucial. Being more likeable, charismatic and charming is crucial if you are at a networking event, or if you’re given the opportunity to work with a new company. It’s crucial when you’re going for a job that you really want and it’s crucial when you’re trying to pick people up in bars.

Trust me when I tell you that there are people for whom this comes easy. And those people tend to have amazing opportunities handed to them on a plate. If you’re someone who is instantly impressive and who can demonstrate their skills and their confidence in any setting, then you’ll find people instantly taking chances on you and giving you opportunities you won’t believe.

The good news? This can all be learned.

In this post then, we’re going to look at some things you can do to start becoming more confident and likeable, and to demonstrate your very best side. The result will be that you’re more instantly impressive and attractive – which will help you in every aspect of your life.

The Basics

I mentioned that there are people out there to whom this comes naturally. Perhaps you know someone. I personally have a friend who I’ve known since university and who was just as goofy as me during those years. That’s to say that he spent a whole ton of evenings watching YouTube, wasn’t particularly ‘cool’ in the traditional sense and wasn’t exactly thriving on his course. Suffice to say, he was just a regular guy.

But despite not being anywhere near the top of his class, he got the placement job that everyone on his course wanted. This was simply due to how well he interviewed. When he left Uni, he went to work with Simon Cowell but shortly after decided he wasn't interested in that career anymore. So he chose a completely different path and in months he had changed career and is now on a six figure salary. He took a year long sabbatical recently and his work were happy to pay him while he was away. He’s always being given development opportunities, women love him and he recently got offered a spot on a massive YouTube channel.

So why does all this great stuff happen to him? Simple: he’s highly charismatic and charming and attractive in the magnetic sense. He just has that X factor and this means that people want to work with him, despite the fact that if you knew him at uni, you’d know he was actually just a regular guy.

So where does something like this come from?

Well, it actually comes down to our evolutionary history. Our evolution dictated the development of our hormones and emotions which in turn serve one basic directive: ensure our survival and ensure the survival of our offspring. That’s why we’re driven to find food, it’s why we look for mates that seem to offer good genetic material and it’s why we like people who have resources.

Something very similar plays out when it comes to deciding who you want to associate with. Often, we choose people to associate with because we think they can help us to survive. Someone very confident will appear to have a higher social status (even if that is not true) and so spending time with them might help us to elevate our own social status. Someone who seems to know what they’re doing might be able to help us with access to foods or potential mates.

This is a big part of why we gravitate toward some people and not others: they are sending a signal that they are highly capable and that they are a good genetic ‘pick’.

The Game For Life

This is a concept that pickup artists realized some time ago. They realized that women don’t like men who dote on them or who pay them compliments all day because they don’t offer any challenge. If you’re infatuated friend who has been friendzoned and you spend a lot of time comforting her and telling her she’s beautiful, then guess what: you’re going to look needy and desperate. And unconsciously this says to her that you think she is out of your league. And if she’s out of your league, then what would you have to offer or her or her DNA?

Meanwhile, the ‘jerks’ are more aloof and indifferent which makes them appeal more desirable. It’s the simple logic that you want what you can’t have but with some added evolutionary incentive.

A Zero Waste Life Personal Use Ebook

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The question about whether plastic is always bad or not is starting to be asked around the world. Many areas of the world are banning plastic in many forms, especially single-use plastic, plastic bags, straws, and plastic that tends to go straight to landfills almost immediately after use. But are there times that plastic is okay? Or is plastic always bad?

Recycling Doesn’t Help (Much)

One problem is that many people think that all plastic can be recycled. Sadly, most of the plastic you put in the recycle bin cannot be recycled. In fact, less than 10 percent of plastic gets recycled. Therefore, most of it is winding up in landfills, even when you dutifully put your plastic in the bins.

The Main Problem Is Single-Use Plastic

Any type of plastic that is considered a single-use plastic is usually of low quality and not even made well enough to use in recycling. That includes a lot of the plastic bottles that you drink water and soda from. When plastic is recycled, it becomes lower quality and cannot be used for much since it’s considered contaminated.

Another Problem Is Colored Plastic

You know the bottles your detergent comes in? Yeah. Those. They cannot be recycled. If you’ve been putting them in your bin, you likely don’t realize that they’re being bundled up and put right into the landfill because they are not reusable at all. The only way you can really reuse them is to keep them and repurpose them. Try buying white or clear containers instead to be assured they have more of a chance of being recycled.

Biodegradable Plastic Is Not Okay

Many single-use plastics like forks are labeled as biodegradable. This makes you think that you can put them in the compost pile, but you can’t. No single-use plastic is either recyclable or compostable. They’re supposed to break down fast but only in a specialized high heat center made for helping these things decompose. It won’t happen in your back-yard compost pile.

Learn Your Plastics

There are several types of plastic to learn about, and yes, most of them are not suitable for the environment. But some are worse than others, such as anything with PVC or BPA.

The best thing you can do is to stop using plastic for single-use needs. Instead, find alternatives such as reusable glass and metal containers, which are much easier to recycle when you’re done with them. Only buy plastic that you plan to keep forever and make sure you only buy it from used sources when you can.



Finding sustainable materials for your home requires that you develop an understanding of manufacturing processes. Even the materials listed can become not so sustainable if the growers and manufacturers aren’t using eco-friendly practices, so check out any company you want to buy from first.


Bamboo fiber is an excellent material to use for carpets, window treatments, towels, and the like. If you can find textiles made from bamboo fibers, including bamboo hardwood, you can really create a house that is exceptionally eco-friendly, as bamboo thrives quickly and grows in just three years compared to 120 years for a tree.

Rammed Earth

Think of this like building a sandcastle. Only it’s sounder, and you can live in it. It’s made with a mixture of soil and cement that you compact into forms to make the walls.

Recycled Steel

When you can find recycled steel, it might cost a little more right now, but the fact that you’re using something again makes your home even more eco-friendly than if you just used new steel. Consider using something like a steel cargo container to build a house with.

Sheep’s Wool

When it comes to using fibers, sheep’s wool is very sustainable. Sheep are not harmed when they are sheared, and they can be sheared repeatedly throughout the life of the sheep.

Straw Bales

Did you know that you can build a house with straw? Well, you can, and it usually costs about 10 to 15 percent less if you build it yourself. The labor is intense so that it can add to the building cost, but the cost to the environment is far less than traditional building.

Precast Concrete

This sustainable green product is durable, uses less water, and is a primary material used in most LEED-certified buildings today. But it will cost you a little more for your build due to the process it takes.

You can expect to spend about 8 percent more using precast concrete.

Reclaimed or Recycled Wood

While this type of material is an excellent choice for your building needs, you will end up spending more on it than traditional wood choices. However, the overall cost isn’t that much more when you consider other benefits of using reclaimed or recycled wood, such as using something already made and giving it a new life.


You can build an amazing house with recycled cork blocks. Cork comes from trees, but if you can reuse it, then you’re doing something very sustainable. In fact, it’s already sustainable due to the way they harvest it. They can harvest one tree up to twenty times compared to one time if you use wood. Cork works excellent for floor tiles, insulation, and more.